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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Dec 1959, p. 7

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I Th co fied of his "death- The Ameri- S ~ S ~1 M W ~ IU U can conmpiiy paid out the insur- To a Chiannel wvinmer, a lib - ance claim, $5,0 ,. AGNTS WANTEÎ> îHELP WANTIP PHOTOGRAIPKY eral couting of grease provides -Bthrt a hswnfi ~uî~s~t r ~ ai~ proteetion frOmn the COld. But ta a arhAtani sa ida pt escended oni hi~s ife than he ar- Égo yu friends our Chritras and North Alantic ea biid a spotAU-OcosoiGreeting Cardsti luding tût grease or ail the size of- a - ied epedtsg 4me89-B ~i~ 4f quarter nmeans almost certain Qhr1ogiu ~ ad~wih~ enFst, Toonto 2,rd 4, 6~ fleath since it mats feathers and 1- reat gusto, proceedta spei unAUOCC the thick insulatiflg fluff under- AisTO liçit gains neath, letting in the ocean's bit- ' The ighlilgchto, this fi-,!u (1 EVIL DOG! AM1AZING UOAI ter cold, came whcn, ifter insuighm BURGLAR ALARM' FORt AUTOMO- 'With the demnise of coal-burni- sl vnmr evlh e Ii U~l ingshis, ore~ndmor ai ba ~turncd to lus hoiaandnd, Proteets car,' tire. and contents fron advanthgesofmorca]nflio'S tbieves. This iteinicarriesa etcnr-Year been pouring on these troubled takm1- es purtectin ned <isco ta bc1i0tafl bird-a-lers d cean oufthering, added his own ijme ta the ca poecin ne&;eul c ot maeàny lies the pi wh 5 7-95 tanks uti sea, Ihurnt lubricants already long lîst of casualties. pc>stpaid. Ifnot delighted in cii a 1s, arelismreduorerbard, cargoey relrl bndrmoueddd. ere(1nied veb0rdcagoThen, with the local adiin- $end naine of car wvith monea rte1' ;hip f ushthei ful tnksti-aionet ixe ane seens he to: H. T. Runclel, 2426 Statr zhi.s fush hei ful tpks ratiri t ad seens he Erle, Pennsylvania. Agent i profit when enpty. The Labrador cur- isued ilefn' reported dgoslcle rent picks uip the slick in no- his own death! Subscqluently, thern sea lanes and concettswiatudentacpieh AYCIK iL off Nwfu ld- aj or rproceeced ta bury h, ims-elf in UEQUEST Bra), list Alues l-r CHRIT Tn! ead-to-ay ullïtsDayolda toorler: wintcrlrhg area lfor lhundreds of TO PORTRAY CRS oi th-at part ot1the local cemîeLyery Lgonaclulpros hea iaillus ~xce- asings u unWf- etdattached siop> ' thousandls of eider d1vcks, razor- Preisinqer, abov)ýe. willp ry rsre orSvnhDyA- odr.ho aur-eray broiUer. ing4t\w ranufaûtured by HOSKINS wlred. LovW, tax'es. Reasonablè( for qulc&. bile aks nd thckblld n h t96 O tramer- ved lorists î one. SBo o alnt, or wriiý't 1e *iy SUV'PPLY COMPANY (CHATH2AM) i1 otag a eari-anged. AppI' Chrî leMdchErys, and thrisck-biItofl- LIMITES>. August Schaphausen. 130% 324, l'avi- Chrrrtsin te 19607Obaarnrnausandtidead Ontchr,10Jh otHmlo, Awnilng flyms preferred luit roi, neces- ýýtock.,Ont. iurs.I97 a day cre a c eal gau Passion Play Preisinger, It wats perfectly donce. 1-Ic drave ________O____t.___ sary. aidý cO-iay isreh of he New- i 47, played the part once Ibefore tlhe hearse .with bis coffin, a sUSI4ESS OPPORTUNITIES FrSu. ?paL V ar w IC oHATHAM R TR NE 'LANDd 0' Ly -uSme a_________________th___________OMANYCHTH \l Pani Ù0hcrs frtY LSrge hon foudlnd oat, ndthi yar inl the reIigJius drCJmCiwhich ih cri-de homje-made alifair, perch- ~LIMITED, Chathaun, Ont. ---m. with batl ond barn, k00.irabous 'tven maýrc came ashore. "'e stagqec every 10 yeairs in the ed on thle floorboards, and caîmn- B YUR'W ISTUCIO acres.clao t>usli good boiuse and bai-n. Gui curcn trnsprt th Boarin twnvlycond uctcd bis own burial 5cr- QWN ANDOPE1RATE ISRCTO aBolhon liighwaiy t. For, more infor-~ EARN more rasprs he B,ýciiînt matle n on Ithese, village bouses andi _______________________ vic. ~t4eore\hiswif cald Book>eepiing, Salcsmnan- îoîs, aummier cottages,-esorts and Nothcrn sEuropte whcshve fvclect thefo50,0s wissfrncs ACoîn-MetDr,ýA UnottendIed iship, Shorthiand, Typewriting, tc Ls- 1lkeshore, write,:John J.Sagn Notcu urp pih aece. t.thn 000 wisfans1sons 50é. Ask for free clrcuar No, P_ Broker, Northbrook. bensmiaI lteed hrei ure itsl lssiceswesc couscd. The Io- Westinlghlouse LCtdrornaCt* Canadian Correspondenice Courses, 1290 PU bn simiofla r litcd. ThereI u d inefcal police zactcd on -an exhuman- Equipped t.çwsldry Store. Bay'Street, Toronto. -P' _________ that die d etsa -and sink. but fcw, To Caish Inurance tienlri r Net $4,000-.$8 000 Aniiilly. LIVSToCK pUlLETS. 500 Gliostly whiteýghorÈ1 ever fl9at ashore. - ~~~Judjge fbeli amzemet whn, WRITE or phone 'today for fulil nfor- FRsl asp- uesrayt a' obevcla* by carrupasisan iverfs t h" Th getrîc quikaslemewas avffg dg 1: bt tdg -0.d e Sormed, 5175 eacli i hasupp1y jafrugîn twestlnslioube Laundroia~t equippt5 importe4 fronli etfland. ?ricee saige toiles South, 2 mle,'s eat the phrase'John A. Livingston, w,,orth S10,100. That sum repse- pricd if open-j, thcy pulled ou anr ti5ap rfltLes&your 52.0t 500.Gog aus~ A5T th lteinurnc vlu te co s" sckulqfcath comnity. '.ou manage lu yotr spare A.,T executive director of the Audu- sentedtelieisrac autteurný-"- fer'1 ie - wtle netting balghintcome. MkTiiS efiA1Xd bon Society of Canaýda, used lasf of a lo'vely twcnty-four-yecar-old .covered weith a shroud af old We finance i01%of youi total pures f MACHINERY FOR SALE RASSIT - BUSINrass todecib ildunicimeicnmghrv c ero o tiscldboo-WHIL net15,000 profit firsýt year. 5it m-ýonth adeeib ildmpn meianmfhr wihtW ewppes4trthscldboo-oiî ýîxtiiy Installinents. Voti FOR SALE, rebuilit uodel 114 fuckeye business for smafl hnvestmrent -$9.0 nt sca. Livingsfon, ln New York plotters, anc the bcnýciiry un- ed frauci, the svWudler wai put receive training and advlce £r-om ii nu trancher, hydraulic controls, good von- ful price. Taçe.s only 2 ho-urs a day to attend the National Auduban icr file poliëy, boped fa coileut. 5v,,ay for igbt ycars. tional organiz4itlen that bas lpe11Ci dit 1,80.George Thoifpsoil 319S ta manage. Don't gainhie on fi busiesm over P,500 meniand wonmin llke VOU. N. Grove, Standish. Michigan. i'hone where youl only thlnlç there wRilb. Socief's 55fh arunual convention. Thcy laid their plans wlth Somne firins set t hci r ïfacci g0 .o business for themselves No a Viking 6-3641.a warncd hat com'ercil fishr- - -experlence necessas-v. iUodest Invest- _____- eprofit, We havve arrangemenats wi. diabolical cunning. Approacrung bhard against takîing ouf quar- met. lis proven anT, profitablemayarecpnesodioe men o h tlnias wlas a____a_ï buiMAGAZfer ainne- i$ û,00rabbitstailui-s tbis cornirg oi~theAtloti, wll a bridge near Idaýho Falls, with antecd Fidelity insurances. This iating opc bituness offers %, nue3' year alonea, nd -Vre Wi1 IVgie yu bird loyers and beacbgoers. have hr bo.Mss. Rocne Gag- cvrstmgit cf _dng mkig aya0a li entsC-i4X% inS, m<:tr, es aaie, meat contraet and~ guarsitcea for 5 fufi libaby boy, pts or onlts )own buis. Ci-1aet. Md i roe aai years Linlted su.pply of 1mporte good rea$oxh for concesu about srh'ptth l,10 nkii mlyes hylcieel i ae u-rmlt p-gan u.00 year, sasn91e one dollar. SD. Biv-s- tcis. For appointment only Phone or this wvholesale destruction of seps of danger until thé ground s'ud,- t ru ste d eèmployec principle. ALO CANADA~ LTD. 1 3 BAD o-na6 it J oe E -17 8D'S~ bid.The food chain of tiesepa dnyepoe iînî b- Nnt-ief e to abn 4nRO EIA oad, JDownsview, Ont, 1 derdspploed_____________________ rSs ot o ' hu- ook oni suceessful ratlibit talsing $L.0 from bird guano ta plankton t<> neafil ber. dredi, such failliis abunclantly T 54-ente 18 Roci6d 1T IT EYSUFRR tUFIMT~ per cony postpald. ;ish to fîsh - markietcould bec______ - PAINS OR NEURITISqSHOUrO6T-V AW PRS WANTED s;everely disi-upt cd, ihe said, if Dyvnamiite, f ired eîecfsicallîy PAIsNSîed.Butcxceti&I arse.- ____ ______ the cil-siick problim is not liffcd her car into the air, break- ane pr4rcxty lei SISNS POET Q B4 DXN$RMP.1AW fui-s wante-d, lso hdedhný, tolvcd. ing if iito pieces. But, imiracu- nc ~p~~ as.wsa- COMPLETE service station. showroorn, MUNROIS DRI» STORE *ool, osehs4r. Hg.h New ws paIi Prliiigfsedasi~o lulseeere rmte rested. Ovez r years, he had parts and service faïiities, for car-or 33~5 ELGIN OTAA , Nevs valalecweaU0B B Snîh wQrkcçl hifn eW1nto Vile po thea farm imipieamnt agency, Located No. 4 TAA baikt vi >ecs~,,B .Slb oitan geas a sa htie b- Wreckage witb comparatively lghwzay, Winghami. Write Canadien ~E~~5 OIC 7Sabun tYrit vious annswer, accarding ta Liv- ligt injuries, And ber baby bov BfbiS;npny$sertay5g4 .03,apipanischI . uhin POST'S EC7FMA SALVE 5A~ ingsf on, but ne acknowledged V7as unscatbed. - lghm ulcnta fthse a- ox54. ol - BNISE the toi-ment of dry eczeea 1JL.D UP A FABUL{1IJ -'ÀMP COfL- Thunts. And ln wasn't untional laRUSINESS PROPERTIESSFOR SALEI iambes ad weeping riin Iroubl"ep. OTTON FOR ONLY *ýLe A WrE3Ç that a shipowner "is going toha pu-cdquccya director's interest was roused - Post's Eci-ema Salve w'1jl net disappolnt xpoli reeelpt. of you~r dollar weWeWi haive to fbixsk rather bigly ot tise twa men, onie a * yotlllgster y feunt ( t t .you. Itching, scaliig end bliriR ecze- senid you a selertlin f o.11 dlffe-esst eea irds to taje an extra day" of eighteen, whose f iendish plot Yausenccs, deta "stomnacisftrau- """'uw IyieIiinaa lea drs espod eailytate en filn a ute-i-.V olt iis in port wlien it dosta. up to$000 had miscarried. Convicfed of a- be"thftùbok ee- J 's y arie ties iow boreq ionbment regardilesm end qtieatlty oaI bbc stansps shippe* a çay to keep a shlp In port -aualt with intent ta commit mur- âieFO AýO L hSn Ps rcoecs tbo Pe ees eci we ILtsArtND ithAMlian. while ifs tRnks are flusiled. der, each is now serving faurfeegi It waisdiscovcrcd that w-hen ecFioR Ate ?C>R lots, Spa Rlt50PE5 OlR JAt fPrFR M E IUS.A.,WET STAMP C, N ThIe prctical ariswer, Living- yenrs' mprisonnsent. lie waSs uppose4 ta be inaay lI closudrpais s, iio-'o H e gin popiroorn, 5 ST ClaR AvassE tSsî____________ ston added. probably lies ln tise Unquestoned is thse wlsdom ot lie ,w-as really et the race..Bêf- ",000. $1,000 vfll bancla prchas . Ok NT Internsational Convention for tise takinZ ouf adequate insurance tis2ko breswROY ms-e-11COOKIE AND SON ¶'OOMTO-. EGISTRBukp Tnsot; 1 ths Ol Prvnto c olw4o f ie to cover Rll sueis risls as bure- sscu o gratify if, lne was W.554 VG. H -7MISCEILANEOUS FOR SALE 2.00eous o>,ti-I~F Sea by Oil, a pact tbRt bas ai lary, fire, accidentf, suddlen deatis etealihg ftm bs emrplayers Navet wolaewi8p 5aw prinki'eser c Oti-l. eadTn)@,J0CvI Postpaid. Greoverni- et ox2272, DO- TAI4RWNE ber nations. Forty-two cni- and tiien, unscrupulous peoipI. Not even hîs wife susprected A I T$15 21, Texaàs. TE. RSWA.E kes attended tise 1254 'London atternpt fo exploit insuranc& this cvii ;weaikneFs;of - S. Hîs - EEt Hid R * TEai - 'S îionference, but only fwelve companes w- gtisil fixes IdJN1tRlesT Boteus, have actually signed. Tise agree- c200'nes. sbok tooser.She -as een mreeesr Fle. S ow cmeneJ.1.APYtitg - hboc.k i4r. "eOw eomhge Jai. i y4, sttNo nent proiibits oh dumping in CETR0 ST hoel ,g in Cmor. utsnowshoe, i-y., to j. Burtwlebl, Sec.-e$ goatala~rasandpac meuisra One internationsal trickster, a shocked when ssh» 1eairned the THIS steel v-aslisever erectel. IIrit De- W, AMctaganie, Ont.s' lue L, 7e St. Tboinias ecsal res adpztrrebem1 1500f.o.b. Grin, ,by. Taris tn ep,__________________ hope to ext end tise prohibition 'Rumanian, conccived tise idea cf' S1ze of bis tilefts. rr ec.. ONSQN wlndlite ligluterï;, guiar&n.MHUMBER GROVE te a il'nile swe.ep easf and bumping hmsef off ini differ- Insu'ancee men fellmany go-ad ROY COOKE &SON LT1D, BOX312 tf1250; retracle hiaflP U BLItSCHOOI soutis of Newloundland. Even- ent counitries and collecting tise ' to0e1s. of rnarx'owly vertcd cala- - VeS., W. -29 ped, 36 for $1.00; , o>reaiseweiery, PULI HOrOL~acdli taytise signatories plais fa insurance on iimself! -mities. Mfen a- quirk of f <a- ATAL ce2.5 fektcebn ar igvevt oed MLI r eiae testrantedc]iai ouftlaw -aIl cil dumpving at se&. Af Yoaîngstown, 1PD,, he st&ged aeterclsaista et z0amscl.mwi~a o 1~lr~aot îealwai~pue Buttie pcfishdsonl is mm- a redsid ftalfy usngan- 4n leavy daims. Suri a situa- .UST OFF vTE PR Iriveiu~e l~ted, 5stcke's 1148 Cllege SLR eein s-effeet, ,startn bers. other corpse as bis own. Ela thon. prevalled owhcn, a few 7 '.'s Big New czaalogue af Christ[Ian St., Troilto; (Out. _____ 20 ar iSta2,800, pva The memlers jnçhide Canadla uffed saise of bis own identity weks ago, two dockers, unîloa<-i- BvolcssudSuplIe. INE M5IK êIAPAND îco, princpal i 1 r,41N~TI uliv atory. o u APPqLheVLnd end tise United ingc4om, ibut papers, inciuditsg a copy of bis 11ng & bansula sbip at $oufhamp- 92 ilustrated pages ol al lpttýbestin )PPLY i >$T C ah -e flflf~~~J tietsehriria re tnstian Books, plaque0srecords and eItai-ance.SeWutting nNew-YOrk $4P5. f tin qualii ptions ad xerlegiiq v~s-t1ougs us. narhacerUi ate nd &r - tnPickcd up a snake. other supplies - tas- ail ages -for al Be In .lashion for' 1960. only $3 post> aaln ulftainssdepe1na %loes put restrictions on its own ceiptf~ or payment of hus ast b~iy?" 15 'lleeyurCIstia sa 6, Terni. A, Tborn ýo' OL(34_PULC *fl, ONOAR rlinppngthiafare more stringent1 life poîîcy prcmium, ita thse 055e,"ct's take ber ta ie n- np owli your ri-e copy1 v.ýesoDa leoke U UA QTEI is those of thse convention. pcleDeftbpici, .h Wfcvrhf. S241 t meYeheo V nge Et., oonto1,FOnt. If Rcs±e VNi-iet But Livhngston wantfs fthe active w-as badly disfigurcd. tef1riean1w-iedih__et.W 21den Mîarisquality ïft1s la.Wb en ATHOLIC teaclies requirèci lnissel- participation af fisc country ise Tise swindler tisen cisappear- two miles f0 thse uziversity. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALI ,cr npla ec pfF30 Iveo om. an7'ddy. etaeli PI 35, *0i- cals "tise cradle of public rela- iar. Who tise t-al cas.ualty waa ie -boaor ssisanGlok ERAL ElecbitcMatrsç2y We. stmuis t.ter,. Box New i lady bo kleneilt n irgades:bTh* UÔn" jr tseeffet t ~uiI rmais n ai a isi da. *dant tiscir affering witb isonror. .5~0 volts, 60 cycle speed 7>?R(!. athaolle-School -Board ü,'. Sidnt Laurent. Y.s -Mdr8 5 G~-Ït~ ery MN OR>.dtUWMN 1870 Rue Devellen St.. Mlnt5esIL Somne învestigators suspecet tht Lay if dowAn. very genfly, nev-. Tboeseaie8F2783. M15.0 ll tiENs-basUtlFAVu ORITE WOM-eN have on. îndifferent couintries. lesi.TsyddUcisnsl tet, TWse srlo Mose 1 stêatoo d01 wi lea eatil boqutmao f -el-lJtF <'To put if quite frankly," hli. liensay bave, been m ree li ad hydî.H nt eyêo aelo oos ateloo 5,niei- gos oCrsa.TerG F SreLondon~, GE. 4-4213.-1, ght mid-suinerclorswlJIgive $$ added, <tise United Stattes ilAa But everyfhing subsequently clapped s glass case over if, pIeasuz-e aql l ter 1qn9 Lies do try SEPAJRATE SHO goad nanme for aur letterisead." worked out 'as tise trlckster fisen told tbem lit w-as a greeen eMPL.OY'MENT O1PPORTUNITIES - lhei- far you frinds to,.50t:J Wiieher-the orthAtlatDcM oneoofth ýa(Jeiçane , t Spicer, Nahçusp, B.C., brings hug&bo BO '\RD Whtebr tisepoplatofi l ,atk'u *, 1550.itn e thfesc e liesi. Begialsers, $100 -weekly, iïo ex.-eur- aa0r u~TEAC MERS FOR watr-9wlpo~sitin wllreeh naks u tsew-old pnet necesssi-y. JDetails, -C<lPt. OFPORTUWITIES FOR #GRADE$ 1 i-O apoint of no refui-n is aaybody'-g yef hicard of ariy speches wlhhf ývàs>t dead but only Wob..1leabsr., Bo. 192-C flowing GOueia MEN AND WOMEN ALSO guess, co b s e r v e d Livingston, could Itake tfis ssort of fbing h-1 d.rowsy. Luckiy for tiseml Rad 9a ' OPPYok4,NwYok TARTUNTFORAS Howevecr. ie warned, «TI bave not istrdFass NEWSWEEK, if, been In tise leas Slvlnl AA~SFRS- 03 E A MAIRDRESSER SALAY -lV1UN1ITY 2C0 L i-quli ______________________________________ ther man i would bave waikedl AAA' E0N IRO, -f ed teacher- .Aîlowance $100 Per yezU more thianxafew ,Yard-S, 7 ÂCRES ooci e, nloarn. Regiter, ed Gi-est oi-tnt for- exzperi-eiae ta a inaxiniuni> of 6 ya DanslgesawardedlisM&Ut.o4a2, fariwaci Ont. Pleasant dignifieci profession, goac iafr ditnlaalitatos - ' -.-. wage. ahousacdsin saccidenul ANNUAL tucrenient $200. Othar baise- ases smetiméziselp tise victimr SQUAE 100 acres: 87 cuitlvt4uMre 2eie fits uncier tonside-etian. ta isove anew activity. With Alplebuh;Tanrn iinouss- Hy'cri,; Americas Greatest System APPLY statingqafcaan,*pi- Ban97lest x 6 feet v-tub Steel roof: Illustrateci Catalogue Fi-se Fsce, ge, maarital statuaý, aiene caitl lum ie cais realize Sbo sU;itgwy½ml UWrite or Cafli ninm Iiatmapto euirie should be acidres;sed teNr. MARVIL 44AIRDRESSING SCHOOL 3. F. GRUZLE5ICI, lo g-el reams and tart isi 1<f red E. Sciiven, R. a. No. 1, OAK. 35A BIser St. W., Toionto ADMINSTRAOR c, IDu u sinriess. WTOOD, Ontlarîlo. This advertlsessaant ,s Branchies: 466NORFOLK-n SsT., -A eauifu -grlp~rectn-~ ue -Iublised frac as anseaofise mïanyiiyoe- 44 King Si., W., fHamiltan*oj~,OT Lits oS:-72 Rideau Str-c t, Ottawa actIii n -repertory, Vard !'l LIDSRIE CND)PROA ACATION RESORTS

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