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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Dec 1959, p. 7

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ANTA PARADE H R.ecommends Agricultural Buid- C'ondict Dec ~niudrmpge cl of course tlie adtu1ts aLiBoarc ing At Bowmanville Hlgh ýy~' a Ii]1-ru prd. ee Lindsay Forest Di- lations foi, a goodl job 4'ý- -Normran Davles, inispector A- d iucts a dates- of yvie1ds. ieeir P xtended to Mi' Aslet ricultuire has recommended the Flowvers are -grown for observa-1 iad, Bur1eigh Falls S<chool and Pujblic Scoo Air. Crek er inopr)f the Reforestation ci Stutt, con4ý-uctîon of ail agricultuLre ,ti4on- ail( cxperimental purposes as rewr iopatn buildingl at the Bowmanvlle Hligh well as beig decqorative to the week-end (November ers of the Chamberý Of Di11tn SSlolfor the sole use of the pro- seho0l These stations weren 1 moio ! grwtua eucton' Piipils are a,,keni oi varlous trijp rtmnent (if Lans ai A -At present, the sehool offers ïvwo. .such as Royal Winter Fair and they so- nel with a'sistance from paetpoxrhnig M courses ln Grades 9 and 10, u nderalso îake part iii the local plowîng U.A.è- students and thiree O.P.. -Ya' Weather, especially te1nee. the direction of the Science annceiet ches.e of thep- ricltre Jearten. Te oure s Te ato i ~s f cjupmnt A total of 2,059 h esreturnîng per deer to 45.4 lianteras -per lower the success rate. Last Wi n-ri 9 u-ade t teAg~uur eprt o herhomes after h-uuiting iln deer expended bythe "d' t' il" hu- ter's severe conditions dIo not ap- Nur pus. a-id tjiose in Grade 10 who are mrenit duiug the past year, were ~aïutnip e irubCu-ti.l erhm g hpa ohv fetd the cieer 239 niot taking. the Commercial option t! books, garden tools, egg scales, beeics -were cihecked, Various data success appears tob hamiliarily herd in thle Lindsay For'est Dtistrict. u Lu adin to tai1 elementar j sUppis fi-stis charts, stereo- wbere recorded from an examinatiOn'\wilVi the area hliti h The numbers of fawns and the per-19, work'! in chemistry, phiysic!s and bi-, scopie microscope, -niedichrome in uier in the uteis' bag,. 1-2l haýits of fellow cýaïhp jiters, dogs -ceitage of "yearling" -deer iu the Ave ology, these ptipils are tauglit sucli,minonts, and dark curtains for tLhe hûtnter success percentage- for the etc. -age-class composition are evidence lY, -OC agricultural topisa acig giutr room si ý\eKs hunt thiis year- vWas - Maiy reasonis have been -advanc-, o! low mortaîity in this area. FOr bi-oodin-ýg chicks, rnilk testing, study Lt is commoflly accepted that ag- :22.9/- This is . downi fromn IastJ________________________________ to OcI -of soujs, plant diseases, floiculiure iulue like Ludustrial Arts and- ye' s first week hu citer sticcess * .incra -a i grdeing <ome Ecoiiomies, is ciassed amoug- 1 cetg - f2ë oprs titUJle îaA s cain1r the Asan optional course is taught sthsuiesinovnmie pc-1av rably vw4ithei7fgueo iucre- to boyýs of Grades 9 an-d 10 licn tia work. For this reasoni înaniy 24j.w.,~ e the studýy is made under topies ofdsrcbigh schffols throughiout thie,- -J~v m s~SCf r livestock, poultry, field crops. nu- prlov'ice have buit agriculture Lhehtrsbgc îteof17 -evc i 1 -tritioýn, feeds, animal diseu-ses, na- buildings iu 'Which pr'actical wvorký faWXls,~ 6 adflit bucks and '15c"- should chinrery, drains, s-urveylp-g, Water stieh as livestock judgiug, poultr Jaiur 1, 190 Thi Jaoga Are-organizatibû- of' the servie- nay1 90 Ti eognz- our e:ý syse-sfrut roili ai-ý,.a-rrent hrtculurl rac i hildr-g- tion will mean, that for the first syseni, fui grw1 r ac se On. maaeet hot'1tra0ra-0 and the c Ost o! eil l~n mg system carried on bythe Qintle tinie since the Association was Exprimut ar egiaîy on-tieec. is conducteci. would be paid from, Caiutrl~Esr ttle Breding Association so ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à deedoe 'éido e approved by the DirectÔrs formed inl 1948, a farmer wviil be duCted w,-,ih f-ertilizerlýs, c-ed k 1ie The cost o-f the building-sde grauts prea ovle ao obtlod o!e twol of iseh grwigo!cop ad gronpr. srd ou. b pproximately year pmen tofective grov-in ti cros ad grdenprý sied ars ýad i planedto ecôat a standard $5î service fee., This- wili be the case for ail breeds and~ 1 wiii also m-eani that breeds such as1 Charollaise, andi AngLis, which were previously oniy availabie al an ex- T h js - -~ -'tra fee, wiilnoNv be available at- rAt the same timie thîs re-organiz- 9 h stm as.-.1,î- - ation wll resuit in teAssociation establishing a telephome service fori es for- long distance calis will be at * t'me expeuse of the Association. *v l- __ - Tis also will lie au advanitage to e h nnie Peviousljy, xnany tel.- gIVeon modems en i,1c cil - - ns.adere e uentliy weeard to obtalu. Now, - ail cails wvill be rece'v-,d op. hu1es private aud solely fo-r thle use of; Mode ejclrnectri4 a n s give Iatngrcivu hese messages. i-dPi'eviously too, lu order ta pro-1 servie ýLi-ple sur jeca(, use the Or so e y vide hiolidays to techuiiciaus, il was - - - necessýary to discontlinue service. to use, s,-) 1ex sieto oprt ~Under the new arrangement, ser-1 Ther's --Lih a ý oderfil vïîctýyýàt vic-e will be available to farmers! Thre' 8uh a on fulvatety atevery çiay o! the yea-r with the f- you«Il~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ beal laecvlV nYUception o! Christmas andi New y- '1 be ble t i ev 2-. Year'sdays. No longer will there- Chri as ist. ou'1 ala ber~mebere - - ,.be a danger~ of interrupted service if - CI-jisfnaslis. ý' 'a local teelician us sicli, sinice lie fo it f -1Oe1--ý âpine wîil be-no longer soiely r-esponsible fQr ifts modje apliuces- - for serving in that area. tha- hei yoir fn-ilyan frindsAI o! thesè advantages beconie th~thelpyo~ f iy aid fieiis - possible because the plan cails for a 1ive~ etter e1eeÉÉically" goping of the teclniciars lito--- the afe ean moemn Kingston, Bl3eleville and Port - - - At eaeh o! these offices, a te],e- - pliues~Vteirecord syst9 and completefi X~n semen storage sy- -- -- -stem will lie set utp, sucli that wlien - -a farniei c-ails at tLhe- Associationi's - - expeuse for, service, senien wli be- - javaulable froin aujy sire or any- - -breed and eau be provided to him. h"Je prograinne do(es noU t a foria ta-s aTE EL~irIC LY onilee -froen semen-! service, -si1-c-e liquku' semen iiitli be usedl -wlierever' a farmer lot-s flot pec- Atthe sam ture, th's r e bettr woki conitinor h

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