AGETSWATE OPORT4TISFOR ME. Dovciuso dsase some~ AUTOMTIC EEDLF TIWEADEU. fimres go abou± their daji-toda eelr Fredtis iïXY ER oe!Sv lives with -ciedical assuraniee thatIpodc2 ~B4oz 596, Torontû. f1ve whlsl Calo Pe Qb they a~' in the pik of 1heafth? t__ 00_______BUSINESS _ d t~reederu Wts possib1. eref. elpuextighw- lwos So wiarliea two speciaiisi's was wache5 ai-i otaier pr'o4U4tS 110% fioin M.emoriai Cancer Cent"~ I Its pi to 50011. WrItê icl% fer ItNc^ A A., ,-,PN SH O r New y re 'cet1y Thi coous catalogue an Geprat target: Th xidepre 3822 bt. Lw~rerice Izonra iinRdeqti1ate-Iy traie phvsicians, c _______________________ it f1uoroscùpy-a h sole~ mthod &V$ euf X-ray - eaîination. Enîad -- fer BraY Prcls en,%tatadpul Syster% les ui urposô and --ies -0i -futr - Caaou Fre Jourrnal of Medicine, rst. Robert be boltalocalagnt o 24O0i té** 35 1l< g wHO01 0111 S.Sherman aud rWilliar & Bray Hatcfery, 120 Joltri Nt, Hfam- Gahan said:. "Flurosco-p a2 RluStet detection or screening dev- 'e is <- 1nacu~rp.te and inferior by.om50RUW IVÇ parison with X-ray film Cover 34EI1 III HT_____________ IDEAL AN4D INXENSV.WE KM ag. t x ive patients "aR YOU ECRS O $2.00 e false sense of gecurity", since m600h Unîerot Ave.,aa Toront Ifis possible "for axn earîyct--APlf~J~Ttt i cer to be nisse4, persi PtentA priurionia to he described a, FARM EMPLOYMHWI WANIPD cQmrpletely dieured, ar tubercu- liceRD aboute youriner Ross, P-0~. Rom jcsst e ~rokd, or frac- Hkeç pogiiion;In Suthwrn Otario,~ eto?~ k4~ 1c'is o n ovaroled with cildren, Write C. Skot, 3585, __Detroit __3,_Michigan. tue ab aldleld'PROTECTION PLUS Wearing protectty0 geur s inxilr taj that of basebacll - tchers, Buckriell Biren'i X)airy Fawnm, QGieera DeUv- PC .E -!K -iuý k Even under the ski1led obser- Universit liire-gtstfrawrOt h adn nbe h oc asn h eit r.Ct PARM v O~IMttawa oPêrlSA. gafeWOand eayOXido htre vation of a su-re-eyedradiologs. Fiiy FQUnem.n FOR SeALr9wrot h Gdfgexa1~tec~c ~sn h e no______________ thr0ough à lÏuotascope is far less 1~ pesoa reu-iina Lâtes TRaA4a vtlabetb.-a picture perm- - Bo 22 Terina "Q"~~d rooû tCOnt. nently recorçed lby X-ray film.t ""Porfect M~urder"à h3.lDr' CI hii wife up as they got w1dwWling outside the$ xhxr.. Sales, Grand Valley, Ont._________ Large interna' masses may show ou oftt thelr car. There ivar loeen hntxse that Warren's rhome1 hadFRSL OL4p IETC uvl on the fluor~escent screen, bMadeIQ~O Hîm Hero ê. struiggl- in which the tramp bec5ome Rain couds scuddetrd£A,-P the delicate details and contras. ý- hot his wife a ~ i hahdeo ovei'hea as Lincolnx sh th. R M teByu of Loisaii4. Iv IFp you are ine std I u a si <-so foe~sytr -accurate diag Cub-acdCr Waderer ther Idlg,în _l-defexnce. cou~ple. ie gs3t ék ale.Pl lýos-inay go unnoticed or bc 0ten mixed hins Jeft hand Ur.. 1 e tol 1I& ïtË well. VNithin Wit -coienal1 kl he~ U.S.Aý anetýpi-estA lsti blots arblurs. Flo witb Ri igt is shotaer ou hpPssfCicgdsîebre th bdes n ag ýg ogr iià yalnen lot n4 Flo -- iergh. cboiechr oustb F-~ Ciag hd ~x'emer4PRARS FOR CANNIN~G OR EATING odrK17tib Pleshsyar oscopyý, furthermore, -leaves no warned' hrm: 1"Uniless vou car, hoosted -hThx inio a hero. And 1bu,*rnt theax- in the gaideii ft $2.50 per- bushel F.O.B. Stý Catliarinem, K*F1erPllt aene for the aboV,1 record for ftutre reference. d-tnus a fo h te enior detectives turned the inr- ace. He then buried tbe re- Caslb wIth order. Will Iainês, iagara- threc tral. 'fta can save ý2.A§f per- Wha pat~c a#bOtersDrgets one. troble othe a 1ee otn oe oa - th oe -Lake, eil'io - - WIr* the regular retyoii you'll e ilntrulon a,. quiries --which seemied to b. rîiains in lime beiet h lwr 0 h nai.hnrc Shrmn ardiigitwith 21 -Carl found thie defeet Fi haindi- AILs deat.rImi for attne fiwrat, firinre tiJ~ years' X-ra- e-xperience, and Dr ca it Wok tie edig -,, rookie policeman., Next day Lincoln informned his - afin plastie foam, rie for wholo. tl.W ls itb » o,1tJg Caban, -a cliest surgeon, is thlv breakfast he dra.nk a toast !o The mian was young, but irery firiends that - is wîfe -had goÎI sal oz r~tatilic tk is<t.S loýr1O~crft Breeds, Du~al ?i1rpose Brueeds AI" SuppJy Co, 4543 1iigsway, South Fbrst -Generaix Non-SexecI J$roll fact thiat thousands of doctois, bis bride holding the glass in kUern. And to pnactise some o' tu-bher lover and tbat beýr bi'bther Burnaiby, -Vanxcouver, BC. ç~cîcks ryaltress X Niihols No. ï2 (notably g2rieral practitionexs) the wiTrong hand. It was lUke a 1 t he text-boobý theories heý inada nad gone with her. -Vanit'ess5 2Nchls Ne. 108, Varîtreai use routne luoroscopy. asl -oteI o*f tiig liefo he kaew -ha the. police No. lû? Coekerelsi Turky Povl1ts; Reg- -îelo orXryea-ia4iParaew3no ap n AN nmor! - Bookkeepîrjg, Saiesrnsan lstered Ixnpor - Landrace Swhie, soen~todo -ày xmn- ;nrig asntalpp eC H was astonlished to flnd thc Lvould -eventua l1 aslk questions. s~hip Stot, -rd TypevW-titîng et. Le oêîtee, rerdited breAn týon. And, importantly, 55 pe~r ai-d ie. becam-e bitter an-d dis- gu 1on ~ ein~h a~tl cei ~ ~ ~ 1 usf ie& onreoi e, dol. was .egieercd in Wai-dF-rcr'3 polie Cwiadi ~ ~ atif Carresprnderice Course T 1DDLE CIIIWK rIATHEMEIS LT». amninations are done by non- In bis mlid grew the seeds, trame, But the-c gun which Cr. people stiddenly -disppear. -E1GS -- - - - rad-oogsts-40 ettfet y P' ot murder. And the more haL bnci shot the bobo w,ýith %vas un- Mý,nths passed, Then cam the_____________ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE andi the- reli uaing 2.1 per cen t tbouglit about his plan the mnora - registereci. After houre of ciles- quýestions. --Polte ons, -routin ~- . cawruthers scotrTalt2--~~~s 0tla e fgtlee bythernt, pIratiias ad -leconvinced imselfi thaLt he haci tioning Càrl, Wanderer brç>ke one. Andi thoigh Licoln -,vs~ AR an inexpenive and. rqulck tren- bighly productive, b4l1dings onleetili othirixexerencd-peple.not onljv solveci thie problein o!' dowa.---qiecofdt . ment for th, FIRST SIGN OF SOURS - quipped. SMîrcolni a Us0lson. Newtoay -- quie cnfden, i-,inut h" N CALVES. Give 6 tabic.sts ever'y 6 ilut. Pre. Sherm-an and Cahan con- the perfect murder but that r Hitrohfmxn ptd oeroeharpis or~ pt tssr1c~Ie cedeci fltïoroco(-py nay be' -twould become a. public lheroini weapons was du~e -tQ his irablilty rollce star-ted tQ ia-ke more in your d1rt-tg,,st, or ï-nai order tê - - minr vin ii sudyngthe1 - he procees. to recoganÎze right fromn left rin tensive iriquirie. YThe law-~ A tIlSD1~S!T, ER E1 course of a.r already diagnosaci So-38 years age lat month- the heat of the killing. It aise 'was not worried. Hea -new' tbhax -ER MErEI di-sease and Éithe resuît of treat- lie pu~t bis plan ita Qperation. ý"ýiit lm t. the eleetrie chair, r1ine- dietroyeci -vidence ~I ment ("It lenldsanS air of Du- F--st he, stpe a tramp * hnie rtig-teplc ALL Hetbai lleredtes - 12 o. bot- thrt srtp,. bne t-,-riainta ý> etThnoenonn h ôi ie Balsain - 12.0andl 100 tablets - thoitytothee~nmaic ste Xh sre and asked h'm if he Warren Lincoln was weli' ae- ar-rxved to dig np Itis garden. *1.5. Rheumatte, *iiniey t-iver, B!oe4 !bnoea ~ u vn wanted. a job. The mati saici hcd - uainted, with rirrder. Asa . They weta polite {about~ i' leariser, Corctv -eij to - potint -h-~kjYtt fuor- iîd and Wanderer told hinm - a rim-inal lawyer -ie hai efenci- bui-t also- ver? inxsis t- 1 .~» oo es cai-~ -lnortantý ed h ô-tbfdwîg eand prosecte4dxarry a killeir thoo0tigb -.-oý :îý~Î s~t f aws, dano ha patet mays ha verna at nii o 'clock, Anci he kieiw î-aras usua-lly a And imaine Liélrs horo Ws05,,- Otario, Canada. j "unar4igtse * te hyi- The tr'amparvda im.A m slip that sent a mnant thci--st~dsixy v s * - inswot."For examnple, edas adrrexi i i xcto sheci diemansrh O they~ ANR*uUAT uJ Julesi ons -3 filiee i0 n ti--e paeet i-âsh dic - iso the ~eeut o kil bis xv!,-ati te remn of the rItkwd bCietle, AND~ RHUAI resn sNI5 aree z lm. e rw pi a. alhle He Worase ctey 1m-p ed ove-r - o istpiena - toc lat r liev TaeSADie.1"FE $sibl ,y -fnrsoa avn rat fi'mea r-codîfns. Wanciare spun round( si -au fswrgrl p whh ouc - cqises. li -a mad th i- -UNR' -R STORE $ic - lonailsenig cllY-ie hei ues t se ohf cour room hi Aurrild -aï of usn w-dlni rsei costan mesoe i X-ay ac tel lier-, nai,. A atam lmed iiosaa infrtby- anci~ î 33 Elgi spca ZMAStV anttsiz beol.- gt es pavemen ciianann W lbet11 1 $1'3Epes__et"la 11ý;n s gacat viiber mc orosoe coveni hcio nose tae 4h-ýmpe ,ve Carl a00 Hiscviiv pln wereill fort wih lgal r hanr icarl condtins. f oe- anhreuroa bisn ront and l FsIcahen wld bs clseEaMCA 5 Le r~ce - ae,.man paie-ts nsit o it casot is xi!e e. re bueaci.a fiade tir haut ro divete Auoas ntr 6 ,at t r~pn a5~5 n~~-1 parte o! Ie-irtontine sbcicp llgbspiI fflm e- al iaeret loeWi n -~.i equafi~ ar and specîà-Jes rPOSToIoa Ot'WEMA S~AV1EO -Y- -r Thedacora srtbawve, l-a naRn, A. ptrec ilam lumel lEimat cit. i To stag-tei, iu "$ GrelîpL CORREC ITFM 0 tu lei14ý. h1%~~l 'any 1ýc atn Xao-ixè anf -ti trm'1ad hnh mrict a rdcc oelteele-d t eodye Dfr. Roet Bu. -AII the5 t~onn ci dr -t5 I qa t o l -iting S -e c ma g su m xn anbd i- e p ice .t bnci fakec -i l. Anti ai ai d l ea 1u ra he n-iiaý i;.In -r u l ,5 . VA LI BL -, ! - r -tmall ndinene ot te b'est actives tha limea tram hadnic ,otd lieppia manurec<u aif 10dlAaTh- ON1 examnbialiou-o-ne~~~7e Yppwmc i ____________ xii l.Y taork plant e tou he pe" Voir[yr 1thiir -la rils bealbl conti futureg tai ceped.- ri io- -i -oa -1_à -rc -i Symeb ca ci for le n \ duein ln l d 6 i l rï rn e-)ta eqi m n mraua~ -i -v'e dchau nd he tima xviiier coma slf det of iswcb a nnw d - u r - -'dl i')u rý' A P U D 0ýIoc tr a ý tpaett o imoe hi -iï fla-s r , ixse pr!t lb. thuetsc- fiad ae sairt lveruin a anti arat newét g â rad ~b' rA iot cap tmçbxie brutnepi~n thekup sonnw 5aamthtntdagevt asily ni fe. eea useàtr paoson st-res- odoleg oiri$Ln -e Tir ixùag s i a er e, ho ntir ot- - n gusi , v hl en r p lc i , tank !c Stime dciv - o a trnig thm e thorý f hik -haci>r ora hooo-, perfer itern Qo Jlnw and fo> keepr. $119 tin doxvn oa eelo amount a!o -ýann oSent~~c Posta piratie. - pefect amurar. Anof50 d<L er -succsseu. W ere tnut bflarWhtfr tlbe ri Ite any paten inorred of i- -rm ' hand 1.7 e ve uriek. bi ror. Tieyd c x l v lthe a e Eid bean aod - fi-ne sllpt YsomeW r..C $The PE JA fiT4esitn ty ,fertajn t e afU M facts~~~~~~~~~h was-j. convincady -xh ngý -u-mo e poUce poie liad fra-bbe -wl-l aln lietW~ sad h et xverea-rs tad bief fro noma POc' eEEDE b'- ixTeEunRso!ptrlau a siýnt cdtio aI chaue o7,, ee-in biteIv e old de 'cildot--rlv rr-rrrrr inrr-rr mg he r tine haro o tn C lair f nu Eaîeasaux. TlA ýý r-, ~ r;~sTrha begraandus th wivepr- Qil Ho-W Zan IJ teloe m. -,gl inr-wene-r fo -hý rcs teQrrre tharr th-e-r-,-r. tr------------p body ïItoh lenlhklsfdmseeshe - rannrr-rrr r-at wesniu l r)av1- amothy dIn WÀTRRO SPel.Pý IlCil oser lm icti- r-be rr- --r-rr and faur -'n der-id. r-r-r --hrr -rrr--v-r f r theichd ec imLte doÔ o , f~itmg rim171 MEN anicd eauORNI Ilia ie br0enof d Drs. ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ analfa.i"h inewl crc fenïeIG!Fru e r3 aliet rnaua- hntelieo h 4uvrosrcrlrr ried rrrerrrrrrrv r-rbrrr-rr anal iegr arin-i heana 1 là . Iw Cau i ?rvn wol-1 Y e~w tur--r- gonim e, a t le d anere- knourd r At A.seol Odfs Ah w lisvr- *gon -s~~~~~~~xh -o theyov ptheute rlors alnc lipaus od ippin baet uh- ar no-t in,1icli copie rrach-iiies by arnplirri14frrrrr.- r-he r- shadowreti ham a --et o ot dig- w th a st- ndly lA lr mnk sî itm fhasel n tep ,(n enter th rankts he rici - . i-r ---- ---- ---- --- M xv-fe b ea in to -o r ab u 'd r-i1ct wrungton fo ontbweedrnn . rTcpoie ee rrpae-t rumoe -ISSUE-ca -reir. 195 de wit narine~ an addre (P, -r tine down, on the an perfct Cnurder. And so didnhe uspicous. Txeyni havý whnieesayt t h fol Owe-c Eueaflth, m.-a rrr -r . - _ clth r e ind plaa t - i Sco She wil re ai drya ilre IDO EGHS ETVM lttied wshaonvice thea polic ar ubd ihar eo ler tis te Wi TO Ne Efuapmg goîg thel tmT. tue ounces oof beeswamie*-rt r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Con De-er- On-r-- 0 xmin~ cs orqs 1~IE1V~~"~~ ~t L,----------------------------~- .,e ?e-i begin ipri Ausec 1$y a ai M r-rrr onat cHuescd cari. 1 -eoe mu j$01W to wrge -