f1:1 s e wfpentt claOssff pçivts tp the ?rÔt4fll rePTartnetr trai he1'd ksal car gO4l B avtille, Port Hp, 't j on frosted food locetts e re coen.L bn-a nd Bighton were «amnplete pleted, w'th, èight i n a -L-de~~~ ~~~~ ~ InO b vald%7 hy errniove to 311f Thse total attenqfange for the luee j tg made. There are 19 frostcd tood atfr ~ ~ ~ ~ u In (hawaway Att$êierpriê' -10.$noral'1P Hl~2 ahe u nct nm ji« Morris Co., H. H_4or centres wa 239 and< thse nunw. 18 inspections et pivatè,aew3ge b-.shw as two »ew intsties. Bar. w, Oreno aibua S Th ero wcmen whç attended was 34 installations were miade. A -total of Officiais «É MyIertî Cottn Pro. 50yarHgwa rs. Kahrn are 1.bd of Ms Ratrie was, bolove chidte we424, inspections were maade> dirmng 'lie wiJsem Fo I-ma fliCie otj Icoo chuMrren . the .monthi ad 4160 interviews<given ad Canadian Art the C>Starfa ti hora Mrs. Barrie ,a, siste? of H1arriýW1lelt npcioso h pubii' ëtn of scol buildings con- iht itey iilisaty tl ateneE upy bçple Oshawa The Barrie car wý e4fth nurse, Iùclutidwi 6Vsinttg l sw ppc r<auQn .p 'Cdnt~ ttr entral Colleglatp Institute wafras lWlS and (lpajeQ te ti. tests. In ajddition, 439 sho a pse#Yain t il fý ar, a sinfatl1 11 uce1 wag iers were given vho n ii\cd a i , made.otbu was y ~ ~ liarng tests, weighéd andI meas rvmnsnise -. BEurppeât mhode],he it ia .niatel $60 -ied in preparation for mecbcaj ex-. Plumbinp Inspections velvedIin a two cýar c-ollision .I cile M. Keast toochrej mni «n by'thp't own physic4pn. Inispectose fmrthfa Xe foot ddition te L-ighwàýýy 115 aIS pa3 !)Mjfý,1,iietgt:i .iIi ïrvl eea ai-tt led 117, most oif these beibg for _s V'4ase« for eatiy et Ihlle -ith acident. êtvcal dwvellsngs. ln criticaf endI(itie1 J., e ,,ne T at n - mî-annual inispections and re- Geneia1 Remnarks -0n Prout»' >einploys '1e vil Meqi' CIpia ate 7,esig. S t lier hD". n ania herl tedC by Po-sa ký(l Rtcri Pg Coil. C'aieIe~dugtecui, c 15. rlis -ni > 1- ji, Ja k- C )rtwtirght and oieýý,À tle t xtent -et, the( atla-s te ation1 Qttieýer Doug- Powell. V'»01W was sf11 net MeWn - À1 et' NOVEMBER REPORT OF THEEY A 'StE - '-seonddaufltr, ele , gd NRTJUBERLAND) - DIYR$Am tIý heTr- -o I4EAITH UNIT 241, ws takn tete oen eer_ ..&fr ISQ _~l osn tl ee cmlio ComwInn sble. Diseasq aa c l$ease reperted te bçvmbre WNir 1 iir _ wa ~en~ w- tai. fTheé 38 cases o.fcnnw - a b.ls are e, tj_ a 6 cludfed 01eve wýheeping ceugh andt '. N l W ...~ ~~ ... .... ......... 1 0 0 75.'8 t1ra fic î-$î ý y in th1( ares. -Of th1e tee. chiickenpox. Pire ot dysentery~ 10,66 ~ ewmàvil PPdt-hnI ;feri shîgella sonnelj_ý) were eee 296 Toute na11 ail Hf<3_lnýo- HO Ari- 11 L, OR Q NO0 Y19 milis ....... 1.. 4i,295. 1959 ',e ng-îeeîi iltr~rîge W'N ................. ......Driver et, th sécond veucile in- ve... -...... lved-, kjl, Mî\tchîttmk 187 '.Duni- TubercuÙksi# . > -- -- ~ -r 't> ~ ' jury. - i pulnionary, was reperted. Gne mi-zep-laneou ... ..mile. seuI te90S 111 arugs a home. ,g( fo ;n- -' ~~~~~The tra'-1d ocel.t et abot atorlun o continue treannent \;evniie7O b sta R ïrb r «7cy 5110w pacIÇC4 l'04. Eali in fJmmurlization7 $ ""'4 îe ay heroa-hd le t~ Ij ip'unization cIlnes- held total BUFFT? LUNC4 MHATt t MOINS Equpmet .... ........ ........... .... 1,,1741IL appft6ts th~al Mrl. Mitchitiuk led tifty-seven. Protection was giw- wvas trav-elling -s<iuth on Hlighiway en agabins dipthetia, tetanhls, P if Aê E-o'# R W ScholPlnt peaton -- .... .......... ....- 5,9291 35 whefl one ef the tires oft ble üa whVn 1çg and 1 1oxyltis -' - 673.t4 tran inte- a rut ons the edge ef the and in additiond Ihr er 2 vc Au lir AY'ci, ............ .....e 1-W1 ......tentlY, aP- jiai n or< revacaýnation$ against / so srd B 4+,..- ...- ~i9OQM0 plled. las lrakesand «f e c1ar skldded- mlpx'\Q NO HITE S Balanc. or..............31,....... ... .... .... 10,4252-1 acrots tihe roal nI tuk h ulc$ '-4----r- Barrie «a, r.at usn S41I209,29 - --Duxing Novembel' there wete 6z9' - ' - - - - ~~~~Bot» cars ça4reened aerbss the - ,isits Ici famnilles by public he4btA msin 60 r cul 9#LRISO TE*CHE! S 9têini Septêrnbêr of thisflser east shdzlQvr and doutti a 's11$bl nurses. Ai the weeky -and moxthl' $4 zo~a grale beU' e cotîdhig te test sever. child 1-mai11 conterences,moet 3SOQMO d'tctt The Barrie fa nl liad 131 lnlér viewt wit the «uirgs A1s Ft 4I Ca lt n .......... ............ 8,00.00 13,rth -.J.C in...... .... ..... ..... .... .. 4, 00.10 - -.T_ ir4 ip of ýý Fj Ke A ud to ........... .... ....... M~1 17nitlue -A ai" trse' Peaortbs. 2 Th-ruste sî b o IL e %ver as of.$ o 12 of Clarke TowÎnsl~bg i»o > fli foing re»ot o te yearI1959 i. nperstwfl anc MainUtenancer ' i'h aecc)i---odiot te lte Durhanm County District 1igùl'î -- oyrcvrdelong distances te afDItO CjTyV - - - étoi Boar ha bee» rente4 fo; Ivyears, until June 30, 1961, - to M»p foi 'targaiîns"? uanual renta of $6500.00. -- Sepae grading oth greuùds >was undert-aken le pro-elle If SQ> YOU'Xe beaîing yourself for nothing, becausý)j'"* ' the biggeat bargains eau be ha4 riglit here - - he selo Is in a veY satlsfactory state oft repair. Il was I froni ydur loo>al merchants.-..> ' . '01 n$«redn est-y te 'undey take any extensive maintenace -'igpoetre&s why' Every dolars.ye spZ4l u oii t t io andt Eqteppwflt., - docs double duty . ives Y011 a bonus purchlas4 "s- ):, irt ifth antIh evb«d pc ase 'potl cle se For Lt Maiçes youl a pantner of Our hlomleîownJ t baspie - dasronn I Merebants îu building a Vett#r Community for you - K ýV_ýt1aset rooi--- , prêviqusly -rseclat as Lnc ad your famlybt lve in. -\t» - - ~~typewriter - -as - prhslfor the 1h paid by local businessmien. The more business - - . - - - 'tby dc th moe txes heypay tIe moe txestbe