LnskwNlisbes >roperties Departant ears alire li quisraiôn coftt$ e fwttiZ n 'At Fee'ding Station witit probleis- antis by Iiglgfi The tiraI movtingblrd ta be see-n -)tes. i lu e P1ort flope-Cabol.wg area in ve become so5 lirs as iteen vting- a bird uding thaI aI ýfeeder 'tri Cobaurg ia recent wees. of e the 0.r_. Mr. aui Mrs4 V. ltewsan, 46 nresened, aiw j altln Street, suspeýcd the bird artnwnt ta be e) t bing a mohniird and en- ath thlese ma ise Hie idl otf Audirey isne ý'cr i» e-stait_ Br, ie 1n idniy Il.siiù - 'Tila iast ivcîgid reeerded et the( b u tire arïea was se-en on May 25, 0Wli artanit194 -eL ectveirgte past lb eeyer ~.Dearaintmckîng!,binIsý, usualy assoclated gadl Mr. Don1 ith the1 Sautherai Staqtes, whiere. ~r idlesx beyar ~o~mnhave bee ser extnsie e.. a wdel sctteedparts et Ont'L is deparîmlent. IOn Tuesclay. eeme 15tb, in rs its service0s 'North Eay, Vlie Dnti1arla Trappers' e ~ ~ ~ a ?rvnee s Oin heMk titeir ti-rst winter fur sale ia hçŽeir n)ewly oepened fNy neraie wilh sale service quak-rts.,proia 'red lo~ by any eiy $7 3,oOO1 Worth et tirs wvere soid se the services by auto te baers who k)ou.it Formiai app!i-tle enitire Otterin-g Corn1sisting ai e throttgh 'ie 2996) b-eavýer, 1912 rniaç 3416 mnarten, ton of -AgrîicuL 16f-9 lynx, 172 tishêr,. 183 otter, 1939 j muskat, as weli aýs 'sofl1e f ox> wals mnade Iquirrel, racoon and, %%-easse pelle. Federation b j ]3eaver pelts brouigit an averaga wito hiaL tailed 1price et $10 n nuiin-k $15,50. ili hOnlarlo ' Saule e1 (lie tep pricas paîd fer itis line wvas qull usWere ais tdllowa: bea. lad been gîtvent ver $32., mnit $26, miarten $9, tisiLt- rtyN, years. Thtis er- $S7.51) ln.x S19.00 andti oter suý-d H-ydre- badl$~5> u- ani easemept j The Association hs heing assîsled i Portion eft1W in titis ttaw venture by te Deptrt- ment et Landis andi Foreslt'. and )eing wilhing t,_!ram aIl appeararnce t If ilne< fur f perpetuity an-d sales outiel 1s beipg tavourabiy ne. accepl the set-ic(-ptet bjy hoth tuyers andi trappers. vhich ia some- lan those madle a resuit of tis mneeting lthe greup teit a *eelugappoinled one ot ils numbqr, Mr. quest was miadê Item (D<Ywill, ta attend a meeting with the resuit toi lite Departipeal et Propert$es, fo t e Dçpart- alog wltfr theè Duebaxw voult 'Se. s et O.P.A. Sub-~ flelilman, Clarenuce Allira, Toronto (lents were mnatie on Deoemk.ar 18. This meeting of Mdlou< mset aJ% eotu-i4çe coneerneti ha - bpew tite rconniV kham- entiet by the Landl Acquisition -astle COf-ltiY Comrmitlee of O.P.A. la formui»te eve4ing, 94411fl- a paIlky wi1h wl*bth oniie outlîn<l la wi11 egcvitîa ini ils next nelp outilid t thlita 1h Ontario ilydro, sebeduieeti- iatiens wiie the i l ite ISew, Vear. tisition Convnitae "Il la sneel hped Hydr> 9111- îg tlit Ontario recogtilze h e 'ta revise its tod et sorie twelve agreetneits andi bin ils citer et told oi meetings setîlement te a more reai-istie ap, ,ities andthe11 de- preacb, ai presant da-y standards."' le as reards eawe. wVas lthe hql0 exprasaad i 4,11i wlao et set et. Ad, attendeti thiisnmeetng O2N FIREMAtI MAC oPAetKAwmE