v4-' A I eintermedliate -ci thte weekeý ýe of I-ames Io »7th, 1960, Oro] Set Sc]i le1Min< as SecondJ Glass n. r the bers wîtllti i HOME an19- Liit an 22--Port -6:30 ,e cou] -7:30 -8:30 nual meett 12, Orone., the school, Mr. E. Mil Mi-S. E. G-1 ber of the Boar of the B, oard fo sentked the Tr the financial r( thlis paper, last1 MUr. Cotterc dleath of Air.1 had taken sucl the affairs ofL so aniy years. Hie t'eit uld be Wa'ýs a should in OntiarKo. sItha t allil Thefoi hiockey be -îie for thci % vit i the! vi I -rtcoincllrs xcptin f two nImporîIs, land that' getins te01H1,. reiseteir ruling o< d' that if th Iprs n aivers. ~hagedthelle COrono Cý,lub wvill also play, rwring Che 1four exhibition games at the Orono, 1 'asseýssor to rllink luing the 1monthils offJnur and ebuay Thereo is aiso la poS.1 uggested that I sibilty that Mdilbrook rn-ay enter, unt ~~ shui 1-sme- theý play as they are plac. capn rnaci an tuar n -Y miUit- w J, lu tmutc-. io to di ls nna ianilcatm~tsol ÂYO d of onc olm1onths. Il to the!that tue cw building insp>tra 1g a U nwsgornapproaches andcuvrsIo 6- iso~~~ wugs 0perties, cw assessor Councilor Dent said onewck reason for; ness in the Township bIguaws wvas Terry Caneton, assid by Ross ýce of . Hie PR.ç; it sI ana nle look inito tflis matter. 1 -7 , duip it dayýs ,f the in el Zraig the o0 ac d f or utrono. Hie was set up by Rioss TamL Carleton w as rcally hot and titis time hie was assisted by Hanis os- I graaf in piling te fourth goal for Or-ono îmlothe Bowmanvlet. Tite Bowjnanville telam rallied Sntand RogercIi Maoscred the ,f irst ra 5d Bowmna-nville goal. Don Roughley of! for elbowinig and vvwhiie hie was off tis were i an hrelasseib oe il lite road Meadows filled te Orono net wlthi Llnce lIte ý Bown-anvilie's 2nd goal. year 19 Bo-manville serived( a 2 minte! ed that hepeat for interfeýrence andCraîg, ng doe in indad Robbie RReid spent peniaLi c Towvnshîp 1tics for bJoarin(ýg 'and Itarging. ý!idewalks. WyneTherteli placeci.Bowmiiait: J. HlJrvil 1ilgt lfi h te southu look afler 5 ,r Sanýit1.ary-6 ire0 givea ion:. Poster 1 1 -fn ,) ir ý thpi JAn uar-y 131 until '2:30---:30 Public Sehool 7:30-8:30MiLbr-ok Flal "Ooo Bantamns 10:00-11:00; Ato oce 11:00) 12:00 Pc VceHoke '2:30-4:30 publie SI-kaýtiing- 7:30 9:30 Public Sking MviONDA Y- 3:005:3 OrrioSkating Clubt 6:09:0Oronio Skatinlg CILut 6:30-7:' 7:30--9 goal for, a god rop of players to w( withi. Il would be woit your wl fi, wcalci these boys iiu action. Man ager Jimna, by St P"The boy's are going ig figlit i or-, elOut. We don'timlmdit p hokyplay as lonig as lie is dcý his best.' Watit or oreon the Orç John W. Tambi lle,'s third goal into the Oronio net tuat bte rplac Maknof Orno ssîsled ,1b'\, buldingshou ,oughley, loadled the Bowmt-auvipl building. R. -ELC. F (t it o1î 01 n moe goa)lIfori'rono on Lyelof Oronoct4aughl lite The Ne '1 w Yeari's Eve fealure inTuîcsifteI orin fever and nmatie te scorertheVîillageof Orono wýas, titis year,re placed1 ue (l'-' ,fi -3~~O for1rno H1ws aasssttibyuasein sponsored Y the wOrono Hfi o obtain a Prov arry Miller. Tes nthe formr of a dance. The cî ldif co',FtI-U, Bos-graff sevea3 mnuepownshl all,Oonin wihaiditioa11Am tfor ebwigand wtlite -was the dance was sud was gayly (Cec dici, te saiti, te ,fRger Meadows sc-ored lite 4th oraled with colourfulstreamners and bidn ol M S Ep cn., B3aCndwCI e,,,danue -wasttendedi by o whon over sevecti-ive couples Ouî whenjoyedth ie friendly at O rio rhe(- regLaýrmetn of the O-rcrto pitere and also joiined iu the festive' [o,issi nad vas held on Wednes. greetings. 1 yJanary61-ltWith twenty..ix Thte Seveniaires Orchest of ý f cesenit. Mrs. Drunimond~ opend the Peterboro supplied the mnusie for 1ri C' iecting by leadiug the grouip-in the d1ancing. A buffet lunch of' he Mission Band Song. Sharon sandwviches, cake and cî ewasl Mlen led lthe Mission Bati Purpose servedi by the LTc£ens in the baseai Til sFidny ev PI ýpoj nic vTv, i~nintwhetre inldividial table 1el-eA rena xw Il reso cnt lun 'T 'den it wa ~ P ans 7T5( Ir iteý is hie es vr ie oca seon aiail the books Whcn cvery other 0.00 in this ,ralter. Ischool docs. Mrs. Norton said th-at )m which %vas op-, if it wvas possible to get a better iu thie' nortiL\ eale,, on the -books thon they shoulid coJst a total Oobia itis deal. If thé local busi. DrR. . Tggat esiPe2 co'Il no meet the prices o Dr. . J Tagartsuppîjers titen lthe ptrchiase sitould Mdr. C. W. BililIngs 1bce madýe Whj:ýec the books coldb as auditor for lt1oîic ieepsstee!sa)ild P M.Lunn repicd that wc aill ive in mll of buisinlessOrn cte as a storýe keeper or hle meetinig WPsai a on ages and thatl youý can buy rance of the build-I cheaper in Oronotanrung mdic on lthe fri a celse ur. Cotter f cit litI Ithe bulildïingi was Mrsý. J. Tamblyn stated that in atedtha itwasher opnin t as 11ot a mautter of insurance on ite mneybut f cît that 'thce books at pssiby thre ite ebldren. Thiey should be able ine aneon the(, take hemhome whýenever thley [a his yearc îFwatUrs ibaksttdthti . B;rown Staýtedcte ooiupplicd, foi- then a, hild -ment co(st of tecoutntdsrytebo stti determnine tI onand lit a a eacheiýr could take ýco c2arrieCd on01hestes to contIIrol destr'uction, R. C licial granit as they boswr uple 0acasof 4ing~~~~ ~ asochrwevingaeto saIlhe had modaion Iftheyaskd M. Coler0f iis and hard ua to cle 1 Cniue ae4 *rnoFrdoyNigkt 3treri icon. and Mrs Section No. was held in idc over by Àrrfin a 1nd, [ined