.i sim-n- U Lt..at±pbt, aK fle. A Lisawiie sent m e an e lied lier cake al ituen iound sIc lied Dteaspoans ai beking ad ai baking piowder-. Od she do -- add the vdar as well as sodaý? ,r ta lhaI was No I's sak.e, n.o!" Nowi 1 nd la be an eulhority glitI i ad lielter see ýestiops 1 couid ofiar tlhe situation. 1 warni- cake migjrt le avar- taO leave themitr erniglt and ini pans,, ig for it ta expend unnming aver. I was cakes mig-ht have a Ier teste but wbhe r erew mixture 1 found rîglit. Weli, the cakes fine axcept for beiiing o liglitta keep moisI long. IHawever, lier nI 'Look Care af liat, Thien caine another cake-cal lied 1 a larg, d-eep pan ta lendL? 1 didn't h a ve anything- big enaugli so do you- know wliat tbis inýgenious ýyoung hLisewife did? She took the liandie off bier pre-ssure cookier and use2d the cooker for an av,,en cake,- pan. It warked fine. The cake cooked slowl'y and evenly in the hecavy metal container. Quite ani idea, wasn't it? Ten days before Cliristmas a mani camre ta acur door salling, greeting cards. 1 wes an the paint aif telling hlm 1 didn't, watany wlien hle said they were cerds lie made hiîmself- That was differant - 1 asked ta ie them, Eech card had an eat- HQpe-Chest Luxury luxury la linanis athou ot eambrai- tractive stencil dc-sign o;n lIe front. Inidce werae Pg i r-.byme and ïa ,short original pacifi. The (2erd openied iup like aslheet cf, paper and on tlie inside the~ samne poem ,vas ýeL ta mùusic. AI]thie worl, of thi'z travelli ng artist- or so he said. -And Samneiow Ibelieved hlm, ha seemied ta have suciD an l- teresting personaIit.y. Aniywuy the cards bore his signature and rtiiiig.-eddr-ess. The namnews familier. but flot thle persan. fe'"1 was an Irisliman, well varsed ni hiistory and literatura. I w-ould liked ta haive esked hini but I di't because l waýs alune. l hale ta be sceptical but aiter ai e an las ta remembar tha. salling things is -a gaod way taj gain anlry ba bouse. Tt is lietter thase days ta err an Ilie sida ieo caution. H-ere is one of' the mran'sves. How do yo u "Tihe snowiflkas f ail, tliay softiyCalil Thaeliaart la quick ta hear Tliey fil] thie sight with slieer And thougli-ts aofliomey clieer" InChristmas gifts 1 didn"t bearai of hugoutstandingily original axcept in tbe way one wmnsalved a financiel prob- lem. She jr eccustomaid ta giv- ïng her own home e Christmras give eveýry year. This limne sIc wvanted a reaily nice set aiflias- tass or TV tab)les. But the anas s hac-wanted -weree soid anly in se tSaif four and camne ta more than she couldafrd Then she lied a brain.wave. Slie bouglit the set, kapl twa for hierself anrdgave 'leaIliers away Lta tw10ofailier frianids. Thal w sviy threa people sva,,re mnade happy 1 saw thein and tilie Y r re0aliy iavely. In aur iamily we went easy antoy-buying for aour graind- sons - excelpt for, Ra-ssý. He is so crezy about mnadhinery 1ilat wve cauildn't resîst giving hlm à wor-king model ai a powecr sho- veL. The aIliers üad skates, pyja- mas, books, records, r ubbery iarmi animais, knitted sacks and mitts and cudly l' ïtays for the, lwa younigeat. Incidentelly bave you -reeýlized liow liard it is ta getInice stuIffed tays? Most ai tliem are se luge and ugÎl- and expensive. l went ta about tan different stores bc-fore gel- ting one thrat I thouglil was reelly suiteble for a toddler. Two weeks bafora Cliristmnn,, I bou lmyseIf an L.P. ecr af Clris' tma-s carals. Ltlias been on the go ever since. Beaulîiul mlusic - Westminster Abbay Chair singing mejny oai le well- known llcaraTs. I Ihink music and Cliristmeis blog together- and thie rigit kind ai musicý reivstension as nat-ing as crn. And tbis I must nmention. f[n Ille Cmiddle oai the pre-Ch-ristmes1 rush we lied a 1munricipal alec- lion. We w lnt ta vote et 4.15. At thiat tinre out af e passible 350 valers in aur, particular weard only 76 lided ast their lia' lot -- most af i 11cm New Caina- diens., biul Europeans ap- prcaefreedonta vote. On the allier barud .Bitish and C-anai- dian-born residents appeer iler negligent or qpatl-itice end yet are the fit-st ta grumble, at an increase in taixes. t does3n't. nke sanse, does it? Mod~çern Etiquette R B oberta Lee Q.When writissg a personal letter, is thse date correffiy put at thse ëend ai the message or at thse top rigist of the Page? A. if a long lattezr, the date is usually put in. the upper right- band corner - and if a short nota, the, date is inserted e't toc Q. sn't it proper et al t) eut up ail of one's mieat into portions before beginnigt a l A. 'Ibis is proper on-ly if yau- are a very smaIl chîld a.nd your fethier or mother is cuittiug uip your ment for you. Otheiwse, cl off oi one portion et. a turne. Q. Wheù is thse proper inie to sesid a wedding gif t, and to whioxi should il be sert if thse bermen hadln't seen aonyihing i!->e h befar"e.. War Hero eaten By Whisp.,er Cmag "do't knolwhwaîlbahy ara k-illing out tIare, but lley m-ean la meke sure afi it,' said Mrs, H aunali Wickiam ta he!r h baud as saleard sbo0ts camîuig from plhý ie narIyý-by wood1s. She aud! Mr. Wickîam - a coacî2man ampiayed liy M r Horace Wilkýinson, J.P, ivdon tle Franfield Manor asIate, five miles from- Sevanoaks on the Ma/,-idstouie rond, and ;wcre u I cd ta liearing gunfira firom 1,tht surrauuding cautrLy, w b e 1 e gamne-sboating was car-mman. Little did Mrs, Wicklam ..reel- ize: thal wbaýt sha leaýrd was tlie deelli-lýinal ai a woman sha knew aeIl - Mrs. Carojina Mary Luard, wîife of Maj or- Gcnaral Ch-,APLas Edwa,-rd Luard, wha livad et Ightliam Knall, a near-liy mansion. Anri ouit-later the genteraj came ta lier door, dîstrfugîht a-nd tremnbling. "My wife. my wifc . . a terrible accideint .. lae staimmared. FHa asked ta sec the coadlimean, but Mrs. Widiam - tld hlm thal ler lus,- band hed gona ta the stabes, The generel, chaugl apparent. ly neer ta collepsa, %went up ta lheWilkinson nmanor xWlra ha %pas met by the buIler, Hrtbat Hlarding. "SIc is deaad," wei-e tire gnrlsfit-st words. Thn aiter a lirief t-ast, la we'nt withý Harding ta a MtIe summer- house an thee sIate. TIare the larrifie~d but la- swMt-s. Luat-d lin odad, 1er face almost uinrecognizable framn builal wunds e n d iackaned with powdý-er. Tha local con- stable weas sumimoncd, and within an liaur a pol!ice doctar and !detective arrived from MIl atone. t vwas e clear Case ai brutal inrder. The won liad been- bat tered w i t b a leavy stick. TIen, wlien sle ladsume dôwn on the staps ta tle ver- anida, lier killer lad firad Sev- et-nI shots et 1er lead fromn close range. One ai the bu0llatt had entered uindar lier laift eye and aimositare open ber face, Anothar had enlared behiid lher right cr Thera was no Zlte ta the idon- ly ai the Mutdér nor cauld aypasibemotive lie dise.ov- ered. The revolver front which tle shols lad licen fit-ad wesý missing. In fact, il t never fouud. Tîrouigliaut lIaI niglit ai Aug- usl 2nd, 19083, an.d tle iallow*ing dlay, policeman and estate- work- et-s seardlied the woods. alaod haunds were brouglit ln,. but ina Irai] was found. No stranger lied been sean lu île district aither befoz-e or aiter the crimne. The monder rocked Laondau societv and the lanil-Ii- Zentr fr wb-o iad bcr eau Iampld by the, siglt ai an unrotecta-d waman tao aittec'land tub he-r -- % 11y dîd la Iave l1er trinkals îi-toudliad? Wouid suCd a man possass ani automeatic revol\ver? If le dîdl, would lie 'liasa recklass as ta f ire se'verýa shots tin broa-,d dayliglit an the veranda afi asmmr biusc ýfraquenîlY Lusad by ilr Wly, afle2r leving batterad lima viclim uncanscïoaus, dd lekili lier in a marnner that suggested bilind, senseless fury? Ani ld 1liow did lie manage ta slink away wvitliout leavin g a trace and witboul baing sean? Tlic informiation Iliat the gen- cae gave ta the pol1ice did niot hel1p thein. He tld Ibei ii atun thet fine August day ha accom-, panied hlis wiie onr. a struli1 through 1the woodIs. Then ie cde- cidad ta go ta the golf cIlu]) ta sea if lie eould find a perîne(-r. ELis wif e said sha would waqlk ta the Wilkinson's summiner- bouse-, rear Fisli Pond Wood, ini thea lape ai findinig a meurber ai tlie fem-ily lIai-e et tee.-limre. Fer husband wes ta meet lier thpre leter. The ý enerai arrived et tîle club-bui-se etL 3.30 p.m. and "Vas seau by a caeteker. Tliere wasý uno ane thare la giva hlmi a gamie, aý he decida-d uogo home. Oni lis way le met tle local clergy- man, the Rev. A%-Iert Cotta'i-.. Aiter an lour General Luard ar- hiodlme and foun-d lhe lad a visitar, 1a Mrs. Stewart. The Genieral expiaineýd ithet lisý wife lad gai-ie for e wal', ti- tendling ta visit th-e Wilkinsous et thie summier-bouse, and addied tIai lie wes gaing ta meet 1er thIre. Generail Luard tld the police. -and ',aler tlie corùnoy's jury et the inquest - tlat le welked ta the summner-lause and founad Ilis wife'r, bodyv on the veranda LIt was later esteblîshed lIat nonte )Ê tlie Wilkinson famiiy ladbe. ta the surnmma-hawuse lIaI alter- lnon. At the inquest a verdict of "murder by a. persan or persons urknown» was returned. But SOan -gOSSIP started in tle Ken,.- 1,511 village. The general began ta raceive anat-ynlous letters, ac-~ Culsinig hlm aithe m-rurder oai Ils- wife. There was no> the sllghtest reason Wliy Ibis elderlymi, an r offýicer ,with a fistinguished rec- ord in the Boer Wei-, married for many years a-nd extremely fond ai bis dlevoled wife, s'hould have commritted sudb a senseless and brutal muirdar. After only thiree mioxths o!ý, merriage, the pretty, twenty, very würried beçatÈW iter cre- ditoîs ýwere begirnig fo' threa- tan lier. She d3ed not tel! her husbend about debts contracted, chic-aIly througli her lave af ex- penlsiv"e clothes and cosmnetics. LHP wes, she knew, very myean about 'rponey matters, and ce- tain ta fly off the handlie. At last, the girl, Hlda, thloughJ-t up we in which she cold wlieedle mnony out ai himi, andf square hler ccaunts, withOUt bringing suspiio on hoeaî. Lier hua;band, a twenty-five- year-old cbemist's assistant, hadj, she discovered, a seýcret toa. Lt canicernied an aId flaieaoaibis, wî,vth wliom lie was now laving afurtýive affair. El, taclear lier deLts, Hil caniceived tliýe id1ea af biackmail- ng hier husbaind!ý Using a bar- rowed typewriter, she %wrote, anlondYmalus notes ta himr, threat- ening thati ltie, did notTee $150 ai a c-ertaýin spot sle wou],,d reveal lis secret ta his wife Hie paid up and encourage by lier succese , Rude repeated her demnanc1. But tmis lime her hus- liand went ta t1ie police wit the whale story. Routine îqi~?ddetaýc- tives ta Hulda' s inca Mdifi cute.Twa creditorsha r- ccntly been satisfiad, jjthüugji other acca'înts wvere stil.]aut- mtariding. And lrier lusbeand, it wasý discavere, hadn't ami ling about these debts. Naxt tlie police clieked against machines in the nèigli- bourliood the cliaraectrs af the typewriter used in tlie enony- mous corrÉesç;pondance. These ti climrbing Up 'tlieem nket juit as a tra"in *A'mapproachin'kg from Teston Crassing, Bafare their ayes the id man, walked upriglit end briskly ta- wards the track. Hie paused f-or a momaeý-t and lien, as- the train, came an et fuil speed, lie threw himnself lieedlong in front af the engine. in,-utes later the ter- ribly mutileted hody was identi- lied as that afi"lajorý-Geneia! Luard. At almoat ïlhe saine time a letter was delivered ta Colonelq Waýrde, MV.P., et BerliainCourt, a few miles _awey. It wes fromf General Luard and il read: Y~ thougit tI was stranig enougli taG beer up against the horrible imn- putations and terrible letters which 1 have receiýved since tlie awfl crimie was committed. The strength lias left me, and 1 care for nothing except ta jain her again ià te second lue." I a &ustcript hie added: "l shali be somiewliere on tlie rai, - way ln. lied -witi a mnachlie belorigiîig ta aj.girl frierid ai Hilda3's, 'From Ibis friend they establi!shed the, fact that Hil a ed som-etimes- borrxowed- that typewricter. Canfronted witb this evîdenre- th'e schem-fing young wif. ro% Clown and coniessed. "I did it," shie obbed,- "soa s not ta upset my lisbarid, and prsrv ur imarriage." Realizing she mnust la-ve hînm very muiliilta ga ta such lengths, lier busband forga-ve hrNow thePy're living toý;gthr er happilY. Holiîday Flatter y - PRINTED PATTERN Especieily bacomning! Side- draped nckîIinefillars yotis face and draws attention awaây finomri any figure flaws. Boice- fiows smaatlily inb slim skirt F'or crape, wool, siîk. Prîntad Patterui 4920: Woi--en'jý Sizas 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36 takes 3-8s yards 39-inch, Prinlcd directions on eacb pat- tarr part. Easier, accuràte. Send FORTY CEI'4TS, (stampsý cannot bce acceptedi, use postal note for sat-'ety) for th.s pattern. Pleese print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,- S T Y L E NUNIBER. Sand ordar ta ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Elgîlcenili St., New Toronta, Ont. 'et- was. a tramp IN ANY LANGUAGE -- Latin screen st-)r Linda Crystail punctu- ctes ai uniyersal sentiment with a stfle. "Ha ppy New Y'a<."