In 1955, whila in lvlaxico Cîî, Clsaff4y recaived aà cabIe fromn London offering- himn a one-ma.n- show âafthe Hanover Gallery lu Fiebinuar,1958ý. Sc, they set ontf to cross Centra] and South Arn- enica f0 Rio de Janiieiro and re- turn to England by way of Afri- ra, earning their kaep en route Just as they ha4 in Europe. They travelled 10,000 mniles by bus, car, train and 'plane froxn MaTxýico tf aac~as, Venezuela, dr-ove anfliar 100,000 m iles south in a Land-Rover present- edc f0 fhemn there by a car firrn, sýailed 4,000 miles fa Caýpe Town, d c r o v e 7,000 miles in South AMrica, theu sailed an- other 4,600 miles fo Sou-thumrp- ton. On this joujrnay Chuffay took, hususof feet of cine filmr, Lncl 5,000l colour phofographis. HLe painted enrough for six-ana man, exhibitions mn diffarent cifies., Wheni they arrived1 back thair children - Susan, fell, and Charlas, sevan - ha3d probabl.y fravelled farfher! and seen more cf the world titan ury childreni of their age anywhTera. At one point thair train had to ere-ep along rails dentad andI mishapeni by a cyclone. Thair bus journeys and car-Iiffs wera -somatimes ovar roads sfrawn with bouldars or thick miud, kirtingi mountain chasins. Iii their Land fRover, fhey had to cross swollen rivais, through. darkress and tôrrantial ramn, 3;carcely 'kfowirr_ land froni wa- ter, befora rea'eiing tha Paru- vlan frontier. Near Lanquin,~ Guatemala, hie &saw oine river, tite SemuLc, car- ried aeross another, the ahia- bon, by a Riatura] bridge, thre oDnly one cf ifs kinid in the world. Nearly eight hunidred yards lonig, over one itundred yards wide, if had been formred by cafcinni carbonate deposits: Anrd pet rified vegefatlon gradu,- afly thrusting outwardIs thirough tise cannries. At Nicaraguta>s oldesIL city, Granadu, they s t ood on the shora of a greauf huke wihich has three bu.undrad andterta srnall islands and probably the only frehiwaanshanks in the world. While they were crossing Cl lomýýbiaq news camne f a terrible disaýster af Cali. Four army [or- ries- laden with nitro-glyceri-nae of houses, buses, cars andtris Ghiaffay f lew titere fo Photo. ignuph the ruins, ,undin the blaÀz- ing, heafý wandared for hours anion,, the rubbie, smoke uand dust and mungiýled bodies. 1 Titree titousund vere bufîjed Iin a commnon 'grave i(lihe main cemet.ery, whihad beau tori uIp'itself. In Quitos, Ecuac, ha,,i met Di, Farg'ussoni, an auIthIOity On theC Jivarolheadc-shrjinkers. EHa folt Mim thiat after tha fiance mi-ý ans itad affueked a Spanîisji colonial outpost GaIWruh Sati- seben, cmadn the Peruvi- an Amu-izon urea, sent ouf a pu- ïnitive force~ of titrea hunidrad men and officers arm-red wirt rifles and machine gunis. Noneairetuirnad, but airnost yeaarlaf a iehafound one morîa- ing, in front of the dour of his office, the diad and sitrunkani isauds of a]] haeitad sent on the (-xpedlitîi! Chaffay went into the jungle villages -and saw sorne sirun- kaen heada, but neyer panefrtiatad the secret of how tbey wara treated. The Jivaros lie.found in Sucou huad traded wifb whiîeý visitons and axchangad monlcay- teatit bracelets and î-monikey-skýin- hags for oild clothas, andi these- fhay nevier renovad, aven to sleep. The Citief, Quinindo, wore aii ohd Air Force cap which hae had nof rernioved for over two yeurs. Anotiser Jivar,. had vioin a short-eut eveiing waistcoat for the sama paniod. An older marn was greauly pleasad with imrý- self in a buftaned, gray-blarkh bowleî, 'w,ýearing below if on],y a loinclotit! RESERVATIONS A Memphis, Teinu., depaît- mient store Santa backonad fo a ê,-year-old girl fo corne forwardi, but the lit fle girl stopped just short of his reauoh. "If if's al fise saine f0 y o u," she said, "1pieuse don'f kiss me. Lasf year you lef witiskers ail olarI- my face."' Just W hat'eàs ln That Littte Black --Bug? ,Just what do doctôris carrlu i their- litile blaci> bags,ý? Of ten, ýýome suirprising equipmient. the journal Medi cal Economics re- plorted last Inonthi. A survey Of 1,100 ,gnera! practitioners and peaisiturned u.p teeii triguing items and~ commýients ýby the doctors: A bent hairpin ("a quicker and more efficientintu mnent than any otheýr for re- moving foreign bodies from eaî or nosc-): blank checlks ("for the smnart patient who flashes a $50 or $100 bill at 2 a.mi"); wvire cutters for remnoving fishhooks ("'I've r'emoved about 300 in the past 6 yas) and bubbfle gumi ("with children, it's snnmu with injections"). On th'e ther handi, a surprising number of' bals (they weigh be- tw,ýeen 10 and! 20 pounds) Iack equipneint which Most laym-en1 consider- essential. The stetho - scope, for example is not carriad, (or consýîiereci necessary) by 15 per cent of the GP's. Even ther- mnometers are left at flic office by,ý l10 per cent of them., What wa's the seiron abou-t, George?" "I hope the mini'ster gave yoti some good .advice," "I1 wîsh 1 kriew as littie about ;t as he dioes." Siave Posed As ~ueen's Sse The altyguests laugitad and t a 1I d excýifedly as f hey uwaitad fte à- val of the royal,, princass - s i s 5t-,,r of Quean Charlotte of En-gi .l -,who, astouring t'he stuta'X Mary- land, IlS. The princass's hosf had s ed rio. expense f0 maka the oc- casion mamnorable, andI every handowneî for miles aýround cnvied his good fortune in en- tertaining a royal visito-r. Three trumpets sounded, anid the master of caramionies cried: 1"Her Royal Highness, the Prin- cesSusanna Ca-rolina Matilda." MAln bowed and wiomna curfsied as sli, eautïiully gownad îyourig girl enfered the ioom. With great dignity the l.oveiy prncess reçeived the salutations of the axcýitad guesta Tha en, on thearam 0f ber host, a waalthy planter, sha moved f0 ber placeý of honour ut thse head o,' fle dacorated table. Outsidie, newspaper reporters wera busy sýcribbling notes of tha splendid scana. A n d the pninceas was so gay andIcan- îng that nobody bothered f0 wondar %whIy she should ba four- ig thea sinallar towns of Ameri- cu. Affer aU, it was knowu Chat 'eeru other rich plantais had beau 2nhoniouired iby lhar presanuica dîurîng the last faw wa7eý,ks, und haiva thýe royaýl visitor for her own gu-est. Then ona ot the reporters psad a lip of paper to a sar-- výauX. On if wara tise wonds: "Site is a ,,muid namned Surah Wilson,[but lias chaad ber iama to Princes,; Susanna Caro- lina Mailida." The ininess" a fu, wasa r-unaway slave and uasta vant s wa-raý catching up with fise manhtie, site smiled a-nd ~oeoblvous of wisaf was f0 isappen. How did titis arnazing advan- fuie bagin? 1Surah Wilson wvas boîn ut a sleepy Staýffordsiie vlaein 1750. A siant girl, site attracted tha notice .of a local lady, Caroline Vernon1, a M Uid of Honour fo thse Quaen. 'Whila. stillinlu er feeris, Surahi wenC .10 Leýndon -with han new eýmployer, us rnaidsarvunt ut tie Queen's House, on the site Ai the present Buckingham palace, One nighf in 1771, Suaih Lno- ticed tihut one of the Quea-n's roorus vwas uaguuardad. n- ing ftat everyona was dowli- stairs, sIie tipfoad imb the roorr- gnabbedI sorne of the driesses and jewels which were titae andI daited uwuy. Ratufruîng for a second Joad site was spoffed by Mis. Von Sciselhenbarg-, wbo caught lier before she could es- La re. Next day ,ýSurah Wilson ap- paarecd bafore Lord Talbot, thse L4ord Higis Steward, who san- tence.1 han fo hife tranýsportation. Withiu a ruonti site was ou her iwuvy f0 Am-enica, where site was sold to an employer who put ber f0 woîk in his kitchenis. But tomcisow site mianagaed to sxnug- gfle- wifh han a couple of gownS und soma 0of tise jewelswhc sie had stolen andI i0dden ýin han roomn. Hulving spent many we aî1y mnonfts ýiu Miaryland, site cecid- 1ed fto rmke a dusis for freedom., Sha knew ai] about Court lîfe fromn gossip in tisa ser-vants' quartais. Site knew, too, how gr,ýeat ladies dresseci and behuav- ad, Wrapping hier stohen fr0,- phies in a bundie, site fletI on f.o o t f0 anothar state, There-, withl an accomplica, shIe let if be known that a sister 0f tisa Q u e- e- n Charlotte of England was soon f0 visit fte district Thie nicis lundowners wvene ail] aog be the first f0 enfartain thie "pinceas," und Suah,ýd Wil- s ýon soon hbad a long Iist 0f in- C;LASSIFIED ABVIERTISINO BIARN Cash 'il) yau Spare rime1. 4usit 410vw your friends aur Çhrlstmas and Ai-cainGreetlng Carde {iinluidng Riiousi Statlonerv Glfts Wrifte for sginples. Colnil ard Ltd. 489-2 Queen ssTroto2- 8AVY CHiCK4 BrAV las availiable Amres uCrs esy o lay pullets. Dayol4s anid start- èto order. Requiest liat. Order now Leb .jry broilers. Leghornis and dual puirpo.,e chickls ta order. See local aiento rit rayv i4tchery. aOKS- TrrAppi7pSi "Wild 34ink Monty'" book of my adventuîesome 11f e trepping Wild Mink. Informilative, fetptial, hnter- esting, clotn bound, $w.00. Barney1 Vauighan,fil. tNo. 1._Abey e>s-z, BUJSIN4ESS FROPERTIES FOR ÇSAL r *WO Sto rey Bus1n-ess Block now s-ýe- ond hand store plUs tour apartinerits. Ciloica busiïness location Excellent lu. vEstmnent. Cllflord !Weeks Realtor, Sslýt Ste. Marie, Ontaio, WýOOD-.WORKING shop, close t0 Otta wa, witb excellent mtachlunery, . fait buildings Priced for qulck sale -Wltil or wit'hout stock. WValter C MacDora1- aid. Winchester. Ot GALA BUSINESS RESTAURANT; twýo heated apartmlen,ç,. owners homie, cottage and cabins, fi year round golng concern. Over 75' dock. ni.akes this ideal location for a Marina, and th-e restaurant is falriy newj, 14 stoels. sud fully equilped. Esnegen resonfor selllng. so priced aicodigl u 21c0o. ,$5,00 down avrd mortgnge back at 6%.ý, E. WALTER GIDI.EY REAL .FKTATr AND INSURANCE BALA PHONE 362 from capinstock Excellent for huningo domnestlc pet Priced reason1 aMýY Jack 1310t) Osk ldges. PR 3 ')24j FARMS FOR SALE C.OING conceru, reglstered bard mflk. conitract, igOod qil ei, eynîce home One of Oxford's better farms offered with ver.y easy t ermis. K CG FERGUSON ,eaItor Woocdstock 459 elllnglon N. E9 1 fingersoll 724-M *FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE CrOne Log Loader, coml- plete. Very reaso)nable. Apply to "Mac McGilllvray, P, R. 3, Banceroft. qNSTRUCTION FARN nmoral Bookheeping. Salesmanï. shipia Irrthsndý(, 'gpewrltiug etc. Tes* sons .50ç Ask roi tree circulai NO D1. Cainadian Corr esýpondance Courses 19 Ray Street Toronto eOOD RESOLUTION -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMAIIC PAINS OR NEIJRITIS SHOULD TRy DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE $1.5Express Coliect PILES 4IIE~O12IIOISIPYlatum Ag9e nc01, forailed ty a group of ex-sufferers, wlsh to snnounce the PYLATUM treainienit from UlnglaiuT Is now available throug_ýh- out Ontario. PYLATUM treatmapnt re- liavas pain promiptlY and gradually shrinks pilas. $1.98 fromn your local diruggistor by rmail from B1.P.A,7 Wimibleton Road, Islington, Ont. POST'S EUZMA SALVE BANISH t.he~ torment oi dry ecrem7à rashes and weaping sjkia trroubles. Post's Eczenia Salve wvill flot disappoint yoii ltching. scalina and burniln* ecze- mia. sa. erlngwormi nples andl foot ecei il] respond reiidily 10 1he stainless odorl"se ointmienl regý-arcfesm ofhow subonor hopalesa Ile,,seeil, Stn* Post Fr!. on Recelat of FrÎce PRICE $3,50 PER JAR POST'S RÈMEP1ES 2865 St Clair AvenueEn sf YORONTO then, wîth a stroke ,of iuck,sh 'found herseifi a town gain1'- soned by a crack English regi.- ment. Amiong the officers of thýa regiment was Williamr Talbot, a kinsmarn of the noblemnan who ha(] sentenced bier f0 be tranis- 'porfed. Wearing har best gown, Sarah Wilson was introduced ta heyoung officer. At that point she dramatically disappears fromn hisfory. Ail records of hier cease - except one importantfat she mnarried Wîllîuam. Talbot!l How Con. 1? av Aline &Shley Q. low catiu 1repiailr Soie ars spots on thse back of a nilrror?' A. Yojr can of ten make a suc- cessful-job of this simply by cov- ering bare spots with alumîinum foul, secuiing this to thie gas-s With shellac oet -glue. Q. Row caaii 1mzke a remedy for Wbinkes across the foreftead? A. Soak a inen bandage ini equal] parts C0f alcohol and the white of an egg, and bind if fe, the. forel-ia d, aliowing if f0 re- main overni'ght. Q. Ilow .ca-i 1 keep lkather lug- gage,, ha.nbags, briefcases, and other Sucb goofds iu good condi- A- Aftei- dusting or wiashing with a cioth wrung ouf, of pure moýapsuds, apply some njeaf's-foof oil, 1lczolin, or castor ou - aIl of whlch. are good leather conéii- [SSUI % -114 WANTED NURSE iVacancy ta bc filled. Starting salary $275, Lodging M1.00 par iaonth. Staff rules anc Inform-ation upon recelpt oft latter Mvn fuil particuflars and quali- fîications, INURSE1S' AIDEF Vacsnicy t'o be fillad. Starling ,ualgry $9.0 SEND REPLY TO ADMINISTRATOR OCEAN FALLS GENER(AL HOSPITAL OCEAN FALLS, 5.C. NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA RE YO-(!R FUTURE? Ail the aiL;gus poin to a bright sand bri1- liant ilarket for thi4' Iuxury fin. But, suîccessa will coma o nly th1nogh properý breading maethoda, qualtV fou-nd-ation stock plus a prograni baspd on sonda business mathloda,. We offer ah i of tths ta) you as a1an1 r . us h1,"ing oui ,rýcu- 'sive br1, ders plan. .Special alci-le, a th0ose vlio qual[ify, aurn oui Ntrlai on1 our1 50/50 co.oparativ-e I'sis. Write; Canadlian Nirttria Ltd-, R. i RIch. 'nûnd IHiIIOntanlio. OPPORFUNITIES FOR ".EN ANDI WOMIEN BE A RAIRDRESSER JOIN C.ýAAA'S LEADING SCtuOOL Great Opportrinlty Leaiin 1Halrdrassing Pleasant d eignified profession; good agsThoeusands of suce-saf1ul Marve-1 Gvaduates Aei ca GreatstsSystem jluýstrated CataloJgue Free WriVte or Cal] MAARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor st W.. Teronto Branchas; ,41 Klïug St.,W Hami1ltoýn 72 Rideau Straet Otta,ýwa PERSONAL ADULTS! Pe;,sonal Rubbes Goods 80 assortuient for $2 .00 Fineal eîuailty. tasted.i9guartaad Mailed iu plain 1sealed pcaePlus fiee Birth contrail booklat sud catalogua i supplies. WjesftrnDistributors, BOM 24Te Regina Sask PHOTOGRAPIIY SAVE! SAVE! SAVEII Films daclvaloped and ej magna prints in album, 40,t 12 maigna prints in album 460* Reprints Sf each KODACO'LOR Developing rail $1.00 (noit lciudIuI prints) Co1lai pints 354e. avb extdra. Aniseo andl Ektachirome 31 mm. 20 ex- posuras imounted Ir, sldem $1 25 Color pints rfruasldes 35,, aach. MUo riey refuuded luin Mlfor naprintarsnga FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 (1AL111ONTI PON lES SHETLAND poules, young', bred, regIs- terad Paud gr~ade mares, broke ta ride. Oue colt 6 months., ienueth Rath, NMosaley. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HUN-TING property for sale. Good stand of young timrber. Apply Mac ýMe- Gillivray, R.R. 3, Bancroft, Onut SWINE BRANTSIIfE Laudraee pure, bred ilt! »and b oars, adilagas. Pattersori, Box 113l. Brantford. Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED IINGSVILLv- ROMIAN CATI*OLIC SEP AllAT SCHOOL BOARD Raqirais oana qualifiad teachar or onle teachar wlth tamnporary cartificate îor January 1 190. Apply ta J. M. Smah,l secretary-treasurer, Box 130,Kngvl, Onitario. OTTAWA SEPARAJE SCNOOt BOARD APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVE» BY 171 UNDERSIGNED lFOR AÇ ING POSITIONS IN REGULAR CLASSE3 ATTENDED BY EGIH-SEKN PUPILS ANDI FOR TFIMPOIIARY SUP PLY STAFF. FEMALE <)iltCLASS) MINMUM............... $2,60O.0 MAXIMMUM...........$4.2000 FEMALE (b)-(2ND CLASS> MAXIMU-M .. 41ùo.0f8 MAtLE c)--(ST CLASS) MUINIMU M.........$200 MAXIIvIUM .. $4-100 1M MALE (d)-(2ND CLASS) MINIML'lUM $.0M MAXITïý.MM ý'4.30 OS TEMORARY SILPPLY STAF F - $10-00 PER 'DAY MALE, MRID S0O DIIN AL FOURITEA' CHERS VWITII FTVE! YEARSý' EXPRIEOS NOITARIO APPLY TO AIME ARVIS;AIS, ..FCIS SEC RETARY-TRE5ASURER 14D CUMBERLAP4D ST., OTTAWA - C.6-7475 vAC.AIION %9T ST PETERSP'RG PLORIDA REIîNGTON shorev on GIf tlie modern agrrnfl eu~tjic lheat in cailing, two eificieneies leeps two ýn one.,ttwo bediroot lýEeps fouro mre "'50 te $75 per wek or $1.55 ta 25p' m o n t hFurfhler nforimtion wieMs A, i Bin. P o rlo-"8327' 'I'mpia4 U4ghkIaI, 1.was IWII.IL U NerlyCrazy aap irritajti, afn _thler itc h trobe Greaeics, teileu39fc trial ateisa atfyor'rnouyI~k 9r<fe î N N. N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N s N N 's' N h N N N N 's- N N N N N N N N N s N s s N N N N 'N N ~ S N N N N N 'N N 'N '1 'N N N N