ThurdaJlaxnary 1.4 Gaine Comm~sion 1Oo ToCetlOrn Authorizedi as Secoo to tnecoen st it onloured -,ndC and Mr. 'f beef the MUr. Da' ets mnacle iromi mlixture, plus 1ei, daily for, 1.16 pounds per w oMl bu inteested in SUPJY - the lBowmanvill ifouL sais of ihockeyswmmetes L.sGerth ubi -Dana Pu sposoed y he roo ma Wrksopwîl metagain. Thî!s lent s r~ ~~ "l Atlt~Ascain 1 aidý letn>ll edeoe o M Mss Mdehine T ir Te play un, Cha! nocid Stapies staedptat once 000 discussion is Thoron WVildes' s ot Chae saredgi-ving la, 0urTon ad xertso At lscore at Ët rime tht i wold b lird o xill!be ate iot ,by members 0f bd stoed rw tHPUne on other requsts. 1'e'theWorkshop, under Miss Tooley's, pointeîLd out t hat the Chramber d'iiectioni. In tihe Comaralesteers fe l14pounct of fiel bald hy of tesai-ne mix tur pls treepoundris of me,ý1 pu îer- ade an average daipy gain of on ~rpudperanml od Ther waslttedffferencu Ix thu twe Mteto lots of steers in- theii ,th ubseuentgains on piasture. sts The me(al mixture ai thle qualtý he of the hiay wvere the sanfor botl îr lots Waste, was mïinimized by féed ing ail steeî's in i inividual Stails. Eieht ocfllhe carces t fc h( Ild \ýïbrsip1 open to for the area and that jhscommis-in he general area of là) sio wolldin the future assIst illen Oshawa, Newcastle a: suc mttes.No actwi wastan and those i'nterested aif to supply the sweaters a t thî on oatn h ot time. meetingon TusdyJanuar V. H aulstated tha- t the at inithe Bo(wir Chmbr addon excletwokLosCentre. The Workshop in tCe past but feM that the Con-,i'on alternate Thursday evenuî mitte-es shoufld b'e miore active. "W,ýe tiay cntdo everythling lin twelve Open ýmetnus" hé said. CommitteW A - lie da ilt. De~ 1by, apletion 0 f thelir cannot be con..1 ueetin.The nw Ma stated tat he thie vice pr)Iesidentý ut with hin to set comm-ittees and to onm and complete for ILarneuss lacing 1be set at the end presidenit appoint-I Found, WV. Reid aggart te form ai ailittee. It was mov. ýotter and John Orono Chamber annual ColtDey ewvay. This motion, -animrously, i e ou vv iingý T o 1Hel p? Th1-e Conu crnti fers oi V or k Expha incýd t'I gatfor mnaintenance anid eip. grl Do ourchidre atendfli lid mntpurçh-ase. The first year ' oii-ýlecti Cross Watcr Safety Classes in peai <frth oal commission hd July Do our hidre rceV lIl 1have to depend onl thecope nae coliver oil capsules during 'the at1ion lof flc arous local orgari wr al and , Winter rnonths? Have 1zatl'io)ns. Thlis, said Mr. Eilbeck, w as 1-"i y1ou heýard of Our workQrooin ro. vryimportant and lie challenged Th 1ject, Are you interested ina'the 'lie Commission fW estiab)ili goodcletii lied ( Cross B1lood Clinic? Are ,-ou relations wîth ail sponsoring groups interested ini our Welfare* projects?ý Mr. Eilbcck comnplimented the Are you interested in hm-ing a l'e- Village oni their present vgru suscitator in our community? Ail program both in the winter and in these things are our local work. the summer for the dhlldren of the The wider work of the National arcea. 11le did, however, suggest thiat Red Cross is also our, coneern. i somre consideration bc given to est~ A If you are interested in any o)1 ablishing some forin of recreaiowV ail of these works, attend thie an- I iiul metig o Thr anuryor spare time projects for senior nual metingon Thusdaycitizens. 28th1 at Il p.m. at the home of Mrs. The Commrission intend to hold Thle W, ~ ~ ~ l E.Amsrng eeting in the near future wit opened 'local groitps who pxomofe sports Orono 1A and recreation. grand moi1 oora ÀMpOIflts Gordon Cotter As Sec. is were Lcongre. s.Tong f or the Faniling le pictur... lîtk Victory SOrono Orpuhans hockey team Durno aIctioni of the Or-. (! 1Y Junjior W\est, wo new corners, Phuil Lonig. The- di by invincible elean hlowirn game was g but roa( swere inc absent e pres. ~amey yearsý importa Lrea. Pi c .-, -