ORONO WEEKL.V TiMES Tt-WRSDAY, JANIJARY 14, 1960 fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 uuiruS o e itrEric Canleton rlr dfor l"S uble Scror his secondc goal oft 11w night onI- o n . LJ OMLJK\whchi asslsts went -(o Çhai. Arm.._ v istronig nd Junior Wýesl. au Lu b rm e 04à teains seored twvo goals in Jl the Wlatua The Orphanl-s came1 GIVE TV LESSONS. wilnthe last six minutes with1uN WITBYý SCHOOLS Armtrng iceçlaif apas romry Cooperring from KcithlAs part of a nation wide expe -1 Junior West to put îwo t~~~~11) aillesonWtadDen essorganarn, the Public Schools o h. the score board for: Orono. 'Thelsolo effort.Final score oi the game r y arelluhepro,îcess of instructming Mers perid enided with Orono out iin 8 .Jnior We) st a top poiiintterstudentls hy the use of tele- fron 2 to 1. 1man for thegam wit lwogoalsvion indsay picked up another ingple and twC ý\o assis s. CalsArmnstron.g counter in the second period whýi)le nel'ted ne oa and rhree aýss!sis. Tes CnaianSoolstecat the Orono squad wenl, ai! ltuIto ErieCa eguredilu two goals.re plnd y the Nationïal A,ýdvis- scriour. Jurnor West ledite t GryCorpicýed up a goal aud yCuni n eolBroadcatligý tacki by scorinlg two, one at 1:33 aMi n sîlr-dthyreproucd)Y Ihei the other at 5:27. Assists on îhe 1 eOpar ae1 hi oe~colsBodaln et ftr fir-st effort we0t10ilulPwl iea tr roi A,!na LIscmi -B. ie ou1!a-1ga"ed& aid thle other ta Raye Wýest. Kent 1 edy J1ay 9 t :5 P13 andci(onslsts of 10 Provincialý Wetkept the Orano fines brin esure le be present tlaSupport -,epîs. (af Education and lso f ïthe when 'he scored at 6:07 on ateim us hoe lonlb.mnyohngup itesedn paHirouglirCharles Armnsirong neUp\Rh* R ýSton eduain and GaryCoe. Jhe mnts ANUARY 141h DRESSES Regular to $24.95 $ 00 or 2 for $18,,00 BnLon Sweatears 4,5 Sie 4to 20. <No Black, White or Brown) CO UA THATS reduced for Clearance I "Front l1ook'" Regular- price $3 >95 Exquisite Long Line BRASSIERES, Sale ... $2.50j CLEARANCE of Nylon SLIPS - Flannelette PYJAMAS, eagh $2.19 IMatemuity Dresses $5.00 each SAIBRE SLIMIS, 100%,ý' Merino Worsted CLEARALNCE............... pair $10.00 Ail Sale% Final f BOWMANVILE, ONT.PHONE MA. 338 I. rCît esGary Coo Iper, Dean DnISTRICT MAN MISSING Wet, CalsAmsrn, B i NCE CHRISTMAS Canton Rae Wst nd aveMc. The disappearance ofi Williami Cl lugià; defen Ce JuIor WeTi . Tale, BoIwmanilville gr1dcer, who Phil ong, on ivercerand Dug ws last heard ofinl Montreal on Powel. ChrsîmasDay, is stili puzzling lin. vestigators, and, piartîcuïlarly his, Mr. Edertrnllancok v wo has returned f rom MNoni.. The sudden, passing of Mir. Eger-. The Aiberta boru business màn- ton, Han-cock, Saturday, December cmeta Bowmaniville saine 15. 51959, came as a great shock ta years ago and was em-ployed wvith hlis family and fiends. IHe hadl been -a"rubber firimn lu tat tawn 1 untili lu apparently goodi health buttoovto years agp when lie purchased a heart attack Salurdcay evýenling. tlire groccry business of P~at Yeo at. Tl'ire dccased was the son ai the X ing and Division Streets. late John Ho.nIcock andi Susan Bye, and lived i is enitire lieinlutire vicin- The muissing man closed bis store îty of Oronio, wNith thle exception afi Crlstmaýs Fve and boardeçl a ]ale thiree yeais \when hle farmned aItrain for Moitreal, where ire plan.., Picken(,ing. nied ta, jain his wife, whoha md gonie Ile mriried NoaairWonnai;cott onithene eanier lu the wcck ta spendi Mari 20, 1901, and lived two, years Ile holidlayswt eltvs u tiie farmni iw ownced by Whitneyly iireavs Bayd. TJhey then mnoved ta Picker- inig where lhe farmned for- twa years, ASSISTANT SUPT. TO7 RELIEVE mIoving 1b Providience an the fanm INJURED DOCTOR now ownedl by Hlarvey Barrie Dr. G. D. Cormack, assistant wee lhey iarmed for tln)ears. sup)eintendenit atIltle Ontario Hos- nlirle year 1916 lie bought thre, pitl, Cobourg, hias been appointed farmat ntioh, ireproperty -ai acting superinlendent untlD.. tire late John Robertson and no M. L. Barrie is able ta return ta the owlied by Bruce Yýeo, wlere he job. Dr. Barrie was seriously u. i arnmcd until the al of 1946 when jutred iu a maOtor accident, Decemn- they retired and ntaved ta Orono, ber 29, nean Enterprise, lu which Tliey trac twelve years thal they his wif ewa killed. eujaoyed Wilh their neigirbours, friends and family, whien his wife WlCOETAIQP Ipassed away ou October 12, 1958. LEPT IN SHAMBL.ES Mr-.Hançcuk is survîved by his Thre Jesse James Trading PosI aIl seven children, Victor aof mn.We~m a ondl htbe vi -ohMni oMf Bell( Wob)~eanyTuesday, Jan. 5, a quaiityofi JfOon; arow iIIewcaslegoods and mouey was stolen, - and B 0uceai Oono and Glen af Wark..lw PrtHoe e e bingied ilu Cobourg- jail on a charge- of wo)rzl; aiso 27 granchildrenl and rC tllngetrncrlnu i ag. breaking and enteninig as a resuit- 1er elaMrs.FredHohlwayprof a awild spree af destructioli. deceased hlmrr 17 years aga. The funienal on Tuesday, Dec. 8 Damiage caused taIolire building 195, fom Orana UnitedChrh and antiques is estimnatcd tb be $4100 'was coniducted by his pastor, Rev. irPatsge bowatraa BaslLogwhspk coargsrd, Glen James, owner ofi tie wods to the bereaved. The funeral lIrading post, said thiss what wVas langely altended by relativies'hr mms.Teewn uc ad'c friends -wio camne Io pay thieir r edlsai namnes and adldresses fromn lasItribule af respect toa ar a ven the wanid negistered lunthre frienld and nieighibour. bok Isfl Six oi his grandobhlidren îavingl!yboirsad bore the remnainis ta his last resting1 lazce, Gary Haucock, Allan Hallt1'T'ire telephone w?ýas boru frin theý cack, ïManin jjHoldaway, Reith' walI qndl hydra wVires N7wieerippedý I Woodl, Ronald and B2ill Hnncock. Ili-. out, a large box aifawds\vas termrenit 100k place lu OnronjoCe Thee many beautifui l(foa fe. ing"s bore sulent Ilirule ai lne love-, and eslcem lin ic the deceased waýs held. TO ESTABLISH NATURE RESERVES lu December. 1958 il will be re- calle(d irallire 1ederation ofai Ont rrio Naturaiists Subitate lbb G-ovennmcnt "An Oubine ýa a asis, forIa Pai!s Policy for Oial. - Bsiesauliing ugesion fr provincial policyon panks, brisdo.. umOt tessed ilire need for a pob- iyon ilieelslimeîtald acit n11iitaîon a1 nature eseves* A inle 1na legisiabion ex in, l ntnofori.sLting 1up n1ature ne.1 serves as iras been down Briàain I1irough irle Nature vnY. Efarlytris year, hawevei, l WiiL! derness Arcas Act , spç>nýséred by! tire 1Honourable J. W. Spor Minister ai Lands and Foresîs, was passed i rlich iow \ý"glves irle Gev. erument thie power la acýqiire land for suchpurase.Tins isa bhg slep fonward. AMliaughir t is premlatune 10 say, defiiilly thnt lire Goverment wili establisir a systeni nature nesenves lu Onlania, very seriaus consideralion is being given ta-tire idea. Only a fcw xWeeks aga, 0a mieet ing \wlth tire Minisler aif Lands and Foresîs, F.O.-N. wNas nsked tIo' compile a lisi ai thase areas ln.. Inria whîch menit presenvalion nsý nature reserves, and more recenly itliras joined ih ire Coniservalion Counicil ai Orntario and Ile Quetico Foulidalion i l pesenîtiug vews au nature reserves and parks policy genierally b tirte Advison-y Comimit. tee Ita1tireMinister. Ibout Us thirown iaround, drawers fullofai ait tiques were smashied and post cards' littered the floors. DRIVER SCAILPED IN ACCIDENT John E. D)ewa,-t18li, 21 Glenellený drvToronito, was aditted tol Bowmnvile emoialHospital, PARS. P. J. SIGELOW DIES Mrs. P. J. Bigelow, wife of Philip J. Bigelow, principal of the Port Hope lighSch1ooi, dîed in Princess Marart ospitial, Toronto, -Mou.. day morning after a long illness. Mrs. Bigelow was the former Maiçgaret Alice Elizabeth Auistin. fil adiint her huisband shie leav.. es four, cidreni, Willa 19, Allen 16, Ross 1-4, 'Nadine 9; hier mother, Mirs. Edth Astin of Wakefield, Queblec, andc a sisier, Nadinle of Ottawa. Sunday evening-, afler beiuig Scalp.. ndl two.car collisiý)on on Higir.. LATEST FIGURES INDICATE vayý 5, o miles soutir oai Enter- iHOSPITAL NEA-RING TARGET prise Hill.Threnlyapprave%70d grant ai 6249fram Cob-jourg Town iCaun 'lhle vicîim \ws diigacar cil 'la the Completion Fund Cam-. irci cme mb collision wlth anOfai i the CbugDistrict Gerl. %t-e eirîcle drîven by CccilçCeral Hospital - as brougirl lie ne. Mc-CIelnnan,34, of Spillbur11y drive", a1ztil ftieojective wilI-ini RHR 3, Peterboroulgh, about 7:30i ehtie cammlltee in change p.m. Sunday. -sýitts j. la irecent uews relcase. A total amount ai $82,795 is ex-. Deltaîls oi tire mishap wereneiob peLctedlu i cash and pledges fram imn-ediatciy available, but il is be-.,business and the public served by lieved Dewar's iread went through tie j9sp)ilalaItirhe end ai a tirrcee tirýe windl(shield lunthireimpact. yea ldgpeîd Nationl comp nies al peraling ~RIH ITSlu'lthe Parea ili contriibte $6,145 Minor ockey Week In Canada lu cash or piedges. wilofficially open on January 23 Municipal Councils lu tire area wiîh thieir same solid slogan "Don'tý served by lire Hospital have granit Send -- Take Your Boy To T1he I ed $131,060 lui cash or pledges. Arena". Oshawa Miner hockey As.. sýoclaîlan men plan a special pro- Delayed contributionls are estL gram for Ihat week, ai course, in- maîed ta reacir $3,50Ô. Tirese con-. cluding speclalchri services on linbulions have ual .yet been rei. January 24 and special hockey DCd. ,grns lmstcai igt f hefo- gaies lmot ccirnigrt i te f l This brings tire final campaigu lawîng ,veek. co-ntribution~ s t a tol'-sf $223.500, LINDSAY LOGE PORT HOPE 8-6, IN OPENING THRILLER1 A good crowd atcnided the ocpen-. ing ai tire newly formed Lakeshore Intermediate Hockey Leagei . .enltly at tire PCMR whien tire LincLi say Lumbermen picked up a tighiî 86 dJecision aven tire local Porti j apes.1 ICE STORM HITS OSHAWA The icýe storin wiich bit Ibis ne-. gian an Tucsday nigirt dih much more damage lu Oshiawa tiran in the Village aorono01. Araund three hutndred homes were wilhout hydro in Oshiaw,,a ai-d - 3owmranville had two sut.,offs, - while Orono was trouble free. Best Quality Fuel Oil and Stove Oil oI at the rnost REASOÊNADILE PRICES oVIGOR OIL 00.. Limited .f Telephont Oshawa RA. 5-1IQ9-Or>po 1r5*7 78 Bond St. West 0 - > JANIJARY ( STARTING Ji z -I . .whlen Skilled men and materials are avilable. In addition to interior renovlations to homnes, plants and businesses, there are many other things that càn be done toa advaiitlage during the winter-maintenance of lawn and garden equipment, Oectrical appliances, outboardî motors and automobiles, as weli as dlry cleaning of drapes and rugs, replacement of upholstery, etc. WH"Y WAIT FOR SP'%RING'? For advicemad assistance, caI1 your local 4- Ç National Employniep t Office '~ISSlJED RMAUTHORITY GF THIE MINISTR OF LABOUR, CAN4ADAt THAT AGAID' And That Mecins It'"s iime, To Stock Up With Your Favorite Smith Beverage. Make This À MUST On Your Grocery List. Masde and Bottled by là âWMA Vleà&â ý 1 LTD.