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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1960, p. 5

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13 pairs Ladies Slippers, fur trima- ed. Reg. $3.'95 to $4.95 SALE PRICE $1.69 9pairs Ladies Slippers, wedge heels, red plaid and black or blue leather. Reg. values $2.45 to $3.95 SALE PRICE $1.29 ORONO WEEI(LY 7IMEt T JAN'UAKRY Lmadies'J r We are Clearing the Balace of Our11r- ses t 6 only DRESSES Reg. value $29,50 SALE PRICE ........... 12 Only DRESSES - Reg. value $24.50 SALE PRICE il only DRESSES reg. value $22.50 SALE PRICE.... ...... 7 oinIy DRESSES Reg. value $21.50 SALE PRICE...... 9 only DRESSES Reg. value $19.95 SALE PRICE ......... 10 only DRESSES values up to $21.50 SALE PRICE...... -..... 9 only DRESSES value uip to $19.50 SALE PRICE..... ...... $14.7 5 $12.25 $11.25 $10.75 $9.98 $7.95 $5.95 Â a PîANI begin wvork on the ~etOsof' Ott f Local News rTown chosen for direction, ýt ilo dào1ed Vt av a mian.vieny Mvr. and Iylrs. 0. W. Rolph are'as possible presen]t at this m n spn into weeks vacation in loýrder Ite prepýare for Mr. e-, 1t Nortnani Allun is a patient IAohrbgeetfrte o shop will be on the evening inD~nanileMemnor-ial Hospital. Tusdy Fbay4t vhn M MisJo An uthierford and Mis James Dealte wl ona Jane utto of Tront spen there-spected Director, aajudi weekerd with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. wiîî visit tlle Wrkho. is i Rutherford, Kirby. wil] be colicernled with -a demo. Mr. and Mý,rs. LyaIl Lowery leftstration of tihe cntuto tSilday last for a miotor trip fIlats" andf the tcnqe of s(ern throtugh thle Southern States. 1paintilng. This is a-n anea W ,,eii MUrs e. Cmmi Ms. eL m;-any of the miembeprs have ha~ boumne Wight Bowmanville, Mrs. littie or no éexpceiece amid N Fred ighit andf Miss Audill-II Dean's techniques shlould bc, of ii wihMr. and Mrs. Carl Eillings.\Ieiibersliip in the Workshop i kn Rev. Basil Long was the speaker! Stijl open Io 1ailvwho are interested.kii Suniday evening at Albert Street Youi are invited to attend our next Ca'- Ch]urcýh in Oshawa. The Orono Un. session, Thunsday, January 21st, ini ited Churchi choir also wene pres-'thre Bowmianiville Lions Centre -P ent and rendt-ened tIwo anthems. The 7:45 p.m. trio of Mrs. G. Carson, MNrs. A. A. D-rumnd 1ýiand Mrs. J. Rickaby also sang a p1pasig number. Mýiss f Hnazel Rundieî of Oshawa wastýhe vqr org9anist for the choir. The service 3 AI. iEM i wvas bnQadcast over station CKLB, 'y j 0shawa. K -1 M.Alex Drumxmond aiMs CarolYn MacArthur, Toronto spent o-U-WW Ilhe weekend ýwith Mr. 'and Mrs. A. BEB aAI A. Drummond. osir. E , Myr. and Ains. Colin Taylor, Bow-, rnanville -visite(] on ,Sunday with Mrýi. and Mýrs. Wm. Mitchell. 1 o husa MIrs. ROy Patton is a patient in FrTusa Memon-ial *1o0pital, Bowmanville. [ Mr. John and Roy Patton visited friends in Pon-typool andiý Millbrook Briefs, Ladies rayon.- anid on tIo Peterborough te _vstp. or blue. Regular 3à tients ini the Civie Hospitai, Mr. [ 1Delbert Olan, a brother in Jaw and a Cousin Ms.Russell Smith, jast ~ oKleenex, regular pkg- 2k ý . 1Mr'.and Mrs. Hiennyv Leamen of Cooksvîlle visited 0on the Weekend w',ith Mr. W. J. Leameni f Mrs. E. Grady left to visit lier Boy,'s Oxfords, tan shade. Pair son, outside Buffalo, Tuesday morn,- Sizes 1 to 51Y/2 Regi ing. Miss JO Armstrong accompan.. ild her on hiem return trip to the States after vacationing with rel&. ç Itives in Oronio. ,f1~-,lr~xlQ~9 ~ D Drama Advisor To Meet Witk Drama Croup Ir George Menten, Dramia Ad- viser Vo Comnity iii Programmes Branch of the Departinent of Bdu..ý cation w 11 be the special guest o! the Durhamn Dramna Workshýlop; Bewmqanvijle, on Thursday evetiing January 28Ith at 7:,15 MIr. Mer- tenl has necently 'taken the posItion of Drama AdJc1visen and bring-s with imr a broad expienience ini tlie f ield pof Drama. Hle is an expert in Ithe aspects of ppem one o! the old est and mnost sk illful f orms o! ,Mn. Meten will attend thel Drama Wonk-jshlop te view t >he po... gress the group lias nade since its inception i n Novemiber 19,59. Ife wvillwth a reguflan meeting which wvilI deal with the tcnrlpe lems of stgn'a pa.Twodi ectors 1have vlnerdte onkon thle pla'y the group h laschosenl '40m, Town" 1by Tilornton ilr MisMadleline Tooley, will be nee sponsible for the first twe soý,,cenes of Act Il e! Our Town, and Mn. Ralph VWhincop w ill direut Ithe greup in the third~ scene o! 'the play. Members of th!e gnneup w, illNbe the playens and ati the conclusion o! the sossji Hiey llaise beIthe' ei crt-S of wha1ýt thy ve accent pise.Mn. Merten will omn on thle proracs n echniques h.e will witnless anid offer anysu gestions hle may feel ncsay Hlis visit should be eueo!' the hîgh.. lîghts of the seson ad shlotilld pr1- vide aduditional stimnulation 'te) the group in] the futur1je. On ThurisdlaY, Januany --)st, alsol in theBewanvleLiens Cnteat 7:45 p.xn. the Wrso will hioldi ant additional meigin od t oi UNITED idRRÇ Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev'. Basil Long SUN DAY, JANUARY 24th CHIJRGH SERVICES Onono ...-11:00 a.m. Leskard..... 2:00 p.mi. Kinby 3:00J p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL oronlo-...10:00 a.m. Leskayc .....2:0f0 n.m..n Kirbv 2-00 pa. Llar $4.39 2 ...Ii 5 .g ol J eU V kVI, apioc ..V I .1'un IeIIJ nLi na u sz U Easy to dlean. Set .... .............97er 0J Greeting Card Special. Beautiful flower designs 00 40 cards including Bir-thday - Get-well Sym- O pathy wedding, congratulation thank you .8... 0 Plastic Drapes in a wide variety of patterns and e olors. Size 27x84 inches Pair........... 65er. oFree! 2 bath size bars Palm-olive soap with theg purchase of tube of Colgate Dental Cream 13Regular value $134. AIl for ............... 98e f Chocolate Bars, Week-end Txeat. 3 for....27e llegular 10e Bars ORONýO 5c TO $1.0O STORE SELF SERVE - PLEASE CARRY BASKET OPEN FRIDAY EVENINOS f Al Kinds of I SHEET METAL WORK I PLUMBING FIXTURES f PUMPS and PUMPJ- REPAIRS I PIPE and FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS I B. - B. PAINTS Etc. FIRE EXTINGIJISHERS O PEN DAILY CLOSED WED. P.M. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Opero Fr. ta 9 j R.E. LOGANe ?r.p. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario 18 pairs Ladies' anid Children's Slippers. Broken sizes in various styles. SALE PRICE..... $1.19 2-1 pairs, Children's Slirniers, sizes 6 to 3. Reg. $2.45 SALE ...... 99e >OflO*4>.t~.t~cep~.~oe OeOOOOOfl.>o...o.fooooo~~o(,..<,a Ladies' SWEATERS We are clearing 26 Cashmere-treated Lambswool Pullover - a discontinued Une ofa famnous maker whieh sold regularly at $6.95 and $8.95 Tour eholice $2..49 -11DArmstrongs 0 ROOT BEER Ti* al WIIEN YOU SERVE REFRESH ING SmîthDeeas OCUS FLAVORS 0 ORANGE a GINGER ALE *CREAM SODA I ' i SLIPPERS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N Made aznd Bottled by MITEDEVERA ss LTD. BOWMANVI LLE et,

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