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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jan 1960, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLV TIFAE8 ORONO EEK-ïrLY TIMES Estklisila1938 by R.A. Forrester Publisired every Thursday i îe office of publication ManStreet, Phono 109, Orono, Ontario Raiy C. Forrestoer - ditor and Mýanager 'Memnber et tire CndaxWe Newspaper Asaoc, MeLmbur (-f the ,ýOntarlo Wol Newspaper Assoc. Suarpion payble la advance la Canada $L.50 inA&.S.A$215G (AWutorie as Second Clasa mail, Post 011%ceDepartmnent, - Ottawva) HaveYoU ASuggsin S Tie Orno Ciam ofe Comeece bd n xeculive meet- lîî Iha wek ndbave laidplans eary tris year forter rga ef~~~~~~~~~i Lprle.M.H uaintfius tiraI tire Chïambr itr este i ichIirig suggestions for tiese operatians tramtire pub- Hec and bas ake)laImetin e ade of this 1requLest. TIcGren Cha irerlaan ognzainwhicli is endeaveýur- lng 10 ar) ry utpr-eîand sciremes to promnote tlirearea for tire goed f everyone.This lateat proposaief askingfor progrm et war whch heycoud uderakesholdbroadïen their scope, proC- vidg ing commset ieraiets of tire area assiat by sending la tiror suggests Your suggestian nmay be anythhing tram setin up a farmcers amret te providing a new swýimmig pool. The succeas *oet 111 request wili enly be mevasured by tire interest csirnaiadtire participatin l by tire generai publi. If no one senda la any ieas thon nothing will be accoplsd. Tins lateat rques bytireCliabergiveseveryone, wietler a member or non, an opportunity etfiaving their pet p)raject borought before tire public end tire Chamnber for furîhr actin and possîby a real- ization eit tie cumpletin and eperaien of tCe"e projeda. A 9on hwtiugesinsarpSd ta drap a kIter roter Seeretarv et tireCiramber, Leslie AsleLt, rena. Tire president weud luketa have ý-as many suggesn saas ssible and priar 10 ta February411, ifpassible. AsttieCiuýrmber wjýiinew ideas and hlp t11 ire advance- mtent et ire area by sending in yaur suggestions. Wher AreThe! Fans? TireOrn rp4c hce club have now plaYed Iwo 1hom1e gieatlir onmo %ik this season- and have been somnewhat disappelat aItire meagre turnout for lirese Iwo games. Bath games pi vîded gaa ckeys île (Orphans are noted for and hapie etf scator itert. Tire local club neecis tire support et local tqns lia order that il may c - rate on a sound financiai basis. Witirout tris support t1ire clli not continuetafucton Ti ockey aigis in O)ronco, whichi include this Friday nigit se ~e~ e Orpirans and oee ethtie local miner club s in action. Tl gi..tirefans noppunity te support botirtieyon le yers and thr ne~ae boys as wvell, Financial 541)r~~'515 ot oly ie Greona but aise tire Oronio Amateur Ïa. uniccsociatliliteo perate tire rink and aise finance tire miner l.Crny r1. grai T t i. ,'ied L w e w: g ~i be. ut. -~ Frid'ay nih*s againi hockey niight in Oronio wheni at ýy the Mlllrool Batamns face the Orono Bantams fol- hie Orono Oýýrphiaas, a team of alil home-town players, îeetthe iýPoît Hope linternedfiates. Come on Oroiio, lets spot toou local clubs who are providinig somie reail ,ýy at theOoo Arena. UIJNTED CHURCtt BALANCE i CLOSE TO $800.00 (Frorn page 4) !he Churcli and this is to be pur-, 1 'L ---Il __ - 1 l di , 'a 110sp 1U1 , jýowd!1nvIIe, -iso the sub-dvide waicnsent hav- thenRe. Brsi liLog's consaing ing the rquird workcmped witin crtan eagl.1f ime wrds and visit during our sudden apoinoci ao bnsbereavemnent. Reee Wlke apoined wo am- Mrs. A. N,.Rabn and family. mnittees on whicha two membrs o Council iMlserve. Councllos Dent adStonle were apoite t te tR 0FTAK Finainue 'and Praperty Contittee Iwut i a tn my sincerel wvhule Sýavery and Foster wvere( ap_ I tankzs nd appr nýatLion toalal my; poînted ta the Roads and Bridges jfrds and relativs for the many1 Comite.The-se ýcommnittees said acts of( in nsshown MY famnily, l e Rie e ta study swork aandnd1(lfor'carda, lctters, plants and nterrespectivef iel baskets af fruit sentt me during my necssay rports ta sIay l hspital. Also thanka ta Dr, iIding of a1 extenso i he on hip hras ta store dioride was refrred t theRoada pul Bridga Comittee,. Tihe CNR pecedtaci6st from $S0,000 ta $ of000ai hi0h Clarke %vil! av ta a ara-und i$5,000. Thel Assessor for the Township is February meeting. lusapon Counlcil is ta ml-eet with thne De. paîetof Higirwaysrerdn thle estab lishngfet turuarounids at roada hchhvebenctLoff due ta tie lnew- extIen)sJin f Migltway, A by -law apitn .E iio cler was given three readings wili a salary af $175100. The third and fîiaieaing was given ta ai byilaw setting Up the Orono Mlunicipal Bulin s a Comrriunlity Centr-e under teComY muiyCentres Ad., Tire' seucond reading of the ByJT-aw ta set uip ftheOro-no Oddtellow's Hall as a Commiunîty Hlall Wvas gAvon. This then opeaed for con.. sider-able discussion. Counicillor. toesîýated that, there was a diiL frnein thetw halls and ho celd Csceethe Mnici1pal Building being a ammunlity centre as il could be used( for tire ciIdren of tlie arýea. Hie aiso said that a Couple of members of tlie Cddfeliows did niet sceemta faveur tle rmove and lie suggestedi that befoire thie by lawv Juwa given the thîrd reading that tlie Tawnv1ship slioulid 1publisilie facltat tliey are lu give tirllethird aaid fialeading te) the by ýlaw. Reeve Wailkey -sýtted tliat iflr wýýas som-ie dutthat t1lie by wIn ils, entirity s;lc;Ujld-1be Publtshedi bJefo)re il was given tliai rl eadL inig. This waýy everyo,ýne wiTl, kxow1 xatis being done,ý Councilioi Denti statedUthle resied nly on tli agreePment whlich was attadlhed ta tlieby law. He said liewas nal be), ieronit i t flie presentimen.ý Gouncîllor Stone said that it was1 possible fo-r 'tle Couneil luto ev a numer t hese reque-sts and t ýhat lie wvould hale te see somiething donie new w\hicli w-ouid be a burden ta 'the Township lat the future. Ble said thatIlienewthat il was ,,net Filie inention trI the Townrship! help finance these buildings but1 wliat would happen if there Werel major repairs and these expendi. turcs couid nut be mi-et. Te' oui cil could irardly see thre buildings fail apart without assisting. Il was moved by Stone-Savet-y and car-i. ried by Denit tiraItie byiaw 1irstI be publishiec before given tire third and final reading. f " McK enl7ie Drs. Shiaw and Smith ajnd ta the nurses and staff of! BawanvlleaucdOshawa Hospt- tais. - Alicee Cobbleclick A PLEA FOR KITTENS AND P UPS Toomany kit'tens and pups are dleserýted or "rpe off" to fend for themselve7es.Ths innocent an-1 imis often wander many mnonthsl in heart-renderfnig misery and sel- domn find a good home. The best fatef possible for the mass of them is Ithat somepone will destroy them to put themi out of their mlsery. The wý,riter pays a veterinary to dlo this and Sue is much less able to thian the owner who deserted the animal. Please be kind to God's hieliplessacreatures who cannot speaIk or pleadC for themselves or for thieir rightls, A Reader. INTERME DIA TE 1HO0C K E Y O.rono Arena Fiday, January 22I at 8:45 pâm. SPort Hop ORON OR;3~PHANS IBantam Hockey MILLBROO0K Versus I ORONO Admission 50c. and 25 cents j andTax Records I ~contactI IORONO PHONE 19 ST.AFFORD BROS. Moouieiita Wot4 Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified mmitument 'ove,' the rest- ing place of your ioved ones. It's not expenisive. And soeig this Iast tribut. wiII gi've you encliess con1fort. li1scrance Service Sadie Ha milton Every class of Insuir- ance is represcnted 1in our office. The follow- ing aýre some of the main coverag-es we cati of fer:' ALutOrnobýle, Life, Accident and Siok n ess, Plate Glass Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hos p ital ization, Livestock, Bai 1er, jWind, Polio, Hail, Fidelity Bond etc. Sadie Hamilton I PHONE ORONO IR16 JFIRST MOR TGAGE LOANS8 DR. R. Jr, TAG'GART VEi'ERINARY lSURG-EON 1Phone 10616' orono, Ont. sued further. The tilinig of thje base- AnulMengfteUrn reilromraeius,01urc, menit f..loor was aisa dliscussed but (MCrss wîill be held at the home of hardwood floors, liard and soft: due ta0tSe cost of around $2,000.00 sMrs. W,ý. E. Armstrong a n Thursday water. Aply ED Gnode, phone 1143 ilo actonwa tke. ttrnoain, aay2A at 3 o'clock. This is an open mieeting so w& hpe FOR, SALE Aferth rpotswee ecivd oragoodatenane- c193 lymnouth 4-door Sedan, good Rev.lh BaiUog r.Lng and, ail-round. , Apply Roert Backý faiywr etne n : nitat1lon The 'annuati meeccting rofSthe orno! Somervile Dr.,Orono Ontarko.a, t0 o bewith usnf hueuer 960 morial ParkBoadmllbe held -_________ __ ________________ les_ on onday ervelg Jeanury25%h GOOD H-OME WANTED comecig t the j'Forlrw kle wiis pretty, attendl"", eilmeetil.g _2378, en.a-p frn 'ge11 H~tofcr n ed~~s ln o -ELP WANTED (Cntaud rin pae - r ecoinosaso.P--n orparltutime work, ýýfôdri prgrmm _frî 1960 rbearing fuliTne Ooo 0imm;h 1 o cenigMotel Units. i coa f-of te(j e ý eneen-)t w ibehe o M)cîPon 174 rono or con1tactý 1CHip Son-NU Surfae on (Church Iilt iehen d eorge ioes-oq Mbc. Hazeldeni, Diana Motel, OrnoV Eaa; Mlisn Hliand Park Street. Mr.Robe s Pastpresident 'of APLCTOS ANE A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n toa itneo 72fe;ateCnda ece' eeain Audiomneter Technician, gravl 1f ton Dches S, 1 1 U Tuergular meeting of the Even.'Heall Unit isbeginning a hearing, Vi ci.; w rbu:ld. e thand t ing Auxiliary willte held Tbuersav-leUg programme o ai (p ca'im obedc S-ro huc! auay21 the Sn rn lathe Unlited Counties usinig1 tl) Hi L!y15, a distac f i a y Sehool Reom of ithe Orono Uunan audiometer. Apiat ns f eet;poprdrainage at CbldikledCuci ave Gade12'r1 ttranig and iviionSt. grvel nd it h ---- becareful of detal and jnterestedï_ Princess and Rowe Ave,; ig OIstNO14RICLURL i cdren. Previous experience andc rpaewIidead sand a se'('c SOC1IETY SUPPER with cni1ldren desirable. MNust beý tin of 150 freeton Church St. by j ThebKg supper meeting pManned ble to drive and preferably own aý Mirs. JA E. Aranmog; aiso included f! orThGursaY, January 28th, 1960 car.Tringwl be pravided. wýer'etheneesrrearpth-gtrs at 6:30 pm. not as mntnned, TePmhnican wHi work from head! and eed uttng. hilasIweea Cobourg.iràect enquiries Th RadSuerntndntstte heserear gefd gat! ad apiato to Mdca0fficeri that thie îMýiuicpal Engineer had CR FT-NS P viewd SeJoup Sudimion iad Iewesh ltemepress aur' sincere Lham H calIh -Unit, Bx337, Cuouuig. at~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~fý Netnil n a eomedApeito o he many acîs of c ed Iliat it "n:eeded '_ nme gading and kidness, beautiu flowers aad i0K.ex grýave bfoe'T cudb taken over pressions of sympathy by th1-e Townsip.He-frt!r pintlu eaiefred n eg ed~~~~~~~ eu ta a ydowa eee busOono IO.OF.No. 436, Dr.IjÏ_ aleng luis radright away that an!MK p aï uss tteM aýgreement couild be set-up Ohere-bvleauuenoesndfeetAiAccowuntiog !u Phone 5 r 18 - Orou TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales cf ail alun and et reasonable rates Comniunicate with himn at Port Paw., Ontario-- PHONE 2 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Su-h as Motors- Water Heat-rs - .-Radios Stoves - Irons LIFE INSURANC Pension. Plans; Educational Pelleles> Protection and Savings Plans fer Chtiltfren anpd Aults; MorI¶gage ln-ý~ surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT Orono, Ont. - Phone 11716 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoee TU 5-5216 P.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ot.ý -Buy Direct and Save CoMmnisslins' Engraving, Goldleafing Scugeg Cleaveis Oronc Agency FouRd'sBiird For L.ocal Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 157 Building a lieuse? zo r remnodefing your presentI * one then contact Phone 2191 Orono 1 jFouLndationls and Septic Taniks Poured. Forms available. I3arrister and Solicitor BOMMANVILLE, ONT, Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 W.K~YL YCETT, 8A, In t f ficOfcs of R. R. 'Waddell Q.C. j Telephone 138 Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Earrn aind Fwrniture Sales eonsult me for teriu9 and dates

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