Dome treeý,s he lanted in dhe park ths ear a ýs a nunber 0of ithe rees we dyin g our.-Mr. A. Wallace ýtte hat tl'cey ,hati ma(1le contactj oDn hain is work done last yearJ. a-nd execedtat it would be dlone thsyear. AIS,,tip for iCscussion -ias the need of a proper -cetaiin-g waIto stop thie creek Ifrom flow7ing ovýer thle bank opposite the booth. Mesr. . Wallace ani E. H. Samy- ue[l were,ýc appointeti to look after haigtrees plantedi in the- park anu1t to obtain some expert adv\ice on ýýinrvinig the str-eam that runs thrug te park". IMr. Gamney stte hat if this lwork çcoulcl fot be det for them that they pay to have lt donqýe thjemjjeelves. -He , - -1 -- --1,ý.1ý2-" -aone year term and Receve F. E awvarded. thre odi"trpy for ing p'rogram iprogres,,ses, anin lcreats-. trnul VLl ey fWidHorses" ar"fb ZanoGre; anderFrui" bystateti that' il, was iLis opinion that year ter. urretjCmpb ll; irePoicfTustessholdhae iiTo en wure pine to thre try '~vens. beingproduced During ire c "~aze of Snl~ghf' Y ecteti mnore nmoney last year thanborofIali.heaeRee Werersatiir laret tsi efsca y, approximatly 4.04F adwn hyditi forit. y nw fntite-1E. WleClar-ke, a tiree a in ýAustia nwIthe ire wastwoad 'pîes ftismaeia av ee eCeIaltteshort, lie sait ter Iada s years , a. e n is a. tudn t ta b oa co t. B ad c uti c tb c a d fi i a tir Cl~ngwodDitrit oîegite cl cncrnforrea, after pre-, InsÎtte Sk Cub Colig-sevatve tratmnt a utîhy tere possibly shoulti be aniir- Deputy-Reeve W.V. Heberloe. baril osts nd eece pos H old nn ama1tter -will be furtirer- discussed' South MýonagJiani, were anpoinited poles, baru pubio ts fnLeripo sH d A z uaceaenreeu thsya. i r1oj ndReeG Den Blueutiizei a buperrais fr prkig R fL.j1e the Boari 1m-eets to, set 'the to thre Chlldren's Aid Society for' wotcamre out on top in every eV- L jze - isr ugtwîi uib peprdb-oeya eis ei exceptihe boy's cross-louintryares in tire ever i pndn pro- >~Â i ngt.i event which was won by Peter EBar'- vincial Prsprogram. 1ore tire enof of February. toit frornvthe Universcity ,of Toloto Ths orîîna deîgn TheAnnul Vsir Metin of G. E. Srpsnand R. C. ForresI- given a iwo year tex-m on tiere e- Ski CIlb) - 1- Sa'ours -' u.4 was hel inlfleIereappoinied as a cýommittec- forestatien commitiee. eti for soif coniserv-,ation. purpeses is thie Paxish HaL-ll ~ni Wednesdiay, to C l(cnie ftrr action in dlog A large crowd wa on hanti to aIready paying dividlentis in an- January 25th with1 a faix- atiendance, conîrol in thre V. lage. Ut was stat),ed Tire auditor of Crinrinal Justice' -,cmb l nieiis Hili rina lerfoxd-ýe productThereortfo t-a ar1usthat dogs r-un. lrewebe Accounts wîll be Reeve Stewart wac iecmettoi tBi ablte frfeldthproductioeLf vlu- Terprso aiu e __________________________________________________ibranches were given, cchshçiWlng jcomng quit as Techi. ry fHoe a goibaac manl siatetitd 1io athr Reeve j-ack Heenan of Cobourg needeti ee i . fa lne[ tQcatchlwas namedti tethe special county Teappointeti anti electeti sffic- dgsanti tris, is o be ýonisidereti. property ,omx¶ittee. C4 ou nte s %wo u ncuu R eceives ex-Ti re ,s follows: _ .M. Mercer anti R. C. Forrester Tirrec nmen wvexe appoiixted to thre f R'etrsWarenRoeriMoron were appoînteti to look after having specian finance commtittee foi, one., War1en, Robert Morton; ltire Main Street il, the Village year kterins: Reeve Read Gudge, ctx' kesnn ,. lth__gî nwp'ogeiani n Portx-I opje.Reeve F, . EG drich, 19 ,ý6 0 R oad R.epo rt Peor Sone Wetrinestcer,_ay. Tireloll costge anefe tirey remvei.It was f e]t tIins woUld be B1rhtn ilae<niRev'Ly TireUnietiCoutiesof ox-hum' uran oat Comisson.Tits cin-Peoples Sidesmnen, Wmn.Ton-llinson, lasi removal was $35.00, Tire chair . Apitnnt e. ad~a on 'PlieVnitd cou.1ris ofNort l ni,,- urbai Rod Comissin. Tis con- ilissoners for tirüergsr fie b-,erlantl ani Dua 1hvea otal Of ission was establ'sieCi earîy ilnC. Grant; ;man stateti tiraitire last snow l're- lmissinte ole rit opeoffices 315mies f oaisContes ngn.19_48. Ihconsists o-ie on ie'Evelope Secretaxry, s.Morris; imoval met wîir considerableI Aponet otiePrto-e fk h15miPressodsCoMrs.esEnMurray;esEloperatîiion from tiose whe use tirelis Dpt-ev W. Heherle, Port eer George Totten rvaeiin iris represenýtative andicrirnnof the LPresee Snoi eoMoio tre orprin.1e atinton oe.Nnet e ieCoio-n ! re ortteCounities' Council recent- Commission;, Mx-. Gortion F lyn, ie -Igt oSlfu vsReeJ rop obr ly ai Cbourg.Trenton repr-esentative, . Haroldi - ar firmnteredth ie snow pîeugiring fe a ev .Top obre y atCobor,- att as aIl observeti tire No Parki ng an(!ti 7tehie Bowmanville office, Mx-. Tetien "sai, "We have 173,5 Turney, anti a uhird miember 4cirosen ll eir - iiirwr osei ep uty-Reeve 1. M. Hlobirs, Bow- mie r5 e eto u enisbyIrle other iwo imembers, Mr.ILM il aY*UJS 0) fsigns -ciweepsed 7]e inips r 5 pe cet f ur -tittie 1R. C. Foxrester also statedti tt anvle rntlnrleie paed orsurffltire final readîng of 'tire b- t b Dep)uty-Reeve Jack Erskine, Co.- Thetotl ercntge avd o- ur-coimisiii' wrk s in- PhaII sMaUIL i iJtuttiiiset up tfire Oreno Municipal Builti- eux-g, was appoînteti to tire l uand faced foir all ceuniy roatis in tire anceti 25 per cent by tire Unitetidga 1CmuiyCeteiai eny-opeiyc m'i te. provinle was 52 pex- cent i tire endti Counities; 25 per cent by tirh OT eCa-e Townsii aieCin enpast b ie oniip. If Ii was moveti tiraitire special fin- ef 195'8. o f Trenton, anti 50 per cent by tLýi issioni met on MNondcay evening in tilîs is new approvetiuntier ire ancec(,(ommiiee meet in February powever, ny ofeux older Onarie >pr-mn of Hligirways, tire Towný,iship Hall, Ox-onio wili a- ComnityCnte d rnt-atitri ieconyraeb src pavei roatis have'165 foot pavement. except in tire case of bridges wirere bu evepesn.Anmong tirese -will ire obiaineti anti witlir -il aitiritire. Tis was yei te0 'e de- Mosiof ires lakedsufficient iecesi is' borne 10 per cent y tire p1esent vwe-fficiais frein tireDe-grntire f eh tirai improvementscitieti. If tire finance commitiee base ,viren tire pveenvas laid. Tw of Trenton anti'10 per cent, partrient ef Landis anti Forests a-- wouIl ire matie te tire building te ceulti strike tire rate in Februax-y i Tire paigbingtione atlrsntb Irle Ontario Departrent ef long wiirMx-rDoug Powel, Conser- increase uts usefulniess in tire coin- -oul etr aieti rsee is 20 feet w ide on M os t c u niy !Hig hw ays. va tioxî O fficer ,O r no, m ni l,.ý-T e secx-etax -, , E. iii- b e0 e7ni w ul i e tie m n roa~, irîe eveopmni roais Tie Counties' Council (during son, pointeti eut uiratIre ieating iiaite racae iite prov o have been paveti 22 feet wti." 15-9 instructeti tireRoati Cois- T'lire pur'pose of tire meeting vas pata trIuldnliout ie cut aei hi-varieus Ini addition Iote refigures gvesien 1te cenïsitier a longer ratige teo esiablîsir greater lnterest eagc shwscsigfax- to' butgels, Mx-1. Teiten sai tire couniies are prog1ran for counîy roatis, tire pur- in tire pireasant px-ogr-am enrrie mi-ritet heaitire building. - ___________ maîintaining about 12 miles of, pose being -,te have sufficient :infe-euintrTosrp.ieoa-s- h jil wns aise poinied eut uhat tire' jec(tof test dritIing tint tirey m-ust ceunity rond extension. r ation fox- tir e countcil during tire sien eacir year r-aises irundx-eds of opion fox-ms freintire Ontario be ceompieteti andtihie option taken Tire countIes aiso look afier 181Jnayssint iirniewrtpraat iicraeire oeWtrReseux-ces Commnission Wvere on tirree pax-ceIs of landi in tire bhridges on county roats, Mr-. Toi- tr etilv oudb.during tire, laie suriner te replen- hntatiefolwupirpr suirftreilg. ten saiti. islirtire pireasant stock. Tire Co in- on ladadt olo ptepo ot fteVlae Excçx-pts of tire Eg-eePlr."ire 1959 Rond Commission ,oni- mission are atîxieuis te esialisir a -______________________________ port foiiow;ý: sîdereti carefully tire present rond, betier 0f tispersing 'tire "Tr. onie1w evnar y terhie demantis for improve- ougira out tire Townsirip pax-cel of landti onDivision Street'mn o ysenani<ir f 15W'liintr fnoi ieFans C h er ron ýTNortir in Cobourg. There is a con-1 fecis of preseni volume of Con-, hniers eover a largex-ax-en. At tire 1ciee anti concrete block xeçaix- gar- str-uctii on tire system ini future present tirepireasants are estair- 100 age locateti on this pr-operiv y. ý Years. Tire coiniission trietitelîsireti in one or twe areas. Tie re ' m o 1; - o titirii pa intire tw shi- ie ofbireancepayers for -h end udetk-n ne-stinth r phc n-s To 4 -3 V icto y arrangement, -tire counties rei adi- jsirle aiac ewentied- meeting felt that if m-o le fimmel-sp owneti garages ai vax-tous locations- to e- ire proveti anti a practical gramn tiraia inuci lax-get' ax-enceulti-d'b-aaa iy iewnigga in tire coilnties. Vax-bus otirer wn wo wi rnanb adequateiy ire cered. Insteati of putting birdsi Tire OooO-inget financeti anti carrieci out, wdo fv Orrej tle-, car>e off tire stick of Deug Powell tex- sioxage yards andi accocimoda- ot in lots of 500 tire number shoulti a crowdo ie rnrdai tir niions are renteti wien required. 1Tire comimssion felt - present ire cut te 100 lots te cover a rniella01n0 Rink on Fxliaiy nii playeti n ire last minute of play andti s "Tire UJnited Coues arc eo-, roatis under construction sirould be wier aren of tire Township. irent-on hockey anti defeatedth ie gave tire Ox-pirans Irle victory. As- necied ti wî onee suburban rondico-nrpleteti anti approeximately 50 PrHoenlyiacos msis oth ltoawe oRbi tCon Hoe entryin aaclse8garehsisommnitrisn ptayoa thei t Reloi commission tirai is tire Trente ua Cniut ae~ ieCmison sasub- csio 3-2. Tire crowd of five liuntirec was Robinson anti Junio-r Wepst, I -- (ontnud o ~>~ej5>tire lar-est crowd te view vtire. Or--- i s s s -s s N N s, s s N s s s. s', N 'N N N s. N s N N N s s 1-, s N s N s N t s Ni s s N s.