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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1960, p. 2

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DRONO BANTAMS MIT Wl NNING STflÇAKa Newcastle PeeWe-Bantan teami on Saturdlay morning in the OrOno The, Orono Bantams djsplay!n91 rink. The score of thue amie rested eomne go4d team play and -psing at illefinal bell 4-1. plays outscoredI the Milhrooki squad on the loal ice surface last Priday, evering by a score of 7-3. Thë goals, a *rttgoçe te9oc for Orono were scored hy Paul twiine and-~turney ila fine game.l (Cerry 3, Dave Green 2, Buzu&y Mer.- The Orono goals were by Gordon ee~ i mi alp Kened ,Dent ass-isted by Ar-nold WVallaoe;1 Budzy' Mercer on a lone effort;, Tuesday eveniing thie Orono Ban-iLDoug Mýof! tt from Ian IvIeKenzieý teams edged out a victory over a and Ralph Kennedy on assist f romi s quad from l3owmanville by a -count WVayne Miller. of. 4-3. TIhe game~ proved fast witli plenty of. body checkmg.,.BUZ M4ercer scored three goal s and the other was by Larry MitBer. Waii Miller and Ralph Kenniedy rang up points in Tle assists depàrtinent. Lead by Paul Gerry vvith three goals, Buztzy ~Mercerv'aid Larr'y Nul- ler with two apiece the Orono Ban- tam~s last nîght in Millbrooi< came up with still anotheir Vctorý by the lune of 7-1. This gaine gave the lo- cal boys their third vctory in less thanawek ORONO-NEWCASTL~E TIE The Orono PeeWees bolstered by live Bantarns from Orono tied wltb. OL.O SCHOOLHOUSE j1960 should be annexation of po. AT WELCOMIE SOLD> tential industrial lai-d, -L. -T. Syl- The old WeIceme schooJ, built in vestei-, president of the Board o! 1873, and in use until 19M~, wlll be Trade, said recently at thje Christ sold tO Frank Ryevs o! Morrish for mas dinner treeting of! the board's $1500. M~r. Byer:s' tender, the high- execuitiv7e comnmittee at the St. er of two IreceIvedï, was tcoepte LweceMtl Il th1o~ oeAe Scho l He said so littie industrial land Boa1rd at Its iagalmeigfor SaV'aiable that annexation -ls TnQw 1960. of an even -'highei, prîority than in- Situtted on apohxaeyhaif ustrial prom-oti<on. ani acýre o! land haif la rnfle- east of. Weh'lcoe Ithe sch(1oi js a bri(ck The board president remkarked buildfing aind hIous:ed two d casthat Port Hope's populationi per jC roois.acre is the highiest in the Unitedl i ounties, and that the town's nor-1 COUPLE CONVICTED 0F miral expansion is at present serîous- <CHILD NEGL.ECT ;ly conflfled by its bouindaries. The Newcastle goals were by, Arthiur P'oote and: his wife Jean MIýcCu]lough, Baskerville, Jin .AEll.iîzabeth o! Port Hlope, were found dread and Fred Alldread. Mr, . gilyo!neglect under the Chuld Lowes and Malcolinm cK eo!- Welfare Act, by Jtidge R. B. Baxter- Port HopJe Juvenile and FamiIy Court rerently. Foote and his wife- were eharged, HOCKEY NOTES jointly after the death of thelr tlhree nonths old-daughter, Octoberl The Little NHL Tournament wil 18. At that tlime they were livinga be hield titis year in Orono Arena i RR '4 CObOurg, oni $aturday, February 13th. AIll Ju.dge Baxter remanded the paIrI * boys who are now playing for Or- Out o! custody to February 8 fori ono Minor teains must have their!sentence. birth certificates prior to this date - in order that they mnay take part, LAND ANNEXATION FIRST in thie tournament. They must also L NEED BOARD OF TRADE be properly registered vwith ftheir r1HEADO STATES club. IPort H-ope's f irst objective ini SPECIAL O FFE RI -a. - .ede0.Iii6 dI,0.0eo0.f*eç,«0e0900s« us uLnert Mr. Broadbent was well known ýritoi mnbers et the Orono Band. INCREASED RATE GRANTEO TO CAS mnd services. non fire-resistayat contrctonand the probable high rost of renovation. The, Commission also recommnend- cd thiat an L-shaped building be er- ected on the present property, te provide all the beds jieeded on three or) four storeys. The recomn- mnendation is for a 55 bed hospital, plus recovery and labor room beds and 15 beds for chronic cases. -couiiffs Council grarxte>dthe ineprset osiri w VEJViLne« iincreased per diemn rate~ for thiel nJaniuary 19-13. Northumberland and Durham h 1li'tat the commission haz Clmidi~e~s Ad $ci~t 11w 1r flfnitoîy put itselt oni reerd açi crease o! nine cents per dayN brings being ini favour of a comnpletely the ateup t $144. ew ospital, it is the hope o! the There are 50 wards and 48 non-1,Boartd that plans will lie made final wards over wvhi(-h the society bas wvithin the neVe fewýý months said R. jurisdiction, Mir. Finney decl-ared. R. Baxter, chairman o! the Port Hlope Hlospital Board. TIien the Jmatter o! financing and fund-raisr- ng m'llI get underway. The Boiard is COMPLETE NEW PORT HOPE quite aware, he said, o! the short- HOSPITAL. 'age( of available beds. Parents and memibers of the Y>ort jA niey W hsia ln Hope, Coforg eadD Citrct met built at the rear o! the present Port ciaionforRetrde Chldrn mt1 Hope Hospital hias been recommen- NEW APPOINTMENT MN. s-J. Canttell, the teachler '(t;ded to the Hospital Board by the jSanshine Heights Sclhool, port Hospital Grants Division o! the On- iMr. 1Ernest Dent, a rýepr-esentative, Hope, when thie Decèmber meeting tario Hospital services Commission, on the' Central Lake Ontario Co- was lield. -Mrs. Cantreli displayed1 Ser-vati on Authority'vf rom the Town- wvoiRkcdone by the children sîncee the The Commission, in a report pre- ship o! Clarke has been appointed school opened, Novernber 12. 1l1-. sented to the board at its regular 1haino! the Public Relationis cludled in the clisplay wvere red feit monthly meeting ThursdayngAdsry Board o! the Authority. Christmas stockings, flowers mmlae'also recominended abandoning the !iMli. Dent -wilIl 'e in charge of Pub- from spongé iàýubber and work simL- existing building because o! its ob-' lîcity, Education and' Hlitory as it >ar to neediepoint dlone on stiffened s,ýolescenice, lack o! mi-odemi facilities affects the aims o! the Authority. LIONS CLUB SEES SKETCH 0F NEW BUILDING FOR RECREATION AREA A final sketch o! thè proposed new building for. the Port Ilopel Lions' Recreation Centre was pre. senited by) the special butilding coin ___ mittee, haddby Presidient Erank-,.... Devereaux, to emibers o! the_____________ Lions Club tLhis week. fot ui]ldjng. is $500 The con- 1 ' mite panIo luse Ithe billding for offce pac, snacýk bar a la emiphasized and is pov j' or in!3 the desjir-i ! theuilding. A.4 pln Centre and ithe srowngaea during th'!e iext quartercetr wa7,S advcaed by the committee. WQN ACCLAIM AS BANDMASTER 'Fhec death occu(qrred suidenly at bis residence, 294 Biuena. LVista, Sajt- j. ,en ief~ urdy eenigJan 23, of JackL. N Broadbenit.'l'he decea.sed, who was hiIw I aformer bandmnaster of!lthe Onl- tario Regiment Banid, wvas in hisa 6lst y-ear. Sýhe'-s stretching her homne The hiistor-Y o! the Band o!() thei improvement dollar by cal- Ontario Regiment since 1936 wasin usn the winter when closely associated with thle late Mr. - ere otooby-we ~5Next summer we may not have time for a job like this. Ey having it done now, she'is getting a better and a faster job because skilled workers are more productive. Somewhere around your home or place of business there's a job to be done. It ~ W.~& rwill pay you to do it now. H ELP YOURSELF AND AT THE SAME TIME HELP YOUR COM. iMUiNITY TO INCREASE EMPLOYMENT THIS WINTER. CALL YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR ADYICE AND ASSISTANCE. *188md usd o ihe Min ister o LbuCanada * BJest Quality 5Fu I 1 ' 1 and Stove Oil at the Mosto g REA So'NAB LEFPRICEg VIGOR UOIL 00. Limited TelepbOn. Oshawa RA. 5-iiOq-Oruno 1567 78 Bond St. West RE.TAROEO CHILOREN'S ASSOCIATION SHOWN OISPLAYI OF PUPIL'S WORK

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