Ml'r. aýnd Mrs. F LeVaillan't, Scar- to the large fali Of snow sent ooroug, Ont.area residents to hospitafl.Mr ans of thle eiglihh ine o)f C1L ""o. Roy Paton Wretud home broe a bOne in hjis leg while r from the Bowmanville- Memnorlal ýa trator. li icle v, ruk, H!ospi,îtalon Sunlday JYlas.r ame stuck in the piles of " and lhe %was being iransported MaLster Ro-bini Winter, son of Mir. On a tractordrivn Y Mh. Hu- and- Ms. RyWinter had is ton- !son "men hos lg was caught bý sis remnoved in the BQowrnanviIle tractr whieel. M1r , Evas cra'. HeoilJospital last wvek. to his home on hés hmAs and k-,, BLefore hle could be remnoved to Mr. nd Ms. ack ail d ~ pitai hy amibulance a cail to of Aylmner wieeweekend guests gvT othp esnw poughhadt 0f Mr andMrs.Neil -Porter'. gvnt pnte>o 1.M.Marvîn Lunin was ns M.and Mrs. Jas. R-jLiaby wr nu n a d~tdti in Torointoon tMonday tendhg _____________ the fu!ieral service of 3rn Johni These are the best bargains ini Wallpaper. There aire papers for Liv- ing roonm, Bedroom and Kitch-en. Bundies to paper a large room ini plain or f!owered. These reurnants ruin f rom 2. double rolîs to 9 double roils. Priced from 35c - $.5 They are t).1 good patterns. Corne in and look themn over. SA LE O-N CONGOLEUMI RUGS Rutigs 9 x 15 reg. $15.95 for $7î.95 Rugs 9 x 131/ reg. $11.50 for $7.25 Rugs 9 x 12 reg. $12.95 for $6.50 Rugs 9 xlO, reg. $11-50 for $1.75 Rups-9 x 9 reg. '$9.75 for$48 Rugs 9 x 71,,2reg.. $8.2â for $4.15 Ruigs 9 x 6 reg. $6.50 for $3.25 Store Open Ail Daýy M onday Retv.Brgs is a brother of MIrs. W. T. Rutherford, 0rs Coatliam and Mrs. Robert Ardc. Letter to Editor Dear sir: Please find encl-osed a money or- dler for reniewaýl of the OrofrQ Times We hope that everyone in the Vill- age is fine. WVe are getting a littie f ed-up with ail this snow, 1 arn gladi to see that you are put- ting Oronio onl the map. What you, want is a few m-ore factoies. We have just put in a new wvater works here in Ajax and it looks as if we will be taken into the Metro sys- tein. Y'ours Sincereiy, William Jordan. C1'.0LT. News On 1\onday night at 7:30 thel C.G.L.T, meeting begamn with thei purpIose. We thien had the ninutes and rol eaul. Thiere wvere fine pres- ten-.1 The treaisurer ga,ýve her report anid a receipt wvas received for ýtheI money w gave at the Vesper ser- vice. WestarIted tlo embroider Jthe patterns on dhe blockIs for the quilt we arew\vrking on. Wiflewrkn on this we answered sonie quiestions for a report regar-ding oUi? projects e(,1meieeting cl10oed with taps. LynBailey Phea.sant s {Continued from page :1) f(eedîing the! cicks uil such t(ime as ý,i, they are released. eThçy also pro- vid-e brooders. AýnotJher projeet of the Commý-iis- Sion wich is feit nee is a bet- ter relýationisbeen huntersan filarmlers. The Commi-issioni is to hold a-i- ot her Imeeting onMonaFeibru- ar, 22ndc in thie Townshîip Hall when alarger ,tunout is lhoned for. Furthierpatelr may be oh- tained fromi thePeidn Gordoni Watso, the secretary 'Je;rr.y Duvali UNITED CHUICIf Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Re. asi1 Lou-n SUNDAY. JANUARY 31st CHURCH SERICES Oronio.11:00am ........ 2:00 p.m . Kirby -- . 3:00 pai. SUN DAY SCH-OOJ- 0-r1n0...10:00 ax.11 J.eskard ...... 2:00 ) i Kirb'v ...- 2.'0() rm. For Thursday, Fr'day and~. Coffee Mugs, Keeps coffee piping hot Sale 2 for 25è- Aprons, ladies Tea Aprons.- Assorted patterns'. 43e Regular 49e Sponges. Assorted sizes........6 for, 25e Tea Kettles, large aluminum- 5 quarts ......$2.39 Regular $2.89 Pails. Polythexie Plastie, 2 gallon capacity. Color- red yellow natural Socks, Childrens 'ý' leng [I e olours. Ilegulai QRubber Overshoes, chi Sizes 6 to 13. Regul RPlastie. Drapes wAide va fi olars. 27x84 incheý Nylon Ilose Special va Ssheer 15 denier fuli o. Price per pair.. Valentine Cut-Out ]3oo. entines. Books prie SLead Peneis, IIB rubb( Package of 12 for U'R0F, 05c i SELF SERVE OPEN FR1] * blue Pink or turq. Each 75c )th stretch Nylo n. 'Assort- r79c. Pair......69C idrens fleece lining. Lar $3.39 Pair......2,98o riety of patterns antd S. pair............65 dlue, Flrst quality dress f I fashioned sizes 9 to 11 .49e 2 pair...... 95C )ks. Make your, ow~n Val-' ed at....15c -25e 39e er tipped. Assorted color, ...25eo IrO $1.OO STORE PLEASE CARRY BASKET DAY EVENINGS ~P I ORONO TINSHOP Ail Kinds of- SIIEET M1ETAL WORK PLIJMBLýING XFIXTIJRES PU MPS and PUMP BEPAIRS PIPE and PITTINCIS DRAIN CLEANERS B. - H. P-AINTS Etc. FIRE EXTINGIJISIIERS OPEN DALY 8:0 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CLO-SED WED. P.M. Open Fri. to 9 p.m. R. E. LOGAN, Pf.p. Phione 11816 ,Oroimoï1tario Evening.s Friday & Saturay Open AilDay Wednesday Armstrongs N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N N N N N N N N ~"1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 4'-' N N N N N N N N $ N N N N N N N N N N N N N -'I N N N N N '~ N j,". N N N N N N s N s N N N s N s N N