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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1960, p. 6

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In crisp while or aceor euîe large pansy makes a gae fiohair back or place mat. Pansies - a spring ttme tcoueh lan mid-wiaf cri Pattern f86: charfs,, direicfis chair back or doily, 12'/s xl3, armnrest 6)x2½ý; cenfer-picýce 13x24½ý taches.. Scaid TJIIRTY - FIVE CEINTS (sfarnps carnnot le acceptcd, use postali nte for safefy)fo hIls pattera te bauira Wlieeler-, Box 1, 123 Eiglteenti Sf., New Toronto, O a f. Priat ý,pla-isly PIATTERN NU MEBER, youLr N'îAME and ADDRESS. Neýw! ! New! Our 1960 Laura W h ce er Neediecraft Book is ready NOW! Crammed w,ïiti exciting.., ùnusual, popultar ý,esigns te crochiet, kait, sew, ¶mboidrquilt, weavc -fa- gshiOrs, homý,e furnishinugs, toyï, ' It, azaar lits, Ia the bocok EE- 3qui1t patternsý Hurry, ueard 25 cent,; for your copy. 1saw fliat if -a aring eofiht ising from tesurface of the water ia a perfect douglinut shape, which ecoiled lup and rose frein lic cheenter outward, 'Uke a sinokce ring blowra Up froin gigaiïclips. Tliey 1wcre cevery- wliere; eacrh pond iwas lied witis own pink do,,ugliauf, al at flic saine height, eachli tted in size f0 ifs pond, and ail rising tir into fhe ar. Then the sun camne, jumnping over the edge of flic wonld and a moment later a ray shiof acrossa the ]anci, throwing sladiows as if et AIl at once the dough.. autýs changed color, aad were nocw white aanthflicdark bhue his. Whilc I cîrcled and wafch- edi, they rose quickly as flie warmtliof fthe sua feli uiponi thein. They broke up into fra- muents and fadedawy and were The vililge liglif s were tura- ecd up aow, The twia chimacys on tire river baak belched Up 1lack smoke, Semeone dlown there was fiing fIe furnaces, 1 supposed. Two graceful' plumes rose together into the quiet sky, and togeflier tlicy curved side- ways and dritted la the pressure cf the liglit -wind.., Many'vturnes siace flicflighf of the dougliauts I hav e taken off in the eanly mnorning, etier te g'O somiýewierce, or just for tua. AI.- mosf alwýay s it is quiet, the air of lieavy, ricli quality, and som-e- times strange and wndru fiagns are te-be accu ii,tichae sky. i have scen fic--is-t over flic ponds in corkscrews, spiral- ing upwa.r-d, and once I fou-,nd a delicate mobfae tcloud, ia- finîtely ti anaad fraglile, a sort of skia. Once, a littie bloli of vapor camie saiiing by, ai littie sphere a yard or se acros' s, ail by itself, And there is always pae aad treèdom and lonelincss, in flic morning sky, - Fromi "A Sky of My Ownr," by Mol1B- heim). KeepingFlwr Ini Bloom .Longer Giff plants such as poinsettia, cyclamien and clirysantfrmins flower brilliantly -but briefly. Given care, iove,r, the brigit blooins will outlasf flic holiday seasen. Accordliag te G. R. Sa.y- der, of CILsAg-ricuitural Chemricals, fhey can lie coaxced te) renlain la flowver for about eigbht weeks. TChe large scarlef or white Icaf- like bracts -- fIat's -,wliaf tht bof anist ca'Is them - etfflic poinsettia v-i11 dheer your living room for some turne if you piay attention te its needs. You rnust give flic plant good liglit and a temperaturre of about 65dgre Fahirenheit,.-The sou in flic Pot should bcie ,kept. rnodlerately mioist, If fthc roots liecomec dry or if is suhjecfte drafts the bot- tom icanves xviiturn yellow ýor f ail off. Cyclamen d o es, licsfin ;a slightly cooler location. Tic tem- peratuire siouid be frin 55 te 60 degrees F., and flic Plant 'kept wcll watcr2cd. Don't bleaar d if flic tuber appcars albove the soiL, This prvea e fic af and fiowvei Stenis frein rotting. Bofli these plants reqtjirc air- ple feeding. UsuafIiv tlicy cerne wcli fertilized frein flicflorist's. Herwevér, in addition, a dilufe Solution of -wajter - soluble plant foc ay be gîvea thei every, firce or four weeks. Chrysanthiemins forced in flic greeolouse for gif t plants arc nef as-hardy as flic outd.oor ones fiat flower ia the faIL. They aeed lit- tle attention, but usuaily only last about four weeks. ýount- ewq~ctttr.eP. C tt&,ke' Somne weeks a g o a mnse addressing aea n's meeting wxaraed those present te bewarc of "flic barren-ness c-,* a blisy life." his w'arning was meanct to apply ta womren who aie over- active la sýocial lit e; who offîi- cill ake p a rt in se miaay organizaýtions that he y hav littie spare timie t o devote fILo their familles, Cr or e eadîig, 0or to fhe quiet reflection that ià vinl ecessary te al eoft us - if we would but realize il. I quife agreed wili what the mibiser sid. I have knewn f - milies - ad 1 amsreyou havete oo-where teMie chden' are starved for perso;Lna] ttn tien teahi littie polm e cause nmother is tcoe tred, orv tee busy teaitn On the otýher handi, tikgabout itl ateIy I have camiie t býteficoluon tat too far east is west; that an- other 1kiad o uyescao iseG lead te "4a barren 1f ."Tha-t is te say women who are se ah- sorbed inwhat geeus on cwlthln their own four alls and have n o interes t nrkoldee wýhat g6es on beyond the con- fines of the1ir own home lead a "barrea" lile jutit as surely asi Ace over-actie eclu -oman. The following instainces ilexii what 1 Icman. You jremember fic ice-sfortm be-tweea Clistmaus and New Year fiat let t thousaunds of homes in Ontario wifliout hydrel and consequenfl1y witheult heat. Well, at that timie Partner was speaking tuone etf our neîý1 - 1ours,. anded if heýr ubn nad gojt back alrli)t ffrm a busineuss tnp lic ay eorr band lind phoned that ieAwus faigover as lcracswr si îcy. That wsal she ne about if. A'arn!l tis yeuing couple do not take a daily paper ada far- as I caïn make ouf, the girl110i lias txvo semali cnli- dre2n, des nef be-fIer te listen te, the new, ither by radio or televisien. So, if flic bydro niad sudidenly gene off around here sewouldn'f hav,%e kancwhw'-at adcauscd the power failure or iow wýidespread the trouble. Nor wo(,u]d Sle 1have been pr'epar11ed forif in any' way. If seemied icrdieteme Liha she should know nefhing aotflic storm but I cme te the conclusion fIat she was a 1iff10eunLusai. Later, however, T herde anoflier farnily, west et iTironllo, .Whlo 1l1i dreceived a lon1g dsaneca-,,lifrein friendis inie York askiing if tlic fa- rniily wasiliglit. Tliey had býeenseanx saottenaf- fer 11shcnng ta eficnewsals :,bout the dreadful icc-sterm laii Onai.Again flicquestion was a s ked - -"Wlha t s te0r In ? Wouldn'f fIat set you back on your lieds caer fakingflic trou." hie fo put in a lo,-ng di.stance Well, affer lieariag of fh-se fwe instances I liegan tea won- dler how nmany people flicre are whlo pay se littie attention te the new%Às of flic day and te what gees on areuad thein. Daugliter says I Aouild be surprised if I. really knew! I wonder, tee, how anyoneca be content te live in suci a sinaîl wonld of fleir enmaking - for if must lie a snial world wherO flice nly in- feresfs are tbese concerned witb liouckeeingg e f f i n g meals, ooig a tter chldrcn -anild waein elevision -al cx- ccpt tIc new-,;s aprnl minu- dctlyhew :can a moflier kuep pace w viti l ic inferesfs and oufI- look c(Alier grewing dhidren if shheersi des ntfkeep abrfeast ef tfli imes. Surely if loud' U-e tee muLI C-1f neffort te lisý- ten te, or r0Ad flicnliws, af iestonceý a daýy. Affer ail in flice case iot éeatir sonimes te lie forewarned is telie fore: rnd.Or could be.. New Yers Day we had a rnîddlIe-agedc oupe lare who were- among flic many who lad been wifliouf licafL for fwo days. Tlicy copccl ith if by buyiag a sinal box steve 'whihte e up in flic blasemnent, suIjstituting a)p stv-iefor'thfl ou furn('e pipe in fli c hirmiey. For fgi they were torfunate - tliry ladi îwo Coleman lapnrs ISR over freinime édays etcountrylvig They ld onîy theiscîves te therp can't see whats ging on, l'm suIre that thie powec' of the mnusie enables thiem to f eel thec samietinsthat 1 IGdosittipg there in my itiebooth on the Grand Tier. 1 should1 be tired by now, buI-t oper-a Stifl affects me emcotionailly. For examnple, whien 1 hieard !Birgit -Nilssoa ii ~a 'Tristan' rehlearsal, she wa>z su mnagnificent that i broke down, and wept. Opera lias aliway2 affecte me this w-ay and, I'm- sure it always iL .-FrornNEWSWIEE-K. Operau Broadcasts Then And Now One wvintry dlay 50 lyears ago, tenlor Enrico Caruso stood on the stage of the Mtropolitanl Ope-ra House and opened uip with ar Vria froi ~gici"Sixty-four Miles away la Briep)ort, Conn., a pioneer radio ham pressed the earphone of his primitive radio set tightly t0 bis head and with) great difficulty mnade out the opýen-ing bars of '«Vesti la giuibba." This was the first opera broadi- cast in)istory. hinlihehaîf- century since, the Met's radio au- dience bas grown from a hanld- flui of wrls owners to a loyal band of more thian 12 million. While oth-er more popular shows have long since disappeared fromn the air wvaves, flie opera, whicn became a permanent fixture ini 1931, refinsitÈs faithfL followv- in1g. Ia New York recenitly,, coin- mienita-tor Mlo Cross, whoseý round and resonant "Coud after- non, opera loyers across the na- tion" lias introduced 564 opera programs, rmacdaotsomec of the more curou evotees et fllic Saturday affernon bradI3c- cas;ts now hear on CBS. "Take thle lhorseman out West wvho strappedi a portable radlio to bis sddebeforeiding out on thie range eachSaturdaiy," said fi bt yrdy-aedet cran of 28 Years of Mtbroaýd- casts. "11e was one, of the ra ze'alots. But ther'are others. FOr instance, the g-entlemnan ia Lub- bock, Texas, who atter hearing Ltat the MetC was installing anew sea-ts band one of the oid ones sbipped to his bouse. And then there was thaft Jittie old lad'y 1in the Mýicddle Westf wbo had a spe- cialblc veivet dress hic she put oni every Stra.I maide lier f-eel as -if shie were sit- ting right there in the Diam-ond H-orseshoe. "Even thoulgh the people out worry about as bey are a chilid- less couple. So, aihogl tey were cauglit unprcparcd Ithatil onie time 'asimilar occasion wl find themn ready to) cope wt the s7it-uation as soon as it oc- curs. However, there are somne near- disasters whieh are impossile fo forescle. T'ris is wbhaf Dau-gh- ter lad 'to contend with last nig-ht. She had put the dlog ouf for a run just before bedtime and was sriheigup .tlxe kitchen wb%-ea aie %was sdel conscious of a strong odour oif skýuak. She rus-'hed to flic fronit door but the damnag-ecvas done. Honey was there ail rigýht but so wvas thie odour. Ouf came tlic tomaf1o juice but Honey is Ml and catches cold soecasily it coulcl nof be used too .generous- ly. For the saine reasen Honeýy could neotlie seat do-wn to týhe basemïent. The only adylice I could offer. was te leave ,-Honey af, home U Ztbcy came f0 sc;- us during the next f ew days-, BRUEZY TYPE - Vo-lera Ric ods onto har scariý and ho i z a brisk 'raee ends haýrb'cwds Look Slim mer 4952 "'V 2½4-22i Becomiing, surplice line ideal for tie haî.f-size figcure.,nat two-iecedres lis awrap-tie tcp that's sleek, smofh, aiwayaý Priatet< Pattern 4952: Hl Sizes 12½1½, 161, 8½ 2- 22.Size 16,12 requires yards 54-incl i bic. Printed directions on ea,,h 1pattera part. Easicr, accurate. Sel-d FIFTY CENTS, (sfaimps cannot be c acepted, use pestai note for safety) for this pattera. Please pr i nt plain-ly SIZ-e, NAME, AD DR-E SS, STYLE Sead order te ANNE ADAMS, Box i, 123 EgtenhSf., New Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 5 - 1960 BRIDESMAAID - Princess Anne, nine-yeo ciin's Queen Elizabeth 11,, mode her brdemadJain.131 c t he ,ved-linga banetn in cRomsey, Engla.nd. Lcidy Pci intericr decorotor Dcvid Hicks. Annes ing theD birthl of her third child, did flot

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