N N N Mu! g FOR, was of t - the alier gave the rocki iroim er ta help se, enough was their iwho had ncl ,,,,, a was in ;ed this wlrtie, Iransf a strong to betw,,eon 1w cver it. The come taý the siýstanjt. assan, aaid I Holy Man's (ed hlm ta , ge-maniigod tvon." inseif with lotli, wedged the ground and stood wshsas- le spreadï Sbrouglit id sheep, -e camels turn al villagers the ani- I arket *e and newly [ddenly her was -'i ati my father he mnf "What will hpîp SElf couit e4ick." Bid his backi rwn To a, re against .e- son, and go wailed : lone, what rains may s may fali eer turned, De. ;ultan's sou ie vill-ages Ssquatted 's son Who it for a H'oly 1 Man anly re- ceivos and haq to lie tireated wvith espect, even when lie is dead. Trhe Sultau's son praffered a '4andini oi coins - the sui- tioueer's commission. The Holy' Mani's son refused theIi, saying; "'My father's anger ,vîll strike this district. Nover bas lie been treaý,ted thus." For bauirs they ail begged him t0 accapt the maney, producin.g sf111 mnore, pouring it at bis feet, prostratiug themi-selves cliging ko his.knoes, ldssing h ils> tes. Whlen the coins had grown juta a large hneap lie reluctantlyý ag,_reed ta accept. Tho givers' went joyfully homec with thec good nows that calamityv had been everted. "'And now," said Hassan envi- ously, "he'ii go ta Mogldishu and have a goad fime wit1h the girls, Buchbliaizer also went on tle WAXING MI1GH.TY - Ingemnar Johansson seems re-ady for ac- tion. Actually, Ingo here is o wax sýtatue in Madame Tus- saud's Museum ini London. trail afi'the crocodlile, men, a bratherhaad 0of sarcerers who spread death and disaster along the Juba river, seemîing to xield power oýver people's minds aqrnd animais. He was told by Somralis that. they could induCe people ta mur- dler each other, make crocutliles ea.t certain people of their chaos- ing, huri curses over long dist- an.rces to strike their- victims likce lightning, tel a mari that he would die thc next day or0 at the next full moan, Experts in ail the black arts, they were clever doctors and mrakers of niedicines. For their best, mnade, from the bloodi of infants, they stole and murdered children. The Italiunr authoritîes told hlmi ~that there was soinething i these tales, for in the 1930s soi-n crocodile men hiad been shot be- cause they made their trainied coseat men from a neighbour- ing village. An old Arab s3hopkeeper told Buchholzer of a crocodile mnar who feulu love with a girl down the river. Wjien neither she nior her amily would have anything ta do with him, he uosed is- crocodile, whîch seized her when she went ta the river for water. It did not, however, ëat lier. Placing hler carefily an its back, it swamn down-river escorted by other crocs. AIl the way she shrieked in terror, but no one dared help lier, The oid Arai claimned ta have seen the fltilla sailing down ta the man's -vil- lage, where hie staod on the bank awaitiniglier. There she stayed, for neither she nar lier family dared protest about lier abduction. This Arab put Buclihoizer int toucli with a crocodile mnan whoý guided hîm ta the crocodile men.'sý village. TIhere he witnessed somne of their grisly mystic' rites and1 4ances, and watclhed one of thema cali crocodiles fromi the river with a singiug chant. Three came andi lay in front of Ihim lilce well- trai'ned dogs ,and wýýere fed with live goats., Baby cro~cs are captured as they emerge from thleir eggs and trained until the relationship is like that betw,ýeen a man and an obedient idag. At Cross Puirposes flow wasteful can webe? The U.S. Department of Agri- culture earmarks $7560 nlillior. to. i-rove land from production,. The Cornodity 'Credit Corpo-. ration budgets nearly $2.5 billion to remnove surplus procduce from the markeat. The U.S, Departnent ofJIn- terior requests $216 millio~n for dlam building and~ irrigation pro- grains tûa aid more land to the pro9ductive capacity of the. coun- And %-Jvocats af tbis philo- sophy -eerfh to wi votes by pranising m~ore of it. - Gold Rush (Cripple Creek, Colo.) Faeoftgin putds fl the inat- eria lfor 1hapiness #vdprosper- ityi into( mait's hands just to see how mriserae le h.cantmake hiaiseif with. the". This report conii'rmed UIc iew he.ld byv most scientisýts that tIii. inon lbas a solid core. A iquîd core, sucli as the' eue at the ceuiter of the earth, tends to act like a dynamo and croates a, m' gnetic field. In the currect issue ai Ph ysical Reov i evw Letters, howeVer, a wçmran phiysicisýt offers a wvord ai catiaho. Particle radiation thr1ov,;n- off by'ý the suip, wits arciaq NeuLgebauLer ai GaI TecIh's jet Propulsion Laýb, creates a. "solar %>ind'" as it drives at high energlies- down- on the face of the moon. This wind ofi electricafll charg- any m existE layer, SUMny no one sh-ould craw an y conciu- sians about a lunar magiicc field until sameane sends a raock- et ta the Clark surface i the mnoan, wherctb te sun's raï-dialion woudbavec no effect. Russia Locaded With Hidden Wealth The work oaiîa largegr, -OLp ai Soviet geaiagi'sts, who aSsiStedl by somo 300,»000 vaolunteer h. -Ip- ors, have survoyed the country from the jPaciiic ta the Carpa- Arctic ta the Caspian Seaha opened uew and giittering vîstas for the Soviet Union's econam-ic fu"tuire. Mare than onc-tointh oL the personnel - close ta 40,000 - were traineçi gealagists. 0f the remainder, the inajority wiere young people for wham rthe prospect of turning geology mbt a patriotic endeavor spelled adi- venture and romnance. In East Siberia's province afilrkutsk for ,instan:ce, mare thanr 10,000 peo- ple offered thefr help. Papular enthusiasm forg- olcvgy 1is one of the reasons for the surprisiî1g sucesofsa Soviet geolagical exploration. Othier reasous are the vast untapped xnatural riches ai a stili largeýly unexplored country, the suli- stantial sums which the Soviet state allocates ta geology, and the scale of gealogîicaJ survey- ing Last yoar's results were sum- med Up by Mlinister ai Geoîogy, Pyotr Y. Autropav iu Izvestia. "Aithougli anly part of aur ail resorve hias been discoverýed," wrote Mr. Autropov, "it uow ap- pears thiat aur Centraýl Asiani re- publics alone have ail çlepasits of the saine order as the couin- tries ai the Middle East." 011, whichi the Soviets need not nmeroly for fuel, but mare and rnare for their petraleum- based industrial chemistry and for expart, is anly one ai the minerais wiîich last year's sur- veys have ascertained in ne-w locations. Other discoveries wcre hot carbonaceous minerai springs in the vlcinity of the Centrial Asian metropoILs of Tashkeut, wvhjch alreaýdy are being used foi ra hieating purpo)ses and are ex- pected ta save somoe 40,000 car- ofda coal a 'year, writes Paul Wohl in Th-e ChriistÀinSceloûce ,Mon1-itor. Large inewCdepoýsits 3oftua gas, iran are, and nouferrous ares asohave býeen ound. ,Es- pecialiy "iutceesting" are saýid to bc now leAd deposits in thie- lCrsnyaskprovince of West Siberia, new ail fields lu West Kazakhstant, and rich glold velus inte Chukchi National Okrug which occupies the littie Lknown toi ritarýy betwýeen the Autano- monus Yakut Republic-hitherto the principal gaîç producer ai 'he U.S.S.RP. - Kanichaîtka and the Bering Straits. One Party ai geologists dis- covered a large eutcropp)iiug of diamonds near the Anabao--r River in thep northwesterni corner af Yakutia. This was the second major discavery of diamionds hu this part of the UJ.S.S.R,. Enrlier discoveries, about 500 miles fur- ther east, were clairned ta equal t1he dIiaind r-,ichefs afSouthi Africa. Mý,ost imnportant from the point af view ai transport ocounom-y was the confirmation of larg-e ail fields and dep.asits of naturai gas ln West Siberia and in the Yakut Republic. Siberia hither- to lake il. Once these inew reserves are explolted, Sibeiîa will no langer çepend upon ail shipmients ironri west of the Urals-a distance of mare than 2,000 miles. This ,vould be espe- cîally valuable for East Siberia wh"ichl is practically beyond the reacli of the rapiclly advanciug pipeline acrass the Urals. Once the necessary ail anid gas pipeý,s have been laid, Yakut ail also could supply the Soviet Un- lini's strategic ports and indus- tries on the Pacifie, which pros- ently depend oni the inadequate ail yield ai Sakhalir, and have ta be supplied by tankers from Blackç Sea Ports aver ane of the wo ld' ngest shipping routes. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS s, Arkoim or n.d, niear Belle- pasture, creek Pressure isys- niences. S. El- ated tees thian .Marie Has 8. lolsteins gling Buildings - 10 -.60' x 90'. 60Y 2-car gar- ýrn macbinlery. rt Brodie, Bar MALE iat timle basisi. INSTRUCT;ON EARN nmore1 B9okeeplng, Salesm-ian- sblp, Shiartbal, Typewriting, etce. Les sons 50(. Ask for free circular No, 31. Caniadian Correapondenci, Courses, 1290 B3ay Etreet, Toronto. LIVESTOCK ANGUJSVUE Fari offers youn'g bulîs 5eerlc'eable dge. Bred femalesaail ag e î Anguavue Pari, Il A. Camrpbell & Son R.R 1, Llstowel, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BUSINESS Cards! Embossed, gaa teed, $4.50 prepaid an-ywbere. Write to- Jamnes R. Twomey Co., 62 East 174th Street, Bronx, 52, New, York. IDG)ET Spy Camiera! Leatber Case and f io relis filmn, postpaid $1.00, Jobn T Powell, 128 West 67tb Street, at Broadway, New Yorx 23, New York. F IRE I qs-up te 31imore Ilorse. Fower. 8'more miles per gallon using reguLajr gas. Free !iterature. Pat Kent, Box 1012, Perth, Ontario. MEDICAL A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURMTS SHOUID TRY DIXOWS REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE $1.25 Express Collect 335 ELGIN OTTAWA POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH] thetaraient of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's EczewN~ Salve will not cisappoint yeu. Itcbing, scallng ana burning eeze- mna, acue, riftgwp-rm plinples and foot eczema wilt respond readily to th,, lti esodorIcsm osituient regaydless of bow stubborn or hopeless they seein. Sent Post F ree on Receipt of Prîce PRICE $3.5ô PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2$65 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSE WANTED OPERATING ROOM SUIPERVISOR witb euperience or Post-graduate train. ing for 60 bed ative general hospîta1; about 20 miles froin Lonidon. Residetice accommirodation avaiLable. Excellent personnel policies. For particulais re. garding; very attraotive o.fer. write ta 1 DIirctr of Nursïng, Strat=yrGy neral I4ospltal. NAME AND ADDRESS LABELS 1>000 NAME and Addtress Labels. Beau- tifully printed. lu hand.same re-usable box. Only $1. SenId now! Consumer Services Ca., Dept L- Pl3ox 49, Flushing 52, New York. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A I4AIRDRES.SER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING $CI400L Great 0Oppafrtnityý, Learn fHsirdressing Pleasant dgiTed rofesqsin;good wsages. rhausands of successal Marvel Graduates Amnerica's Greatest System fllustrated Catalogue Free Write or CaIl MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 359 Bipor St. W., Toronto Bra ncbes: 4King St. W., Hlamilton 72 Idteauý Street, Ottawa bookiet and catalogue of wupplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sa'Sk. PHOTOGRAPIIY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 8 nU,11aprints in al1bum 404 2mana pints in album 604 Reprints 5,1 each KODACOLOR Developing rol $1.m) (not incluiding prknts). Caler prints ,54 each extra. Ansco and Etchoe354 min. 20 exý> pues ounted in slides S1.25. Color printa from slices ?55. each. Money refundled t in 1 flor unprlnted ne.ga. tives, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BO0X 31 GALT, ONT. P ROPERTY FOR SALE FLORIDA'S greatest fl d b argaP.n i 0,dy v r $900-No nionec - own -$10 monthly -Beter Ocala nd Guif Streets - Eectrie, Fishing' - Huntiig. Write De pt. III Rainboý;, Park, Box 521, Ocala, Fia. STAMPS APPR OVALS We hiave the Iws prices in Canada. Try us and see. $400C valuie st-amps re.Jebyrmek. Dcpt. G, Box 56i6A, Toronto. 1EACHERS %W1ANTED OTTAWA SEPARAJE SCHOOL 1BOARD APPLICATIONS VWILL Bk E CElVi-l BY H UNDERSIGNED) FOR TEACri- ING POSITION'-S EN REGU LAR CLASS FS ATTENDJI) 1BY ENGLISII SPEAKIN(, PUPILS AND) FOR TE-MPORAPY SUP., PLY STrAFF. FEMALE ()Os C.ASS) MivNIMlýum.............. .. 2,600.OS MAXIUM ..,..... $4,2O0.00ý FEMALE ()-(2ND Ci.ASS> MINIMU-M 92,500.09 MAXIMUM..........$.l00 MAL.E <c)-<ST CLASS) M'INIV MM..........2000 MAXIMUM..........$4A400 G MALE «)-(2ND CLASS) MýINIUM..........$2,70O.Uà MAXfIU..........4,300.00. TEMPORARY SUPPLY, STAFF - $10.00 PER DAY MALE, MAR1IIED, $500.00 ADDPIîN- AL FOR TEACIIERS WITH FIVU YEARS> EXP1IRIEN'CE IN ONTARIO APPLY TO AIME ARVISA4S, AFCI. SECRETARY-TREASURER. 140 CUMBERLANDO ST., OTTAWA CE. 6-7475 RABBITS IEABBITS. New Zealand White, %é months $2.00, 6 mionths $4.00, BreederL, $6.00. R, Borland. 5 Edgew-ood Gardene, Toronto. WANTEO - RABITS AND' PIGZON2 RABI1TS and Pigeons alive wanted loi( table use, Box 2.3 8t Street, New rororito, Ont. ISSUE 5 - 1960 If You're TIRED ALL THE TDM! Now and then everyhody gets & "tired-eut" feeling, an d m y h e bothered by bsckachas. Perhaps noth- ilig seriesilywrong, Iu t emip*crary condition c4used hy urinary irritation oir bladdor disCon]fort. Thsat's the timie te take Dodd's Kldney Pillu. Dodd's help %timulate the kidnieys te retieve th;b condition which mnay clten caiuse bsck- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel botter, rosi botter, work botter. Cet Dçodd'e Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box1 with, the red liati et ail drug couaters%. You casî depçnd on Dodd's. ao N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N.; N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N N N 'i N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N s 'N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N 'N N. s N N N N N N N 'N N