TiM ES tment, Ltorial teacli par- ong a of oper- the diverhas tor entIs than aily othler ve flcaliyf on- 1-e'a lly mature. IHav- mateInI e emci ctaio liminat-'es the liazard of dlv- Menta aierncssias similar resuits îaike proper deisons cMntali aurt itspoerwlntbeiued L5iC;ae f'ie fnaetl fapoe ey are alled tobe developed wth curicuum ando morie to eljiminate ~iwas tin ca - diver classes la oui- F1eed Th ird c. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -eteefre'~swocos t pn h ie rw ius d njy idZfoffod.'The saow lias so balketed fie1 - c ~ohetitbir-1ls do fili liard teý conae Up with thli-e,c square necnfi-id 1mac ejoymnt l establisbing a bird feed- ý,ti:î ot l ine yard wheýre if can abe, observed from inside. cotis also n-e,,t t1nt5ng A squarebo wililedo0or even a ~oa dnaiodup o posý,i aay from- preying animais. Tic ~u en hfa - iith feeder, Just a fewiý crumbs o)f bread o p~e c sut ~ -ealy il hatis required. O2ur station 'isyerba atacedsarewblüc jays, iais ndft c t-ae itiecbick-adee, Ai.so includcd is cOen_ jantwh a1kes a daily Îtnpufor food, Ti geaerlie f Oo MmrilPJ duriiing the past _)n eais ten br cing vwiessed-3 -inevery park <i~ry. ort andmore pep le are usln-g factiItios of parks w'r c~ds 4rugiu icproic f0 a greater degree vce~ TicDeiiart eof Lands and Foresfs are aIware of 'v 1 ti narfuiture park facilittes will not be able te 'ecssay ccomoaition la certaini pericods. The Pop- linta tis distct ofOntarie 's a getfactQr in-,the - es of parkzs. Another is la t he fac(lthfat the faiiy ~ano cw eek eut a sechided sfream ,oiisomefar- " h '<lacs sMeo Toronto are conceraed ever t he lack ý-nmodatlc1 n and of tfie g1reafer ilack i t he future. '~ isa~tasý 'sot la its prmk and swimmiag tank and, - - -~s If ~ioud becarrieýd even further wltb needed lm- ), oti 0 t ppearanco and la ifs facililties. Sget ~ýa1 Bjardmeing stich as planting frees andcrek ho ei meTiýe swvimm-ing tank also baýd a good -'ftb n~etng ndit is ;te be itoped that flils sumnmer notýed jseme mproemealathis aree. t could ho ss fînanclall!y fo,:r the, Board. Tbe tank bias recelved veblcommnente over fie past years resulting ia r r~ir. Tlisyear fie imprevemeatesbould and cotilc 'ie tf6 lice Dma f evercyone. ,r tbo-ughf thefn arises is the area whlch no doul)t la r fuiturr~ i n e oadlequate. HreOrono te foituwate 'ho -Y ý- i I, mItcP-1ty runs a (creek wbcb ouldbe termed a no en oedby fihcotnggeac'rations. Tius area le lces- e fomte Main Street and lias great possibil- Il alil lo&k foi- btter1 swimmia!g tis yer in the Orono ol1,owirin y-a has now been Reaci a First and anCi w~il be open for discussion'and oresentation for ng at th,- F ýugmiar Meeting of the Council of the Clrkeý,to be heîd on February 2, 1960, at 10 amr. [omynship of Claîke Dy4la w Mo. > establish fie Qrosip Ocd Fellows Hall as a nrhunity Hýall in acccrdlance with the- pro- viins f eCon'munity Centres Act. REAS thube Onôno Lo4ge No. 436 of the l-ndlependent id Fallovs - vnd the H2ather Rebekah Lotige No, 384 Ateçi ieMunicipa1 Corporation cof the Townshila of 3tablish thè Orono 04<1 Fellovws H-ll as a Communnity rdancd 4vth fie provisions aof the Community Centres ve oovydhe said property to the said M~unicipal uipontru*st for Com'munity Hll purposes. TT>tR O E NACT1ED by- the Municipal Couincil :ora$op of ttaToAwnshà"p cf Clarke as i'ollows:- IeItows > k1 e ant the OQç< ra Çomr, mnnty1 nenits tfie 4J of tbe Qrofio OCICIFellows $aii from the afi Tr.ýusteSto th'e Corporation cf the Town-. d the sanime i ereby accepteti by the said ci; no ,- Fellows Hiall be and it le hereby es- ,wnty Hall i iaecordarice wifh the provisions efrs-Art being R.S.O. 1950, Chapter .58 reto. 0, 19 ~m, anury 7th 196. fr agoo attndace.bc~CARD PARTY CARD OF THANKS OOOHRIULUA tKirby Scdl, Fida y veng kindness shýow"-ýn meduring Amy re- (fwor Thursdav. omary2cih, 190pfsee int nss. sa-tst 3 rr. o aýrwioned arne focî hildrnLdisplearse (From page 4 1 suc! In uni mnde udn in wornear Orosoe Sub- streslgthe importanceiofChe lHeaMa ther ebah Lodge NO, 33jfor Real Estate Broker. as Chisma te idur n dcfrth- ter Wuov uy.antD.A. F. Mc- erin~ he orgntion of fyteOooKnre ussand staff feu their MeoilPark. L-,rceityearsthewoda îîae drig y stay l METNGTON w Chmbr fComed ae et adandse thlanks to Rev. Bas! lLongTeOrn maerAthiete the ClDebSanta ;ýClaus Pr-Mrs. URoy patten1 ade, Canviadfireworks ds a ateOooMncpl~îd playi-rebecemning mjrevents t n t .0oinc.Cace n the area.wM e tesaeakdt ted The CCle nwak hat youl) TLL a- bie a mnember and ta o also sn la vours uggestions on 1Communlty i't,- pr-ojeets wib o be undertaken To-aiîht, Thursday, Jantuary 28th, by the Chamber o given Xurteret 7:45 p.m. Mir. George Merteq support by, the Chiambiîer. These su1g- wvillatedth raaWokhp idptiet ceut gestions are to be sent to Mrn. L. luh-lowanîleL on ee to view the grou1p's worko et-, Alett e.setany, Worw no, t onWide's"OrTown". Mr. itr' a~ Tax Rceco rdS ber thés yer are hpefl of pres- ten wilacýt as adviser adcii hty naj enting soime iaterestiag speakeýrs tothegrop, nd rins ith ;m1a1 to their regular meetings and thi epknwegeo hatei alisCantact along with other features sbould 'spects. mn-akerit proe iNerestig. 1 R CEARR You benefît by being a memberiuointed -Draina Adviser to commun g as the Chamnbor benefits ia haviag y-ou as a member. ji4- Procgramýls Brandi. of thec Depi*rt1 ORONO PHONE. 11M ment f Ed-'-aI0n is experience l bas ~ea idcandvaried and lie îsý fl, I artcul nyknwledgeable, in the et equesi For lart o upty a form of th-eatrf- whih gvesitsexponents ide ~- A air O( Foxes ra""e.wrso aebe Ji-igab s? A aew era for, foxes may be intw Buildïl ailue tuje mjaki:ng. Conservation Offcer i r thre pseený, es io nsOu Ton"e Douýýg Po e of Orono reports fat ns i 'eseis o " u o n ,iî istead o being besiegd w ith the by 1%v e -b r f t e1 or re mnodeFing your present usul equst t erdiat ti fx-grOup, MISS Madeline Tooley andi one then contact es. ho lias been approached by an r aliWhiaýop). Miîss- ooley and Mr. W'-hncop wîfl cojthinue te à- 1J~;L~ Oronoman fr assstanc ~ diect Il scenes tiey have ciosen, j- n uiiii0 taining two of the animais. ada h onlsoifthswes winfoxes wr eso Mr. M4erfen wiil adçi hie Appaenty te mce OPU comeas ad avic. ; Phonc, 2191 Orono) pIlentUiu they kepf h nc ou n die lation undor cor-troi, but withi the j jatosan eti ak decrease la the fo-x population fol-1The aoxf session fteWk- onainsndSpcTnkj lowing the spread of rabies in the 1shoP wI be devoted te a, domonmpued om albe past fow ycars, milce have increased siration of Scoatery construction tre-mèndQus1y and are- now a niul- anî dpantig given by Mnr James1 __ A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.> flaC PHYSIC IAN and SURGEON softOffice ýHours il132:00 te 4:300p.m. 7:00 ta 8:00 -1c.C tIo aIY jscnjPeo le. Officer Powe,"ll says fiat tuei ima'e complaint was thlat miceI Wei-u gii'dliog ftle trunks of Scotch pille CbrIistmas trocs on bis lairn, thius liling or seriouisly demagin.g fie ýtrocs. Once agelu, ici-e is evidence o)f bow nmnbeomnes tic loser %wlien netu&s ccleis tHIrown ouf of bl Road Report (COntinued i'rom page 1) add"4ifial miles of road sbouild bo - cnsrucedaadf grevelled durviag flie ne-xt ii-ocycars. -As ceea as is practical after the grade is coni- struce d, fieso roads siould ho pav \ed. Tic gradingag nd grav7elliag of tiese roades will ceef about $7000,- 000O. wbile bridg-es, culvert ad 1pavjing, wiil be extra. To carry oýuf suci, a program a six mnilli'road lev'y will ho required. "Suchi a levy wvill raise $432,000, for tlic cii--ni-nt yeer. Wien corni- bined withiÉtic subsidy received from flie Deparfment f cfitgiways if wvould ho disfributed approxi. mately as f oiiows: ,n9n-subsidy, $6,000; road maintenance, $210,000; bridge maintenance, $3,000; road construction, $502,000; -bridge con- structioni, $60,000; Trenton subur- -ban, .$30,000; rebetes te towns and villages, $54,000; miscellaneous andi overiead, $50,000; total, $915,000. Mr. Totten said fie Departmnenf of Higiways iad recently informned b;m tfief tbcy would approve fhe expenditure of $2000,000 for road conistruction and an expetnditur.,e- of1 $240,000 for mainitenance of fie roads la the United Couanties. lHe recomm'ended fiat a by-law be jpassed fertfils expendifure af fthe cutrt session. Tic balance of flic road expeadi- ture recemmended, being approxi- mately $-175,000 for construction, sliouid be iacluded in a suppiement-. tai-y by-law te ho passed af fie next session of Counfies' Couacil, Mvr. Totteni said. Ljea,1 li-. Dean is Director of fe ~ Playc(raffsmnan, a wel-knowa Toi-- entej g aup nd lhois aise a chaitoijA FO DBR membeýr offie Canadien Guild of SAFO B OS Ajdctors. This Guilcllbas been o uiîalvoi. est b)isied il promefe the adjudi- LI W L cýatorin i Canada, te set uip standards-PoeWîb 5 of theare linadaas relafoçi folne WhSt.bE. 552la fie omiionDrame Festival. Mi 3&Dna I.E.Wlb Deanilias deoeed n-ost f e!ils 11e'FINE QUALITY te Qanadian Theaf ie and is one ofn ONMRETSAD ifs fînecsf expenen--ts. Ho adjutdîcatedMAKS fie Orono Drema Festival last Let us ereet a handsome,,dg Soptember and ioum-ld ho familier. nified monument overthet .rest- te i h atne fhils ostive. ng place cf youir Ioved ones. ,Anynne l nferesfed la fhe Work,- s110p is vr welcome te attend flie esonto-nîg-it et 7:45 ia tiecTBow- nlvilie Lions Centre. HOPE REPEALS SUB-DIVISION CONTROL BY LAW HTigi on fie agendla of fie lirst meeting- of flie 1960 Hope 'Township Vvuwi as fie repeal cffes 1 division ceonfrol by-iew passeçl by fie 1959 council. Tie repeal by iaw pnssed f ire readings witi lit fie comment end ne 'opposition. "There le liffie need foi- discus- sion," Couaciliei- Finale eaid. "If, le a weil esfebiisied fact fhe peopil of fie township are iii favour of repeal, andi we must do flue beforei weadjourn. We must nef break, fai h wti fliose Wio elecfed tusY Ac-cording' te fhe Planning Acf a! subdivision cent roi by-law e atnn9f 'ho repeaied wilhout the approvel cf I fie Minise r of Planning and Devol- opmnot. Th(e repeal bylaw- wbicli\vas passed te f0 faite effeet as soon as fie Miisfei"e sapprovel le obtained. Repeal of fhe by-Jaw was a major issue ln fie townshiip eiec- tiens, wien al fie sucessful can..- didaf os pledged f ioy would vot e te eaboisi the iegislaflon. f this Iast tribut. wiI give you endless~ comifort. lia.ilt.ui lus urance Sernice Sache Hamilton Every class of Insur- auce 18 represented Îi our office. The follow- ing are soute of the main e*Werages we cani offer: Automobile' Lif e, Accidient and Sick ness, Plate Glass LiabiJity, Fire, BurgIary, Hos-. pitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio;' Hall, FicielityJ Bond etc. ' j Sadie Hamilton PH-ONE ORONO IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE L.OANS PHONE 7471 edesay b ORONO DR. R.J.TGAR VEFERINARY SREI Phone 10616 QI-ena, Ont. LhR<AL Barrister ami Solicitor Office M-A 3-5689 HomneNMA 34553 1V, KÂVAY LYCTTBA In the Offices of RW R. Waddell QJ.C. Tçlephý)n 1,38 Oronoe, Auctioneer ai Yaluator Specialize in Faryu and Furniture Sales C3ongult me for teris and dates Phone 5 r ES - Oron* TEOiAKS? Auctioneer'and Valuator Conducts Auction sales 'of all slus and at reasonabIe rates Communicate wiflh him at Port Permy, Ontario Orono Eýllectrîc P HON11iE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and ITOTJSE WIRING Free Estîmates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical Equipmnent and Appliances Suwh as Motors Water Heat-rs * .-Radios Stoves - Irons LIFE INSURANRE Pension Plans; Educational PoIIlt; Protection and Savings Plans Wr Children and Aduits; hortgage lni surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT Orone, Ont. - Phone 11716 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phonoe TU 5-5216 Port Hope, Ot. "Buy Direct antd Save Comindssloms' Moniuments, Gravestone% Engravhxg, GoldIeafing Sc.gog Cleanis Orono Agenoy Fonad'g Ri1iards For Local Pick-up anmd Dellvery PHONE17 lit Saturd.aysand Wledn"days--'bý