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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1960, p. 1

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. Volume 22 Number 49 Thursdy, Feruary4th 1 l60 o'no Onitario jusrpin$3 f Cos op ul0Mision0 Band?*Oiio Ska tersPprePo-LckSu e r,PMctue Fifty chl teded MUSSioni Sèc rngReu sitto don edesayîtrnon Fr'AnoalCanialAtt ractl140u Taoartlc ultu re )ng wit snsog ilwng9î ____________________ ,__ H.Sr. MLr How e Uechildren ) ayanid Tucyaftenaloonis TU'le AnnuLal MeI!eting 0f the Or- -fa o Red Cos wa eld on Januany 28tU. Themite of tUec last meet- mng were renad and approved; also tUe finantcial rep)ort as follows: B;-aL.on 1hand Jan., 1959....-$290.07 C.anipaigit .... .................. 867.35 Sýwimrming- Fees........... 70.30 $1227.721 E~xpenses C.vlan \Welare......... $158.68 ,Capsules.......... ...... 72.00 WtrSafety ................2!7.20 To Canadtian Red Cross.300.C00 $777.88 lial. on Uand Jan., 1960-..$419.84 It wvas dlecicled to forward $100. teo Canadian Red Cross. The Blood Donor Clinîc held in 'bowmanville Novemiber, 1959 was ~discussed. it was hoped that there wjould be more bleod donons for the i;econd clinie te lie held in Bowman- ville on May 4, 1960. Mn. Riddell, who is chainmàn of the Clinie for tUhe Orono Red Cross Area reported flhat 1'S had attended the last linic f romn Clarke Township, giving ap-i proximate!ly 10% ,ýof tUe total-bloodi atcethiat we m1ade ,anld used in1 rou!p one of thle Mission i3andi thenl presentedi further entertain-j ntl withi Dale Dorett1a and Donna Challice singing two ,song-s. Tl'le OronoAto0 played host toj Cathie Walker and DonaldM- a Bowý-maniville Atornteam on Frn-ix enzie too-k up the collection. djay ev7enitng in the Orono Arena 1Luniich w\as served. with the visitors taking a victory Iby Marilyn Tam-rblyn, Elaine For- 5-3. Considerable interest %vas rester. shiowný in the gai-e with a gded rep- resentation of spectators. Morley Winter, Doug Taylor, Larry TheBowanvlletea \Vre '!Adamis, Neil Allen, BQb fbuxon, The 3owmnvile tem wee 1aS'even West, Margaret Taggart, littie heavier than the Orono -roup 1 Wlciial Carman, Raye West~, Randji and thus edged out their victory. Tetuian't, Johin Taylor, Rondie arui The three Orono goals wvere scored D av,idclorrester, Arthur Xil.patrick j by Steven West,. Morley WVinter in Gol cie Y-ooey. - thie Orono net did corne up with n Tuesday night the young Or-, somne fine sayeüs on a number Of ono p1ayers 'travelled to Millbrook Bowmnanville rushes. where again the Millbrook teami Those on the Orono team are took a victory of 10.0. Mr. And M7rs. G. Watson Celebrate 25th Anniversaryr On atndyJanuary 23, 1960 jIj NHi c(nated. T1his information \was ne- ,iDouUL 11 Il er1~dsailU rejatives - ceivodone dy lato for the annual MnU. and rs Gordon Watson gath. O o mneetinig. 'erd at the LO.O.F. Hall, n, to - t0 o Rink Miss H. Waddell who l hira weiyfit edigAnnivensary.,O regular wekly meetngs. TheyHoooy proented floers to e of Workroom Pnoject , reponted Mse redlrwnadMre ay Stra fenoFbu ..Lises renla Bown nd -arary13thilamcl also duing tUie eveni- (j fIovers, tU mg,- of the samo date thoere is to bie manain a ota of 3600 swabs pern honoured couple. held. aithte Orýono Rink the YLîttle I die opyteshpigcags Mn. Wmn. liddell, master fceni H tounnament. TUera wîll lie a mondeth aYotein-i mo reges Cr.J on the compl etedi work; approxi_ emonies, thon called on Mnr. Canlos toicaloLsjin aes played during tele matly 2 pn mnthWearegnae-T'amblyn to rend the addness adafternoon and?- evening- in wh-ich' 1-ul to Miss Waddell and Uh e l l-,peettU ope ihaplatform tasrmtnecnrswl on enrs for their c2ontribution tow,,ard r'ocker and lazyboy chair. j pote. TUle centres being- repnesented ikeeping supplies even neady forin' adMs.Wtsntan1 will be Colborne, Mýillbrooký and Or- emrgnie hn aI boa. every one for the lovely gifts and TUe acivities wiil stant at 1 :30 t~ Ue~d. fg joiaing ithtem to celebïate lin the afternooqn vwUfen te aCoMmitiee to soc to lt-t a ne- he lhappy occasion. thnoee minon hockey clubs from -Col- suseitator la purchaý,sed befone ine xt ogrtltin adbatWahs rne will face the threemir Summner. SUeakeci for a Eist of orý- 1Were extended b1) l olil lusfo roo nte veini ganizations that might be willing Jack Buckley, Roy Conniali and W. fstrting at 6:30 Millbrook teanis '(' contnibutje tow,ard(s tUe lptIunchase Ridideil. take to the Oronio ico to play the of one and also that a member Mn. Riddell thoni called on Mn. three iearns fnom 0 rono. Coibonnel from enach organization act o)n hon Gordon BatchIelor of Toronto, Whlo this Y ean, are playing only on aln committee to decîdoe which resuis- sn several appropniate solos. M.ehiiinbaais and thusar not! ctator should Ie unca .Itws atheorten Iad tine guests join eiibefor- any ofitUe chamion.1 thlouglht that tUie fllowing ongani- hi in a sîn-g-song i,-wichwa en hi ztnsshoufld pe approachied: Skat oe mesl yooyn.TUe Ononio Athletic A,'ssociation ing Club; Police Trust-,ees; 'Park i Lnhwas sorvedt followoed by rerm tin hte evenit in tUjeý Boad; ineDepntmnt;Chaberdaning Arena andic will also be providing of Commence; Athieie ,Assocfiatý ýio u-ftw ussw rrmcrasfr U1laesotesc Township Coundil and tUe Red Roc-hester, Stoey vCreek, Hamilton, iýessful teamas. cresta w'il l et Cross. Tononito, Oshawa, Port Peri1y, Bow- renedflw ing teevng mavilead ewastheams Chair for the election of office rs, On1 motion of Mrs. Hl. Daen, soc-1 onded by l\5na'. _J. Major tUle follow- ing late of officers wvere installod: President - Mrs. WV. E. Armstrong lat Vice Pres. -Mns. C. Tynnl 911( Vice Pros.. Mrs. J. Majorl Secetay -Mrs. E. Samý-ue! Treasuner - Mna. F. McKenzie, WVelfano Çhairmnan - Mrs. S. Ruth- erf ord. Campaigii Chairman - Mra. S. Ru- thenford0, and Mns. W. Gnady,,. Wateraafety' Chair-man Mrs. D. Tonnant. Blood Donon Chairman -Mn. Wmi. Riddell. Publicity Chairman -Mn. R. For- rester. Nutrition Chairman- Mrs. C. -.Bill- ings. It was decided to contact Mary ,A-p Armstrong to conduct tUle Wuter Safety Pregnam for 1960. A motion was also passed that any of our young people, boy on girl interesting in beconiing a Red Cross Swiniming Instructor, lie given encouragement a-nd financial aid. On Saturday evening, Januany 3CPtU around seventy frienda and neighbours of Mr. and Mns. Donald Goode assembled inlatUe Oddfollow's Hall wjere the couple were lion- oured with a presentation. Mn. and Mrs. Goode are moving to Lakefioid where Mn. Goode Uns punchased a comibined Creamery and Dairy. 'l'le evening wxas spent by 'the Orono Choir Eleet New Officers For Thie Year 1960.' OnlWednesday, Januai y 2?7, On- appointed for 1960: ono United ChiurcUi Choir hield their - President -\Mn. W. C. H. Miîtchlell annual mneetinig with tUle Presidlent Vic!e Pros. - Mn. Donald Staples The Se cnie taur , . R . S to Se. Flo we(,r Fund - M na E. Raincy rend the minutes of tUie at meet- Lîbi-arian - Mrs. Jas. Rickaby ing- hc wene apprqved and sîia- Soprantlo Convenon - Mra->. \W. rwini ed. Contralto Con. - Mrs. W. Cobbiedick1 A moatecoagn bank balancej Tenon Con. - Mn. 'R. Suitton asrendl by tUe Treasuren, Mr.1 Basa Con. - Mn. E. Rainey Sutton, after- new music hiad been Committee to secure m.yusic - Mrs. purchased and music supplies Iad Workman, Mrs. Drumnmond, Mn. it ,Ieft a bank balance of $121.57. Fordi. Mra. E. Rainey, Secretary of theI Convenons of Soial Committee flower fund gave Uer report and Mrlis. R. H-ancock,- Mrs. C. Jolies, mientionied sevenal members Who Mns. J. Rickaby. Uadc been sent flowers during their Mrs. Irwin extendod a word of sta l hopialonbenavment la thanka te Mrs. Workman. tUe family. A, letter of appreciation, It wns mnoved that tUe meeting waa rend which Uad been receivod f le adjounnjec. fnom Mns. J. Rickaby. A vote of thanka was extendec A. social time was then enjoyed te Mn. Sutton Who veny willingly by aIl tUe membera when Mrs. Coli- contacteci Rickaby's Ltd. regarding bledilk invitod evenyone te hon engraving on the music foldens. 0On homo for refreshments, a doUdcous motion by Mrs. Irwind.fMrs. lunch was served bly the social cern. Jones that a letton o! appiýeiatioin mittee. binging a delightful even- lie sent te Rickaby's for te-xc- ing to a close. Mn. Mitchell extendoci lent engraving done on the fek1érs. words of gratitude te Mns. Cobbhle- The following officens were thon dick for Uer kind hospitality. group playing carda, crokinole and dancing to records and the piano renditions of Mrs. Everett Brown. For the presentation Mn. A.* Jake- man, acting as chairman, presented Mrs. Goode With a corsage of red. carnations. Mrs. E. Couvien thon read the acidresa ln which teyex-1 tended every succesto the coýuple la their niew home and la their newl enterpnise. Mn. and Mnrs. Goode were then presenteci with two silver entree dishes ia grape design and also two gifts for thoir boys. TUe rocipienta thon expresseci their ap- preciation and extended an invita- tion to thein new homne. lLunchl of sandwiches, relish'es, cake, tants and coffee was sorved. [adevenings the ýmembers of tUe Io 11-toU local- ice sunfice to pre- tHemyselves for- the annual skat'ing carnîval which, this year, will -be held on Saturd1ay ev,,ening, Febru- ,a ry 20th. Thie cast of this great show vill inicludle ail members whio number, sixty-six this year as %vell as a niumber of other skatens who are joining the group for this spec- i evenit. The 1960) edition of the Orono Carilivai la to depict the twelve ionths ofth te year.Ti, it is un- derstood, enables the club, under the tlirecticin of their pro., Adele ~4yeto prepare a niost colourful and entertaifling- event.. James Dean At Drairia Croup To-iightil Mn.- James Dean, noted Directon and Adjudicator, wil lieo tUeguesýt of tUie Durh-lam Drama Workshop on Thursday, February 4tU at tUeý Bowvmantvil-Le HigU ScUool at 7:301 p.m. sharp. Mn. Dean will demo-n-1 strate liow to construct a section of a "flat" (acenery usec to block outi the curtains on eitber side and tUe back of a stage.) Hoi will also showl the Wonkshop, mnethoda of paintig flats to gain certain effects. This type of demonstration should prove mioat Uelpful to tUe group, moat 0f WUom have had no experionce in this aspect of theatre. A.Carrathers, M.. 1T i Wa kho hs ee ds!ne and so far they have deait with tU On Nine Committees problems a director notes other technical problems involved - $ieton comitees avebeenin utting a play on tUie boards.A set up to study and report on the sp)eciatl session on the Art of Make legiiatin beoretUe ssemly. I u is planined, as is an investigation ulne with thie recommendationa of! into speech, diction and the art ofý tHe Gordon Report these commit- criticism. tees are to assumne a greater re- fyuae*trse nai y sv)tis'iýiit forthewor of the.te above, please c-ontact Mr. Doug. Lcgisiatune thian in tUe past. 0f lRigg-, Director of Recroation at the theso inieteen committees, whîch B1ownille Lions Centre, or bot- 'is a record nube1 r. Canruthens -telr Stijl attend Thursday nights, is serving on in iie compnising,1session and get, the benefit ofth Agriculture, cto, Goveral- nemainder of the 'Workshop) which !mont Commissions, Iloalth, HigU-ý-wilî continiue unltil som-etime in. .wamy Safety, Lanids and Forests, -May. The Place: The Bowmanville Printing, Private Bills, anid Travel HigU School Auditorium. TUe Time: and Publicity. 7-30 p.m. sharp. The Date: Trhurs- Duninig the session there will bel 1 I Fbur inuch legis1ation of gneat imiport- fAyn ntrse1n tedn u-nceo thte people of Durham, ,and ItUe Workýshjop maiy do so eilher as Mn' . a,1 el-,L rge s a11.ï i z f sa mcmbéý-or by paymienfof 7 5c tw take a keen initerost in the kg- adufits, or c for studentýs, 'per ses- 1iat ioni as it is pnesentod in tLhe f in -ikets or mebenshps illf available at tUe door. TUeo Orono Ilorticu!lural Societyý hield their annual meetinig Thurs- dayý evening, January 28th. There lwere about one hiundred and thir.ty present toe enjoy a doudicous pot- luck supper The program wvas openied by the pre'sidlent, Mrs. Carl Billings, who, welcomned alilthe visitora, givhiga special welcoüme to the new mem- bers. SUe expressed her thanIks tû ail those who have helped in any~ Way during the Year to :Iurthetr the intereats of the Society also a11 the members of the executive, tUe 'nen WhIo lhecldcare for ail tUe flower beds and a special thanks te, our very efficient secretary- Ireas- uirer, Mn, Neil Ponrter, wjhe> as worked se hard. Mrs. Bllingsa1asc, expressed hon thanks te the Police T-rustees' and the Township Couneil for their support. Mr. Porter conducted sorne inter- estîng lucky draws, the wiînners jwere Mrs. R. Patterson, Mr. Chas. Froste, MIr. Lorne Bowins, Mrs. C, 'B. Tynreli, Miss Vicki Cotter and Mrs. L. Pears Mr. Porter introduced Mr. and Airs. Laird of Maplo Grove, who en- tortained the audience with thleir beautiful colored sldes. Mn. Laird belong-s to the Oshawa Camera Club an hlis pictures were taken with cane -and patience to bng out ail the beauty. Mn. Laird named his selection o)f pictures, "Making friendis with Nature," During. the program Mr. Caries Tamblyn pîayeil several enjoyable numbens on his cornet, a-ccompani- ed on the piano by Mr. John Ford. 'imrs. B-illfiïg. '4reented Ms~ Laina vitthïa bouquet of cdaffodiLq in aippreci.ation for thieir pictures, Rec Trustees Considier Revision 0f Ga--rbage ,ýBy-Law TUhe Onono Police Trustees held a speciýal mieetýig on Mna even ini tUe Municipal BIdigwith ail mnembens prosent. At this mieet- ing tUle uteswene nfomedbyý the chairman thlat tlie Option formais haid beo rcerivedc and thiat the Trutstees imust nwseýt th.e pIces [o be inucuded 4in tLle o pt ion s. 11Th-el figures were, estab1)Iliedi and tUie haranR. C. Forrester, was giv- f en, theauont to have Mn1. K.[ Lyottcopleto tUe f orms and see-k the signatures ,)f 1tUe thriee ,pnop- erty ownllers. coýunt la definf-ed and iwhroby 0v- Smpon eryone paya for tCe sesrvc. Mnr. Brucevocr, Orono Fine M.E Chief, spolçe to teUe rtes asking kW, stae, that this yýear tUe Trustees allot a being grî, smof fi-vo hun-,dned dollars to lie atitCe n ýspent in tUe fine depantmnent for Deplet new equipment.lie propoaed thatlho said a; eodIofcotio oxygen'te-st ed maske and supply tank bo purchased nand that, along %with some newbats, cona thnize and bloots. R. C. 'Fonroser thanked ganizatior thle FIne-( Chiof for bis inItonres an( mae us f'or býinlg,*ing Itle noquos-t bfn U ITruist-ees. IHo statecd that 't'le - - ha a qu(, culd be ponsicipred Wben the ! .A17-v- The fthree options to ho sought tru stest-up their budg<fr U are lantUte south of tUhe Village yvear. where, test-drilling will begin, H.J h M.11 Mercer statedtat i l likely G E. Simpýson thoen took o0or,(, thiat somo tosting wiil also bo done-,fchair -whe1 the Trusteeswntnt in thie nonthi of the Village. comm-îiitteýe to set-up aý budget for It was statedl at tUie meeting thiat tj Oan Uesggae bdetWl numenous doga are now running at l'e presontod at tlienxtreguflan large in the Village. TUie *dg-ach eeting of the Trustee- by Mn or is te be advised to pick these dOgs 1.p. G. E. Simpson suiggstodl that Jin: ordonr to make garbago coats meet vie W oJr kiF revonue that the Police Trustees in-1 crease tUe cost of garbage collec-! tion from $1.00 every womonitha to $1.50. H. M. Mlercer stated that i A t W .A1 befono any increase wxas made that I a studly of the present system of OnTedy Fbray ,teI coilecting accounts should leie ade. O usaFbur le It appeared, ho said, that ac number monthly meeting of the nfternoon of people do not use garbage col- Auxiliary Of the Orono United lection facilities Uowever there was Church was Ueld in the Sunday no check uinder the present system Sehool Auditorium with 32 ladies to know whetheir this was so, or net. lanattendance. They were Uearil R. C. Forresten said there was welcomed by the President, Ms nothing te determine whiat an ac- Drummend and givon an inspira-j count was and hoe agreod with Mr. tional message which called for ,a Mencer that a study of the present concentrated Missionary effort laj system of collecting accounts should 1960. lie made liefone any increase was The meeting opened with -the levied. Ho f oit that if everyone ia Pilgrim's Mission Hymn 506 and the Village paid the $1.00 f ee every prayer., two montha and if there was a def- A very lovely devotional was giv- inition of an accounit that it was on bv Mrs. George Carsen followed more than likely that garbage rev- by oun study on Afnica taken liy enue would meet xcosts. H. M. -Mon-liMrs. Robinson and Mrs. Eddy on1 cor stated thiat thiere has been a the theme "Power o! an Idea.*" need for a change in the system of There was a short business peniod colIectinýg and levying account in tUie minutes of the January iieet- connection with garbage. ing were dispensed with but a A motion was passed liy H.M. mention %vas made of the executiveý Mencer and G. E. Simpson instruct- I meeting Ueld at the home o!f rs ing tUe secretary to obtain the »ec- Drummond in. Januany when p"ro.- essany information in order that aijecta wene discussed for 1960. hy-law lie set-up where'by an ac- 1 Visita were r'econded and t(hank-, j enty in cq j look into Dont aisE tU.e 'i.lla,, ýDont, Township Council- Id that tUe Town-ý,iship )was anted property, at no coat, )rthof Ue illge b- tUe jent of Hgwy.Fui-rthn, the township \vas not in- in takýing ovetUepopn- Councillon Dont wný7s a-_ to make contact with or- -ns in Orýono vwho mightI ;e of It.- H. M. M\ercoer said and la the Vilage certain- ileadif it was fr e e1' hould obtain it. TUe ýprop- !uesion la just south 01ý-f itUe lmetery and aýs PR. C. FEor- intod out was ono location cas a test drilling aito for hnd.The Trustee-s are to tUe Imatter funthen. Mn. atated thlat ayland lin eo Uad value. From Angola A.S. Meeting you, notes fromr shut-ins were read by MrIs. îBowins. Picture sîldes of an A'ýngola school and lif e of children wvere shown by Mrs. McLaren and enjoyèd by al]. Articles, mnade of grass, artistically worked and Weven by the women of Angola and brought froni Afnica by Rev. Amny Sehauffler were on display. The Evening Atixiiary have ex- tended an invitation to the After- noon Auxiliary to attend their Birthday Party Meeting February 18th at 8 p.m. The Presbyterial will be hield at Simncoe St. Church, Oshawa on )?eb- ruary 24. Two delegates were ap- pointed to attend, Mrs.' W. E. Arm- stron-g and Mrs. W. Irwin. The Womnens' World Day of Pray- er will be hield March 4th. AUl wo- men of -tUe eommunity are invited to attend, The meeting closed ii, the usuial manner aften which cookies and tea were served by G roup 2. r Honour Mr. And Mrs. D. Goode With Presentation -i N 44 N N N 44 s s -44 N 44 N N N 44* 44 N N 4~4 444 s N N N N s N 4~4 N s N -4 44 N N N N '-44 N N N N N N N N --4 N 4- 444 4- 44;

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