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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1960, p. 2

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'I F O1rono Orp' Victory Over Lindsay The Orono Orphans took aý deci and has three games left in the s;ive victory on1 SatUrday IVevTe [ischedule to play. Lindsay tops thie when thgy' travellecl to Lindsa y tlau with 9 points but have ontly play the Lindsay Intermediates. one game left to play. The Port The Orphans were backed wvith Hlope crew have one win with twc soereal goal tending by Vince ýpointfs Orono could top the league Vanstone. Orono had the puck boun- whlen ail games are played. ,ýing for them- and came up with- a Wodi epce within the nexi ýwek wen heOrphans willene vicorlite Ontario Playdowns >"n the n1i Raye West netted the hiat iricek termediate C group. There is to be 'wr the local boys \with three gal. o Jeaguepayows Uls three brothers, Juniior, Dean and Keith ail netted two apiee The Orphanis play at home on The o~~~~ ~ ~ther Orono gas b e lil )101 ce th'is Friday nigl celCharýles.'Arm-stron-g and Thi they meet the Oshawa Majors ]Dou Powll. hisgamie wlll be preceded by a DeugPowll.PeeWee hockey game, 'Pontypool The Orphians are novw in second versus Orono. place in the league with 7 points The Orphans again take to the 6 NOWON- D .ISLAY t np-v2 i-l;hcar dû ~ n~dand b iK Qgp-cia y- )rCanadiah§ Qa;y-tead i~!u e~ Pnr-i is designed to let you take in ail I nstrument readings at a giance. integrates perfectiy \withi Envoy's luxurjjous, well-appointed interiors. glamour- crafý-ed ifteir)ý surround you with luxury. There's a rich choice of upholster'y materialjs in a miultitude Of Patterns adii colors. Super-comf'or-table bueket seats are Standard onl the EIn oy Custol! tk1P- fùCn#t[lPd r h-w ôctd -qt;ator, viaqor For big family funI this Einvqy Sherwood sets the style. With r1ear seat folded down, this beauty givesyou 451,2 cubie feet of load space. Bitg tail dioor canI be fixed in fIl openl position ont specialiy-designed hing-es. ±JEh igh--Pa;hïo n car wlztb +P[0v! pý'iota Neyer before bas so much beau.Ity, SOImuLch conIvenIience, so mucli power-packed economical p)erformanýiice, so much honiest-to-gfoodniess value beeni offered f'Or such a low price lin a 4-cyllind-er- car. This is the Enuvy.di te new Brilish car. desind Éand buili especiaily for Canian/1. US! The Advenîure of' Envoy oneshi iMofre t ou in three beauLtiful sedanis p)lus the fuf le Sherwood sýtation wagoni. See the Evyto)day!\ Adire1 its quailiîy and (reage god looks. Dive it! Thien pr)Ioudly choose the Envoy vwhich imeets your reqirelients. *Sliggesýted maximumin retail delivered FUN-FILLED SHERWOOD £22hT price wvith 01-Bath iAir Cleaner, (ilustr7 e2 HeteanDeroîradAîzrezerELEGAINT CUSTOM '" 15 BOWMANVILLE SzI 54 Prices quloted include delil v. yfianid AVNIOSSPECIAL $ 04- linz ~ ~ ý cresFeeaSaeaidExse illustrated) -2 L Taxesc. Proincial iandLoclTxs EXTRA.THRIFTY STANDARD Éý wvhere applm i cable, ae addiional.(' ) $196ou, LUTN NGANOPATSAND SERVICE PROM CSCOASOAT /VCANADA E10 ROYNýc 'OLS CU R TIC E ORONO WEEKLY TIMS THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th 19.1? ih::&nQ TýArà= Oronio ice on Tuesday, February ,, .wheni they ýpay host to the Port Hope Intermediate club. Corne ont- and support yourhoetw clb Durham Producers Ati ed Prov. MeetfV<' By Clarence Aluin, eFederationi Secretary Feldman :t Durhami County H&IQg Producer< ,Directors, Howardc Malcolm, Don-ý 1aId Staples, Leslie Taylor anid Pre- eident Floyd Stinison attended a meeting of Onitarlo Hog Producers iin the Seaway Motel, Toronto, ýon itWednesday, January 20. Neariy 400 delegates attended Ithis meeting called after notice had been given by the Farm Products eMarketing Board thiat another vote oni the Hog Marketing Plani wouid be called for sometime before spring. The Hog Producers Board had called the meeting to deter- mine if the Onlitario Hog Producers weore behind thie present methlod of sale. Soon after the rneetiïn.-startex1, Joh Aiona Victoria County Eog), produ,ýi took the "mnike" and chiarge,(d the Board hiad made no ait- temrnt ý) rneet withAgiute Minister Goodfellow io discuss his ûbjecîonsLo thir :ethod ofsa. He~li Itatp he alaked ,vith the Miitrand hiad asked iiim if he \w ouldl discuss thle matter Wththe oad nd had been ssuried he Wouid be happy tio do so. Mlr. Altdn asked the producers to consent to a chanige in thie systemn ofseln hogs inicaingthat such a mYov-e Mr. Chas. M lis, President of naro Hog rouer'Associ- ation, clalled on J. R. Kohiler, sales maniager of the Hog pruducers' Co- O1pertive, to explaini the methiod of i sale. Cargs ad ben made that th11eslln agency hadl discrimîniat- ed agisuertaini pac-kers in) not sufpiingail their requiremients on oneo accepted bid. Mr. Koier ex- lainied that hogs \were offered 4.- thec trade for sale ini lots of fromn 200 to '500 and( sold to the 1highest bidr fthis nutmber was inisuffi- dent to sp l te ineeds of a pack- erc- he cou'fldë bid again o-n anlother lot. - Tfs asthe only ethod col!nir1 cî1 ompetitive bidding. Mr.1 Koirsaid that at nýo time Was any paker discriminlated againist and thle ihogs were always solId ïo the h Iighepst bidder. Naitr'- allv if several Pquail bids wvere re- ceived, the right to allocate the hogs belonged to the seller. Mr. Mclnnis called for a standing- vote of the 400 directors presenit method of sale and ail exce'pting1 about 10n stood in favour. Dr. David D. Moniesoni, iprofessor of Marketing at the Harvard School of Finance and Commerce, spoke to the meeting. He saiid he hiad made a 'complete study of the Hog Producers' Method of Sale and con- cluded his remarks with the forth- right statement, "Gentlemen, there is nothing wrong wîth your mjethod of sale." Following henon"ncen1r Donald Staples. ietr rmDr ham, made a motion 'Ihat due lie accusationis made ale b Vr Marketing Bord ad n "i,) 'ir- ectly wuith Mr 1. (Goodîf-%llow Il i thiey do so as; soo-inas soeh :ot was passed almostuanmfsv hiad eind foir a vote an,!d )o presenit method o (f sale, -dhe )'Pî

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