DRONG WEEKLY v 5OTJ-URDA,8ERUARY 4, 1960 SHOP a terni Q fruil, g Fleiriz Fancy TOM ATO JUICE 48 oz tin oUMonarch MARGARINE 1 lb pkg CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 0 Liptoni's Tomato, ý VEGE10ABLE SOUP MIX 2for 57c -d â - 4 tor 95bc 3 for 3 for 35c ~35c! 1Ale YO1UR & WHITE G6 GARDER pting display nutritious MAZOLA OIL VEL LIQUID Teesweet E oz. Min Gold Seal - Solid White Meat Lemon Juice 3 for 2 5c Tuna Fish 7 oz tin 33c Hereford- 12 oz. Tin National- Cello Pkg.c Corned Beef 2 for 79c Tea Bags 50 bags 39c Del Monte Fruit Australian Sultana Cocktail 28 oz tin 4 1 c Raisins 2 lb poly 57c SUPREME BISCUITS Chocolate Creams Strawberry Creamns 3 for 85c~ IIYI M#7:îTM FîI '7U>17U1 Golden - Tree Ripe - Calfornia Large Size 138's Av& A3%nr Large Slicing T.- ww., o% & e% #% IL IlE> U % NMIU 1: 1IUIIdUtaloe in3tc O Deliclous Guban o 3doz$10 Pneapples 29c Tlaste Tringling Pancy Grade Maelntosh Brco0e 3 Cri;sp- CrUnchy - Poly Bag Apples 3lb 2 e~eeyIers2C SFresh- Young - Sliced Fresh Pork Whole or Haif Beef Liver lb 49cm HAmM ROASTmS n Swift's Premium - Sliced Side Rindless 1 lb. Package ~Bacon lb pkg 69C lb 49e OSwift's Premnium - Brown 'N Serv e Swift's Premiuim - Gry-O-Vac Wrapped 2 3 lb Aerage Just Heat and Eat - 6 oz. pack. J l%-Be bm e "à Sausage pkg 37c1- orn Befl09 LiThis Week's Contest Winner - Betty Halet J CORNISH'S Ç- aPhone Orono I1121 KENDAL NEWS Pauil McMacktn was home this weekend from Quecni's University, Killgston. Mrs.T. Dnchu's oth-er, wo lives ti Delii,brehrhp.ks niow tri acs.Thle family wre p D1 T -NO0W! Promote Winter Emnploymerit j - Instail a Bright New Bathroom and an ec- _ onomical Oil-Heating System, hot air or hot wvater. ;jo visit ner aithee urne of the ac- Convert a portion of your basement into a g idn.Laundlry Room, we carry ail the Fixtures Some of thie local c-itizen s had - along with the Automatic Washers and Otheir phonles connected again tins Opast weekendf, after being Dwtthou 3lt for onie iorii, since the big kee s;torrn, December thje twýenjty-seýv- - NO MkLv llJs,- O Mr. Roy Mercer was thrown oV- INUJI L N o er his snow ploudgh and broke a 13couple of ribs about two weeks. ago. B d e 1-He is improving slowly. 'Terms to suit your B d e g Mrs. R. Little hadl an appendix 13operation ti Bowmanville hospital -U W ~ I last week. We wtsh hier a speedy re- H arvey Partner -rîumbing & Iteating 13 coery.BEATTY PUMPS and APPLIANGES M\r. Len Faits, his mother and We Sel! the Best and, Service the Rest 1famtly vtsited ti Peterborough on Phone Orono 1782 Sunday. -----------ooe IESK'%ARD %NEWS Q UIDV( UNTR c. 13 iURPHI FRI)R Q (intended for last week) g SThe January meeting of the Les- kard Woman's Asso ciation was heldT Mrs. Martin opened the meettng f g th a poefn followed by the Iord's * ui nt Prvrin Untson. Mrs. Grant was S.V.D Il ii 7 1 and~' waKiitdb Ms htr~nng s.W wavlePhome MA. 3-3781i i3 n charge of the Devottonal Pertod crm iee utlretbe "On Da ouks a te em eig four chairs ...................$6c0 13Reports were rend by the Treas- $22,00 l urer and Secretary. Rev. Basil L-ong Bedroom Suite. Bookcase bed, Double 13 nstalled the followtng offtcers for Dresser, large chest, Walnut .... ...$ 290 oa two year pertod. O Past Pres.- Mrs. C. Martin U o Prestdent Mrs. A. Vaughn T lst Vice Pres. - Mrs. R. Thompsoni rTw iece Chesterfield Set, ......... $ 49,0 0 2dVice Pres. - Mrs. 'N. Batrstow g Secretary..-iM&s. E. Spry. Al ,,Cor. Sec. - Mrs. R. Sutcliffe Large Table Lamps ......$ .9 Trensurer - Mrs. R. ChaterU o Ptantst - Mrs. F. Yeo. o LOisinr Convenor - Mrs. A.Q Sealv Mattresses ................ $ 99 13Lunchi Cornmittee -Mrs. C. Grant,,Q Used Rug 6191, by 9' Used Refrigerator FloMers - Mrs. N. Fee 1 Used Full Size Bed and Spring Plans were made to hold a Pot D ocOu Luck Supper before the Congre- gational meeting. Committee betng ~Almas.o The meeting closed with the Ben- fi f i Best uafityyrFuel 'Oi Sediction. Lunch was served and a Ssocial ttme was enjoyed. On, Tuesdaym eventng about fortya d St e Oi 3people enjoyed a Pot Luck Supper Pi a d S .v ï ti the Sunday School Room. After r, ever-yone had enjo-yed a bountiful orepast Rev. Basil Long conducted atàem s the Congregational meeting which atte n s was opened wîth the singlngi of fav- ourite hymnis.. Scrtpture readtng nr 'aal and prayer by Rev. Long. Mr. E'arl vul IIftflMU DDI E' Duatt reported for the CuSh.C.E bu y0e) E ruu 1 DMain reported for the Chuch.C School.Robert Chater gave the O fnnlrport for the Sundcay MS.chl. and Mrs. Mj eV I O 1o potdfrteWornen's organiz- 1 attons. The Off icers of the Church O were ait re-electedl and Mr. C. Grant Lim ited was also electedl to the Board of o. Stewards for- the coming year. C. I o9 iMartîn wtll again bc caretaker of Telephone Osbawîa RA. 5-1IlO9-Orqno 1567o Rev. Basil Long led -in a discus-n 78 BOn S- est. ~tnas to increasing the attend-U for- the year. Th'le meettng was then Dadjourned. Michiael Gallimore is a patient in M\,emorial Hospital, -Biowmaniville. IMrs. ROY Thompson andICIthe Wil- Bowmanville cocks famtly are confined to theiri A 1 MUrs.arl Puckri, Autesi-' HST U S OS T ER A . j ed on Wedniesday with hler mother, T IST UR. OST. F R A Y 4- M'ýrs. C. Martin. __________________Matinee Sat. at 2 P.M. lHave You Enough g nsutanc g roteot yourself and yu 1family against Ioss by havîng AdeqàteALktomnobile 1Insu r- 1ance. Discuss your require-. mients with 1 INOAC ISTH B1-J3OIC N .P O R T E R 9 "lTarzan's Greatest Advenature" Gordon Scott, Sara Shane - !ýolor) also "lBadmnan's Country"9 Buffalo Bill, Wyatt Earp "Tarzan" at 7 and G:45 Western at 8:30 NEXT MON. TO WED. - FKBIIUARY S-10 32 oz boutle69c i2c off pack giant size 71 c B ana na Creams - Assorted Wafers 25 biscuits in each pkg N N N '4 N N N N N N N N -s N N N S. N N N N N N 4 - N N N N N N s 's N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N S N N N N -N N N NI N N S 1