4 4 4 4 4 4, -r-. c- 4,- I. -r, 4 4 '-r x -r- z- ,~5z-r ,~ -r- z- York i i Sra e I-I I 'fe Ai odPricçes Effective Februaýry 4, 5, 6. We Rsrethe Right ta Lit uatiie GODNRIPE .'S N 1 G GARPD EN F R ES1H RK Ooz 2large29 'stalks29 2 for 29c IGA -SAVE 6c PEANUf'T BU17"tEr 16 oz jar29 QUICK OR INSTANT- SAVES OUAKER O"%A,-TS 48 oz pkg 37c ËÀVF fie - PKG. 0F (id CARNIVAL bS"ERwVIETïTES 2 for,27c Rb A L D CFIE ES"E 12 o z caut 49ec IGA ROYAL GUEST SMALL LINK - SAVE 47 ~PURE PO-*RK21 SAUSGES 1 0 SKINLES"-ýS WEINERS sv 9 L e' f MIINNCE D BE$EF s a ve 313 $100 IGA NOW HEADQUARTERS FOR TV'S ROMPER ROO THE SHOW FOR ALL CHIL DREN 0F PRESCHOOL AGE MONDAY THRU FRIIDAY ON CHCH-TV Channel il - Hiamilton 9 - 9:30 a.ui. CKVR-TV, Channel 3 Barrie 11-11.30 a.m. CKWSTV Channel 11k Kingston 12:30-1:30 P.IT. CIIEX-TV Channel 12 Peterboro 1-1:30 p.m. WKBW-TV Channel 7 - Buffalo 9:30-10:30 a.m. CHECK YOUR IGA STORE IGA'S SENSATIONAL, FOR COFFEE ýMUG OFFER Students' Council Tc Fefte G ýradua-ý,tes At Banquet by Hather Jean 'Putllerfordc -A Student's Coun1cilnmeetin1g Fwast held on Tuesday morning, Febru- aIry 2ndl.to dsusseveral itemns wich ihad aiseninthlast wveelk, The, Council deie o hold at TFri-S Sehool sktýinhg party on Thurs- day, Febrary il atninecloc 1.p. PRefresh1m enttiktsli be ditrhuedto tireBaktc and Mliboo sudent11s wih ien- ttethem 1to a free'ý hot dIog and So-ft1 irink TheOronostudnts ill be heaue fhefin)anciald"Iîfficýulties1 lain te Cuil. PulTareblyn, one f 0r aabedic okes willeaidIthe studýen!ts in varl"'ous j w~ ~ ~~~~~~i frvswl eaaddt h il- ners )rf these fouies Aioter vntwichhsarue !b co cadrab !honerSommesrou hs c-gl15 te Gradaion eronyn Thet gue'Il'st speaker is year l"-l àue 1959Georg Rdtobe rsho is theb paseprsîeofthe TAce rs'Fd erati andof anvaaind i nw T Tprincalif OshwaCo invite.e eroe dromaclubdisthesning ae- ment, "Tewelved sppornt ook" Inuder edltuinof Misths bbs tetdent Star]. the pGlee Club, ThtsIoar he tdent's Cunclile quL tet fortheuentios tehoo gu Yf-INTER *lMPROVE YC BUDGET VOL IMPROVEMN (Jrono Fuel& Lui 1orono Ont. School to hold a "Career Night" i the v-ery near future. On this evening, members of tuhe Bowmaniilvill e Rotary CIlub will rep- resent thieir c2hosen profession s. On the sehiedule fer the eveni-ng there are listed approxiniately fifty different occupations, ech lione lo be describied by a person experieni- -ed in that une (of \work. These rfesonlpe-ople w\il[1 be prepared 1to discustheir careers with tudens mand their prns formaution abouit the educational ve- q uire e nts a n d !pro fessio n a o s ibiitis wllbe listed. Best o'DIl, hoeeparents and st!udentýls v haive a chan(e Io ask questionis o nersn drecty cnneced ith the jwb of thi(ýr dreamjs. To mke sr'e hatthe parent ,~nd he sudenswoldvb it eret cd ~~ t insc Cre I th t the cuit(ýl plae bihe f s -ns. I 1-bope 'Lht thy wlle to aýi. WORK PUR HOME MR HOME ITS HERE ' -' nber Limited Phone 148]1 6 -~ DONALD CDICK "MULTI 1PACK" 15 oz tins pkgs B.C. Chipsteaks 5OZpkg 35c IGA - SAVE Sc BEtAN S wjeth P t _______________________ jo 24HOUR SERVICE CO. 3-2281 eCW 6 ils