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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1960, p. 7

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Na--rcOtiýcSAdt Boots Chemist on th-e southl d;ide of Londoni's Piccadilly Cir- eus is probably the b)usiest drugi_,- sitore in Engiaudl. Boots, like ail other Britislipace, has for> the pst fine years beeni permi,ýt- .~by la'w to sou nrarcoties to x,Pddicts on a dnoctor's prescrip- lion. Thusý,onue might expoct to see, narcotics addiuts queuing -up eat Boots for thýeir daily allot- mocnts n of nrn, mrphiineco caîne, aud other inarcoýties- dloses wichel unde-r Britainýs so- vialized ruedicine ro<t the aicc Onily aboutil 20 cents. Yet, this is not thle case. "We on]y ,get two or three cdrug addicî(ts a igh a Boots sisa ad ls mlonth. To maniiy US. actcx perts, thiis -lim ibusiness a t Boots spels thle lau)swve r ta Ax-nericýa's soinmus narcoticýs prn,-b- Tom, These author-ities point out that there are 01n1y about 350 iarecotics ad1dicts ýin Englaud (au inliniitosimlal .0007 Uer cent of the poýplationi), com-lpareýd with aorme 60,000 in thýe U.S. u.03 per cent). Enugiand's low addictio(n figuire, the U.S. auhortiedi, is the dfirect irsu1t of ni per- ijttinig doctors te proscribe an-d coutrol anaddlict's narcotic ini- take. But last mouth, twýo New 701-rk f- experts who speni a month in England sud Lglic Bitî system of legaiized ularcotics cis. tributioni - the fîrst Americans to actually do so - tonk sharp issue with this view. Writiug ilu the current issue nif'the -New York State Journal of Medticine, Drs. Granville Larimiore aun Houn-y Bri of the statoe's heaitli Pnd mental hiygien-e cdepartments ccnteud that instead ni the Bni- fish systemr's causing a low ad- dtiction rate, it's the other way arouind; tho ow addiction rate has- contributed t o wlatever xiuccoss the plan has had. Perhiaps for somne obscure cul- urTreason, t heoy wr-ote, th3e Ligiisih people abhor uarcoticsý and runay be, thoy suggestod, "In'ore ikely te solve emnotionai prob-Tems witih aicohôil." As a resuhlt hey fouid, the English- men who dlo becomne narcotios adit re "lms' xclusiveiy" medcial addicts - a smaT goup Lf ttn'fortuua.tes wvho have be- carn1e a44,gted as a resulT of mdcltroatmoiint. To help these poopie, the Bný- îish niarcoties plan perm1its doc- tors ta prescribe naircotics only for those addicts who either arle being, cured by graduai Wit 1h- drt awal irom' the Cdrug, or whio eannot ho either cured or safely dleprivled, the New York d'ootora found. The systemý works pri- mariîy -becýause, uinder Britair's irocialize4 mnioe dlijc i n e, patients mutsticl3 with a single phy. sician, This "effectively deters addicts from iobta,,iniuig dru-S 0or dniug prescriptionls îronî mure thian nuie physician at atio. Q.lIow eat) 1 prevent the ail- Moyance of dsooel skinl eauses by m tmeieery anDèbracelets? A. By simpiy coating Ucthie t surfaces oi your joxvelry withl anmiye -ocloless fingeruail pols. ARMS AND THE MEN - Compficatêd arm cion results dur- ing Illinois-Purdue basketbaJI ploy. Armis, fron-l leýft, belong Io Terry Dischinger (Purdue), Jeýrry, Berkshire (ude and John Wessels (Illinois). Truan, Is The By- TOM A. CULLEN Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Londop - (NEA) - Somieone shoid t el]Rani-y S. Truma-ki about that nid doubie-breasied, gi-ny suit ho is wearniug in Mda- dam Tusau'swax mu-sour. It hias oarued hinm the dtublous dis- tinction of b ei n gthe"wrt diressed ma" luinthe waxworks. Someonie, ikewise, shouid teil Secrotary ni State Christian Renter not ta give Madame Tus- saud's the brush-off. The Tus- saud people are Ihoppingma because Rerten hbas tunuied dowui terrequest ta do hlm luii wax. BERNARD TUSSAUD dresses the "lworst - dresseti monr" in the m uspum. Pope Juhn XXIIII, Quoen EIi- zapbeth 11, President Eisen.hower aud Sir Wiu-ston-. Churchiil ap- paroutly have n objection to being exh-ibited .as wax, dumimide athe wnnicl famnous wax em- poriumn which is now celebrat- ing its T57th year You can. learu a îlot ni curiouis lacius at Tussaud'!(s: thaýt ]any- Kayeila rêgIar.ded éas somnething o n- ar ntoîa reaik, that Marie Antolue2tte had a 42-hidi. b-ust imoasuremeut, that Genera)l Franco is a haîf iuch sh*ter than Napoýle.) The waxworks haýý rema-ined lu .the Tussaud miyevýer since it was iounded lu Loudon lu 102. It is uow ïrun by Bernard Tussaud, thie great-great-grand- souni the original Madame Tus- Tussaud's ui s e ýý oaiy humnan hair for its wvax imodels, and this, in turu, cuorneýs fi-oui sion- vents in Italy wý,here the have their hieads, shoru jiust be- fore takiug the vit. Blondes are the hardIcst to match, accordin.: ta Vera Blan, the Tussaud beauiticia)n who doos the hair insertions, "Maybe it's because blondes don't enter cou- ,vents," she explaiued. Next to the hamirr the eyes are most dificult to nmatch. Tus- sautd's has the (eycs nf its models ni a d e specialiy by a Louldou manufacturer of surgical glass Stanley Wismaruk, wlfo known at Tussaud? as the "body builder," wvas in a tîzzy because he had just b ýncri(ornmissioned ta do a plastrar body nf Kir-., Ola'f nf Norway. '40h, no, ni two straighit legs againi," ho groaned, iookîng at recout photos o-f King Olaf lu ,whihthe m nouarch aFppeared ',o be stantding -,t attention, "The thing we try to avnid in making wax odels is arresi.- eýd action," lho explained. "WVe ikçe movemenia ta be natural, flowing. It w;a s Wismark who explalu., ed wýhy the modol of D-auuy JKayo is ail wrnng auatonmicaly. "Rïis Aeicntailor pads hIsý shoulders o ut and -î-akes7 lis hipa taper."ý The exhibition sparesn et- fort to Lmake its odela acuatJd and lie-Tike. Wherever possible Bernard Tussaud, w ho makes ETROIT - AmOng the. idtest nea7-Nazi paraphernialia un-overed by police is i he homne offa 14-year-old boy. He wars the "fuehrje, cf a, teeri-age NaLzi cpatches on lhe oitscre U.S. Army miItary i;nsignia. BRAT b as sýtarted putiets, white sud trowun egg layera. Sendc for liai. Day- old Ames, white sud browuý egg spe- cialists, .dulal Purpose, sud broiler ehlclts, to ordler. See local agent, or writ0e Bray Hatchery', 120 John North> I4amnlton, Ont. 9USINESS OPPORTIJNITIES ,K<NJTTINGý business wýell etablisbedi, ope)rkited fromr homne, no overbead. ork cdoue by women ini their çwn home. Cash price 33,150 wbicb inc1ludes, ntestock and maïchines. Six months oIpaiicu-ats, cover purchase price. S3reeti, Newv Toronto, Ont. GARAGE AND LUNCH COUNTER RlEAL gond business, 80,00 gallons on No 6 iigbyvay, edge of expauding lui- dutla owu near Guelph. Buildling élmost ïnew uell equipped an>d insod- erss. Llncb coLunter shows excellent ~Prolt, ()080 ,ais. - handhes 5 cars aud <rucis. Price of $35,000 icue build. ail garage sud lunch comutor qE spten1t. Low cdowu payment. M1 healih forces sale. inuwteriate posseýs- ,ion Thi isla srevalopportunlty. A. J, YOUNGBLOOD, REALTOR Phone 111W, Fergus. MAKTPLAZA PETERBORO, ONT, NOW LEASING FOR NEW ADDITION OUTSTANDING opportuuity for baK- ery,', delicatessen,, shoes, laisvea, h:a rdwýare, sporting gonds, cloihiug, iariety, pint and walipaper, applian. lea, furnitutre, etc. Contact FROMAC DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 541 Brant St., Bttrlington, Ont. NEIson 4-2346 SE YQUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A Cin-bleterted Unattended Wtestinglhouse Leundromiat Equipped Laundry Store:. Net 3,0.800Annually. Write or phone today for fui] infer. maition about 4nattended coin-opiera;ted WVestiughiouse Laundromnat eliuiplped lauudry store opportuilities in your onnuy.You manage in your spare thrne - nettiiug high inicomeý; We finanice 90% of your total purchase . offer you longýeat finiancing ter- Icd ai lowvest mionitll,y justalusents. Yn recelve training sud aie rom sa natiousl organization that bas lbelpedi ever 8500o men aud %womeu) like vou go into businmess for thenmselves. No eperience ueecessry. Modeat iswiest, meýnt. This proven uew profitable auto- sn-ýat-c business offers a niouey-ioaking opportunity to anynue who wans. to owu bhis owu usnes.Compare our eoplte rograin. "oi ALD. CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Roaci, Toronto 18, Ontarjo. ROger 6-725 BUOSINESS PRiOPERTIES FOR SALE MEAT narket for sale, new equipmnen1t sud 9 bouises. Serpent River, 18 miles fi.omu Elliotti Lake onu libwy17, bouse ncorne $490 s month: 1meat sale,- _vrg $S 0Per rnontb. %Wjite 'Z sppvy pbols t3leat Ivarket, epp River, Ont ail the headsý, likes to have aýt Toast one interview (sitti [-tLe1 calis it) withi the subjeeCt. Tussaud's) efers to use clothes which have been wo;%-rn by th jle subjects, which iswhr Hafrry T'ri-Iian's nid suit cones lu. Wheu Truman becamne Presi- dent in 1945 clothiug, was i-a- tioued ilu Britai1n sud TussýauId's- had uno clothing,ý ration coupons. For- bis model Trumi-an kindly prsno he -iuseum xith a complote n u t f itf, hich was broughit from Wash iugtoniib CkIment 'AtItec, 'tho n British prem"Dierlunbis pe-sonapl luggage. Butt the most bizarre aid ni ail came fr(,.- John H-aigh, the acid bath murderer, wbo on the ove on i<bisexecutionu iie o TuLssaud'S the c]ltes '3Wh-ich hl-is mdlis uow wari.He also Toit instr7ucionsý for keeffiig thiemnireallYproesd dbrush- ed. Mvissiug irom Maame Tua- saud's is Pandit Nebru, whose efig-y was recenl'y withdrawn fOîIowýIng complaînts that it did not do justice to the-,Iuiapn' prime ministor. Nohru's off igy bore 4"un re- semiaceto his dynamic and chart-uiug personaiity," C. o ni- piained 29 Iudian crew momei- bers ni thie S.S. Corfu. "This painis the hieir' o' every fndiani Now Bernard Tussaud plans to wait iitt Nehiru visits Lou- d o. ntori- heoCmowat primenisters' conierence lu May, at which lim-ee hTopes ta Iuake a nc' mode] fromuf-t bandevdc. The dauahteýr of a preacher hadi attended a da.nge, much against lier iather's wishies. Whien she appeared for breakfast the uext morninllihogi-eete-d ber: "Gond mnruing, cdaugh-ter of Sata!" "Gond noiruing, faihier» shie replied. Regul1atiore la expentsive. t fa bureaucratie and once establish- ecl it expandi(s; it p riavzspi-- vate iiiaiewitlout 0f fering, construciveCacership, -Alfrteci E. Smith. ,COINS wnIted 'psy bligh prices 14069 coi. catalogue 25,. Gar'-ýs ('a 9910 - Jasper, Edmonton, Alta-." FARMS FOR SALE 3-00 acres-,!50-worVkae, _b alane -cëreek ë pasture. Si-eable amnount cf tisuber. Good barri parîly steel eqlpped. Good bick -bouse 320,000. termis. 215 acres, 200 wvorkable, balance goodj bush. Large steel barn, steel equippedi, silo. Brick house. $22,000.-$6,000. down. 135 acres, 115 workable. Cholce loca. lion. Barn, steel equipped, silo. Drllledt well. Brick bouse, bath, fuirnace, 2,00 125 acres, geod baru. Receintly renodel- led framle Ibouse. 1,0-5,0. dowu. 30 acres. Two snmaîl barns. Insul brick bouse. bath, furuace, attached garage. $7,5N -- halî cash, LARGE listings of dairyý stock sud casýeh crop faïrnls. Archie Blue, 365 Sunset Drive, S3t. Thomlas- MEirose 1-7084. Salesmyan W F. Patterson, Real Estate Broker, Chatham, FARM MACHINERY DAIRY MEN S Stili brealing uip bales tbe bard way? NOW: INSTrED Rolo-matlc, the originel BALE SHREDDER SAVEIS YOUR TniE, TEMUPER AND YOUR BACK Shreds dry or frozen bles.Get sfree demonstration. Write for literatuire ta E. G. McDougalIl & Son, Blenhieimr, On- GE>ESE BREEDINOGeeose, hIngbproducing Pi.ý grlm Strain. Hlatchlng eggs sud Gos. Iings in season. Special rates for large- orders;. Wailter Gautl4ier, liER. 1, Bel, corners, Ontario. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN\, (fuïtl or part tbrne bisisn). Due to the receut introduction of a x3ew aniy acciden-,t ty,,pe membership. ive require adina sales personinel to contact persons living inu both coun- iry and towns. Imninedia'te eaiirings and uuilîmîited jlpportuinities can be yoursý in ibis well re-spcted esIablished or- gasslzatiosi à yrin display the neces. Siary abilitY. No. previocis sales experi. ence înecessary since training sud sales miaterial providedi by the Company ;lu. vestigate Cibisopportity nc tow ,,by rl ing to the Allled Se rv ices (Canada). Personinel Division, PO. Box 0"29,. Ion- dion, Ontarlo. so ibai a personal inter- view cani be arranged. AIl rplies hid in strictesi confidene.' INS'rRUCTI0N EARN miorel Bookýeepiug;, Salesmran. siShorthaud, Typewýriting, etc Les sos504. Ask for free cireular No. 31. Caniain Corresponidence Couirseýs, 1290 Bay Street. Toronlto. LEGAL WïLLS THINI< it over before it's tLoo laie. Mlake your own will, Legal WiIl formsý $1.00 eachi. Delco, Depi. A, 1144 Tama- rack 'Trail, Chattanooga 1Il. Ternu. LIVESTOCK ANGSU Lriffr ong bulle serviceabile age. Bred] fenia les a-Il ages. Anguavue Farm, H-1A. ÇCampbell &Son. R.R 1, Llstowel, Onttario. MAGAZINES FLORIDA! Oportuunity PasadiSe! Flor- ida Cracker Mllagaizine tells al lurdn pictu1res.$1.50 lper. year. Oldci racker 1.35 White Drive, Dept. C.L., TaIlaha-sseec MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE LORlD'& Pray er on lovely jeweled cross vcltb chain anId retr'actable balpolut peu. OnJy 32.70 cash. 11alley Smiear. Willow Sprigs, Missouri, MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMIITED AMoue 'y bans -To City asud Farm Folksa. Mone 'y forianythiiug sud a~wee Phare or Wýrite no0w. OFPS invýestmneutstýý11d., 99 A venue Road, Torouto WA. 2-2442. MEDICAL HîAVE YOU HEARD*i ABOUT DIXON'S NEUR'iTS AND R-E.MTCPAIN REMu1EDY? !T GIVES GOODI RE5ULTS. Mý1UNRO0's DRUG STOREý 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Exess ,,Collecit POST'S EZEMIA SALVE BAýNLiHIlle torment of dry oceacus rasho's zsud weepiug sk'iu ruls Posýt's Efc,(zema Salve wil! not disappoint yo.itcbiug, scaiing sudbuin ecafi. ma, acuie, ringw\orm îpimiples sud foot eczemla wiIl lespond readilyto thre stinea drles ointusent i1regas-diess of 'how s7ttu)born or hopeleas they seo1)n. sent pcoat Free cin Rcelptr of Price PRICE $3ý.50 PER JAR POST'S RMDE U45S St. Clair Avenue EastA TORONTO NURSES WANTEDi REGISTERED NURSES 1-P.-N.'s 0-34.15-bed LIC. M1ission1 ilosp), 90 miles from Whinipeg. Dily bus srie Rsdneaccommodiation. 145 fLit]maintenance. JApjj1y Supi. ,,E MII.C. Mlemlorial Hospita,,Erikadle, Man. OeERl'ATING ROOM SUPER VÎSOR withi experieuce or pa-rdaetrain- ing for 60 bed active general opia about 20 iles from boLndlon. Residieue accommodailon avilable. Excellent personnel policies, For particulars re- i;and'ing very arttractive offer. write tu Director cf Nursing, Stsrathroy General Idospitai. REGISTERED NURSES REQUIRED (Geýneral Duty anid Operatinq Roomri MODERN 82-hed hospital 50 ilies frorn ,Ottawa in the bleart of holidlay resori ares as.,openings. Commjnenclug salary, 52410.00 per irnonth i$10.00 extra right duity two weeks) all staàtutory hidy fgeuli employuiienýt date, three weeks aninuai vacation, straight eigbit bour day, fourty-four bour week, Private sçcomnlodation Lu luxunious niew resideonce witb ful board audi facilities înelclding lauudry. (325.00" per inontb only deducted for residence ac- commodation), Apply DIkECTGR OF NURSING PONTIA,ýC COMMUNITV HOSPITAL. SHAWVILLF, QUJEF BC. OppoRTrUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADtNO, SCH0OOL Great Opportunl.ty Learn HairilesslnDg Pleuant dlignified pr'ofession1; good Wages. Thousands of scesu Marvel Graduates Amnerica's Greatest Systeme Catalogue FPree Write or Cal MAARVEL HAI.RDRESSING SCHOOI. 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Braniches: 44 Ring st. W.,llillo 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa FERSONAL. HEALTH, HIappiness, Prospe-rity, Ad, vancement and Succes aïrea-cceerjateQj by the Home Course iii psyýcb)oogy. j- formnationi free. Royal College of Scy- ence, 709 Spadina Ave.. Toronto. Cala. ada. ADULTS! Persoual Rwbber GCoods 3t0 assoriment for $2.00. Finecsi qualit.y tested. guaranieedi. Maned lupaini sealed packaýge plus froe Birth contrai booiet and cataloguie of supp-,lies, Western Olstribuiors, BOX 24TF Regina, Saiek, PHOTOGRAPHV SAVE 1 SAVE I SAVE i Filins developed and)c 8 magna prints ilu slbum 4J04 12 magla prints lu album- 60e, KODACOLOR 1eve 11ing rol.00 <notlcudn prints), Color pinlts 3 c ach eta Ansco andi Ekiachrome 35,', mm.n 20 e,,- posures mouinted in sîldes $2.Colorý prints fromsildes 35, each. Ivoneyr refundJed inlu fl o npltdneýg-- tîves. FARMER'S CAM'ýERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT, ONT.» PR~RYFOR SALE JFLIOBIDA'S greatest lai iadbargaln., Ril, dryU acre $39Vr~0 - No mioney clown - $10Iontlp-Btweenj Ocala su-d Gulf -- Streetvs rElectricç ishlug - Huntln-g. Write Depi. HI, 1tainbow Park-, Box, 521, Ocýala, Fia. STAMPS WANTfED WILL pay 40 cents per 100 foïr large asie Canadian, U.S.A. stampa or wvil exchange for foreigiu. WILSON'S STAMP EXCHANGE 7 Peter Street South, Orillia, Ontario. TEAcHERs WA1NTED OTPARAE SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONSWIL ERElV f 13Y THE UNDER1SIGNýED FOR 'l'EAC11- ING POSITIONS IN REGULjAR LASE ATTENDED B Y ENGLISIi . pEAKINf- PUPILS AND FORl TEMPRATIT ,ýjySUE'- FEMALI a)(ltCL&Sý) tMAXMuM FEMALE (b)-(2ND CLASSI MINIMUM ý250j ( MALE ç-IT EAS INIMUM 20.0 MAXIIIUM 3.40000q MALE (d)-(2ND CLASS) MIJIM4M 2, i0 0. Ii0 ttlAXIIUM...........$.3oo TE* PORARY sor-PLY STAFF - $10.00 PER DAY MALE, MARRIED,35.0ADTIN AL FOR TEACHERS WI1Tl-,'FIVE YxEA'RS' EXPERIENCE lb NTAI APPLY l'O AIME ARVISAIs, BA..iS SEC RETA RYT RrEAS U RER 140; CUMBERLAND ST., 0TYAWA CE. 6-7475 WANTED- RABB1TS AND PIGEONS RABBITFS sud Pigeons alive antedf or table u.BoPX 2031238 tee.Ne' Foronto. Ont. UTC A JIFfFY Ver wr11u. ni stâ ig, e.o, g lili weatisfy or ]iuoney back!. Dn ufr your dragisi ïor 0. .,PEIRTI. OLYMPIAÏN - The Olympie Games symrbalpof five iniier- Iinked rings is fea ured on thig foŽur-cent stàmp which -,,il[ m-ark the cpening off the eigh.îhj winter gcimes in Februoary 1960. It will be placed on, sole at O'Iympic ValIey, CoMi., siie of the gamles, on Feb. 18. s-s 1; N N N N N N -4 N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N J -. N f N -4, N 's -"s 55 N N 5~5 s 's 5' 's N N N -4' s. s -4 '5 N

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