- O~ON ~EEK TF S THU DAv E 3u A R-Y 4, 196 A ucdgieo kyws c ARpD riFPTHA1KS I VE A wAy day hen he OonoJuve[1esac-thaks fo Dr. MKninussbakanidîtanoehakadWi Mai Steet -0hne109 rnotntai IaJve i tauro;saw.ad staff of Memor',1ial <io1sital, o non je who wl ive tem i 7 .Fretr Eio n aae neîîosrn ptevcoy5 omnille. Friends and neig--gooýd hme roalyBodr 'll .RThelC.as had'anio-7ill atleê bors 1for.card'S, fut lwr A. A.Dum od poe141 Memb r '"a1~ T o Or no oal wee s ored<lod<l Lo eryNOTICE Mebrof the tro ekyNovis pa per Assocm"o eshue ih h te c 'er y aneton. Bth boys CAOID 0 THLii' MK S Thereý will be a, Paiper Drive on Subscnition paable inadvanceassisted on the others goal,. ol ie.b >xrs u aud1 erar h 3h h 1ýiithaks L 1 ourfriends irý 0Orono fori. b would apprec'iate it if al 111 Caniada $1.50 1In U.S.A. $\0tVeg('ad srrie pry.W aer eeoutiby (),dcock. The Juenle ae eertailh ,Pro,-1are01orrY w hve'tlie 0-haThanuk You. ,(Auth'orizcd as Second Class matil, Post Office Departnient, viin 1mereT xciin hcky , ueac, ero ly s eae ec -ib-c Ottawa) n hsoe iigtersulpportier's ,gratefuil and will always feel that lot t cee fr.wehave mny riends herie. 'Thank- FOR SALE tng ou ain.a-p19,51 Meteor Ranch Wagon. ____________________________________________________________________Don and Margaret Goode an1(lApply Rolph Hardware. a-c boys.,______________ H UCKLEBERRY POINT At the beginning of this century some farm land on -Hamilton Bay was called Huckleberry Point. This land became the site of part of The Steel Company of Canada, Limited. Jnstead of farù-i land supporting a feW fami- ilies therc is now at Huckleberry Point Canada's largest steel-mnaking plant employing 11,000 of thle Comp3janiy's 16,000 emp)loyees. This year Stelco mar-ks it-s 5th year of supplying st-eel' for Canadians. What happened at I{uckleberry Point lias happened in hundreds of towns and cities a- cross the country. Canadian manuifacturing now rnplyee near1,Iy 1,400,000 persons. These turn ont thie materials for a growing economy while their fam.iiliespode rts for theP products of Canadian farms, forests andi m-ines. Céaaia mdesteel from Cndanonplants The service arnur Two pair of jeans corne out of the Puddles and fun of wet weather-go into the carefuil heat of an autoinatic electric dryer And before you can say ýttèËrrific"'they're readY to be worn again. This gentie speed and efficient service are just two of the dozeris of benefits you get when you put electricity to work in your home. More and more people every day discover the j MESSAGE 0F TI-ANKS m andMrs.Johin E.stýe-venlson wIso thnnk their manyi., nd for sending cards and flowers dur-, ing our iflness, and espeçially for rememrbering our Diamond Wedýl dlinýg ýAnni J 7iversary. Your -thought- fullness is ind"Ieed ver'y muh apr ciated, and we juist wish we Werel able to be back in Orono 10 thank you ail personally, but are tempor- aily staying wvith our daughiter and soni-in-lawv, Mi,. ai-d Mrs. 1-. A. LeVaillant, 75 Mason Road, Scar- boro. a-c Orono Arena Friýday, Fcbrulary 5i a845p.m. OSHAWAî versusI IORONO ,nd here i-9terrific ! value of electricity's low-cost versatility. Ini the past few decades it lias helped us take charge of our chores ... reduced housework to somnething that's ahnost enjoyable and helped raise our living standards to a new higi.. In the 60's it will do even more to help fill ôur working days with pleasure and turn spare hours to leisure. I ~VE SETTER ELECTR,ICAILV EI LETICY National Electrical Week - Feb. 7tIh - l3the WANTED House in or near rono. Sub- stantial down paydent. Phone MA 3-3644,, Peer Fedldemra, Real Estate Broker. a-d WALTER FRANK McQLJAY and KIDO REALTORS 9177 Church St. j o Bowmanville RMA. 3-3393 j and Tax Rerd jWhit.y, Ontarioj I Contact IBRUCE -GERRY ORONO PHONE 1191 or remnodef;ng yourpesent onc-tenco-ntact IFoundations and S eptic Tanks po e.Forms avaliable. STAFF ORD BROS. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. S., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of vour loved ones. t's ot expensive. And seeng tis lst tribute wiilI givo you endless comfort. lusurance Service Sadie Hamilton Every class.of Insur- ance is represented iii our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages We can of fer: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sikness, Pl ate Glass Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hou.. pitalization, Livestock, Boier, Wlnd, Poiio, Mail, Fidelity Bond etc. Sadie Hamilton PHONE ORONO IR16 iISTmo TAE ON PHYSýCIAN andSUGO Office Hours- 2:00 te 4:00P I.m, 7:00 te 8i :00 pan. Satpurdaýysend We-dnesdays b-y appoifflments conly PH-ONE 1471 DR. R. J. TAGGART VEÎERINARY SURGEON c Phone 10616 Orono, ont. Lawrerice C. Masen, B.A. Barrister and Solicitir BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688_ Home MA 3-556,a W ~. K&Y LYCETT, B.A. IBarrister - Solicitor f In the Offices of R. R. Wacldell Q.C. ' M-AIN ST., ORONO i Telephane 138 Oronn JACK R EID Auctioneer and Valuatow, SPecialize in riarm and Furni'ture Sales CoIýuni e for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orons T E D .AKSO Auctionlceer and Valuator Conducts Au.ction Sales of a,, slse and at reasonlable, rates Communiate wih himn at port Perrva. .Ontario - Oroo Eec tri C PH ONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and ITOU1SE Free EStimates APFLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds o4 Electrical Equipmen-t and Appliances 1SL-h as Motor-s .Water Heatýrs - Radios -Stoves -Irons LIF E INSRAC Pension Plans; Ediucational POIIcies1 Protection and Savings Plans for Children and Aduits; Morigag, e ïw surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT Orone, Ont. - Phono 11716 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone TU 5-5216 F.O. Box 62 Port Hope, Ont. "Buy Direct and Save Commissions' Monuments, «ràvestones, Engraving, Goldleafing Scugeg Cleauei s Orono Agency Fouud's Bil:iards For Local Pick-up anid Dellvery 0-RONO &MAL