MyTIE Authorized as Second Ciass mail, Post Office Departmet, Ottawwk Subseription in Canada $1.50; in UiS. $2.5a Teachers ,Our Use 0f Time' 0110o Staff- ýrn, and wil . the resigna A joint meeting ýof the WMS alld Mr. J. -and W.A. of Orono United Chur-ch was held in the S.S. Auditorium,, Tuesday, July 5th, with 36 ladiesi in attendance. Mvrs. Harold Allen, President ofi the W. K. extended a very heartyl w elcome tu ail present and con-ý ductgd a vety brief business sessi»on. Mrs. Drumnmond, President of thel *»W M S. then took char-ge and led > in a son-fest and p)rayýer, TJhe rend- îng of the 100h chapter of St. Luke, verses 38-42 was thie pr-eface to a skît played by Mrs. M. Tamblyn and Mrs f- 0Alen who rePresented * I.Marthia and Mary and who were at- tired in gowns of that period. t Mrs. Carson gayve a very fine '»ireadfing entitied "'God's Flowers on Erh"after which a trio by Mr-s. Cobbledick, Mrs. Drumnd an Mrs. Carson was enjoyed by al.- -Mrs. m. J. Tamblyn introduced the guest ~speaker, Mrs. Rich~ardson SPresîdent of Oshawa Presbytery Womnen'is Association who broughit Sgr eetings from Presbytery and wîshed each organization 'well. Her subject was "Ou-r Use Of hantler» Time" and her theme wastae U1er of Osh- f rom Ecclessiastes 3; verses 18 il to teach "To everything there is a season h, Hisiory, and a time to every purpose under s. Ed. Mrs. the heaven," "T" in Tim»e the Senior Ma- speaker took as represeflting talent îcourt Coi, and she asked that w mak good Use 6 and her of whatever taien we lad "F' was ýe from the for' intention, purpose or aim in Ontario in if e. "M"' for material, listening to ,tPýQP, i letues, reading Worth-. hie local classes 1Mrs. Don Ten- w.MS 4-H Memhers Visit 'Toronto On Monday, June 27thi the Dur- hamn 4-H1 Sheep, Swine and Bef club members wvere given a conduc- ted tour of two of the most succes- fui marketing ýschemnes in the Prot- ince of Ontarlo. TintHe morniing temeninhers %vis- ited the Ontario Public Stock Yards. They were given a short addres by the manager, Mr. F. M. CampbeiL, former Agricultural Representativa .1n Ontario County, on the operaý- tions of the Stock Yard and also on the services provided by the publie market to the Ontarlo farmer. The members aTMô 'saw the Dutch Clbck nmethod of seling, which is~ used ln. selling veal'calves. ISn the afte.rnoon, the members were given a ýciiducted tour of the- United Co-operatives of Oxtario. The manager, Mr,. R. Hennigar, gave a very interesting an-d inýfoT.,m- atîve breakdown of the Co-op and mentioned the progress it lias 1nadc shiïce its~ formation in 1948.~ Tha members also visited Toronto3a High Park where they had lunch. Ail in ail it was considered a suc- cessfu1 trip f or somne forty memberî of the clubs which were in atten- knowledge so as to be more in-I ;ting-. for to read is to lead better use of our time fromn now on, r. "E" stood for enthusiasmn, i Tiere was a brief W.M.S. lbusir- h1 must be noiurished by new ef- ess peniod and the mneeting disffiis- ;, ew actions and new Vision. sed by repeating the Mizpah Bene- aMust not waste time for it isi diction. ius and cannot wait for us. ts f or fnirsi s- are Drovýýiîg quite the eilÎdnen. rts and crafts the art in vanlous sport 111g from Volybail, to the good oid sport ýr, the iter of .wil- Ricardon. for-an exceletat adpewas thôrouglLy enjoyeli The Stnawberry Suppér at Orono -jr~n ipL ewudalmk1b i UInfed Church, under the auspilces > of the W.A. was gneatfy enjoyed by f1ho attended. We , e.D a r A large crowdenjoyed a bounti-ic T rte sg>e fui meai consisting of ,cold meat, potato saiad, jellied salads, rellshes Plans For Sumer Work etc. an~d beautiful cakes with strw P a s F r S e Themeben 0 th WA. re »-»-»The Orono Police Trustees ane'cliiedtlhat a section of rond by grateful to al wýho attended from M yr. Kenneth Lautzon priogressin)g «dth thein plan of the scligoi was now la good shape Orono and the surrounding country Mr. KÇennieth Lattzon of Cornwall summer wvorks and have over thet for' chîp )Ston1ing and if not doneý andto heBowiaviIe niedsni-d as been -engaged hy the, Durham past week been pneparig forsuhtiyerhaa pogm ol ti, al who donated food, to meke District Board to teadli Latin, Low- works. lkély, have to start ail oven again. this venture a financiai success. (Continued page 3)et ea -t ptitnshp.H _____________________ROADS said hie feit the Trustees would likea On1 Tuesday afternioon. , R .Ito see the intenided programn car,- Forrester and H. M\. Merýcer -mot ried out and stated thnt the work 'Rural Publie Schoos, with the Town-ship Couricil seeking 011;Chur.chlS!et',sbe se Iiiomto si years as haj leted but iuncuded iný a requested \%o(r! onCo;bbledic1K Street. Eveny, Prornoton VR esutslist of items, hc were prRsenited year thiere neyer seems to be tCounili early iin the year anid enough1 money todots okh which ere incý-uded in the Towii- said. Cuclo otrsated that 8..NO. 21 CLARKE (Sixth Line) rd 2 to) Grads 3-Williamn Wil- ship Rond Budget for ýthe current ntigm Ch o, ld edoei Reor o JnePromotion Exam- SOnD'. -ya.Rev akyinfor-m-e,ï -he money was n0t availabie. mnations Gre1 to Gradýe2- Garyv Lang- rustecs thlat thle Townlship Wvas go-~ R. C. Forrýester z;au,; that the Trus- ToGrdeIXAneDachk tff(Hn.;Bonniie Davey (HIon.') ing to have to reduce thie amount of tees were finterested laý constructing To Grade VIII-John McMale ckin Ha1-rold Clark (Hon.); Jimmie Hale. or hat they 1ýintentled to do ina ol ub0tth1orhof [the Vil- '~L;Linda Greenwood 84.2; Chnris-1 Tahe MszMb lEliott jOrono due 4o unexpected costs of gon iî S'etoimoe ~naMaateSe 3.9; Janet Mc-! Isi)ow remnoval anid restorinig \ashi-driiaelogt od.H asd Makn7(3, SS O 4GAK Kr -)lits. Hie stated ithatl Counicil had ifcocîwadassthergan To Grade -VI -Lynne MMcMnTefnuwn-pplshv i osdered ithe requ1ests rand Were b upyn i eesr ah 8;Gordon Morton 665; rmoe.() ensH ouS (5 itretd oknwwich Of thoGseiery for,' a f ew hourq1s '110,ng wi'Vr To Grad V Ala McMaekn 79.3to 100% the Tusteesfelt were» the most Lu,-- twomn.ToTuses oudur JenTtMartNsce aki 79.7.4. gent.'1sýýý1 \OUC To Grae TI-Can7ot.4D.inke 1 .nish the hot mx.The ýTrustees we-re To) Grade IV --Brenda Hoy 83.3. H; ikki Gr me woote(Hi Jami ilnconnlection with ýjdi-gging out iinformned tatcunilwuid assist jTo Griade ýIIILarry Hoy Honi.)- utlierlandfChuch, Street N\orti, it %as found ini this manner. * To rade I Brian iGreeýnwoodi (Hn.; arilyn Mlorton (Honi.), To Gradle III - Richard Buriey; from test hjes"a i e:ist 300! Joye Dinke (I;Meno Rinsrafeet would have to be, dug, up anid VILLAGE DUMP jeledfor a depth of at ieast 3! The Trustees wr informed byu CPOOKED CREEK SCHOOI.. (1-); Lynn Sutherland. ee-T11aon assmwa.Cuc1thta greetm REPORT To Grade IV - Sharon 1ninkle; 'above the request made by the been1 signýed foïrra Towný-tsh-ip Dump Grade 8 te Grade 9- Camenon Moly Newmati; Peter Suthnerlind Tuteswhr h.onierdwic1oudheaaT?,e tth 'n Perut H.150 feet would be suffiicient. Th-e 0fj this weeÏk. Fo-rrester statled, that Grade: 7 to Grade 8'-Johniny Kes- To GradeV- Susan Bal (); Ree1ve asked if thle Trustees wvould fle Orono dum wouldl be closed sien, Florence Wilson (Eeè.) Brenda Dhinkie (H). 'favour this projeet dropped or the abou t! the same tii-ne. Grade 6S to Grà 7Nanc Hal- To Grade VI--Manilyn riHammr (H) jother projects whichl included 1/2 lowell (Hoi,); Ian Wright; 1Betty Sylvia Sutherland; Dienke Van1 mîe of chlip stone and on1struction1 SI DE WALK Ann Fox; Jean Pneden. Hattum. -(_o'CbbedckSret as1o-Cuc1. E Smpo ,IL Mercer and SGrade 5~ to Grade 6--Roniald MNilîs, To Grade VII -- Bon)nie Balil (H) StetP.Corstrsa~Itn C. Forrester 'm'et with the coun- GmtiadeWio re Knnt Laurna Bunley (H); Idska Rienstra the Trustees wouid have to conisiden ie engunieer and theMncia Grigael Ho.Ghradavey- (Hnt ): ToneVIII - Dýouga am this and that thiey wouid report to,1engineer in connection with placing Begal Ho. iDae Wils onha-);1 ToGaeVIIom--nso. sHTdmRodmpeitndnifI et] n sidewvaik along the counties rond iMrae el i1eWloSa-(H); Joan H-utton H) ; Hero» old'- 1tiri of Co,:b Hill. The e -Grade 3 to Grade 4-Gerda MWiel- Margaret Wilson. , - 1 H. M. Mercer asked if the town-Ishoýt.d hbe constructed close te the lnnidt; Martin Bell; Kathleen Clark 1 iTo Grade IX -- Kelvi-n Newman ship %vas doing any chip stoning orllot lines along the west side of the (Hon.); George Clark; Nellie De- (HI; James Wilson (H).1 oiiing this year to which the Reeve 1 ond. This. they stated, would prove. Koker. Teachen, Vilda 'Brown repiied that they were'nt. Fonrrester; (Contlnued page 2) July -ne At W.A. N s» k s». N s» s» N s»» s» agreement ne Co, Ltd., ishes poTe id also sets ýonstruWtion as does li the pre-scl ber are en which w-i sýibie to) grains of LuIn oum- k s s» N s N s»