OftONOWEEKLYTIMES THURSDAY, JUL.Y 7th, if i q<1 Pi tins OSE BRAND SWEET MIXED :)ick1es i16 OZ.BOTTLE Vlazoia 0ï1 2 for 37c oz jar 31c 71ic DLO BRAND Viar garine 3 lb 69c ZP - 15 OZ. TIN Dog. Food 12, for $ LX LIQUIE) - 12c OFF PACK< Detergent giant 73c CHERRY HILL OLO I 2 oz wedge HINZ SAUCES Baribecue Mustard 59c 8 oz 29c FRN»' tI1rL. .VEN READY UT ~ mSJLLOPE Potatoes 42 OZ pkg MITCHELL'S Apple juice 48 oz 2 for PURITAN - 15 OZ. TIN eMeat BaIls 3 for$1 RED AND WHITE - 10C OFF PACK60b g lea Bags60bg 33c 53c 1"00 54c DEEP BROWN r- I- C% -20Ooz PRODUCE Salmon Flesh - jumbo 45's - No. i Grade CANTALOUPE 2 FOR 33c Tropic Beauty California New Crop In~ ~ ONIONS No. i Grade 3 lb 230 RaaaIa. 51s - Tasty, Gardlen Fresh, Fancy Grade CORN en the COB 5 fOr 29C, ~Ccin no0n MEATS Ideýal for Barbecuing Meaty Sýcde n4 attract veSPRIR b 5 new designs RR and coiDurs - fi - -b SIZE 20" x40" Ideal for Ham-burgers Lean fi M~'inced Beef l SSwft's Premium Barbecue Style -Cut 1/2" th ~4~ ~ am Slices lb 8 Swift's Premiumry New Taste Treat - 1lb. cei 11g Barbecue Franks 1 Swift's Premum - 1 lb. pkg. *Regular $1.91) value Rindiess Bacon lb16 1 SPECIAL! 'dkUAKÈR (NEW PRICES)- SAVE 20c Buy 2 Economy Packages at Regular Price Get One Large FREE CORN FLAKES ail 3 for 59 CORNIS"S a- Jphone Orono Il 9vc thick ý9c 15C '7c oc! L211 J uvenile League Providin g Interesting Basebail Monday night thie Orono juven- lies travelied to ':aowmanville Mhere they played an exciting and excellent game. The score showed in favour of Bowmanville 41-2. The local boys are playing well and are showing alertness in their play. On IMonday they took three outs in one frame, ail by catching Bowmnanville runners off 'bases. A full eight innings was played by GOiono with Donnie Lycett pitching seven innings and Terry Carleton on(- inning. Both boys turned in aý T'ownship Sets-up Dump Passes Building By-Law The Clarke Township Council on r s al o a Tuesday giving final readiio otngr sw l o a ne'w Building By-law which is now -i!n effect throughout the Township. There passed away sucldenly at Gr ordon Cotter, the Building in- his residence, Orono on Friday, spector, was given the authority to enforce the conditions of the by. July î st, 1960, Oswald Cowan, bc- law. In speaking with Mr. Cotter loved husband of Hazel Cowan and hie stated that this lhe initends to do dear father of Brooks. Funeral s(>- and commented that he feit the i vice was held at his late residence Township now had a very adequate hr S.ModyJu 4 a2 by-law. Penalties for controven-ChchSMnayJuy t t2 tions of the by-law may be laid un p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery, der, the Summary Convictions Act which course wil be used where conditions of the by-Iaw are flot ad- To Celebrate July 1 2 hered to. fine job on the mound. Acnrc'wssge ihM. IlP troo g A vitor semedin he ras ~fRobert Hicks of the Ihîrd conces- the Orono crew in the seventh Sion who will establish adumnp for' Ts tuay he nuace- when they filled the bases with on" the Township of Clarke. An annualbrTi audyteaia ee ly one out. Donnie Lycett then at fee of $1200.00 is to be paid to Mr. bain 0f July l2th will again be bat hit a sizzler down towards thirdl Hicks for the rent of the dm observed. Thie celebration this year which appeared on its Way for a which will also include dump kng is to be held in Peterborough whera ---d ",wo-bagger. It was, however, The dump is to be open cliartking the' parade will move off at 1:30 snapped off resulting in a double -day and will be openi every Monday p.m play to retire the side. Don Roughi- Tuesday and Saturday. The contrac i n the parade having been acquired ley hit a homfe run for the Orono was for a two year period. T ~ ~ ~ uiltk team. TeOooBn wl aeDI J.' A. Poynton Construction re- BANTAM BASEBALL ceived the -contract to construct During the past week the Orono the Odgen bridge at a price of Bantamn basebaîl team hias seen ac-'$Dwo tion on two occasions. The local IdCouneil approved the issuing* of boys who are turnîng out wVell forIde entures for the construction of thie&teamn were faced with two de- 1a new High School in Courtice at feats. l ta total cost of $700,O00.OO., On Monday nighit the Orono-boys i 'wo readings were given a by- travelled to Courtice where tliey law providing backing of $8,W00.00 lost 9-1 to the Courtice crew. The'________________ pitching duties for the.local crew ________________ was supplied by Ralph Kennedyand! IBBY'S by the Pontypool Orange Lodge to head their members. Also from the area wîll be the local Orange Lodge and the Kendal Fife and t?rumz Band. to construct a new swim pool at the Orono park. At this point discus- sion was held on the subject wt no further.4action beilig taken. WAGSTAFFES - 9 OZ. JARS j as & Jelhiesj 3for 59 Swýift'S (Special) Lunch Tol, gue' 12 oz55C! Sunbeam Weiner or Haniburg Buns 8 for2 5c Beaver Brànd Lump 1 Charcoal 5lb 45C ChieCrushed or Tidbits Pineapple 2Ooz20soz 4 tins 1 -Qm - RO0Y/A L B owm a l1e M . -5589 Playingl Until aturday, July 9 Matiý Saturday 2 pm. à eDlý à à At the Orono Park on Tuesday the local boys faced a strong tearn from Ajax who look a 17-O victory.ý The local boys f elI into one bad inining early in the game whieh had its effect throughout. TFerry Gra- ham pitched five innings with Ralph Kennedy taking over for a short period in the thiird frame. PEE WEES PLAYED ON HOLIDAY The Orono Pee Wees spent Fni- day morning in Newcastle where they played the Newcastle boys.1 The game was a victory for New- 'castle with a seven run margin in a contest that -ended 19-12. Herel agcain the local boys are tiirniig out well for the games. Paul Jones did the pitdalng duties while Keith Heron heid down dulies behind the plate. ORONO PEEWEES CLAIM VICTORY The Orono PeeWees were over- joyed Wednesday night when, they saw vîctory for the f irst t ime this season. The boys came uip with a 9-8 win over their visitors fromn Blackstock. This game was played at the Orono Park. John Barrett anid Paul Jones shared in the pitch- in- duties for the Orono crew. K. Heron was behind the plate for the game. FUTURE GAME S Bantams Play in Orono Thirsday nîghit and again Saturday a:fLernioori at 2:30 p.nm New Teachars er Schiool English adBysPhysi- cal1 Education at the Orono l{ighý Seho1'ol for Üthe coming sehool termn. MNr. Lauzon is a native of Crwl where lie receîved h'is ent'ire educa- tion. IHis BAdegree was rceoived ai the Cornlwall College whlere he ,was also activeý in the sport oDf foot- ball, hockey, basketball, boxing and judo. He has alsÔ played semi-pro-ý fessional hockey and football. 1 In hîs last four years at Collegei he was assistant director 0)f sportsi and of discipline. Also- returning to the staff thisi year wîll be the principal, i -. A. Witherspoon, Mr. S. B. Rutherford and Miss Wanda Hobbs. HOME RENEWAL C 1; W_5 VALUE FOR OtY $200t When y u virnt , / store, akfor free,éoupon w,.h $2 95 tcfward this ',50-foot fine,-.'e m'easurlptapeyýYou*1! flnd hun- dredio\, CWor this handly tape. A pecia! value ... for yon! Orono Fiel & Lumber Ltd. Orono, Ontar' Phone 14816 w z, ,el lî Mon. to Wed. Juy 11 to 13 "Once More, With Feeling" CAR IIV I NEWCAST E 1LI S CLUB to be held on é7r unds of cO0 u; Y HALL FPal Y, JULY- Sth DfD CONCERT BI Starting at7 5 P.m. GAMES F0 EVERYONE MERRY.GO-ROUN D DRAWF R'3 PRIZES Proceeds for Welfare Work N A Broadway hit in colour with Kay Kendali and Yul Brynner ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Ulis ID c Ki e- Là Po, f%%IC KI C? m A rlv N N N N N N s N N s 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N 51$ s r N N k N N N r -~ 'J N s vS