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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 4

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0130N0 tWEKY TiýME8 lýTHURSDAY, JUL.V 7th, 1960 FRUIT PUNCH, GRAPF. RB ORANGE - SAVE Sck 348oz HiC DRINK 3.-'tii.s 87c SAVE 4c IG~ SAL AD DRESSING SAVE 12c AYLMER CATSUP IGA, INSTANT COFFEE TABL R RD OR BLUVE BRANDO SEF -Serve it ràre, medium or K4 ~welldone! PRIWIýME RIE ROAS T short c QQt QRIB STEAKS' lb 69c'Q RIBS 0F BEEF lb 33,c 0 MAPLE LEAF PURE P'ORK - skiniess SAUSAGE . lb pkg 44c 9 YORK PURE - 6c off VEGETABLE OIL 32 oz btl- WHITE SWAN TOILET - 4 TISSUE SWEETHEART FACE SOAP -9c off 4 .69c rmils 49c bars' 41c BETTY CROCKER CHEERIOS 10 oz pkg 2 for 49e ROPEERTSONS GOLD, SILVER OR SCOTCH SHRIED - SAVE 9c. Marmau'ade 212Z49 PwS 1FOLMI E-Z PçqR MAGIC FL.IPPER CAP, lT'S U *IBEAKABLE - SEALS IN FLAVOrUR U N THREE PASTE~L SH AD ES. jars29 bts8 z49c 2 oz jar 29c ANADIAN - OId Englîsh, Pimiento or Syss KRAFT DELW(E CHOeEESE S LICES -8 Oz Pkg 33ec RED STEER FROZEN CHIPSTEAKS. pkgs 47c [DeIïclous Juicy YelIow Flesh U.S. NO. 1 GRADE [ HEAPING Q-"UARTIU BOX f Qo Thin Skinned Vatencias 0SUNKIST ORANGES 3dloz99c" CORNA tender golden 6 for 39QcQ SWEE7 t andJUICYQ ŽanIt a Ros<Ca Purk 45cQ FREE GIFTSFORý SUNM7R FU~N FREE FOR IGA CASH4 REGISTER TAPES AND BONUS BOOSTER TAPES. CHECK YOU1', CATALOGUE TODAY F~OR A WIDE RANGE 0F SUMMER ITEMS. i t' Oronoites Celebrate With COuý-ple Marrieci 25'Years TheLin Connitfy Centre, Bowm7janvý7le, wa7ýs the 'setting on j -Saturdlay-. June 25, focr a silver 1 wedding party for M.and Mrs. Delberit Yeo, 'Whitinig av-enue, Osh- awa. 1The uetswere (-received by Ms re anRe vnard and Mrs. F'red Bal] o! Oshiawa. On arrivai *Mrs. Yeo an.d daughtler Lorna were pres-- ent-d wit"h corsag-es of Amerîcan Bea -ty roses as well as M\,rs. Geo. P, ii il Oshawa who was a brides- ni: !, 2', yeairs ago. M vies of local înterest were sonby Mr. OrvilIe Short after which the couple were escorted tel the stage by their attendants o! 251 yrsago, Mr. andtiNMrs. George Y3elli To Resi-hn#s of the QThis is to itiforrnyou that a miuiciral ctumrp fas now beenQ fi estblished1 atth Robert H-icks Property r Lot 'è6, Con.3 o , adWiII be' open for use beginning Saturday. july 9, 1960. fi The said locatio'n shail be kept open for sucfi garbage dis- posai on alt Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. toý5 pi.. Mr. Robert Hicks shali be responýs'Lble forai occuranices and~ j matters arising out cf the operation cf the saïd location as aplace for garbage and refuse disposai.U J .H. E. M1LLSOýNý Clerk, Tt2wnship cf Clarke f - - ,.- - - , - z .0.3 p Rare Rodent BIe~ Escapee Frein Fur F-rmn A Nutria or Coypu, a South Arn- J'shwa irlCeu -'-fiars erican aquatic rodent, diîscov-- Ontarto",radah oosades ere,(d recently in fHaldimand Town- writtenby IMs rjle stn ship, Northumberland County. Eniklinvhjcýh was fllwe y These animais are-flot founid natur- týhe presenItaItioni of a dinette suite ally in Canada due to the rigors of andI floor Jamip by DeninyWaan ,ur winters, although fur farming Billy Tomnlinson,)r of Or-ono and -Tec if Nutria has been carried oIE here Yeo of Enniskillen, ail nephewso for. several yeàrs The. occurrence 1the hionored couple. Lorne Yeo r- of Nutria in the wild in Canada isi sented an anniversary uup andsu e2xceedingly rare and incidentai dis- cer with other gifts. coveries such as this are likely thel The Centre \vas decorated %with, resuit of an escape frorn some bouquets of peonies and on the NuraFarm.1 stage a table heid a three-tier wd The Nutria had apparentiy been ding cake made by Mrs. Yeo. living underneath one of the buiid- Mrs. J. Wannan of Aimon te, ings on the farmeof Mr. Baiiey. One mother of the bride, and Mr-s. lay the animal made an appearance Bertha Yeo, Bowmanville, mother and fright.ened Mrs. Baiiey who of the bridegroom, were both pres- .promptly dispatched it with- a club. ent. Music for dancing was supp.iied The Nutria %vas turned over t<o by Mr. M. Ransberry, Mr. and Irsý. Claude Phillips, Caretaker of Kenneth Neal, Orono and Mr. Roy Northumberland Forest, wvho pass- Ashton, Burketon. edi it along to Conservation Officerl Ouests were present from AI- V. E. Harris. Finally it was brought nonte, Peterborough, Paris, Ont., to District Office where it is no Toronto, Whitby, Orono, Bowmv,,an- re-posing in cold storage. ville, Hampton, Tyrone, Enniskillen Upon examination, this Nutria and Oshawa. was found to be bear ing an ear tag Prior to the party,Mr and ýMrs.. with the legencLMBA 19. Thiis wo.uld 1Ye o and dlaughter Lorna and L-or- lead us to suspect that the animal rieGil fQhwa r.Brh .. I Ye, Bowniiville ax>di Miss Kath- was one being raised in captivity, ryn,11Slimnwr entertainlida and which had escaped. So far aildnery[.a 4 rsG.Z. attempts to trace it have been un11- stîccessful. REPORT BUTTER Nutria are mnuskrat-like mnam-, m~als but instead of having -a tail Ni ,AKE 18 OOWN which is slightly flattened lateraily Acrigtol'fesaîtisbac like the muskrat, they have a îound (if ithe naiJpret of Agri- or~ tapering cylindrical tail wvhîch is culture th-eooduction of creamery scantiiy haired. In size, they are lautter r OiriindDrhn somnewhat larger than the muskrat, cunte'd ï-og2va end from. but their habits aré siniiilar. I îaSt year' I eve; said that they live amnicably with :"Pareprs ttdta 2,5 muskrats in the same marsh and puTh erc hiade in Onitar123.5un eat food the latter spurn. ~ydu!igMa.ThIjscmardit In North Ame ica iportaition or 133277 jîoînds iiiMa 1959. 1i introduction -of Nutria first occur- Durharn co(,,.untiy the make Iast red in 1899. Farming of thëse rod- mnhws50,84 ponds This coin- ents was begun in earnest. in the pardv7h 419pundls in of~ e 1920's but failed, and 'the remnantit ar of the population was )released. Te -mal ma'ke inI Ontario cut Surprisingly, they fouind for them- for, the first Ive mnonths of this year selves a perfect natural niche thatwa60,7 pounds compared with was apparently not, filled by any 504,572 pountis for the saine jperiod wild animial, and were soon well of last year. The make for the tive- established in the mairsiies i Louis- m-onthperîofo this year ir. Dur- iana, Mississippi, Texas, Oregon and ha outvas 18S7,454 poýunds. Washington. They have been re-'This comnpar-es with 209.983 pDundýr rted as far forth as Michîgan hi fox the samre perîod in 1959.. Mthe United States.1

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