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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 6

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The right fcqrearm off the- saint, the mother of the Virgin,. waýý earried f0 Rome where if re- mained uintil 1892, whien the wristbone was detached an-d giv- en to the Shrine off Saint Anne de Beaupré in. uekbpc, Last mnonth an eveior ý,,*preêssive relie arrives at' the famnous 4hrine: One off the arm bones, with mumiifiry ed flesh aud sinus afttached. Tt is encased in a sil- ver, arm-shaped reiiquary in -which a small w.-indow reveals the bonè, 'achored wiith ana- tomiical exactitude. The relie, en rotent to Qý1ebeC, was' photo- graphed ai, the .Church oQf Saint Jfean Ba3ptiste in NwYork City. Three Hours Sleep Per Night Enough? "Sleep, who needs it?'ý a wiry, iconoclas tic psychiatrisf, name4 Nathan S. Kýiiné' s aî.d one sunny day, a.rily dîsmissing long-cherished -n o ti o n s about mian's "needi" for eight hour' good rest eclih nîglit. For the nexf three months, Dr, Kline got along on a boxfui o«I srmal yellow ïpilîs and less than three hours' sleep each nigh- no catuaps, dlozing, or other rest Periods. "Got along" is perhaps not the exact phrase, since the 44-year-old Kline was able f0 increase hic work eapacity and eý-fficiency rexnrkably. In addi- 1,lon to commruting be-tween two .ull-time jobs - 'he is director of xesearch at New York'% Rock- ladStafe Hospital in Orange- burg and -has a private psychia- tric practice, lu New Yorlk - 1 Kline fnshdoff a haif-dozen retports for scientfic journals. Khne had, lu taçt, realized thec fervent dreami of mnuy a harasa- .d business 3and profession.! tuan: !He lad doubled hic output mnd halved bAic rest require- enrts, without any fee1Ling off cor jtmv New! lýaura Wl le ready exciting, siels t 1 h an. f iluk ftis wouldi have aý :cud'iug air about if. If le beffer fa. accompany thlat with a picasant "hn does thee carg- table, dftes he les as wveil? lie beefse trves Tice vegetabitle from hand f0 tiredness, fear off addictionj, or' any other after-effecfs. Klne useci a pill for a qi_ o -4a drug calied iproniýazid, e mnember off a Ch-emicai faIlyý that yields both rockef fuei and grass spray. It.e best-know.,n ap- plication, bowecr, camne abo>uf nine ye-are ago when if w'aszsd against tuberçulosis. The e-fect wae Plectrifying: The TB Pa- tient s gained wight, we%,re fuil off smniles and literally daýnced ln the wards. Ait hougli fice pa- tients' chcsf X-raysý showed coine improvemneuf, if wvas flot eoug-.t accnt' for the feel- ings off physical - well-being. There were' pofentially sefious',; side efffects and the drug lias been abandoned for , TB trEqAL- meul t. luf mong fithue af 'eV» -sideeffepc« ÇinSofd was the undeniab eIeing,offc hjappiness, That was iu 1957. For the last three years, Kline has had huaî- dreds off hic deprcssed, wifh- drawn, and psychotic patients ut Rocklaud on 'iproultazidl, and re- lafcd druigs> puliing themn ouf off their sullen sheils. with no iii effecte. Unlîke the >amrplietai-t mine "pep pille" (BErezerine sud Dexedrine, for example), iproiazid did nof havefo -be taken' a i r-n ce igdoses f0 be effective. Nor were there ai-w signe i depenclenc-y or eraýv- .ing. Kline also begeau frcatiug friCly, pres4 ~i au- f lents 'with the d frug - but flot before he had fried if on hlmo- sl.In fthc course off the sl- expernimeutation, henodif Sieep-saviug quIalifies. "I feif absoiutelY fine during' the whole lme" ime said, Ueually, I slept sometime bc- twceu .4 aud 7 am , aud woke up ffeeling fine. No aiarm dcock wae needed,'" H o w d oes gt h,, d r u gwr k? Kline answcrcd tith au expres- sive sbrug. "No One r-eallIY k,,nows. We ouly have corne theories f0 try f0 account for wbaf we sec. 'Wifb the energizers we 'hink flic drug serves s a ,n amine oxidase ihbtr-. that is, 'if appareutly retards fthe breakdowu -ïoff the aruinthat fthe body mranufactures to deal with stress. Lougfer-last iug adre- nullu n&y acount for flic surg,ýe off energy." But doesuqf flie bïbdy needI resf? Does't thie brain have- f0 chut dowu, operations for awhlle cadih nighf? Kline snorted: I jusf can't believe that Godi made the human machine so ineffi,- ciene t i ibs f0 shuf dowxi or be recharged one-third off Ifs hf e spart. Oaa mniglif ask, for fiat mtter, wby slcep les ne.ces- cary ut ail since no on. lias couiclusiveiy demnonstrated a bio- chemical or physiological cýx- planafion for ,"Fo NEWS- WEEK. Modern Etiquette D~y Ainei Ashley Q.1 have had several dates wîth a certain younge man. anid I thixk quite a lot off hlmi. IHie birthday le approachiug anid l'ni wvonderlng if if would be proper for me te give him a' glff? A. Prope>rly, you,- should giveý this young man a gift only if you arceneged fa himi. Other- wsa suitable card iS flic proper remnemrbrance = or, Fier- hapc, au Invitation f0 dinner lu your homne in honor oni hie. birfbi- day. Q. When selecfixig mono- grasmed hiandkerchiefs for a mani or woman, whlch initial cbuuld be Select cd, that of the. Arst or the Iact Rame? A. For a mtar if le alwayvsflic lasf. For a womnan, flic ast le custornary, 'altbough thflirst Le permiissibie. Q. Muet the number off ushiers at a Nwedltng correspond with fthe numiber off briclesmulids? A. '-lot peccssarily. Thne-nuim- ber af ushêre dpendeupnlc Do you ,read -your local news- paper? I mean really read ifà- flot jusýt glauce over it easually? Anid if, and when, you read Ît doj you have any appreciation or understandiug off the terrific 41mount of work that ge into eatch and every ise Do you ev-ýer contact the editor off your local newspaper, by letter or telephonc, and tell hiw what you thluk of bis paper?7 Off cOurse h. tiles if0 know if 4 Pleases you but criticismn, il klidiy done, eau aIso be helpful. tt is quÏte auý undertakiug te bring ouf a paper to saficfy everyone. In f act if just Can't be done. The best that cau be hoped for ie that the ma- jority off readers will bc eafisfied. If just so happens that 1i cee about six different local papers eaeh week so foday I was ilook- ing over themi objectively ,- frying tf0 decide what 1I iiked and didn'f ie One sixteen--page pajper covers local news in, the district where wve lived ut itl 3 years ugo. So wa do I look for?! Firsf I1 read over the birth, mur riages, dea1tbs, engagements, per- sonal columu und comiing. evIents. Thue I kÎeep track off people that I know. Then I turn to the front page, read every word off local governnmeut rews- - at the town and county level Alil about local zoning equabbles and proposed shopping centres. Anly other lo- cal news gets prompt attention, also edîtorials. (I fhink every paper sboild have editorials. Wbo bas a better opportunLity than a homre-fown edifor to eýval- uate home and district prob- lems?) The paper to which I ami refer- r ring has about four pages, de- 1voted f0 local sporfing activ'ties. Idon't read a word of it but I suippose if is off lnferest to sports- minded yourg people. Then are special columuris, one of whichi appears in a numjrber off "IweekLies." Personaily 1I vould(n't waste tî tme setting up type f0 -print if. To my wuy off think- in'g it isvuar ridicuflous and la ver-y poor faste. But then sônme people mPrust Iikce it or it woUldn't Theni, off course. there are writeý-ups of flocal events, - off churcli groupe and social organi- zations in and~ around the dist- rict. I read thiema9il. Another paper that cornes to our homie we buy enfirely be- cause if runs a columai coveriug hisfory off theý townýhip where it if publislhed. 1 find it mosf in- terestiug. Maniy papers aisei carr-y highliglits off 50, 30 and 20 yeurs augo. Always lut eresting to older subscribers. A comnparative1y new pape2r we like very miuch covers news in fthc district in w.vhch~ we noiw live. Insfead off giviu.- township council news in detail if su- marizes and expluiins vwhat takes place at ail thé meetings. If mak-es for, much easler readîng than wading- through ail ftie min- utes an-d reports broughit up la counicil. The puper is w-ell av- rauged and wl printed-.. an1d flic editor le a woniani. Natur'ally ail sma")li - town papers carry local advertlsing - and thaf is somethiug nobody wants t'o miss. Ail the bargains are not'îin shopping centres and depurfment stores. 'tou can often do very well at home. Then, off course, there i l-e-i paper la whichi this col-umu ap- pears. It seems f0 mi-f provides good newe coverage off local events. Whether this part icular columa inis off interesf is flot for me to' say. I ouly know whut 1 gather froma my fan maîl. Soine off those wvho like if write and say so - and their letters are very m-ucli appreciated. Natural- ]y the one who dou'f ikMe if don't bothler f0 -write at aiL Probubly fhey could'f cave, less. If takes ail kinds of people f0ë mnake a world, thereffore if fakes ail ki'nds of news and social Items to please ail the readers of onle Semaîl \communîity paper. Tel your editor what 'you like and donttlike. Rem-emnber lic works long bours to bring- ouf a good paper. As a resuît hé' doesn't have mnucli Of a homne iife. Hie is too busy buuiting news for your be-nefif. 1 hadl a letter the other day fromn a young edi- tor's wife with small ehuîdren. lii lier letter she said "The chlii dren are fine. John is as busy aýs ever. We do't sec much off 1imn." I kniowý that to be truc. An edîtor's wife has mucli the camie experience as a doctor's wvif e - plan a !aily affair and feu to on. just when thinge gel niceiy underway fiere le a fire, a drowufling or a spectaculur big- way accident. And away goes Mr. Editor wifh hic note-pad aud camrera-. Tbat's life la. theue- paper business, Reference f0 a wemnan driver could! mean one who plays gqlff, baudies a car or dJominafes her' hiusband. ISSUE 2$ - 1960) Li*fe Ini Hawaîi In The Early Days When the Thetis sailed, Abner and Jerusha, feeling dismally alone, had un opýporfuinity to ini- speccf which thei-r labours for flic nexf years would be conducted. Ifs corner postez were stouf frees l'rom fie mouni- tains, but ifs. sides sud roof wvere of fied grass. T'he floor was pcbi- bled and covered with pundanius, -tô be cw epft by' a- broonoff rusesl", bu-t if indwswerc mnere openinge acrose whici clofli fromn China 'nad beenâ bung. Il a a squat, form-iese grassý but with no divisions into roome. It had uo lied, -no chairs, -no fable, no closets, but if did have two considerahle asseefs: uttfl-ic -rear, under a' twiefing baui tra,, if ha.d a epaclous lauai - a de- tacber] porcli -wherc the !life c" "lie nmission wouid b. Con- ducted; and if lhad a front do-or built in flic Duteli fasiion se fliaf flic boftom haîf could remain closcd, keepiug- people ouf, ,whIle thec top was open, alown hfiir Iemile and their words fa enter. If w., info flue bhouse thuqt Abner movcd flicfurniiture he hud brouglit ouf fr'omr New Engý,- !and: a rickety bcd with rope nef ting for ifs imattrees; rusfed.- frunke f0 serve zas3ciosets; a smail kitchen 'table and twvo chairs aud a rocker. Wliafevcr dothles týsey mniglit require lu years f0 corne they would gef only- flrougli the char- lfy off Chrfistians lu New Eng- li-ud, wb,,o would forward bar- reis off cast -off garmente ft0flic mission cent er in Honolulu, and if Jerusha needed a new dres f0 replace ber aid one, coite ,riend in H-onolulu would throuigh the leffovers and "This one ouli,,t fo fit Sister Lisha,"ý but if neyer did]. pick Hf Abner required a new sa wihwhich to build eve-n ithe minor decencies off livingý, lid to hiope that some Christîaar s;omewh-iere woüuld send hlm oiie, If Jerusha needed a craie for hier babies, she could get it only from charity, ýThe 1Hales had c] j mioney, no income, rio suppoýrt other than the comimunal depoi- tory in Honolulu. Sometimes Jerusha-, recalltig, eitber her, cool, cdean home m Walpole, its closets filled witi dresses kept starched by sr vants, or t.he two homes that Captain Rafer Hoxorh Ad promnised ber in New Bedfiord and aboar.d lis ship, udrtîd ably feit distressed by th-e g~s hut ln which she toiled, buit s( neyer aIIowed hier feelings t bDe discove;red by her husbanid and her letters home were uifrl cheeýrful. When the days weýre hottest and lier work, the hau d- est she would wait uintil '- nlingý and thlen wvrite to ber nia- thier, or to. Charity or Mfercy, telling them of lher al-luring -ad- ventures, but with thern, e thougli tLhey were oci- ber owri family, she deait' oly in super.- ficialities. - Fromr "Hawaýii" by James A. Michenei. For Hcîlf-Sizes A deep - desceuding colle ar frames you la sofftest fluftery above a slimming sit Cool lu dayf 'imc cottons - elegant la sili for gala éveninge. Printcd Pattera 4704; Haif Sizes i1,i½ 1½ 8,20½', 22½2. Sizes 16', requires 3¾-1/ -yards 35-incli fabnic. - Pninfed directions on cadi psat- f cru part. Easer, uccurat c. Send FIFTY CENTS(sap caunot lic accepted, use postal not e for safefy) for flue paftcrin. Pieuse print plàinly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STY LE NUMIBER. Seud order te ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 E-igbteenith Sft. New Toronto, Ont. 1. B. AND FIANCEE - John Sarrymore, Jr., cuddles hie finicce, Italian -îtarle't Gabriella Paliazzoli, in Rome.. COURILY -- Beauty çcortes.t madness is always3 with us and Indianapolîs, Ind.,.i5 no exception. June Cochran, center, was ehosen Miss Indiana for the Miss Univers. conteet. Runners- up wvere Joy Tillery, left, and Karen H-ayes. 'r 'r 'r s' t t 'r 'r t 'r' t t 's t t

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