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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 8

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-r -r'-- oRoNO WEEKL.V TIMES ORONO WEEt<LY TIMES i:Authorized as Secon~d Class muail, Post Off ice Departm-rent, Ottawa', Roy C. For-rester -- Editor and Manager Subseription payable in advance In Canada $1.50 4 InU.S.A. $2.50 Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Published every Thursday a,,tlthe office of publication Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario CAMPING POPULAR Duriing the past f ew years there lias been a remrarkable upsurge of iaterest ii'i cam-pIling iii Ontario and othier parts of Canada. The Ontario Dp -tetof Lands and Forests reports that in thle period f romn 1957 to 1959 there was a 124 per cent in- craein the numçber of vehricles u ising the vastly expanlded parTis system and 1411 per cent of an increase in the number of park visitors. M\,any of these used park, facilities for- camp purposes, anýýd on the basis of past experience Lands and Forests department officiais are pt rn to welcomye three-quarter of a million cam-perýs to the parTis this summer-a 501 per cent increase over last ,year's figure. In addition to these people it would be safe ta aissume that an equal if not greater nuirnber v would be camping in locations outsidle the parks. There may be a number of reasons for this marked increase in the popularity of camping. Quite aIŽarl from thie sheer en- joy ment that an~ experienced camper gets from such an outing, thiere is the inicreased- num-iber of g-ood ýroads in thie province, the popularity of the motor car, the possible urge to see more of the coutfry and ta introduce the children especially to its vastness and fo the wonders- of nature. And there is also the likelihood that by-N this meanis the vacation budg-et wîll be enabled to stretch m uch further. Whatever the reasons, people are hitting the trail, camp style, in growing numbers, and to accommodate them the Depart- -ment of Lands and Forests in this province, at- ieast. has made ready for, them by inc>reasing the number of camp sites by 50 per cent over last year. These are fitted with picniic tables. fîre grills, foulet facilities, shelters andc. other services. At the samne time, the department hias made literature available which will be a h~andy guide to those who are starting -ut as inexperîenced can'pers. This is- important, for Mile camp-, ing can be a wonderful experence, it can be the very opposite il those who are unitiated. OUTDOOR EXPOSURE -- Acivance bookings on quests and conventionsï across Canada ndieafe a banner season is in store for 1960. In Western picturesque mounfain ranges and natural scenery are fwvo vcmy good reaý to théeIRockies whiere Canadian Pacifie- operates the 600)-room Banff Sping September l5fhi and thte 4OO0room Chateau Lake Louise H-otel, open from rHURSDAv, J-ULY 7th, 1960 ILetter to Editor OLASSI I!D SECTION Dear sir; HOUSE_ FO Il SA _ ar At this time I would like to an-' Modern 4-ro Iun B w, gar-IC nouince that Orono has a very good age and breeze %ay a achied, OiT h e r Qi CmlSt Bantam bail team going this *,eir, hleating. in thie Hallb rton al a is holding but very f ew parents and friends t Appy A., Jak a phone 173 toengcrmnstrisc ig wvith the energy or interest in see- Oroo. a p e4rda, Jli 9ith 3:00 p. cmi ny ing them (,orne along in .hsfield ap irese nvthrjeti1i !of sport. t neel il'rhrdal-n -TENDERS Tgoing lesecoactMrr' M 1 realize it is not possiblefo ev- SIOEWAL CONSTriUCTIO Lno,2r, o ,one cered to attend the a- POLICE ~ LLAGE OF OR NO way from home games but for l,1,tnesw, '~-~e n H EL WANTE goodniess sake lets see you out for Ljý JIe~ e ~Lecnt tLion f, the hoe gams if timie will aflow s~evl îu rePlevîaejChristmaiýs lce P 1run rs wanted.1 i 'sfr a the rc tsayveo ~uI~tl12o anb,~pref onc~-To start from 5 c. to 25c., and for that a-Tedy u A.Tn rc oimdately. .1iunt t's cheap entertlainment 'Iuecen t gde d layýing ISam "Ianet Po ypool; plionle plus seeing your boys tyiogtabe o vî "r cîe ad4"-j2O)rl11 Btha ly. the best'in -dhe league. wothf MxAoeq5lok.fed",icel"I tbe by th-e mnning fAot. P ýS.-T1ey can taoo with yýour sup- Lowest or nUy lto er fnot tneces- ELST E Port. - aiyaccepted.FRSL Sinerey Mry.Lun I'~îdr~ n t b erl d A beauti uT dwelling lrge o as~TAes' d rH. d : i 9l Centreï Street, Or o. Ail con- FI~~~~~~ o Pr>d cr 'S etr nene, ayextra. Owners de- Vi.,it Toronto O -Pol' Trstesj .iesim VdA ESTal On une45 urhin ouny Hg M. ad Vr -Àoy King an - 11 KngSt. F. Bowmanville Pioducers were hosts ta as mnany nencetheena 1ee t0f ieirae A.333 hiog produc(_ers in the county as, îhe ~ar- et ae wihel~oaxi temeve' fth ennethiGatms y, in of Mms pptu Io't visit the offices Of Gam-sby and the ilate* Kenneth thie -OntamioA log Producers AsýOcî- jGamrsby. The iamfge Will take ation and see for îhemnselves the placeon aIr ,uy1,190: miethods employed ta sell their Orono. i- ýT C hogs. At 8:30 a.m. a cýhamtemed Bur-1 eyBus left Bowýýmaniville wvith a CARO D F VTHANKS Dri, . F. NlcKenzie vAil be capacity oad of over 50 county hog _.ii oe es yt i n wy arJuystt ul16 proucrs orTomnt. apr cifint reaý't ives,/friends Drn the period nd on The~ fimst port of eýal Was a Visit nii eigh',bouLrs or their1 ads, vis- Wedne days and yeek ends fa the plant of Canada Packers 'ts anid rany ac..5s0fkm nelaIrss, also, during the remaind r of the where the group ýwere met by offi- to Dr'. A. F. N1cenzie, he nurses summeý calis will bý taken by 1caIs of the compan, who conduct- and staff, during my reut stay ine ed them through parts of the plant the Bowmaniville! Mýen ria[ He.spi,- where actual killing- and dessing tal. Special thank! t Miss Joan Ph e ewc ei 3441r weme in pmogmess. la the beef sec- Bruton and,.irs. n i Stephens. Dr. S e&bof ill be in Dr. tion no longer dees a huge darkey Mms. Betty Taylor McKenzip's off ce da.iy fromn stand oný a platforrn with a sledge a-c 2 ta 3 ' 1Iock rom July lst ta poised ta render unconsciaus the JIIlt'eae ak1a animais one by one as they corne up CAFRD F THANKÏ po1,nl 1t emae the chute. liistead a small pistol-like I ould 1ike ta thank /lu tlaose' weapon is placed a.gainst the fore- who visited me sent car s, flowers, hearId f he nima an ,vaL- it gifts and treats.l while, was in the! T~i~ hospital and sin-.--o li 1M~ orma Long.' a-p lec V ee or1 lu tie hog section a differetl CARD 0F THAiýKS W E.L I l ii I N 1 chiamb)er one by one. The gas cbamr- Iws aepesm icr mr ethod is emnployed. The frogs come 1ihans o pr n eighbous nd CLEAN O 4ýAND7 EEPENING up on a. ramp and are let into a gas frieilds and Rebekah Lodge for COMP 1ESSO WORK o is on a lower level than the re- tileir xnany adts of kindness and PIlON OR O 2221 inaindec oi the floor and th~e, gas 1 cards selit since My accident. iniig heavier than air dtes-n'of es- Mrs'. Anbers<jn Gerry1 cape the echambr wlïéil the h4g is_______ cýarried on up) the conveyor where- a D tED I wor-km-an shackles a ehain around EVANS, -Annie-At' Ne ecastie on WALTER F'RAN[K fts leg and it commiences its jouir- Tuesd¶ay, JulA th, 60 Anniej[ ' " ney arounid the asseinbly i W bs ~En f rno geOadKD were then shown the department 77 s. RE sU gat e H row gMcQUAY adKD wvheme the camcass is eut and trixm Fueral 1-lome, Park t., Orono,. for t' A.TR .-md.fiisalos unelevl>e 1~ srvice Thursd y J y - 'th. at9 177 Church St. amoVnt of fat trirnmed off fort p, M. Internent< Cemetery.'j rendering. We passed along wher'eO Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 [ the lard is being poured and pack-. IN MGi ORIAMO aged entirely by machines. iBeing LEAMEN--IIi îov.ig Memory of a 0-c: a farm group ", were i-ot sbown jdar wife ai ldmother Henrietta thie packaging of margarine.) r 'Ethel' Leain who ssed away -______________ Ending titis tour just at n-0JIonI July 1Oth, 1958. SA F R R S the bus then toojk usx ta the offices Tiesp 11o years are SA F R R S of -the Ha rdcr soitogne since <Té ti its oMy shadow weewe vwere joined by the secre- cs uo O" hm ,whem ilws Monfumen~ft2alWor.hI, tariy, Jimrn oynton, who pilotéd the brigh-t and t ok frqý us a shjiIIing PoeWib 5 giou t a restaurant in Hunmer- light.The mv ha g-t , and ener 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby i-nwheýre dinner was waiting11. for ill. hevcn lc oe can *s' coýnienis of the Asoito 11 ee we riouyn, butflot in vain FINE QUALITY r oi n lu'ea ve w will meet again. MONUMENTS AND Follwingthis dinnier the next - Sadlly mniss by hIusband n AKR vs;ii vas _)ta te offices of the As- rfamily. a-p) Let ùs e'rect a handsome, dig- ' atio an shown hiow thie bids_________________ nified monument over the rest- f r ogsý werereied some b y Phone ainl somne bc tt4t4yPe. T'lhese ingplace ofyou o ones. __________________________ ererecmde ontheboad wi~h its flot expensive. And seeiiig caeeo ne entlire wýa1l of a-lrg this Iast tribute wiii give office, vemy similar to tthat il, the you endiess cornfort. stok echage.As- bids are re- -~r---~~-~- - -~ eived and ai cepted1 they are me- ~~-'~o filred te board opposite the i namne of the Pacýker. Tis board i- - ç's') list"ed ailth1 assemibiy yard--s and as hogsare recive t these thefan lt s umber is iseon ba.Tus bth( salesmani may dletermnine at a -lceIf tatdays rin will ho" I havy"r' i 01uhterifô- 1 t 'se uhas the prev- srac Sev e MA uas weeks marLketings anpice . and imuchinfrainehc n- I raI IuI aie h slsa o maTie the a i allt01 c highest sales. Prices lrg that INSURANCE IN ALL IT'S W ee 1 wer the highest for 1960. - BRANCOH ES Somie sales weme- made that day at $27.50)oper 'cwt. We -weme told that aàjThe Homie instirano, Cern. few- days earlier the Large Packers PanY - on~e of the world's- * had tried ta break the price by re- l argest -la a brand new 'r ra'iigfrom ibuying uiitil late !lu auto inSLurance plan, it costs the,ý- day but/fortnnately the smnaller rnuoh less because it's *ffered pickers had taken the siask and enly to preferred riaik drivers. thec price was maintiad 'CIaim services o*ver Canada It was certainly a wothwhile ed- anid the U.S. Ciaims are set- ucation for any producer ta see tled falrlyan rtky ai how the sales of his hags were r home or away.- miade and the amouint of work in- volved. Theme are at presen-t 62 em-' Fire, Lie, Accident & Sick- ployees !il the office and -truly the nes Burgtary_ PIate. Glass, anst mode-rnar meth-ods and equip-1 Doier, Liability, mernfth arud.ty e hy hd seef' - . citicism was heard from any mm a1i H m ltn 1. for- themselves the entire operation at Canadian Pacifies resort hotels of the selling of their, hogs.' Some--I PO RNORO Canada, some of the w-orld's most pîctures weme taken of the better POEOOCI1 isons why thousands of toumists flock oold'ng members of lte party s t FI RST MORTGAGE LOANS is Hotel. open frm M4ac 19th untîl watch in the caming issues of The -n June l3th until Sept ember Gfh, Market- Place. .~-- PHONE 1471 OROMO DR. R. J. TAGG ART VETERINARY SURGEOM Phone 10466 Orono, O? lawrence C. Masou, P.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones- Off ice MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-555Z W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. IBarrister - Solicitor MlAdN ST., OBONO jTelephone 138 Orono jL. J. SKAJFE Chartered Accoaiant BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Irsurapere Office P-O. Box 63, Orono Phone 12î13 EN SURAINCE Cernrai. & Lie E FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST.,, ORONO Phone 12516 Re.11711 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furnîture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - orons 'TEDle)J A CKSON Auctioneer and Valuiator Conduct-s Auction Sales of ail siwn andi at reasonable rates Communicate witfihihlm at Port Perm,5 Ontaric-- Orono Electric PH-ONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 110115E -WIRING Free Estimates rAPFLIANCE SALES tPromppt amid Guaranteed Repaira,, taýi kinds of Eleotrical Equipmnit -and Appliances S'ias Mo-tors Water Rea'-rs -Radios -Stoves -Irons Monumentsa-àI Family Memorials 'Dur qualiiy and service leavez nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought frei us- a neiglibour, frienci or relative The RUXTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE 'lLargest Display in ,Southerni Ontaio r I A. F. MeKENZIE, D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Kotsrs 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p,. Saturdays a~nd Wednesdays by appointîmnts only

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