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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1960, p. 3

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OROÔNOWEEKLY TIMES THUR$DJAY, JULY 14, 110 Q o g g Whit1- Swan - 4 pack white, pink, yellow, aqua Toilet. l[issue, 4 rilis 49c r Lipton's Tamato Vegetable SOUP MIX N ew1 Nylon - 1c off pack. DREFT Ige pkg 31c Green Giant Fancy Small PEAS 2 foar 35c Med. 71M- IWagstaffe's - 3c off pack Strawberry Jam 24oz-jar4lc u Weaties, Cheerios, Frostyo's, Rice Corn Flakes BETTY CROCýPKERK'S CERS Golden Hour - Fillery- Rum and Bu.tter Assorted T oifees Culverbouse Choice Cream Style -Corn National Tea lags Margeri'e - 4c off pack Margarine lb 2ý 4 for $,l 14 oz cello pkg 20 oz tin cello 2 for 50 bags Tat (Special>) Ac Ant Traps 3 for Johnson & Johnson Plastic Fly Tog - large size (Special) B5and Aids pkg 53C Insect Bomb s'&i Swift's Premium Sweet Pickled 1/2 Cryovac Cottage Rofls4 Swiýft's Premium - 6 oz. Pkg. Brown 'N' Serve Sausage Sift's Deliclous Scotch Style LAMB CHOPS lb Swift's- Premium - S!iced - "Vue Vac-" Packagý Mac.&, Cheese Loaf 2 Pickle & Pimento Loaf Veal, Pork & Chioken O'live & Pimenta Loaf Crispy, Fresh, Ontario No. 1 Grade Heaid Liettuce 2 for 2 New Crop - No. 1 Gradie - 10 lb. bag Potcitoes I1O lb 4 Refreshing - Good Size California Liemons 4 1 for 1 Nutritious Ontario Pascal - PoIy Bag %qUmwp'Regular $19 value Celery Hearts ea.2 Fresh from the Farm Gree n Pecis 6 qtbctsket 7 %ce Vour Order Now for Pitted Black Sweet Cherries or Pitted They are Chilled and Rushed to yau from the Growe-rs. Delivery Approx. July 20 to July 30. You can be assured of an Attractive Price.! ! CORtNI5U 'S Jphone Orono Il 1,00J 0 39cJý 35cj 39ca 69C~ 1.39 37e e ~5c >3c .à5c 19C [21Î I Orono Pet eWee Bail Players Register Second Win ORONO PEE WEES WIIN ONE LOSE ONE The Orono PeeWees have won their last two games whch bas cer- tainly elated the boys to no end. Monday nigbt in Blackstoek the local PeeWees edg-ed a 1413 wini ovar fllackstock in Blackstock. This victory was given to Paul Jones. Or- onols left hander on the mound. Ris partner behind the plate was Keith Heron.. Steven West, Bob Luxton.- and Bob Best were some of thie bet- niecessary twenty4five years' resi- dence after the age of twenty-one, wvill ha eligible, on his return toi Cana.-da, for an)y benefits due hil under the previous legisiaton It should be pointed out furtheri that the required twenty-five years after the age of twenty-one does flot have to be a continuous period and, in addition, any residence after the age of sevenity can contribute to the twenty-five years residence requirement. Pillsbury Cake Mix Double Dutch -l1c coupon in each Pkevil's Food 19 oz pkg 29e FUTURE GAMES IN THE ORONO PARK Monday evening rooJuvleniles. Tuesd1ay evening the Junlior GCirls.1 Support these Miinor clu-bs from the Village. OId Age Pensisns. Receiveable In Other Countries The Old Âge Security Act has been changed to allow Old Âge Pen- sioners with at least twenty-five years residence in Canada, after their twenty-first birthday, to re- ceive their pensions whlle living abroad. Previously, pensioners had their pension cheques suspended on leaving Canada. The new amend- ments to the Act should prove to bc of great help to those senior citi- zens who wish to reside outside of Canada, usually with relatives or friends. jAny penisioners who are consider- ing leaving Canada, either for temi- porary or indefinite absence, shou1l'd contact Mr. F. C. Jackson, Regional Director of0f1ld Age Security, 122 Fron t Street West, Toronto, Ont- ario, so as to mnake arrangements for, the contiinuedl paymnent of tLheir, beneýfits. The newo amencdments make cer-i taini pýrovisions, as flos 1. Apensioner will 1no l1ongr have his pnusion cheques suispendled- whien hle lea1ves Canadla. Whatever banef its he is enitftledj to will be1 mailed to) a pensioner at his foreign. address. 2. A who has resid iný Canada for at least twenty1-five years1 since bis twventy-first birth- day mnay continue to draw beneft even if hie lives abroad permanenty 3.Apensioner who has not te- sidjed inîlClaada for at least twenty- five years since bis twventy-fi rst birthday may be paid bis pension outside of Caniada for the mointh in wvhic.h lha leavaes the country, and for- ant additionel six mnonths' ab- sence. A pansioner who is away from-J Canada, and who does flot -have the SPECIAL Jons-ManvilIOe HOME RENEWAL OFFE! $4L5 VALUE FOR ONLY $200 When you visit our store, ask for fre-e coupon worth $2.95 toward thiSP50-foot fine steel mneasuring tape. You'll find hua- dreds of uses for this handy tape. A. apecial value . .. for you! Ors.. Fuel & Lumbur LdJ Orono, Ontar: - 1 Plona 148;6 Au OUI. RRN4Cle ROLPH HARDWARE Orano, Ont. Phione 143, lu r- m Y L owmanville ROYALMA. 3-5589 'fhurs., Fri. and Sat. - JuIy i14, 1 5.i16 Matinee Saturday 2 p.m. 'The Flying Fontalas' Circus Feature in Colour "The Young Lai-dl' <Colour) with Pat Wayne Mon. to Wed. july 18 to20 "4Torpedo Ruan" Good Submarine Story in Colour Glenn Ford and Ernest Borgnine ~oe I P [Redi Seal Fancf Redi Cohoej SALM4ON 's tin 2 for 79c LLipton's Chicken Noodile SOUP MIX 3 pkgs 35c Pla F ter Orono hitters in this gaine'. ÔC In the Orono Park on Wensa night the, local crew of PeeWéésR S E~L C O E were defeated by a visitîng RU SE LC.HmE from Newcastle. The score favoup.ANUCE HTEFETV ed Newcastle by 14-8. John Barrett ANONE tA FETV was on the mound for Orono. with fl .ULY lst, 1960 Keitb Heron behind the plate. J.ý Barrett , Bruce Mercer and Fraser, 0NE IS ASSOCIATED IN THE Wallace ail registered some good PRACTICE 0F LAW, WITH beavy hits in the game for, the Io- cal teain. O ~- m m~~ These boys are much improved il GRI.LANT ]B[ROOKSI1, JB.A. over the first part of the season' and should make a good accountof IN PARTNERSH4IP tbernselv-.s in the league playdownsf NE TEjR NM'0 which will get underway in, the, NERTEFIMQAE STIL. LOOKNG oHONEV AND BROOKS FOR FIRST VICTORV YO E adB O K Che rono Juveniles travelled to Q onWednesday night and, 1WLONSRE fusotfthmakna65gaeagain came close to a victory but 3 -1WATNSETR This group of boys have been f OTHPE NAI playing some good bail but are find-tQ G . ID c oýeo C-ý = ing it rather difficult to edgeou their first victory. This however bhas not seemed to dishearten them &W*Ca tIl "AMI) 10 Y1 any and a good turnout bas been at ig 'roiV v ail the garnes. N N ~1 N "I -71. LESKARD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Eari Spry anfd fam- ily visited with relatives at Staynor. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones, Innî- rnore, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Loucks. Mr. and -Mrs, Norman Fee. Mm3. Jerry Duvali d famiiy visitedl withi Mr. and Mrs. David Fe at Goderich. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Berry, Gordon and Donald; Mr. and Mrs. C. Martinr Mr. and Mrs. Art Young and Mi- chaei, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puckrin, Audley attended the Martin family picnic at the home of Mr, and Mrs, WiII Martin on Sunday. Mrs. AI. Borsk, Mary Anin andl Patsy Bogie are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thompson.

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