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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1960, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKL.V TiMES THURSDAY, JJLY 14, 1963 ORONO WEEKTJY TIMES (Authorizedl as Secornd Class m~ail, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Roy C. Forrester - E4itor and Manager Subscription payable in advàne In Canada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50 Establishied in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Phione 109, Orono, ODntaie A Project To Support The Orono Swimming Pool $8,0O0 Needed, The Oroixo Park Board over the past week have made their most progressive steps towards the construction of a new swimn- ming tank at the Orono Park. They have determined that the only way to finance the tank is through public subscription and bave set u a committee to conduct such a canvass. Further, they bave also favoured the quotation of Partner Plumbing and Heat- ing for the construction of the tank and are to meet with the con- tractor this evening to draw-up a contract for the construction ,cf the new pool. In financing the scheme is appears that the Board lias made teonly possible decision that could be made under the cir- cu,,mstances. The sum of $12,500 for the construction of the pool is not available in cash and as the Board lias no collateral for borrowîng money they must then turn to the public subscription plan of obtaining the necessary funds. The Board itself lias a tot ,al (f S4,500 to throw inito the fund which leaves $8,000 to be raised inJ order that thie pool inay be completed with * aIl the necessary e- quipment and facilities.. The Committee in charge of the fund are already laying plans and hofpe that the public will mneet the cam- gaign ihin immediate response. It was the opinion that back- )nvb the Township f.-r a loan of $S,f00wsdutuladta th-e only course to flo was the public subseription plan. This, ta tter, we beleive, is the better of the twýo courses and oee which shudget the show on the road without too mucli delay. There is. no. dloubt that a new pool is desired and needed at the Park. The oly hold-up now is the availability of funds for the project. The Board has also decided in its plan to con- struet the pool on a planned staged progam, if it la necessary. Thtis of course would not be necessary if, the public in the area would give the fund immediate support. The Park is of little use to the public without a swimming pool ... letsall get behind te project with a generous donation. W2 cat Others Saty; Who's To Blame Sev.eral days ago a Clarke Township family was leit lhome- less wlien the Newcastle f ire department refused te go to a fîre which destroyed their home. While it is easy to describe the f ire departmenft, or the Newcastle council, whichi controls it as heart- less, the real fault lies elsewhiere. The p)eople ëof Nwatlehtiough thieir taxes, hiav'ecnt- buted to, the purcha-se of equipmentfo their flre departmfent and.ýz contibue ï-gulrlyto oeraingcosts andclnecessary rfeplaceý- ment of ecsipmie!t. Soý far nio agreemnt lias beeni reachied beý tween thie Clarkýe Town,-s11ip icouncil an1d the Vlaeo Newcastie providing for reinhuisramentbto Newcastle for fire calis ji, the Trownlslip of Clarke-. A simlar situation exi-sted1 in Port Hope and HopeTonsc nila few years ago, when the tw ýincpaiie echda algreement 'which provides fire protection for, the twshpat, the expenses of thie TownTish-ip ratepayers. Whîle -there are people in botli Hope and Port Hlope whIo are flt satisfied with the a gree- ments as it stands, arnendments are aiwýays possible, aind meani- while town-ishiip poprtveners are proctectedl. An agreement of some kind is badly needed between Clarke, and Newcastle. ýýrely an equitablè arrangement can be worked out. Meanwhile the unprotected property owners in Clarke Towîi- ship should put the blame where it belongs. After aIl, it is nQt the duty of the Newcastle Courkcil to provide- fire protection or v othier service for, the people of Clarke, Port 1H-ope Guide The Cash Savings are Greater!! at Red and White Here's an Example of a 40c Saving: q6;FFàýEE O Popular Chtase and Sanborn Instant - Reg. $1.19 Jar O This Week-end It's Sellin1g for only KENDAL NEWS I~ r~ On TIusrday afternoon ten et the j NOTICE Kendal ladies toured Barnum Bouse: As Churci St. nortl lu Orono is near Gaton. This is a most inter- o le du-g eut there will lie filîl qavail- esting museýum, illustrafing litefie . This miay be had by paying thc pioncer days. When i s "Wést1 trucking charges. Conttact C. Staple- Durham going te start theim mus. ton, T-wp Road Superlutendent. a-cý eum? It was sugges.ted tînt (one ef, - hseold mrural sclools tînt are net othodadyugKnalu- lu -tse, would be ideal if Iocated Daynho'rste hHsWt a hiighway or moved te a sigît awieBbeo udy i m~ near a lighway. Many valuable ar- Fo 'ter.nwa ae yMssAn ticl1es like an ox-yo)ke, -milI Stones, spinning wheels- etc. wvill be bast it ut,î-ýs !MMa"nus is holiday-ing, ts 11.)' nt olind foi, !,lm ning ~ IS t~c.N Mm and Mrs. T. Steveis vwent by, Miss Phylls Jackson was g11 L tet Eladlast %eek. Tmey a showvem in Kendal Sunday Seleel 'i tte ist thee and thei go on :o, oa,il, Fridlay niglit of last wceek. te owy Shc rcvemnybeautiful gîtLs iMrs. fB. îFosýeCm' ote f and a social time was eýnjoycd by Vrginias stngh. Ir Ralph Kennedy Pitchest NO it, No pRLun1Game 1 Ralph Kennedy of the Oreno Ban- Ainold lWailace aiid Ralph Kennedy tamn BaseiiýaJ club tumned in a 100( Cobourg anci Oronto in Close Tus3el per cent pitching job on 'Tuesday Last Tb.ursday the Orono Býan- nigltit'atlie Orono Park whien he tams gaýve a Igood account of thiem- pitchied his team to a one-sided vic- selves when they hleld thieCobourg tory with a no lit, noeru.,, game. crew to only five runs. The jrono Furtlier to this Raipli gave up onîy by scoo)pedlui one mnn in(lie two walks and took a total of seeu 1iflfls. Rýalffl Kennedyv twelve strîýke-outs, It is v-ery seldomaan tumnied ln a finle job on the that anyone obtains -chis rýecord rnounld for Orono giving up onfly wvhich was displayed at the Orono five lits --nid taing --eigit ti Park on TueSday nighit when the o)Uts. [nl the gZame-lie e as given Newcastle Bantams were diefeated fine support fl-om h is team ate by a score of 16-0. Raîpli retîred the who fîguriied i l ie emnaining o)uts. three batters in the first, seconid PBizz Mlerer- scomed the loue al!,, anid in the f if tl inning. Th'le other , for _r1ooon a h'it followed tliree strike-outs wverc taken oviieb a walk to Arnold Wallace and a third and fourth fmam-es. n lit lby MiLchael Fagan. 'l'lie ')Qno The Oono cew tok a wde a - boys were unable in the g-ame . inThe fio rewto mae with cig,-t lit the bail and many went down gin inby i t rmhle strike-out route. runs followed by four iii the seo, threin ithe thîrd ( nd ,one 'n he bottom of tefoum-th. BzzN rcr RaîliKened ad mr O C osts Near took tO Ëthe bases every înime 10 bat. A Grant Yeo, Wayne , Mller, Michael i lti AOf M ilie FaaAllani Heron and Dane og erson were other Orono batters .0To mc new Newcasle( to Port Ht-ope1 make a tour- of the bases and to c)!- exenson t ighiway 40ý1 is esti- lect lits in the -ame. rae ohv otntmcils This gamie on TuesdayniIlit en- tnan 1ý.( oO00ha pvie w4ule ex dled the regular season of play for propriaition c-osts and g-eneral c-am- the local boys excepting for two piu0 enu n rmaecn rained-out games. Marvin Lutin ex-1sdrd a deparmn thgliways~ ptsthat they will enter in t he ffcasat ment o i league- play downs this coming, W11eek and asks for the support of The entire job) was compilleted ln local fans in these gamtes whlch lbout two and à haIf years. Gt'adîng will be played with N'awcastle, began on a small scale in the fall' Blackstock, and otler sud cnte.of 1957. Clearing of trees ad build- - Jing culverts continuied tlirough the Bowrnanvillo Takes Bantam Victory winter. 'nie bulk of grading was completed by the f ail of 1958. Trini- The Bowmanville Bantamis at the ming was carried out the followingl Oronio Park on Saturday afternoon spring and paving contracts W ere < took à decided 184 victory over the let from June, 1959, on.j loal boys. The Bowmnanville boyst The maini work was finished ai proved too strong for the local month ago and aIl tînt remains ta group an-d made a steady elimb to'be completed la a general dlean-up< their total of eighteen runs. Raipli and some sodding. The road openi Kennedy pitcled thc game for Or-, ý-l over the July lst w,.eek-eind. More 011. tan500 people were employed on Those scoring for Oronio were the varlous contracts. r3uzz Mercer., Granit Yeo . Tery' Tlie extension east of Port Hope Graham and AI Heron. Other boys to Briglitonwlntleradutl colctn its were Wayne Miller, late 196L1. TownshIp Pire 1 L.eaves Faiily 0R Five Homnelessýi '\ <v somd trame ouise umrned c tiMïPistycm oead to t~e round l ClarkeTownslip iledhl. th att er part f last week leav1ig Mr.PesySrsadseWs a amlvoffive homelcss - New,- sure hat f aid had arived when- catc ie eaitietrefused twh aI a u ntelese could- serLlie qcaîl for, assistance. hae eusaed iBt, stesaid, > -V- adMs. Arthiur Priestly wlo sh!e was told by the NT-(ýecastle Fr liediere were away atl the tîmie Deprtmenif that 'rSýsos utow o)f the fire. AM. Priestly, an tcmpeose- ee of thc General M\otors, Oshiawa, frpryi, Nwatetogtsr vics rom Ythe tire dprtet waswrkg on the iniglit shift. Bis, wif e ,n heeude n,'l Susa , Clarke Townishiplias 1ne fire pro- Ewin 3 and David 1,were visiting1 eto evc fison lis mnothier, Mrs. 1R. Priestly wi ',esrcose il Damae, ' siatd -Mm. Priestly and lis family are trun a higli as$80. ayn with i s mother until they, The bouse was situated nlorth of d-ecide what to do. Clark. CHAMBER TO HONOUR Neglborsfimst noticed flames O.H.S. HONOUR STU DENTS leaping thmougli the roof of a sliedi (Continued from page 1) whidh was attacl-ed te the rear of the bouse. Befome they could con- te be 30x7(J and constmucted cf trol the fire, flames lad spread te Gunite -cement. the other parts of the bouse. 1Beiéturtler stated that if the con-' Tic house lad -been completely'ditions weme not- met tLhat suý;pport bou hat te vue f ye buseluClamber unless changes iu the con-j insuratice. ditions were fimst approved by ült Mms. PriestlY's mother said tlat Chamber Finxance Commîittee,. . i if it wasn't for, the efforts of the MWembers of the Omono Clambér nei'gîbours who pitched in to helP, are te meet at the Agicultural hiem own home would have burned grounds touiglit witl hammems and also. She lives only about 75 f eet saw%,s to fix Up bootîs te inake them, fmom wleme the fîre occured, of a more permanent nature. I Volunteers were able to save a boat and a farm tracter parked The Claniber of Commerce are near the lieuse, te supply mcd bumper tape for bi- I The tamily's pet dog, Skip, was cycles wlich will be taking part in ilu the bouse when tire broke eut. the rodeo held in the Oruno Park The doors and wîindows were appar-' Wednesday. Twvo members of the enfly all closed but somnelow Skip Clamber are aise t e lp with the managed to escape and leaded fer' judging. the woods nearby wlere le waited, Tendlerýs wll be re ,ýived by the eeri l dfor thie construction ef ,idewalks within the Police Village )l Omono, up 12 o'clock noon, CusaJuly 1-9th. Tender price te nclude cenient, gravel and laying of walk 4" lu thick-ness and 40" in vidth. Mix to be 5 to 1. Tender prîce o, be by the munning foot. Lowest or any tender not neces- ;aiyaccepted. Tenders must lie clearly marked as -Tenders" and addrcssed to: H. E. MIILLSON, Secretary, Orionot Police Trustees. WALTER FRANK fJmcQUAY and KIDD REALTORS 177 C.hurch St. Bowmnanville MA; 3-3393 ISTAFFORD BROS. jMonuental Wo-rkè IPhone Whitby 552 I 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us e-rect a handsomne, dig- nified mnonumnent over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. lt's not expensive. And seeing this Iast tribl-ute wilI give you endless comfort. Insurance service Sadie Hamwilton INSIJRANCE IN ALL IT'S B RA NCH-tES The Homne Insurance Comn- pany -une of the worlcl's largest - has a brand new auto insurance plan. It costs murh tees because it's offered only to prel'erred ristc drivers. Claim services caver Canada and the U.S. Clalms are set- tled fairly and quisky, at home or away. Fire, Li4e, Accident & Sick- ness, Burglary,.. Plate.. Glass, Boiler, Liablty. Sadie Hamilton PHONE OftONO 11116 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8,00 p.m. Saturdays and Wedriesdays by appointments oniy DR. R. J. TAGGAIRT VETERINARY SURGEON Phono 10616 orono, Onf, Lawrence C. Mason, .A Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5553 SI KY LYCETT, lB. 1 Darrister -Solicitor laI the Offices of R, R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST, ORONO Telerphone 138 Orono 1.J. SKAIFE ChareredAccountant B'y APPOI NT MrlENTS Lycett's Ir surance Office P.O. Box, 63, Orono> Phone-'12516 IN SURANCE General & Lufe SE ~FRED LYCET OFFICE ý MAIN ST., ORONO4 Phone 12516 Res. 1171% JACK REID Auetioneer and 'Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18 T ED JA1KSO0 Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aiictipn Sales of aI it«m and at reasoriable rates Communicate with him at Port perrw, Ontario- OronoElectric PHONE 129 g CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOTISE WIRING -Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guaraniteed Repaira ta ail kinds of Electrical Equiprnent anrd Appliances s1.v'h as Motors Water Heat.'S -Radios Stoves - irons Faniily Meinorials Our quaîity and service leales nothinig to be djesiredï Ask the person who bought from US- a neighibour, friend or relative The RIJ¶TER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street j PORT HOPE j "Largest Dispîay ii, Suuthern Ontario,, r - Orone DSECTION HOUSE FOR SALE Mýýodem -r11oom Bungalow, gar- ,age and brýeezeway attachied. 011 heating. Apply A. Jakïemian, phone 1738, 'Orono. a-p TENDERýS SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION I 1) If--Fr vii i a c F OF fDRNM( PHONE 1471

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