.. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. Voirn 21 Numbe.r 2.1 Thursday, July 21 rono Ontario Authorized as Secondf CIass mail, Post Office Department, Ottaw:i Subseription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5ýQ ~~1u - - W u ept.-Board Seek $2000 Thein To Begin Work On îýIonday nigit te ic1Qrnno Parki CI-IRCH STREET BEING ibad hbcd a meeting in connection U OUT AND REFILLED wiii tic construcik,-i o! ait ew Karler ths wcck tic Township swimîin.g pool 'for- fie Oronoi .nfnecevork on1 digging ouf a Comnuninty Park annd on revicwing lportion o! Ciurch Street norti. ic contraci witi Partncr -Plumb- Every' year fuÈs section o!fie roadi ing and H4eating have moved fiai 04 up hn tisplie it liF as been tibec oniraci lie drafted ready f0 lie found ibat liii le gt-avel is in fhe signed. WVork on the pool now resîs road andi if ms been buili on top onP the support to be givcti fo the soil cnly. Tic portion of fie st-eft proje-ct throttgh a fulîd which lias -s ocîng duig oui to a depýh of tii-e been staricd by the B3oar-d for tic -) four fe-t and filled,with gravel, put-pose o! tiec eops%;- ctio he!--i pool. A surn of $12500. is ne4d f on ecompetc the pool with tie- req uire Born Near Leskc de ntinclucke tic -cqst if ,a C hange ho1sc. The Park Board has1 subscribed a sum o! $450f0 tothi N w C Ie r t , fui-id iàvinz $800, o boh- ra p Gets Ca.] 1Saturday morning ' aroun d 9:31 the Orono Fire Department waz alelwhen smoke was observec comngi from the apartment at th( rear of the Post Office, occupied b' ýMr. and Mrs. Wm.-Madill. At ti( time no one was at home and th( f:ireen w'ere compelled to mal« entry through a window. Mr. Wni Watsoni Lirst noticed the smoke aç he was crossing the street. On entet-ing- the apartment thc firemen found that the electri( stove had been left, on in the apart ment and that sotie lard, left neai the burner had melld and causeè i'Cre simoke No damage was done as only the pa per had eaught f ire. 1,1 ard 1 IOth Birthdayý Hill Ilisi, Revealed In he following article latest edîtion of Sy titJn of the Ontario -ands and Forests. Lring the late 1800's, er made of wood, high, was erected i an elevationnof lI 'rower oughout »iCation. -P 0-ý- A Ai3provedBvHealth ýLocal Fire Dept w ra ouitat asn I ady ie a rbbl.weete l -- A etticaoedr "legs" which angledoi an apex '1The village, named the Milleri On Monday night the Board È1e- etio dpionceer, who at one!'clittie more~ lanld." 1 1atof~ sur bev~ stwsdsoerdh 98we ,on-h power-shovel, looking for gravel e-, Thebottron theala saed ig Sddtitte ol e h o-teartSr. ohe husandarahvid e was borti near Les- platform iwas built. Although there oee iar uilptm tractt as soon as they had a sum of oeatS. ondpr f Sidney i kard Canada. Later the family *ere steps leading to the p1atforii'istP0î opndabiar bra itn andh eter in the league Thstadn $600» u rqurs sbcrp--passed the century mark in Aùril i vuit tnt0 oclcap a ontaining 11 skeletons arranged neddintidpsio inteinI $6500f.00 0 hiorqu ransbiz p- 0 tsya nd pfoumovecl to, ollimgwood. After lier att> clitoe 0te to werclegas wads, o~rcdsg.cuto!alteBna ens andreidnt marigeJue i, 9frome ndhe t oklbon o th tJunegs nd1 g, 1902,sin. n she hir asiio inthierq an rsiensof tearea before jlier knitting, reniarked, "I'm think- marriagehe onlothersysmlptor aterancrdindegKI»onslaue pf lltheownae tget ÙtTe 'ing nw abou being10l.ý'husband came to Richland County# hil h nooe- y tnigon i atyaace n jeyns egepadwsaet e ne tte new pool can bc estarted. The hîngad nnow maabout bei8ng 101s ee inths 'viionaF Lfrn-c com'tee as set up byte1 Sarah Jane Gibson Stewairt celle- t Q9l timp the.y owned a part of ifeetup direction, found the palisade around a ligwe n u iiso n Çhamber to conduct a canvass Was brated her lOth birthday at a re- the present towlisite of Sidney, and 1 h ilgfu oebra iq layconsre.Th ArsaL einpowered to proceed on the camn- ception in lier home, greeling'oeae general store there. It was thought that no photo-' houses, dumps, fireplaces, and ~i ece t ook hae ben rieds nd eadng essges- 'perteda IOrono, Blackstoek, Newcastle, Ken.- 1ag -Reept ok aebe red ad.raig msae They were active in church affairs graphic record of the old landmark fhousands of artifacts. dalad Courtice. Orono in the 1t lf every store- in the Village among them letters from Presidenti and M r. Stewart, a stone inason by 1existed, but a chance remark b . This site at that time was humor- round are to meet Blackstock wvhuieý tlh fund. edoaton f rosnsonerandGovertnor J. IugoltraIphld build Sidney's first Youngman ini JUIY OÎ'1959, du'rng a ouly described by Mr. Kenyon as Newcastle and Kendlcshia- the ch will receive donationsafor Eisenhowerure4 - chastandetour -of the Ganaraska 'watershed týon fo!Canada's first sub-divislons'. other series. Courtice rceve. "G ood care and good thoughts, ing, in nortiiens f Sidney, now used o e of t e m b rs l tw l ' o -1 -one othe memeras, a uhrtellLo-The scientiflc importance of thei At a fieeting,, lasi Fridlay the- theyý help towards 'a long life," as an electrical warehotuse. Laterý ery, Clarke Township representa- site is based on the hope thatte Board miet with Mr. 1. Partner, Sarah Jane says. they sold their Sidney property t ive of the Autho1rity, stating îfiat inhabitants 0f the village will prove out. This asne esogainyas fands h' ik o-l t i vraaiaibuit their presei tfrm near lie had a photograpli of it. It was to be the cultu-ral ancestors o! the Afier the league playdoýwns are'1 just tc sameway, oly Wit a (Couinuedfroî~ age 1 takýen by a young school'teacher, lroqý,îois, whose origins are at pres- cmltdteOooety Wl were not immediately available. _______________ MtnJukti uy 98 r n eti. tien enter into an OEA series Wvith Tie plan-lu koul i Jnles1ti. Mc entstepsinif 1r i 7hpln-ulnstre sesifPlunketi was teacliing, .,,t lMcLeanl Blackstock, Kendal and Courtîec, necosary wich ae to lie com- A u L Io ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ s a y T ',-o'4 norti of Kenda, and board-i The site was opened to visitors!T hie winner of this group will te n pleted before June l,5th, 1961. It was LALV Fi.y R ea(y To O pen ehooil h onLoeyfml in midi-July last year and more tian1 represent the Lakeshore Minor, howeei-luf."itef ou thf i fuclsTic photographlihad been sent on a 18,000 came to se-e the work in pro- group in the Ontario Playdowns. ,,ý,ee avalabl tardthe ooF arkd postcard aldtth family by1 gress. Studenitg show the visitorsliMarvin Lunn, their coach, expecrts lic coninp Ited within a few ,weeks.IN e'w G a de JH llPark tace he.lc aswrigaOUnd the diggings and the arti- to sec the Orono boys well aà- lies W4eyat U, nwas f te-ene- and on a fat-m near Auburn, Ontario. ifacis on display. vanced into the Ontari<o playdowns., stated tfiat thle present Pool cequld The Ganaraska River Conservaý M. Nîckle, mniister o! planning and, P'ans ar e now under way foran The Miller Site excavation is a lie closed anytinme. i tion - Authority hield a meeting re- development.PiprofteRylOaioMs cently at the authority's park in 1, 5 f oot, steel tower to bc e rected on, part o the groyasearhlogrrn Te rooPe ees-r n3 centy a th auhoriy'sparece. S iRruguoriol)parment of.a hill twQ miles east o! Tower Hill. euscotnigeeahprrm TeOroPeWeswrno A et ws eciv foi~~heGarden HiIl Planning and Development, in a 1The~ new' site is 25 feet higiier thail iin Cana ilan archaeology. Ear;ier high e1nougli up the ladder to take -NJrthmerqdý- uý.ýr-î'Helt Business coiisisted mostly in mak- letter to tie authority, sai4 th-at an, Towcr Hill, two miles deeper in tue thtis year Kenyon led an expeditionl a birth in the Lakeshore Leagîae Unitin wici asisate the con- ing inalapreprations fr the o0. to Fort Albany on James Bay, and playdowns but they at-e entered in, Unit i - iwhic was statd th con- finalprepratios-finvestigaâtion liad been Madle iltO ;frs n a~ls ln Pots. So, k etfima tk a elasre whteBcsokPe undr hoCartide Hill. Augusi 5. The com-ý the two former mnilI ponds ai Ken- ion of the tire tower will likely lie. Party to the site o! but-l mounds Wees. The' winner between these iýàlc Healfb. A4 esectng"Cn mîtlees reported things pretty inuclidiit osrain odbtIciea"ui"o h tnrr norti-western Ontario. A crew two teams will advance on into the t'zil~ io at~d ana~enQf wîn der control and that plans were fudifiaviai-because of thelpeople visiting ibs ovey part ol is now working in Serpent Moud Onta-io paydowns tin the Pee Wec- fAbng -o lt, a&hêii. 4pr;ted n3dshaping b~bultin~sai- a otlne he gut) nicelv( costs involved. Hle said there were Duriam- County. Provincial Park on Rice Lake. D group. Orono has a good bebiti sotieiTeladies - o! the- North Hope ote1oain nfa rata chance in tuis event as they have tot'em T(,ansnhaer. agrced to1iî lservenslunches.e ilal lThe excavations ai the Millet-benvictorlous over lackstock du,- Th pas aa l~ ee im nd Scýhool Associaion have coLid he built at lcss expenise.S !, -qPpoveý, byan e-igneer IlC mple inSiteý will continue until tic beî-' ing thle regular sciedle. The program -includes a tour of A letter from the Water Re-1 Cniudo ae5 À lif t-wàs- lsoxeçivd b t~e heGanar-ask-a forest foliowýedb)y sucsCom.mission adv,,ised fiai an1 - B~ad n Mndy~ îiht i-n-iti icoffcii)pe:-in1g"by tihon111. W. n siaionwulùe made in con-1 l tn Orono C'hamber o! Comre in ___________________nc ion iî reports filat oitscp wiihitstaed hatticCiaberI V0O p rci e U nd er N ew ",as witidcrawiýng lis ýsupport f i tic 0-Chamber o Commeürcefoclaraçe ro rfie'esatbae torer ic s.ýFors-isipa t1i pro r 19n6fi p),oo.l. was i ý'i&cdin th letter ' ; ual u waî p rcdtobe a mîsunder- mgtb onaiaig iii iî ida PtetDstitfr 160 iilwasfeu tit thePark bard waDenig anrsaRvrwuclb net-1 eaigcmlto r Jli' . ltmetn hecnitosasst Tic rooPark, Board aýre to *W ut cî-gMngr ~~ a~ G b u ~ e S t Masklîionge!îû Hatcshete y v, ies utiat St oui bytic Cimber ommittc. laagain cci onMonda nigitfo, ïTcnx eeigo! ic ieautior- whcn fie sevet-althousanid maslin- _______________ viewo! fls lttertie ark oardfuS-er "isus tic pool pro etfrîy ssid lei frAu t2 a1t f honuge fingerlînigs on iand uhave been slecdedf0 eque-si a metn1i i rnoCmuuy Pa1rk. 1irc i cnevtu at-ca paýkrk anteci in suif able waters in ibis Tic Orono glieTrustees licld a G.E.S'psn ndH. M. Mercer District, ils fish raising atvte re meeting on Tue-sday ev'ening movecdiMat tenders frsdwl wIllbe ov-er for-à te ya. .he otionwa pss b Mr-contrctonbc opened [o! w0ich I oerand Frt-eser auiot-i1ng . E. ticrwere twvo. Decision on fiese 1Earlicr this yeat- spcckicd trout, isn ýïto bav-e pcae>abs erc(ield ovjer until a future mc- At PloygroundnPogram - r Resuit S ý wee disiri- Road forlh of Cob Hill. Mr. Siinp-'!Il 1wgr SNO. 10 STARKVILLE ne.wi a novd ntccntu- old mus" pay fo)r 1tic collection o ________________4 ___4_ Promotion Examnations t ion ai an estimated cosi o! $1200.00 garbage t ic Trustees passed a mo- Names in alpiabceticai ordler. Several project.S aret-e lnct-avy l jfl f- ~pet- Cen ltOf!iis Co si wo-uid' be infit-f-ie-fqcd so!Ag TicSomer ecratona ur- Mnicpa Buldig wileoters. ,tic~isrit ii u-d0- t gve Us bot-n b - tic Dcpartmcnt of 111gbi- - st lst, 1960. This by-law describes gram .a1 the Ot'opo Park- and under a1',c Lakcn ai '1bê Par.Grd t>rii -JonFlimrebcgruddaao "la'ays. f w1at an accouný1Is and also gives tileadrbpo! Mrs. M. Lutin, is Ti major attraction îtus wek1' Anti Robinson, James Souci, Br-uce auto-tgolv i oioer Tv- pro ingts year, o! greati: nteresti for the clildren wi, lea Pennt. . . erd. i Anettingr hushodinth Vll to t c ei i y~. c l dr n ~ i - V ait- w hich was eld dtus mor nin g si.in_-uct inw- ! ro m M a ,v On- H t of fM. M et- c s ed t tto 5 i î ec e- o sei o ld m in t .c V lae. t he takin partcaci ot-nig. Du ing siýy TicFat-wil e ici ' Grade 7 to Grade 8-Bonie Gl-a i siin si arigoiaQn !f1 e-ddf lîdtcc~ ~ otemi i5 et e ticepasi weý,-ek tic daity average ai- Tusay-jcopeesu-e o i&W orbaewul M hm ewat~ioP inniand~ will bc collccted every lednelasbe e a rudsîilar tl' o tiat o! a carnival. Tic mer. - -iMd Turtuc Lake - in Sotnervillie could lbe foilowed on tic pt-oject. R. two mnontis ilrougi fie Hydro of- seveuty-five chilîdren.-RngTskokmlboesor childrn wi - le t f play- Bingo, IGrade -5 to Grade t-BiLlyî Gilmer Townsiîp.If is cxpccted thlat tîs C. Fortest efr saihefiaisfis fpr atetfcInts ill ca ofluteopa Ic lre wllbcabsurvey wili'take a, month or more hdbe-bfr i rsee o tecsswl ecollccted oit TicCrfisbeng auut i he ndotfier garnes-inelncling îuic ap- Ted Stark, Doris .Todd, Bruce Tt-îi.fi cmpcio. oodly number -iycars and fiati)the tax bill. - - - Pak usyca ae ! r*joriner parnce o! a Wishing Well. The Grade I to Gt-ade 5_ Dona i a niui brof iOUses were- now in! h-ciimi, .C otetr e2st to tiec cilîdren and the range o! cosit o play any of tiese games willli Barnes, Wayne Stark, Peter West. Fishery Teciniciah -l .M. Simp- th&earea. The pt-ojecci, he- sain, w-as autorîzed t)> arrange to hold iis work lias certainly been à fea- be a penniy ot- two. Also toi- sale ai 1 heuser. ---jscin . bas. a sciiedule oôf iakesurveys siiould bc star-tedý and ,lie Trustees ani open mneeting early in August t urc of tfie progran-. The oide-r this stial oharge wlll b.e cookies' Grade,Gr4--4-Terty Stark» which wiii proivide information on could, afier tic base was prepared, wiepicTuesarfopsnto gt-Qups bave found ,enjoymerît in' and freshie. dit would appear (ha(tNMaiilyni Trim. - depilis, t emperatures and fisli detetmine wlietier or not the walk fihe- puollie procepdings so far paperg bag, puppets,. cc o1r- ,-u-i new. vetureas. a etu of Grade 2 to Grade 3--Doris M r ze species comp~osition in varlous could be-laidti ts yeîar. If fiwas in municil ýae .Represe-ntatives - -s0Ydraaseitê floésr ! ~fè -«fle pÏàgrarnis hotiul ecof great in- RoNaitson, Karen Stec4 . ' wtr.O l ai ewi aentalsiai fr aigaw1~foifi ni~~ae eore imbe 4 Xd ingerpaintling Sor of1ièerest to fie chi4dren ai -ic Park Grade 1 to Grade 2-Helen Stec, lbciter information for managing- tien a portion ai leasi -2ouid lie Con-, Commission at-e to bce aslçed f0 aiý- the a ii~~t rnd1h~~io-lg Catherine W. Stewart, teacher. these waters mot-e scientificaily. -sfructcd tuis yarfend Tfis -meeting. Ôroôno Gomnrunity Swîmz'iing Pool Fund: (Donations isted on pag 2 Donated to date $4,710.00. $5,000 $7,f00~ rh S19 DI IUUU 'SMin'or Basebali Teams appeared in S*EntertsPktydown Series. 1 ~ ~ r b At a meeting inNecsl x a godtic Site Of Prehis- moilday night the Lakeshore Minor 1on a hill o ic v ia e who wovuld take part in the Leagu&, ,275 feet a. playdowns and also those teams» 1 onhp One of the largest and most im-,who would competve against vDne wl 3vrsic portant archaeological projects ever anot her in tlWç OBA playdowns. we wkni carried out in Ontario got underway for- the second year last week, as isafe due to Royal Ontario Museum scientists rýe- Te Orono Juveniles who hady was aZedopened excavation of the prehistor- r ts lesae ic village site in Pickering Lownship iot won a game dur. tg-the seasun.ll its egs rc Pwereout 0f die Jleague playdownsý ýre is a ce- WatrKno,-oa naloi but have a bye into the OBA play- li mark" er- Nlueui- archaeoogist, said he ex- downs. This Orono team is the onL1e Geoeti inpected to uncover at least an othcr,"D" team in the league and were ite t'O mark third of the 1000-year-old villageJ thus given the bye into the Ontario tnmis season, and discovery of ritual playdowns. They will have to await id mark ân burials and other important feat- word from the OBA as to when and s' s' N s s' s' N s s' 's s s' C, i - s' C, C, C, s' s' s' 1 1 m-, ý 'l - - ý <, la uuu $11 Ow 4145-00