ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THL SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITE! -SAVE CASH AT RED& WHITE! -SAVE CASH AT RED & WHITE! ~ 3, > U) o> <- mnCh Sthe Sni 0 ýa MAR GARINE 2 Ibs 59cr> SBI RDSEYE FROZEN - 6 oz. Tin > i < (j m mter ZOANGE JUICE 4 for 79,c! a' e, w 1- z 4 o 'a' t- z 0 o w g, w 1- z 4 o a' s- z.. e, o 1* 0 w t- z 4 o w s- 4 z 0 o 'a o iii 1- TREESWEET Gjrapetýfruit %JUICE ALCAN HOUSEHOLD ALUMINUM FOIL 48 oz3 C tin 25 ft 29c roll *m' 0=0 oc:- ý= c- C = c > Q i PI~ K FFN X 200' Q I 1I L EE . ~for Ef elw~h th ý purchase of KOTEX 12's- ai regular price CATELLI'S COOKEO -.3c OFF PAK.- 15 oz. Tin HICKORY HILL CANNED WHOL E Spaghetti 4 tins 49c Chicken 3 Mb oz tin$' GREEN GIANT - 15 oz. Tin Wax Beans 2 f or 35c CLOVERLEAF- Solid White Meat Tuna Fish 7 oz tin 3 9c 17 -TH EGG AND LANOLIN Shampoo 1 2 oz 49c PREM LUNCHEON Meat12oz tin 27c i'n itel thc lie Thie Durliam County lub Twilight meeting waý t farm of Bruce Tink or iy 19tli with 300 Holste -along with their fami te County. M4r. lvision Tamblyn, prE te Association, conducted ng. and the program. Mtfr. Ron Davis was tI )eaker for the eveninga ithe Agricultural cond nous Countries sucli as urma and Africa. Agricuture in' Asia ai, not medlianized te tlie here, lie said. Farmers it to liold a couple o! aci iy work by hand. Mr. Davis, after gr'adu riicultural engineering fi ,1950 toured Canada anc ed States for three and intlis. After completlng te speaker, went to Af r eserved in tlie British rvice. then served undei UtB u eLarry Hoy, son of Mr. adMs I eid A tBr c TinkslWm. Hoy was carmying a drink out ________________________to the hay makers on Friday wvherr Holteii!Uite Naion Fod ad Ariel-lie tmipped, breaking the drinking Hasein nted gNiation Food ndte aiul-jug and severing a tendon in bis is hueld atyptue organiain ail sen the se wrist. This has given Lamry a fewv îTueday tye o mahînry nd en o tesedays in the liospital. It will be a ein breed- 1 2Otres to train farm folk. ýfew weeks befome tlie cast can ie- ilies from After his brie! outline of the agri- removed. We wishi him complet-- Siilare industry and its probleins in recovery. ýesidenjt of the underdeveloped nations of Afi- the meet- ca and Asia, Mr. Davies sliowed; c olour slides, depicting scenes in. Mrs. R. McMackin lias had lier lie guest countries such as Nigeria, Pakistan1 mother and family visiting ber and spoke Iiidia, Kashmere, Burina, Thailand, Ifromn New Brunswick the past week. ditions ni Cambodia, Mania, the Philippines, Paul was home for the weekend Pakistan, anSHi ai, i.o Hong Kong, Tokyo lO nd Africa Sextent It sare con- res wih [uating in from OAC d the lin-1 d a hlai rlis tour. -ica wliere h Colonial r the Co- The s peaker said that in ail lie lias visited 32 countries duning lhis] world tour, but finds there is flot a place anywliere in the world which can compare witli-Canada. MmI. J. E. Nelson conducted the Judging compf-ition. The following were the winners: Juniors under 14 years: Gordon Malcolmn lst, followed byl Mary Ana Dale, Linda McHolin, Barry Trewin and Doreen Hamer. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott attend- ed the wedding of his cousin iii Thornbury on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Price (neeý Phyllis Jackson) were marmied i,, Kendal United Churdli on Satumday at 3 p.m. The reception was bel in the Sunday Sehool Hall. On Sun- day momning the hiappy couple left by plane for Mexico. -lonhaPla inPaksta an Buma.4-H Group:MmFrdTipsn!Vncve Mr. Davis said after the second Ron Dinner followed by Fred Hos- came by Jet Airliner on Saturday' world war, the Commonwealth kmn, Wm. Tamblyn and Ron Welsli. evening te, spend a week witl iei countries met in Columbia where a Ladies: mother Mr~s. C. .,:hompson. Mrs. n plan was devised te gb-Te assistance Mrs. Grace Bmown followed bySinith lias coee frein Califomnia tiy .-.a. *rsII c- ID..i.,. . IIIUj Mto trie coun tries in soumt-ea.ost . ". 1>11-. _. . rs e vis iirry mi He said the countnies decided toj Vice and Mrs. Neil Malcolm,. 0 send eut engineers and -machinery 1 M ens. PP te lielp medlianize agriculture. Wm. Stone followed by Stewart, He said there are numerous3 other Doreli, Les Welsli and H. TFrewin. Sorganizafrions doing the saine type. Several musical numbers were en- ofwork. The linternational Co-oper-. joyed as pesented by Mms. Davis of ation Administration in the USA,'1ýSoliIia. The ladies served a dellcioiis jthe Britishi Colonial service and the lunch at the close o! the meeting. M Orono Bantams Win Opening League Playdown Game. Tlie Orono Bantams piayed their paysfor umpimes and bails with ex- 0 first gaine of the league playdownSes eamutn tebottnol Is on Wednesday eveniing. The gane1 lars for every home gaine. :ýPosition. i tDu h r The gaine was a victory for tJFoîests From <local boys witlia score f118-7 i Plac Vur, Order _Q,«, foër itted BakSweet Cher ries ritd Mo )NTMORENOY:i Vou can be assured of an Attractive Price! Swift's Quailty Grades of Beef Specially Selected BLADE ROASI blade boine removed lIb 43c RJB ROAST meaty and tender <FRESH GROUND SExtra Lean -MkILe WITSPREMIMSLICED R>NlDLESS S/IFT'S PREMPIUM FuSLICED lb 49e lb 43C Isealeé pkg6b bs a 'Ilained2or lece lIu690 FAMOUS SATIN BRAND GOOD SIZE o' 1- T 'o -~ "h fi- SUNKIST ORANGES 2d Luscious Vive-Ripened Deep Red Northi Caroina Mitd Swcet Washlngton No. 1 WatermelQns large 69c Spanish on. ons Hot Weather Favourite No. 1 Cu-;cumber's Grade 3 for 25e Crisp-y Fresti No. I Grade Cabbagre oz 5i Zfor 9c1 c,, ITti 29c~ 0 z, - 'b per head 10c ~ aONS~! Phone Orono 1121 ,M- iAVE CASH4 AT FRUO WHI-TE4- BAVE CASH4 AT, RED &aWHITEI- SAVE CASH AT M.D £ -n Pakistan, W. )a, receently vis- Authority and 'orests. These country under o witneq< <'an- club ~on a tcogerson, Arnold W allace. Orono went out mn front with a one run margin in the first framre when tliey scoreâ' two runs while teroppoiets went scoreless. 11, the top of tlie second BlackstockI bagdin five runs to Orono's threo whcilef t the gamne tied at fivea piece. te vis!tors theil Putt'he pesr onthe( home teamn by scoring twoý runs ini the third but this lead w,,asý hrtlived as Orono cam-e up with J five in the bottom haLif. nlackstock wa leld scoreless in the. fourth and fiftli. In the f ifth the Orono boys took thefir big Innings Nwith a total gamne and the Orono boys aire lack- .!,(w fanls 3yere ohland for the ingspcar support even froin the pairents of the players.. The second game of this series is to be played '- lackistock tonight, Thursday. The boys wou-l-1 appreciate isup-ý poýrt and the, Athletic lias aLso to NOME RENEWAL OFFER $4L5 VALUE FOR ONLY $200 whB y ou v it *Our s tr.. amk for fre4 emon wot ine.eftg 1t84» & 'ou¶fin un- Orono Fuel& Lumber Lto* 0-rona, Onta< Photie 4816 son for a. few weeks. Corne and worship with us in. Kendal at .7:30 p.m. during JuIy. Rev. R. C. White B.A. has belu a new series of sermons on "h-- Christian~ in the Jet Age". It shoerld prove to be most interesting and helpful in this time of fear, wars- and rumours of war. exists that the leaves, twigs and Toots are carefully collected by the- people to be used as fuel for .cook- ing. Complete utilization such 'aA this is a problemi as it remnovee much miaterial that otlierwise iwould decompqse to enricli the si Thus the fertility of their foreet souls is slowlyv decreasing. The wveather al so presents prob.- lems. From January to July a drought period ex 'isýts in the lowery altitudes. i May and June, the twa hottest months of the year, the ma- iority' of the farmn and forest work '-must be done to take advantage aif the tropical rains that commence about the flrst week of July. These pounding- rains are so severe that downpours of eighteen inches [n. twenty-four hours are flot uncom- mon, wich mignt De applicable te..tne-ir An abundance of labpour exista own land. Iwîth the average daily government 1%wage for forest abour being .20 u> As erosion is a problem of grave 30 cents ner day. Verýy littie moderr oncern in Pakistan. the visitors machinery is used with logs stin weepartîcularly impressed withi being eut in the miii:1 by liand. With the success the Department o! private f orests beîn'g very limited, Lands and Forests lias had throughlail Forestry g-raduates from ranger reforest-ation in this field. sehoolIs and colleges immediately, ente-r governmnent employ. The trend in Ontario today is 1 away from the use of wood as a 1 As Pakistan'is Just starting into a fuiel, whereas in Paki'stan,liard-'schemne similar to our County For- wood forests are being establislied est p)rogramme, the visitors Were and managed siniply for this pur- p È)edt see the success they tooý pose. Sucýli a scarcity of fuelwood mgtepe in the future',. ROYowm.-anville F;O 'Is,, L 7MA. 3-5589 Erhurs., Fri, ad Sat. - JuIy 21, 22, With Dicik Clark and Tuesday Weld 23 Mon. to Wed. juIy 25 to 27 The Warurior and tiseSlave Girl ADDED FEATI4RE "Liane, Jungle Go4dess" Wh Marion Michat% qi ' - ik