OROfNO WEEKLY !IM~ TI-IURSDAY, JULY 2lst, 1960 p AU.. FO0D FEATURES EFFECTIVE JIJLY 21, 22, 23 WE RESERVE T'HE RIGHT LIGA TABLEIqITE I pkgg AEUTLO - NECK AND GIBLETS REMOVED SQUARTER CHU"KEN lb 43C DEVON RIDLESS Bcn l k 3 lio Ok 5 Li MAPLE LEAF PA.RTI-TIME CHUES -Braunsweiger, Bascon and 8 o [ SLiver Sandwich Spread chubs 5 TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ST. L.AWRENCE - SAVE 6c CORL 25oz tin SS HEINZ.- SAVE 5c KRINKLE9 16o PICKLES" jars MAXWELLHIOUSE. SAVE 10c COFFER 6 OZjar 99C HAWES - SAVE 40c PASTE 9I i 9 WAX 2l in- 69c FREE GIFTS FOR SUMAC-R FUN FREE FOR IGA CASH# REGISTER TAPES AND BONUS BOOSTER TAPES. CHECK YOUR CATALOGUg TODAY FOR A w RANGE OF SUMMER ITEMS. - K RAF WHIZ FROZEN StJNKIST LYNN MALLEY - SAVE 12c 16 oz jar59f"c 6 6 oz tins 59c BÀRTLETT PEAR.1 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP - SAVE 10C S &LLAD DRESING SUNNY MODRN, SAVE 10c IGA TEA BACS Your many IGA Markets across ! CancaaJoi together. to b ring you aIl the mnakin's 'for cool sumnmer, saladls during vDELICIQUS VINE RIPENED PINK FLESHO BRAD70R GRON CISPGARDEN FRÉSH- No. 1 gradie SLETTUCE extra Ige ]Ocg JUICY THIN SKINNED VALENCIAS 0 Su nkist Oranger doz 33cg gFOR THE FAMIL.Y FRUIT BOWL TASTY U.S. No. 1 flGOOD SIZE SBartlett Pears -5 for 29co tins5oz 4 i 32 oz jar 59c 100 in., pkg,,69c 1 ."1 'ROUND AQUT1 NEW FAIR BUILDINGS ýOIJLD BE-BENEFI1' Oshaa ~airBoad, ith the c- ý,eptioýn of one or two of thie 111d zuard"dietos is almost unani- jousabou;tt the impiletus that, ai j1ang"e of site' mig-ht give «to thel i'air. Thie one -or two, app)arently !are afraid the board of directors1 oight becnlrgdIo bring ininu try and! representatives of a numnber 0)f organizations such as the ser- vice clubs. *This they 'ýlaiM, would push ag- r.iculture into the background. The new site on the Taunton Rd. will give Oshawa Fair Board a chance to plan ,for somte fine per- mnanent buildings which can be used for ahl kinds of community projects. Junior Farmers, the W and the crop improvemnents associ- ations are onfly three orgaizati'ons who would welcomne some kind of permanent headquarters in the Osh- awa area. 1Lt might also provide a fine con- yention hall, somnething which ;s I neoeded in the area. CURTAIL ROAD PL'ANS us - FIND DEATH DUE TQ ACCIDENT- A c-1oonë1ls jui"ý after15 irts eh1bwraion dnsartrn a v -dc of death due to an id porroadcniin. Th'le inquest was h1eld in thle Dc- ember 29 death of Mlrs. Kathleen E., Barrie, or, who was killed in- ~tatlyil- ahead:on collision om 'igwa 11.5, near Enterprise H7itL, Jack M -Nichiiitik, 18,7 Dundas St, Toronto, driver of one of the tw-Io vehicles involved told thie jury the roads were e-xtremnely icy at ihe Other wîýýtnesses testified the road was icy and slushy. Dr. MI. O. L Barrie, hutsband of the deceased~ womnan s'aid he wats travelling with his wvif e andtw daulgliters, Helen and Ruthi,fo Cobourg to Oriliia. Hie rememfiered icy\ patches on thec road between ~Newcastle and Orono. The h ast thing hie rem.em- bered clearly prior to [lhe accide-nt was a sign idctn the Or'ono rt-off. OPP Constable Pat Hante-lMax- well descýribed the rôad as beî-ng ~nwand ire covered treach'-r- ons -Hesawidit had not been sanrd- "-1 tothe iuthof where the ari-ý Darlington townlshlip -cuncîl has dlent occurred. been f orced to retrench on somne of its roads prograni for the year, OW-! ROAT TIRAILFRING ing to a. big rut in the granits from EXTENDSf' HORIZONS the departmeiit of highways. Counil as nfomed-tha th. dîmainethe thoughits of Sq-ruel Coucýi \vs ifored hatthe'leChamplain as hie explored deep gralnts are down by $10,000. Despite into the unkown country of Canada tliis, counuil, lias, irnstructed roads iii the mighty St. Lawrence River, suiperintendent Mlac Short .to pre- through lslan*d-dotted Georgian B3ay pare plans and specifîcations for at and into xvhat is today the Trent- least fîve bridg-es in the township. Severn Waterway. Lt must -hae It will also purchase four acres of ena thrilling experience. ]and just west of Hampton on Taun- Thart same experience is being re- ton road as a site for the proposed lived by thousands of boatirig fam- new twnshp gaage.ilies each > vear as they rediscover new twnshp gaage.Canada by water. AJAX BUILT Tong- distance -outboard trips, an -BOAT ON JOB oddity some years ago, have now become commin-place. With the ad- For the second time in the pastivent of bigger boats and dependable three morrths a new type jet pro- r)owerful outboard motors, it bep- pelled boat built in Ajax lias taken re Possible for the average fam-. part in rescue work. ;ly to -nake a long cruise without having to make a substantial in- The shallow diraft jetf boat vestmn it. This countrý,, with its a- ~poughied three times through the ',iu(nane of fine n4aural. waterway, irapids sev~en miles west of Parlia- is a raradise for the bnatinig famlily; me~nt Hil, Ottawa, to take off seven who likes to cruise. Dkl you knowv persons- from two safiboats caught that vou can take an outboard tntrp in thtý apidsn ostof ,entra] Canada k was swi teiitthairi toportage your ci w t taken ,lThe modern boat trailer is here right out of4sockt the plant and ýto t hecýause it has opened up ,rushied -Io Timmins recently. Vl Sta ubad ol "~ter v-s-aslthat-outbars could 1-~e boatwas able to get rilU '1)""~V1ISao 1(j tohomes of manysrne V" iv es' o"hdt famhes nd akethe tozafty ori \'ates, he oile- boa>tman jpassing through flooded woodlaflds Can explore lalces and rivers ht»m-, over trees and logs ,vithout diff 1 rerc f mles f rom home each new I ~ weelkend. J ______ ere are some tips fo make trail- RUNAWAY CAR KILLS eing s, afer and casier: TWO AT TRENTON U~ safetY chains, Thf-y can saveý -~rsvaccident, a nd besides, A Brighton womnan and a Trenton thevre requîred by law. - service station attendant wvere kili- Check traîler hitch and tiedowas ed FridaY night %whIen a car went for secureness after driving a few out of control, mounited a sîdewalk m'les. anel knocked over a light standard Locsen tie-downs., when traîler is at Trenton. parked overnight. Check theinuac plcyt The attendant, Peter Messervy, mnake ,pey' &reed- .'en 20, died instantly \vhen he was towin g talr knor(-ked ag-ainst the post by the When towing, drive acc-,ordingly. Impact. ~Remember that it akes 1liero Io pass another car, mnore romto Police believe the driver of the park and a g-reater dsanet) stop c-ar,. Miss Blanche Bibby, 78, of Dri ve at slightl-ý- slowier speecds. Young St., Bighton, suffered a For 'aev and promne heart âttack before the crash. An framne hîtc!1 - isprfrbet a autopsy will be held on ber body. bumper hiitcii rh.ahe The accident injured two others. When nulFn' a trai1eî- ýp,11gh 0,Or o osauld, dr .ýe vrylovl i BOYS' SCHOOLloW gea, ad aL'di s xai CADETS PARADE MUM traction. 1T..-,cade&t season at theý Ontaniol Training School for Boys in, BowV- manville ended until Septembei, hast W%ýedniesday night when Col.! Eedley Basher presented his silverý salver to "Chianlie" troop cadets for oufstanding achievement during the two ,veeks summier trainirg period first preseated te the school by Col. at Camp-ý Borden The award \vas Basher in 1953 and the three cadet troops compete for it annually. -Among the guests ilt the final cereimonies was Hon. George C. Wardrope, minister of reforms iii, stitutions, wvho took the salute. . Col,.flasher pal trbute te the bearing of the boys and-'to the in- strurtors for, the fine standard the -boys have attainied. "Those who will accepf self. dis- cipline are more likely te malke a succss of< lite," said Col Basher,' stressinig the Value of cadet traini- mig. a p t ~ J I _ i Dl à PLUMEt T ~sso _ DEALER as.. e *~ ' -I IGA - AVE - 13 WA XED P vAPErR 1010, ft. roll 2 for 49c a 'a z a- -a a -, f --f -a -a a- z a --f a g 't 't -f a a a -f -f a Boom THUR-SDAY, JULY 21st., 1960 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 1 iýj