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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1960, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TNHURSDAY, JULY 2lst,,1960 WALTER FRANK Îi -fl McQUAY and KIDD r77 Chiurch iSt. 13 Bowmaniville MA. 3-3393 1 ,CIENTISTS PROBE SITE 0F J ,REiISTORIC VILLAGE (Contnued romi page 1) nigof September, Further Nvork may b donethere in 19G1. The tosads of sp)ecîmien!s recoveredi each summer are anialysed at the inuse7um iiiuring ilhe winter monfths. Conclu-sions from-f these excavations maya4dcosiderably to kncwleclgt of Ontario's pre-history. Visitors may corne ta the Miller Site anytime from 9 a.m. ta dusk, seven d(ays a w ,, k, To reach the site,whc is situated o11 the Valley Farm oadtr-avel No.2Hgha one mile wstof Pickering VillageIc and turn inorthl at the sîgnis posted. The site is one mile north. If cm ing tram the w ýest, Valley Farmi road is hait a mile east of Live7r- pool ln No. 2 Highway, 'e t While They Ltet.aise Ladies PedalI Pushers in jiavy Denim or beige and stripe cotton. Size 10-18, Sale Price $ 1.95 Girls Navy Slaeks. Size 8 - 10 12 yrs. Price $1.49 Womens fine denim Slacks. Size 16-18. Price $1.95 Mens blue work Shirts. Size 141/2. Sale Price $1.49 Ladies 'Creje Pyjamas matching red pants..- Price with $1.9,3 Ladies Tooke cotton Pyjamas. Regular $5.95 Sale price $2.95 Girls printed Cotton Blouses. with white broadcloth collar. On Sale for $1.29 Boys Cotton Summer Suits. Size 3, 3x - 6. yrs. Colour red or sand. Sale Price $1.95 3 pair Girls Pyjamas. Size 12 - 14 years. Sale Price 95c Childrens Fancy Tops. Size 7, 8 and 10 for 69c 3 Pair ýCotton Price 49e Curtains. Sale Ladies choice for Cotton Blouses. 95e Your Printed floral crepe dress mat- erial. Sale Price 39e '?lami and bag ta match. nýýwy Re,-. $7.95 Sale'price Colour $2.95 -7 lland Bags black or brown. ,Sale Price $1.19 Flowered plastie drapes. LPrice 95e Sa~le Boys Tom Sawyer Shirts. Culor saïnd - yeliow - red - blue. Regular ý2.5 Sale- Price $1.95 Balapce of our White Shoes.' Your choice for $2.95 Moccasin type Shoe with low wedgie heel. size 4 -41/2 - 51/2 Sale Price 95c Ladies Blouses in plain or print- ed mnaterials. Your choice for $2.50 Mens Sport Shirts. Size M' - L. Colour red - wine - bluefor $3.75 Sale on Dresses - Skirts and. . Blouses still on. Bargains galare. Our Store is;packed with rnany other,;Specials. Ev-enings Friday & Saturday Open Ail Day Wednesclay Store Open Ail Dzy Menclay Iron Fireman.i furnaoce ¶A F R 1M.41-imil UMIVMM arkI oîl furnace wiob VoluMetric Combustioi N ,,*/ 'N NO SOOT.a& NO SMOKE e 'Y il fuit makesIiEAF Gu~irnftI fuelsoving. 'llis mew Tron Firemau funose bas proved @0 excepdonaliy economîcal diut we, as a dealer, cu gua prgutee tMat s wi Cua;r rfuti .1! buis bj abstani amoanx Phlone for a fr« mIrvey of ypur heaing sysem &Md a guaranteed- fuel Ssaviag5figure for yoar hom~e, Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Orono Ont. Phone 14816 LOC.ÂL NEWS J' r Addson Rickaby, Torolnto1 rc-ui ned(homeast weekend aftei' s (e~ing hlidas wih ber son 1Mc1 and 'Mrs. Jas. Rickabyv. and Cathiy arie spending hiolidays at a iottag-e -his week. 1Mrs. Lar ry Johalston, Boston, visited hier mother Mr1isý J. F. Stevenson this week. Mr. and -Mrs. Carl BJillings, Miss Audrey Billings, Mris. ,Ieber Souéh' and Mrs. HryBailey 7attended :a tamnily party at the homne of Mr. and -Mrs. HI. C. Rickaby, Oakville on 'Sundfay. 1Mci. John err return-led homne from the BPowmanville Memorial; Hospital on Tuesdlay of this Wýeek,. Mris. Rop'er, Toronto, is visitilng býer sister, Mrs. J. C. Gamey and 1Mr. Gamley. Mcu. and Mrs. Ed. Graham; ?Mar- lene and Terry spent a couple of çlays last week camping in Algon- quin Park. I. For free professional heating advice Cail DEALER'S NAMIE , ADDRESS PHONE No. Ask us about the many advantages of an 49U ê OUL IHEATING UNIT Hot Water orl Forced Air *Corivenient budget term.7 NO PAYM'-NENTS UNTIL OCTOBER 1, 1960 & i"trestrates are the lowest in town ALWAYS LOOK TO UMPERUAL FORTHE 5ESTI 0O10NO, ONTrJO%31 PH*ONE 1782 gecent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. CarI BilnsadAulrey were Mm a3 À f and Mrs. Uurt Grunoerg and lam-Wni R - . il;M.KmBîllings and Miss Julia 1 W W nom Ebillings cf Piaiýdeiphiia, Penn. 0 Mvr. and MrIIs. Jas. Gilfillant andOO D f NA I sons, Miontreal and Miss Viola Gil- %0 %EA1e3IL fira have been visiting in Or-onoI g and also with their aunt Miss Viola 1 Gilfillan whio is a patient ni the 0I Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. 1 Misses -Brief s f ancy printed rayon sizes 8 to Mr. John Harris and daughters of 4 peil3par o..........$à Agincourt and Mvr. and Mrs. Kllnck, of Stouffvifle were Sunday visitorso With Mrs. F. Brimacombe. Mrs. C. 1 Hazel Bishop Hair Spray reg. $1.29 for ...98c Thompson, Kendal and Mr. Fred Thompson of Vancouver visited ~ their aunt, Mrs. Brimacombeo n 0 Polyethykm,,,e Jug pg 70 oz. with hinired Mr. nd r. Jak ds. Reguýlar $1.0 for...............69e Mr. nd rs. ackBalland John of Aylmer visited on Sunday wi th ri Polyethylene Tumblers, unbreakable, dish- Mrs. Neil Porter. John is staying v ae ae ae 3fr........5 for a longer visit while biis parents 9 vtj af.Sl price 3fi 5 are un haolidays.o Mr. nd rs. ac rownand Aprons, Cobbler- style Gingham pint regular twin sons Walter and Freddie of price $1.00 for ......... ..........9 Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs * Don- ald Staples and taxnily, Tuesday. t Recnt isiar wîh Ms. . U Towel's, white with coloured stripes. Largeg Recnt istor wth rs S.DI size. Regular 98e for ...................... 87C Souch and IMiss Eva Patterson wereO ai-iad Mrs. Si Ewel, Toronto and f Mr. and. Mrs. C. Patterson and fam.O Nihgwn aie ayn izsmd0mo ily, Brampton. Ngtonlde ayn9ie eimo Air. and MNLrs. W. L King are on lar-ge. Special............. ......$19 hoiidays. U 4Glenn Grady on Tuesday broke. Ladies Moceasins, Pigtex Leather, cream or hîs leg when he to ok a spifl from < whit.Szs4 o9 aePrc ........ $76 hils bicycle. ju ie ie e9 aePie...... - Mrs. K. Gamrsby is spending her 9 holidays this week with Mr. and Breakfast Plates and Soups, heat proof, Mrs. H. Snell and family in*Hall-, White with gold band. Reg. each 35e for....25e burton district an along the St.' Lawre~è. -j ~j Dlamond S. Flashlight Batteries 2 for....25C 116 Children Prepcare, For B-bble Solution, pink or blue. Special. ....5 Swim TestsORNSTE J URONOSc TO0j$11.0DSOR Atotal of 116 eilidren are pie-o sently taking swiriming instruc-1 tions at the Orono Swimming Pool ç OPEN FRIDAY EVEI~NNGS and which are sponsoredi by the Or-U ono Red Cross. Instructions are be- ~ LIng given by Miss Mary Ann Arm- ,tronig and Miss Connie Tyrrell. Th- M t nio ..,....41- l--" "- _____________________________________________ [ j i 1an Friday of this corning week. tj tests will be held elther tis comingq v Wednesday or Thursday andtaiM' rridav atternoan is a possibledý forthe pesenting of the awardsl!OR ON O TINS HO ýRdcrests. The tests will 1be held I under thie Canadian Red Cross andj by a qualified person for the Cana- dian arganizatian. Al Kinds of- UINITED jWRCH Orono Pastoral Charge M inister 1ev. Basil Lorg SUN DAY, JUI.Y 24th, 1960 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby- 9:45 a.m. 0rono110 11:00 a.rn. beskard .-2ü00 P. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Kirby -11:00n. SITEET iMETAL W4}RK PLIJMBING FIXTURES PUMPS and Pl',MP REPAIRS PIPE and ]FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS B.-R. PAIN"S Etc. FIRE EXTINMUISHERS,1 R.E. LOGAN, Frop. Phone 11816 Orn,' ont"rn* "'s N N 't N -t Armstrongs ITSELF * . - r 'N "N N 't-' 'N N 'N N y. N N N N s - N. 'N N s. N N * N "N s N., N 't N N t.. s - N N 1' 4. 't N N N N N s> 4-', 't N N N N - N N N I. N N 't N N 't N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N * N N 't N "-'t 't " N N

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