t Quatrtets Flourish It "as barbershiop nigrit in, flundallc, Md., and four mnembers o! thle local chapter 0 I S.P..B..Q.,A.(Socie'ty for the Preservation and Encouragemenjt îr! Barber 'Shop Quiartet SiugiLng in Ainerica) crowvded close in harmony. They were demon- eotýrati.ng the fine art o! "wooid- sýheding" - tL'e ability to f ormi ai well-blended quartet at the drcp o! a. single, pearly, pear- .shapedt tone. As silver..hairzed D)anny Cuth'bert lifted his ligýht te-nor lu. a few experimental umm.m.m~s, sender Jim Grant end two other sougbirds chimed 111. To the 25,188 mies (eae have an association of! their, own) who are miemrbers of SPEB's 656 dhapters in the U.S. and Cania- d!a, such Impromptu lo,,e-har- monizing is urfdulterated bliss. The cnly thing that caýn beat Ut -s t0 belong- to one o! the 900 registered qujarte-ts who vie ermong themselves to enter the international c o m p e t i t i o n at SPEB's a n n u a i convention. Twenty - three - year .' o-Id Jïim Grant, for example, is a memi- ber of Dundalk's Oriole Four, who were doing a fina,.l warmup LefOre, leaving for Dla last week and SPEB's 22nd annual harmonie holiday. Competing against 39 other barbershop ýgroujps, flhe Orioles, one o'f the younger quartets, dîiting-uished th-emnselves at Dallas by reach- Éing the semnifinals before being elimninated. (The winners: The Evans Quart et o! Sait Lake:( City.) The Orioles ïand DundéaIk ieý ïn the fiercest hotbed of barber- ehopping in the U.S. The MiddLE Atlanfîic States top all other - zional areas wifh 3,632 member.- in 72 chapters. Although Dun- dalk lias only been organizeýd Sor three years, its 210 membere înaie if one of the largest chap- fesin the country. Dundalkers are typical of n e w barbershopping b re e d which Padheres to Article 6 o! the zociety's Code of Ethic s,, "Ve shaîl refrain £rom foýrcingI- tur songs upon unsymrýpathfti *ars." Post-meetIng wToodished-ý 4ers who pub crawl are the tx- ception. Most go h-om-e qujietly 'ter ttls massed roaring ClOSe: Ùa~e! ÎTwo! 'Éhree! Wts grea,,t t:o be a barb)ershopperi" Q.HGW eau 1 get more ife ont e nmy cakes of soap? A. Some brands o! soap areý moisure-laden and meif &way east. To, make soap lasf longer, tsn)wrap if to permit drying for sevcral days before using. Ifworking hours are reducced f ur t her, there mray nof haý enougl time for coffee bek. DIRECTOR - J. Leonord Reinsch, Denmocratic convention director, gives ci procice wave as he Fteps on a smdil plaliform e!.- voler that wi!! carry him down seven feet. from the "presenta. flan platform" ta the rostrum at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. The levit'or wos instal!eýd to make sure ,no speaker fails des.- cending f romi the platformn (for appiuse) 1tafthe rostrum (for speaking). Scienitiflic Chas. For The Snowmn Eyes bulging, the first Sheýr- Pa tCo seecLan Abominable Snow-, mcan camie racig down a Hirma-. layan sioype screamning "Yeti! Yeti! He's alter me!" Thus wasý, born the legend of that testy, half-human creatu, prenume - by somie - to spend his daéyp, Jin dreary slitude on the icy HRimalayan heigît's, Doe-s the Yeti actually exist- and X~ so wllat doe he look like? Last rnonth in London, the most famou.s of present-day myountahneers, Everest - coniquer- ing Sir Edmuund 1HiIIbry, quLietly unveiled -an iigenicous new pla"I for taking the Himialayan Yeti out of the realm of tali tales und into the realm of. fact. With sýeven other Newi Zealandlers., five Britonis, and five Amiericaîis, Hillary plans to scale Mou(nt Makalýu (27,790 feet) on L.he Nepal-Tibet border, and try cap- turing a Yeti alive. How wilI. the climbers recog- nize a Yeti wheri they see one? The answers depend on wvhat epoeor Sherpa, you talk to. The scientific-mindedt will say oDnly that strange footprintshv indeed heer found ,up there in the snùw. g ARTICLES WéANTIED ffOCKEhY Pictures. St. Lawrence Starchi Co, type. 1 wishi to purohase collec- tionts from 1916 tç date or trade foi, certain pitures. Bert; Doniovan, R oute ï, Perth, Ont. - - BABY CHICKS REDUCED prices on11 Bray started cicks, and 8-week old puIrets. Prompt eýhipmnent. D ayolds te order. Psul broil- crs shou-Lldi be ordered now. Sec agent - or ,vrite Bray Htchcry, 1110 ,Ioln l4orth, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES LADIES Mvon-y in youir spare timie. 26 plails for only $1.00. Order now, Pine- wvood, 7 Deanefteld Crescént, lsI ugton, Ontario. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PROFITABLE spare oýr fulil ur-ne earu- Lngs. Study this lterestlng- sud use- fi profession. For free brocure and charts, contact: Canadian College 0f. Mýassage, 18 FaarripnAve., Toronto 7. BE VOUR OWN BOSSI OWN AND OPERATE A& Coin-Metered unattencie< We'stinglsouse ýLunCIromat Equipped Laundry Store Met $4,00048,000 AnnuaItY, Writeorhoetayinfulnom- tion about urattended coin-operatedà Weslugliouse Laun-dromat equipped lazunidry store opotnte nYOur conmumlty You mnage in your spart tjime rihile netiulg highii ncomne. Wc, finance 9v"04% 0fvbur otajl prchase. Oflter you longeai flnanclug period lit loiWest monithly installments. Vou r.- cecive training kad advice froun a na- tinlorganization that bas helpýel over, 8500 men sud ýioaen Uke vou 40 Into bjusines for Nhmele. o eu- partane niecessary Modest luvesi. mieut(. his proven uew profitablet automatic business o;ff crs a mioney, mnaklng op)po-tuinlty to iny7onke wbc wnts to own bhis own business. Consr par* aour ecmpete progriam O VE R TISINOM BUSiIESS, RPEF s s LIN 'TO $65 WEEK a', s Practical Nurse. Learn qulclcly ai, home. No blgh school necessaryl no age limit. Write for free bookiet, lesson samples. Pest Gradjuate School of Nursing, Room q-lý Z70, 131 S, Wabasb, Chicago. OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRORESSER i flOIN CANADA'S LEADIN'G SCHOOL Great Opportunlity Learn Halrcrsslng Pleasai digmofiLd profess1con; goo,4 wages Thousands of suiccesýful Marvel Graduiates Amerlca's Greatest Sysiem Iilustrated Catalogue Fret Write or Cali MARVEL MAIRDRESSING SCHOOC 358 loci St. W., Toronto Branches: «4 King St. 1W., ilaiiton 72Rideau Street, Ottawa, PERSONAi. L.ADIES Dumlas Female Pille $S.00. Lyvon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Tor1onto, "JOIN tihe Slxth- Sense Club" for se ress. Questions answered. Confidential ,Enclose stamrped envelop. P.0- Box 151, Manotick, Otru~ DRIJG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL nieeds. Inquirles invlited. JLyoni's Drugs, 471 Danforti, Trno ADULITSi Persona) Rubber Good. M assortimenti for $200. Flnest qualityv, testedi, ggaranteed.àf4ailed ini plafin fealed package plus ÊreceBlrtbx Conitrcl bookiet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TM Relýgn. Sesk. GET 8 KOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 7517,ý o slickness. particularly sleeplessness, ýjtteryne8ss sund irritabllitl~ Sleep. calm _your nelves wth "Nappa"1-, 10 for I, OC 5for $4.00. Lyon's Drugs 471 Dan- forth, Toronto, itDGEF this ýfA HAT bVy the boy, giflru on, omoin wbo ulse It! Sample, 193Grnduf, rta-rneL lii SUMMER RESORTS CEDARDEN 1Lodge. Ael~ ln hlomne ooked mca!s, good fislngan hunrtlng. phone. write Betl Mei . R.2, Maitwain , tarlto. FREMAURAY LOD-GE, bousekeeplng, Cottagesý , Wilson jLake, hea of Pick- erel River. Good plckerel, fike, bass;. Beats, motors Fishermnan's holiday DÉ famloly camp, WVrite for foldersPr Lorlng. Phone Golden Valley 9lR25 orý Toronto RU '7-6141. CHAUMONT FERRIER INN Ste. Mrurt Station, PQ. VISIT this lovely 'Swiss Chalet In suiperb location in hesrt of Laureî- tianis. Excoflenlt food. swcufling pool with beach, private lake, good flshing, r-iding, golf in vlclnlty. Rïates $6ü.'Yd to $75.00o weekly, Arnerîcaq Pla1. Write direct or telepheeHfudson 5 7595, Toronto, for hnforrnatio0n. THUNIDER BEACH, ONTAR.IO ANCHOR VILLA 2 H-OUEtS drive froiToronto on beau-ý Wiul Geur)-gian nBay, 'rnear Penetangi, eomifortable beds and -bedrooïis, excel- lent food, prlvate beaelh, lmn suirf boad, oats aDcç outhocards foiý hirE, Fricndshiplple, comfort are oua business. Write Jas. Reiond or- phone Lafontaine (Ont,). 21Ri23. RUST 'LOIUGE, cottagès acind ote'L Roitte lA on 2 mile ýandJ beach, aceait f ront. 5,0 large lmodem IbuilOllngs, 1, te 4 bed,,roomis, equipped wltb kitcheti- ettes, beddig, iniens fu-nisheheat- ed. P. Rust, p roprietor., or-, Ma %,el ,i rite York B ~ an~ TUACHERS WIANTEO TEACGR, Protestai"t, wltb luterme di'ate dipfloma ali je ,t as ,in rnl ,Sessioni400-1.4pply giving J F.L1 ýi ticulars 10 W iog e .3xes JOI- citte, Quebec. DOGS FOR SALE SHJELTIES (Laýssie, apartmeut size> puP. Pies. Yearling huchbes, bred. Ail regis- tered. PauilRois Oro Station, On- tario. FARMS FOR SALE ONE bundIred acres, tiled dralned chloice cday ioamr, on bighway, Perth County Bari 45' x 85' teel stanchions, 2 silos, drive ,shed and other bildÎings. 8roomieedbrick bouse, uew 01 oïlfrac bathbvand cupboards, hot and coid water, large law,,n wth 55 maple trees, 17 registered, accredlted, listed, 1101- Stein, cropi and equ'ip'ment. W. 'Bogle- Newton. Ont- Telephone MýîilyertonM R2-1. 200 ACRES; 60 catule, 30 milk ûows! Mle to town. Price $39000 -- $15,000 do-wn. W. C. MacD)onald, Broker, phone 280, Wnchester, Ont. 30o ACRE farmn for sae.ich, blaqlr- loam soil throughout. 20j acres bush, remainder tillabie. Good bouse, nio other bi,,ldings. Ideal for grain or adapting to large volumne Production - Une Beef or Dairy. tNow being failow. ccl for faîl1 wheat. Cari b. purchased very reasonable. Open to offer. Fur- Mirdetalis, write: Edward liaumnan, Rue1, Aima, Ontario. FLORIDA PROPEItTIES FOR SALE PLORIDA - Top location, main igh, way for Bah jcamlp, imotel, cafe, sight- sceîing boats, over f s in o u! s Wakulle Springs. $15.000 with terma1. Box 167, Tallaha'ssee, Fia,. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEGUf, A Athousand tmiles ail< miemrorable days of IVERNIA S YLVA NI A SAXONIA CARINTHIA rALNi o ENGUI4, 10% REDUCTION FOR lnithe shelfered, scenic St. Lawrence . . . then four fsun annd fun. Soi! the Atlatnti c t its refrcshing bect. FROM MONTYREAL AND QUEC JULY 22, -AUG. 12, SEPT. 2, 23, OCT. 14 JtJLY 29, AUG. 19, SEPT. 9, 30, OCT. 21 AUG. 5. 26, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, 28 AUG. .5, 26, SEPT. 16, OCT. 7, 29 4SCOTTisN AND PRPC4 PORTS -- ALSO FAST, FREQIJEHT ÇAILI?4GS FRQM HNEW YQPK RROUND-TRIP MN THRIFT SEASON flowless British 4erviceý- Cuisine tb delight ail ta Doncdng, parties, movie Dity-free shopping Stabilixers for s;meoth si 275 Ibs. free boggtigc Ail inctuded ini yeue Cui SEI TOUR LOCAL AGENT P4O ONE CAH SERVE YOU urrTTER p Tel. Empire 2-2911 Q I~ S GEEIZAIITH -QUEEN MARY - MAýURETANIA * CARONA. BRITANNIC *SYLVANIA o CARINTI4IA - IVERNIA SAOA.PTIA*MDA - W W W W W = -CLASSIF A 4- A 'N allowance onord ticket N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N XN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N o,, ~ NI N N N ,' N~ 'N N N N 4 44 N 'N 44 N 44 N -i N N t N 44 4 'i N N N s N N N 's N 4, -t 4, N N N N è=e*ýï,-I- E5 ý55 5Eiýý2ý