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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1960, p. 8

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ORONO EEKLYIMES HURSDAY, JULY 21st, 1980 ORONO WEEKIJY TIMES (Auhorzedas SeondCiss r-'a1, Psi Office DcJartrý(nnt Ottawva) Roy C. Fo'rrester - Editor and age Subscription payable in advance In Canada $150 In U.S.A. $5 Established in 193,S by R. A. Frrester Published every Thursday at the office of p~icto Main Street, Poe1;)"OooOtai Support Th.e £inn Pool The Orono Community Meoial Park Board~ lias now; corne ',o the point that thecy are ready 40 commence with thýe construct- ion of the new swing i--pooî for- flic park. The only need is that ,f financing of which an appeal is en made tor the general public through the nieans of donations. The pool design and specifications lias been apovdby an iengineer and aiso by the Departmeflt of Health thie latter \vhich b as also aipprov),,ed the planned staged construction of the ýpool as oDutlined by the Board. The Board on Mondlay niglit agree d upon a contract which is now in the bands of the lawyer and[ being drafted. It is the intention of the Park Board to give the g-o ahead! as soon as they have $6,500 which wvill pay fortflitfist stage of the construction.. 0f this amount the board lias over,$4,500 and they look towards the public to get thie show on the road. The Board needs to raise $8,000 in ail to complete the pro- ject and~ in this endeavour they are looking to the public and f0 local organizations. Tliey are also anxious to start the construc- tion as soon as possible. The contractor lias agreed that work will start almost îmmediateiy on the signing of the contract. We cer.fainly feel that the pool is an item i our Village whicli we would miss greatlý if thîs outing was not available. The, old pool lias been of service to those in the area for some t.ijrty years but to-day does not meet the necessary requirements and especially those oft he Department of Healtli. The ncwý pool lias this Depart.ments approval and will proyicle sayers antd umore e-njoyable swimming. A donation towards this project will be greatly appreciated Fanuilies wlth. children shoullie especially interesteif in this project and should give it their support as they will obtain years of use from it. Your donation today wvill start the project on its way. Let Th e Gardens Grow During the past f ew week,- we have received a numiber of complaints Of (dest ruction by a group of boys within the Výillage,. Aithougli this destruction mnay be term-ed! by some as mnrit is however unwarranted and iunw,,ýantedl. Broken windows at the Park adMunicipal Buildiing are on ithe list. Othar -nmpaint reb residents whîo 'havep.found their gardenl vegetables rippeti out by die roots and left yigon thie grou-nd. Thesé it'izens oýf -,110 take a great pride in their gardens and sud-i petty vanldelism Is more than dîscoulraging. CGardenjers hav7efound poato hu1i laid open, carrots and other v'egetables wîllfu-lly dest1rnyed and left to 1waste. There is no doult that this coniditio n will clear up, but in tÏli meail time- it is ,Pfovillg a nuisance. CARD OF THANKS I CLASSIFIII We wish to express sincere thanks to friends, relatives and neighibours for the many acts of ENGAGEMENT kindness, messages of symipathy Mýr. alid _Mrs. WVilliam Eliott i and beautiful floral tributes in the Armistrong 9PrOuiy 'al"10Unce ie passing of a loving husband and enigagemieiit ut theiir daLigiter' Maryc fathier. Special lianks to Rev. Ba3il An"i to Mr. Richiard i1eston $jaxter, Long, Heathier Rebekali Lodge, pali-1 son of M1r. andi 4ýIrs. J. YI. .-axteir ci bearers, flower b earers, Northeutt'fiamiltoni. The miaî-riag wil ake and Smith and ail who helped in'place on Augu-isz-L:,ati o.cockin any wý,ay. Oriono United Churcii. a-c Mýrs. Oswald Cowan and f amily'1 Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and DIE D I faxly.a-pSTAPLETON ý-- wcsteOnt.-» il nîSunday, Jixy li, 1960 Violette BORN NEAR LESKARD Mlsnin lier 6jth y,,ear-.. Belovcdi CEERAE lOhBITDA ife of the lat,, 'I. G. a el ICEE_____ IStaIRHDA -pleton and (dear imother of 1-ig-_ ( ontinued page 3> Eelyn (Mýîs. Triac,,y ïEmb1ly), and Ci-aile. ~i'nelma t ýMLS. iJi in Forrester)., Crane Congegatina nerment Bowman llie*Cilectry aILI('1ýnd were among its charter anemn o,ýiivleCmtr-p members. Mrs. Stewart was active jin, thle Ladies Aid and servedfo)r E !1ýmn ya as dleaco"ness, Jutst be-I DE fore her birthdcay she azain attend_ LOCKWOOD-At Cobourg General -,d a meetià1g of the AidI at the hiome ifHospital on. Saturday, July l6th, of a neilhuMrs. Aýsa Bradley. 11960) Ernest Lorne Lockwood in his 67thi year. Beloved husband of Ger- She enjoy',ýs nt rocheting andknt trude Trebellicn&brotlier of R. H. ting, re- , er il with ordïinaryLockwood, Oshawa, Dr. Wm. Lock- glasses aind is stili able !o sing lier wood and Mrs. fluff Noble, botli of favorite hymnls. North Baitteford, Sask. Serviice was At ler brthav prtylield ini the Morris Fuijeral Chapel, At er lrtcla patythe two- Bowmanville on Monday, July l8th tiered calke decorated in pink roses 1960 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- and candles, was inscribed Witli j "Happy Birtliday - lOth Ailniver- IN MEMORIAM Sar" Friends from Crane com- SEYMOURP-JIi loving memory of ai munity, where she lves. did th1e dear liusband, William Edward Sey-s servlng. j mour, who passed away July 24tli, Man frend an reatiesUflTime takes away the edge of grief.1 able&to attend, sent telegrams and -.ut mnemory turns baek every leaf- cards and she rec.,ved numerous Lvnî eebrd1 i ie girts of >flowei? ai, 1 silver. Rcila- a-pgyrmebrdb, i ie tives in Ca;,ada sent cards and P flowexrs. IN MEMORIAM Among relatives attending theMATNn loving memory of our event lie er son, Malcolm,wthIda son and brother Allan, wlio wý,hom she makes lier home; lier p)assedl away July 1.5, 19,59. dauhte-in~Ja, Ms.Davý 'ew Our hearts stili ache witli sadness' art "f Crâne'.- ,. - +..'-. r 1'.fi r-[ Oui, secret tears still flow. ýl L L LVan ; tvVtJ 1Ices, Yivir. iLYLCJ< rit Stuces of Spok~ane and Mrs. 'Har- rvSconar of Seattle. Mr. anid Mrýs. R. T. Hurdie of Billings,log time- friends, and four of lier grand- cýhidren. Another son, David Stelv- artý Jr., w as hospitalized as a re- sulit o)f an automobile accidént and wvas unable f0 attend. Mr-s DvdStewart Sr. is a cou- on f Miss Catherine- Stewvart. of ",.he Sixth Line. WhiatitImeant to Jose you Allan, No oone mwill ever know. When \we are sad and lonely, And everything goes -wrong, We seem to hear you whi *sper, Chieer up and carry on. Each time we sec your photo, -You scem to smnile ajpd say, Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day. Ever remcembered by dad, mnother Audr'ey '-nd Lorraine. a-p s. - - -~ R LETS YOU PAINT AND £NJOY SEAS<>N'S PUASURES! Yes, A-100 Latex now makes if poisible for you ta start poînting W whenever convenlont ... quit ai the end of ony section, Upon. * dryïn gyou wan't be. ahble llthe difference between * one day's appication and the next. onn half the imne needed for ordinary finishes -. ..und yeu con use if on nsson.y os weII os on wood i Plain waf r leans the foots when you're through -if's ci cinch i OUSE CIES IN MINUTES. ln fýct you'i fitd your A-100 finish driez LEa1fast thot bugs (or dust) haciy have time ta mnar o year, A-00 LtexHausepoint resisf s bistering, peeling and - 4~~~%t~~.5OJ ~~ay noyer before thoug'ht poyssil e 1u cfntei - ,.~. la a wide range of mnodern, colots oaaili stores displaying this sign. RlOLPreH HARým'DWmlARE ORONO, ONTARIO b i t i *1 PHONE 143 D SECTION FOR SALE Girl's full size Bicycle, in condition. $15.00. iPnone Miary, Lyýnn Bailey, Orono, after 5 p.-m. goodl 15416, FOR SALE Rasheriesfor sale - fresh picked daïly. E. L. Gilbank, Phonje 3R3. a-p FOR SALE Canning Cherries, Potatoes, Rasp- b)ernies and Beans. Free delivery. contact Mr. Rienstra or, phonle 22316, Orono. a-p AUCTION SALE 0f Blacksmith and Woodwork- nig eupet the estate of the ate F. MN. Cryderman on Saturday, July 30th at his late residence Sil- ver Str-eet, oaii, Termns c-ash, noresre Jack Reid, Auc- tioneer. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Al beautiful dwelling on large lot on Centre Street, Orono. Ail con- veniences, maïiy extras. Owner'de- sires, immediate disposai. J. VAN NEST Real Estate 118 King St. E. Bawmanville Phone M A. 3-3230 STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitby ~552 318 Dundas st. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- riified menumen--t over the rest- jing place of your Iaved ones. Its notý expensive. Andi seeing this Iast tri*but. wiiI give you endIess comfort. Insurance service Sadie Hamiltori INSURANCE IN ALL IT'$ B RAN CH ES The Home Insurance Corn- pany - orle of the world's largest - has a bran4 rrew auto insurance plan. It costs mueh less because, it's offered only ta preferred risk drivers. Claim services caverCnd and the U.S. Claimst are set- tled fairly and quickly, at home or away. Fire, Life, -Aacident & Sic- ness, Burglary,.. Plate.. Glass, Boiler, Liability. iSadie Hamilton PHONE ORONO IR16 FI RST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F. McKENZIE, M> PHYSICIAN and SURGE09N Office Hours 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8.00 p," Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only PHONE 1471 ORONO DR.ý R. J. TAGG ART VETERINARY SURGEON 1phone 10616 oreo, O.*" LIMÂL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-55U3 Wi. KM ,LYCETT, B.A. 1 Earrister -Solicitor j Inl the offices of R. R. Waddell Q-C. IMAIN ST., OROINO ITelephone ,138 Orono L. J. SUARF tprtered Accoumiant 8V APPOINTMAENTS Lycett's Iarsurance Office F.0, Box 61, Oronlo Phone 125313 INSURANCE c eneral & Life SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE.- MAIN SET, ORONO Phone 12516 Re.11718 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales C". fuit nie for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Oromt -TE) ACKS Auctioneer and Valuator Conciucts Auct ion Sales of al lsi« aild at reasonable rates Communicate with hhm at Port PerMy, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and flOUSE WIRING Free Estimnates APFLIANCE SALES Prompt an~d Guaranteed Repairm ta ail kinds of Electrical Equipnlenlt and AppIiancýs SuA,ýh as Motori . Water Heal"rs R adios -Stoves -Irons M4onuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leavýes nothinig to be desire.d Asic the person wha bought from wu> a neighbour, frïend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street -PORT HOIPE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES

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