o-Émh Volume 1 Ii nmer22 T Thlursdiay, July 2,8th, 1960 Oronio Ontarie ES Authorized as Second Class maih, Post Office Depgrtmenit, Ottawaiý Subscription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2'-.,5ý Trustees To HoId Meet ing;Re Water Aug. 3ih The cp PoiceTr, e h Ther eulrmothymetngo prOgram was finalized alonýg with payr, VI.A. P igot w spent at he Inmetn, woat the close of thIe meeting askeclk anubro quýestion]s Concering muicipa 5SKE SAFETY WEEK RC.ForrTýste!r stated that the ohme f Co)mmerce and the On- aroProvincial Police w'einter- eseiin holding, a BikeRoefr ail children in theVilg.Tî rodýeo was f0 b he ld soetim dur- 4ng the week of Augtust Sth, possibly onSaturday, August 13. The Trus- tees, h le said, were being askedi to set the week of August 8th as Safe- ty Week in the Village. Oii motio-n of Simpson and Mercer the week of August 8th was set as Safety Weeký for the Village of Orono. More in- formation will be made publie in the near future, stated the chair- man and prizes for the competition wilmore than likely he presented at the annualtït Carnival on Wethxes,- da, August l7th. H1, M. Mercer stated that the V il- lage was in need of having grass and weeds cut, along some of thei roads. To ibis R. C. Forrester stated' that a hedge along dhui'ch St. wasi overhanging the sidewalk and ne ',d- 1 ed' te be trimmed baek. HI. M. 'Mer-1 crwas authorized to have this work completed. G.E. Simupson reported on thel s--idewalk program stating that the ~bedl for the new walk on Main st. noith had been completed. The total cost of thlis project was stmae at $951.00 of which 5% wil be paid b)y the Department of Higit- ways as it is along a Counties road.- Aise iincluded in the program of w rk was the raising of the walký in front of W, lanville's a distance, of 50 f eet at a cost of $1 00.O0 aibout $200.00 f0 be spent along Mfiii Street at Mrs. F. Tamblyn's f0 fix the walk in this area and some] mniner repairs at Gordon Watson's; and other sections of the Village. T This program will keep wîthin the1 budget of $825.00. A resolution was passed by Simp. ,;on and MUercer that the Trustees consfruct 713' of sidewalk on Mvain Street north at the estimafed cos of $5.0 A copy of this resolution is to be -sent to the Counties Enigin- t Locid 0f Hay Set Afire [hay wfih ihad been lfia!ong,-idje Mail Stormn HitS A f rcak storni it' titeares Fnîday afe ioo andthie Village of Oronio was pelteti witit bail for a brief penioti of a couple of minutes. Pont- unatciy thee hall scemedti 10 it only To Makel Application For 1High SchoOI. In Clarke the Leskard road about '/j mileicay anci tobacco in the area wýas or f Hamnilton's Corneris, ýWas iot affected as if was ia such a H-igh scitool building, past, pres- otatfrDh e ilrook pantypur'posely set afire. The storm last year. ent and future, took up the most schooll until the type of fur.nace ta N$ne Enti ~~~~~ r j important part of the agendaa eisald sacrand oe fredsfryedthe ay lon Wih Tunde an lihtnng er'e asthe iast mnonthly meeting of te Six typewriter replacements werc ther bb1-ti ed a nd wh ih evident and the power line to Cur- Durha mn County district hligh sc oo ap r ed f r ow n ile L'~, Pt~i~1 L wasloade. The ay andwagonply andfGîanviîîe's Feed miii %vas board at Port Hope recentîy I EicuS inapsonlnfr For Cc>veu ioDiV wasoedby rLavrnce Hooey pt uffo ashort period by liit- ecigsafw lldor r . ~~~~~wThe board resoived f0 atpproach o-eahn tafwshedoe )f Orono hoad f0 eav the ning. Betit Bob Glanvifle afid JimiI CounNies Counicil to enacta b-law tuntil the Autguist meeting. Isleo The board is also f0 advertise foý Fesiva wil h cop~tng or Thrsdy de t a iattir. h shoc1whenthe iightMil rck fr th contcionof acafering manager for Port Hope s e l p u r d r o h y ~ e r U t e - a g n n d c o t e t s w a a t o a l l d s 7 0 , O o s c i o o l a t C o u r tic e . f 0 r e p la c e m is s R h e a F ic k wv l o h s m a n n w h c h w a s o n a t e d b y t h e & L ~ ~ k JA p p r o v a l f r o m t h e d is t r ic t a s a l i e n U t e p o t Oroo Camer f ommrc. Tti Daagxvai IIg ý,te w th -e (hI1 ýready been secured and a site chios-ý Options Difficuit trophy is competed foýr innuallY and detutof a niumber of mail v ju A te d den.AreutbyE w wo last yvear by Knoxiboxes in the- area which took place G lA t n e Arqetb ýWith erspoon, TlicfreGrop, Pte boo ltli orl !ý)-t he imo Bot th Pr, 1The contract will be awarded and Orono principal, for permission ta -aise and Shine.'- The best piay vincfial Police -and thie0roro Pý ire Friday evening, July 22nd, the' work beg-un as sobn as Counties en- f teach grade XIII geography to pta- also receives $410 the runner-up $ý30,Chief were at Ilite cee)f thle fire Durham Courity Sheep Club held aict the necessary by-law. Thte beard'plis of exceptional menit in Gradeý and ail etter entries $10 eaclit i around five o'clocký in thie mri their Achievemeat Day at the Orn will try to get the measure, passed XII was approved. Thetse ~ amouints arecrvie by the C hu c S rono Pair Grounds with ail shee-p at a special session la August, W., Mr. Witerspooa pointedl out that lDurhtam Central Agricultural mebrobigprsn fcBluyodbscetr4eaue since Oronp did not provide Grade The bet actess aard, on iat ce 00% ,Completion. said.tl ntuiii-,t-oewown The estactessawad, wn lst he hamion arkt lmb as;Also passed at the meeting was a from there to Bowmanvifle were yeatI bY Janet Stevenson, Oshawa At Oronio Park I on Gan mGarketlam w as he resolut ion to seek the approval offaced with the prohlem of choosirig LiteTheatre will be donated by ow yGrnGlpewieth municip'allties for a five-rpopied ad- Latin or Geography as a Gradec the Orono Rebekah Lodge. The besf eerechapoett ai dition f0 the Port Hope lh itolXI pjntne h pinss actor award, %von last iiar by Peter Suaday eveniag the joint congre- Brent. ia goa te earmet o Ed- l force at Bowmanville presenfly. McCobe~ uox heate Grupgations of the Newcastle and Orono Pet erborough, willI be donated by United Churches held an quicloor Mr. Boyd Ayre, Durhiam County cto a acindteetn r ihrpo ilnwtai tie rnoOdfllwsLdg adservice ln the Orono Park sheep breeden was the judge, af son-li bof h Grade XII And XIII geography 'th Orno ddfllos Ldgeandboth titis- year,-ad last year's Acit- A third nesoluflon passed by the ia the one year. the best director award will be ieverment Days, commented on the meeting wlll necessitate a funther Titis point led tô an inconclusive' donated by Miýss Madeline Tooley. Close t,) one hiundred werc pres- fin hwg of market lambs and approach f0 the miunicipalities'-for discussion on the advisabillty of ln- ut was won Iast year by Mr. J piin et f or tesevc 1 t which Rev. ston who directed "Courage Mr. M. C. Fisher of Newcastle was the o the overaîl improvement of the their approval of eagagiag an ar- tegrating options ameag the West Grene"preentd b St Alan' gust peaer.Th~Rev Bail ongquaîîîy over fte pasf year. chifecf and cb.oosiag a site for the Durham scitools when the Courtioe Players, Pet erborough. Titis play of Orono conducted the service The resuits of the overlal comin Theproerd lakeoni site. and larke siffculools arencomple als wo th $3 seondprie. hee ad rad he criturs. heOrono'pîetion including questions, can-e betweea Newcastle and Onono but transfer itrom one f0 anothen. threce awards wiIl take the forin of Band was also present f0 lead in the and feeding methods, attendance af hias not taken ouf options on the Aconsapve fr ymn poteyplqusbyHalndr o- igig ffie yasan lae meetings, monthly reports, showý land. Permission was given f0 Mr. totalled $7,518.70. tery, Brooklini. a couple of musical select ions. mamnship and juciging ability were JReynolds f0 go ahead with testing Ia attendance Reg Fallis, Cavan~, as follows: Grn apei, Bow- for w,ýaten. Chairmn .Ala J .Hya4 manville, David Breaf, Bowman- Cost of the fen acre s-tewasîBruce Tink, Darlingt on; A. A. H. ville, John David Aluin, Bowman- given as $1200 an acre with an ex- Bowmanville; Dr. J. W. Wright,. 23 chono Cubs Enjoy ville, G lon Quinney, Bewman ville, tra $3,000 for a roadway j Strike. Alex M',eGregor, N.Pakr Eddie Stepheas, Bowmantiville, Bud Progress WelI Under Way J Millbrook; Carroll Nicholis, Hope', \~ ee en ~Elliott,- Newcatstie, Bruce Coombes, Board Chairman Reg Pallis of1 E. M. Creigitton, W. C. Keyes, DIL. W eek-e d C am Bowmaii-ille, Alan Glaspel, Hamp. Cavan township reported chat pro« Ross Richardson, W. E.- Traniner, ton, Bob Kimbaîl, Newcastle, Ross gress was well under way on the port Hope; W B. Reynolds, secre- McMaster, Hampton, Jeas Sorensen 150 pupil sehool at Millbrook. Foun- tary1-treasurier; P. J. Bigelow, Port. Sunday affernoo,ýn et-ire wmig ameps, softball and otit- Newvcast le. dations are in and the structure will HpV prnia;L W. ipej tired bo ys of tite Orono Cub Pack er acf ivit les. They also werýe in- onb rayfrfpoig e o rimnil; ïniL. andW . Gp,-[, returned home afler spencllng snijt ath secsofcming Grant Glaspeli ad a vindenstante rayfrfornh1B-ýavlepicpj n .G -week-end camping oni Pidgeon1 ouf doo)r eooking aud ofher- Cub lte twýo top showmen of the club The board 15 f0 engage two ja ithrpe, rn ricpl River. All report a real ouitiag and work. 1w111 have the chance f0 compete itors,-for the Por~t Hope higit schooli B~ ~ the experience of sleeping under Sunday mornng a short religlousifor the grand champion 4-H ]ive- to begin dut les August 1. lie de. son PJSQfl -anvas was weii received. Iservice was field coniduc-ted by Miss tc hOomn ar hisyCouT is i on w, date affer ltebor___ The Cubs aong withasx thedOrenon Faer, titisrs ear.paTitis!hact interviewed repnesentatives 0f, On Saturday, July 16 the annuai hdTiei ubs al ampnggwlthsixlladersoAna est reaCïderstccompanytng compllinwiîî include the top two firins tiat provide alliinclusivelIBryson Pienic was held inl the Or- iel thir eekadcamingat hegrop wre ubMaser rviletwo showvmen of every club anti E,mily Park on the Pidgeoni River. Chattertoni witit assistants Russelte -uts~teWrn ls cleaniug services in the district. ono Park when ninety were present Tis Park iby tedOnarsoDePrt- Alla, is A aa s, dMissJoane es of live stock. The boardi awartiet fuel coutracts iGames and races were lhelti for the cJlPr b ýKOtroDeat £lii'Vf0An et n _ms aet Vigor Oul Compaay for Port children and prî 1zes wene awartied ment of Landis andi Forests and is Knox. The latter being the chief The siteep club has endet a very Hope higit scitool at a fixeti pnice of the winners. A picale lunch was loae e ile oiiest fco for file greup. successful year under t he leader- 1S13.19 pcer 100 gallons and f0 Stepit- mucit enjoyeci by ail present. Memr- Tee Onn ndya- Tts is lte f inst ýyear that thte Or- ship of Mn. James Coomnbes, Club ens Fuels for Bowmanville higibers of the family were Dresent to n o o E iv P 1k w e- ey1 10 C bs h v o eA gricultural Representafive, and fluctuations. jville, Mýiiibnook, Peterbrought anti four bè,,., ,Lents, for.- the+,p-..i ý - ?',,m(asin s tiv n-, rt a n1BbCtnm ss4n An- No decision was made on a fuel tfite Oronio -ares. eer aiong with the cost bnekonfo ieladr.Tebosejydlslw.cuIt urai epresentative of the On- la ontien that a g-rant myay be , re- ________________________________ anlo Deprartment ef Agriculture, ceived.Durham County. The Trustees d1eait wit htlite sitie-j Tobcoco TrophiesA.- w,,alk tenders ad nMotion of Mler-! ýen ant i Smpson acce--pted lte(- ten-, .E saeT dier ef Leord Traviss of _Ennis- lilen at a pice of $1100 a runai,, dn piiit A L L R. C. Poniester ft-nbroughtbe-Rv.ricwE uteofNrt fore the Trustees a proposai te con-ý struct a roll curb aiong Main Street,- stret UnîfetiChurch, Goderlcil nortit a distance of 2410 feet past Kwlhgnmnsea uts E- J rss Uniitecd Chuncit, Loaidoni, Oct- Neals anti K. Adiaims. The cost fobn. r ustace succeetis Rýv. tite itot mix mnatenial was est'imatetiBa d -A. D. Ba bolas -n IoPr at $10,5.00. This figure wili ass tae ieofca orio h keep wvifhin file budget. He furtiter cuctacpe iercmed stated thaf file Townshtip woulid Iain o iepatrlrlationis assist by pnoviding lte labour. Ton o fmi te pinvtoM.aEstaer t Trustees are - o view lte site wvitit their puipif, Ross C. Fu-ller, chair- tit Rad upniteniet iti wekman of thte commlttee, said reenitly aInd work, is expecf cd fo sata least by the beginniag of file week.- ,. - M. anti Mrs. Eustace have four Tite chairman aiso reponteti that ~~cltiren: B.arbana 17, Leslie 14 the Townshtip hati compieteti the *Rcad2anJjty eight . -For file Chiurcit Street project wbîith should i â,~ ~ ~ i~'-- ~ ps-t four years they have lvi u elimninate file annual problems on - Gotiericil and prior ft tat at Pei- titis section of file roati. The Coun- "' broke anti at Orono. fies roati tepartment are aiso mak- n usae il o fa mii- ing vast improvemients f0 Main St. 1.Ql~a sten, wsbrrnAiet.H e nortil by adding pr'oper sitoulders ý ,~ cevet Il s eariy education there and to thein roati. .i, -ii ' ' both ite anti bis wif e were gradu- WATER MEETING 1 aeti from Uniteti Coilege at Wlnnl- The chairman stated t1sfan- 'a- peg. Mn. Eustace receivet i s B.D. rangements were complet cd witi degree froin Edmonton Emanuel file Ontario Water Resources Comn-1-. College_ Toronito. mission who wiil attend a public 1 n.Eusface is scrving a tLilirdi meigon August Sth we a Shown above are lite thnee f0- 9tb an1lOit. The troplies are do- t enm as clit;iati of Huron Pres- tucplwaten supply wiiIb I- ac rphsxiictwl e writintdb ti oriubnaniDr yte-ny. He will be a tielegae 0 il cusseti. Al ratepayers la the Vil- f0 1,lte top winners în fte tbneePji u-curqed Tbco Asci-GnriCouncil of tire Utnited lage of. Orono lare invitedti f attend 'classes of tobacco e-xhîbîts aI hfi in. Latries art-e eigibioe fyon-. gnow- Churcil of Cana.,da tuis year iu Ed- titis meeting,. Oîrono Pain this çeming ,zSep)temiber ers sa ic twin cunties monton. 4- 4- N -s To Choose Tobacco King Anci Queen At Fali Fair Titis year, for file fîrsf tinme l"nI poin-ts la lite three shove Mention- ite itsory of lte 0rono Pair, t,-.edl classes. Thte Tobacco King wifI bacco exhibifs anti tobacc-o coi--receiveý a lange tropily tonateti bY tests are f0 appear. Titis feature is' NSor tfiumberianotd- Durhlam Toac being, premoteti by Ille Northumn- Growers Association. berlanti-Durham Tobacco Growers Tobacco Queen along with tite Durhlam Ce ital Ag-j lro Satun4apv vening jutigeî viculturai Society. IwLE choose a Tobacc-o Qucen. En- Titis section is open 1o al fobacco tries la the coatest are open until growers la the two count les and a Agut31sf anti may be matie T'obacco 1King anti Quen vwiil be MnTan -u,LOrono. Tite con- citosen along witil lte estabiiin 'etis opein 10 il employees of l- of a tieing champiensbip group. cal fobacco gnowens. Pir-sf pize -oncy for file Quecent Alange lent will be erece d la- amiounts f0 $25,00 plus a silvýen fray. sitie file tnack on fte groundis witene Tite two chosen Princesses 10th ýe tobaccýo exiiitsk from local grwesQueen ili r eceive S15.00 and $10.10 xviii liecdispiayýed anti jutigeti. Also - A ftten, feafune of itis new ln- hiouseti in fiele ent wiii be commer- troduction te lte Orono Pain will c-iai tiisplays ani otler inferesting fie a Tobco Èing Citampionsitip i!tem1s conn ecteti witil tie tobacco whicit wias-o be lielt inl front of intilustry. flhe granist anti. Again eut ries are Classes hlave been openeti for to be matie f0 J. Dane Pounti, Orjne santi, cutters anti leaf for' wilicil pnior to August 3lst. first prize ln auil class- wili be a Titese teamrs wili comprise et tropity wîth prize mnoney of $8>01titnee emenone lier andti we being- secondt f a fift pnize of $2.00 itandlers and the gcroup will tie Tobacco King tstckls of tobacco itii will lie Sat.urtiay eveiiîng- in front of file udgOti on speeti anti neafness. Final graîfisantithi egte TbcoKn ilpnize money for "le champions be closn tiis ein lit gnwenwiîî lie $30.010 witit second pnize of obtairîing the mnost number of $20,9C, Orono Co mmrunity Swimmring Pool Fund: (D atosIýejo pq uitd 7nin zUûjU 4- ~,uuu $11,000,u $12,500 t LiunatiuFI5 Inticu Uri <, P.19C 4ý ýv4latcu tu uattc èZ,,uu4j ýF7'uuo F ý r-,- me