ORONO WËEKL.Y TIMBI THURSDAY, J4JLY 28th, 1960 Junior Girls The Bowmanville crew started off, opponrents. Faye Nicholsoin pitchedL a h l r n Pa s R atm Starterswhich practlcally had the Oronio registered by Chris Maartense,ICee a Late Strescrew defeated at the very start. Cheryl Cooper, Sharon Willis, Faye -Bowmanville also added four more Nicholson, Janice McMackin, Linda Th Oon JnorGils tefoe-inth ecndwhleOon pckdTyrrel, Barbara Keast, Troy Tag- (C ross Sw'irnr ing 'Tests Eliwinate Orono -part of the week, played two soif- up only two runs in the first two g art n ig a ie heOoePr - Thie Kendal Basebali boys haïva first ami- n thc s ed. t tie r s t wn eir and on lfur-h the Orono Junior Girls pulled out a Friday, July 29th will be the last Saving Instruç-tress badge. lmntdheOo B ta firs't gamwote scon d Mon- fourth n he Orooirl aned o t 31-21 victory over- Newcastle. lere day of swimming classes in the At the close of each swimmng in the 1960 playdown series by tak- Ta y ev ei nt g alu ow a n l l M h er- six r u ns Th e O r i r ban e o u n t a g i h o a i l a t d u t l p r o h s y a . T i e r w e s easo n w e alw ay s h av e th e R e à r n n M n a n e n s a downTanvilleiedgewnoutval15-12hwin. sixt to u ll wtin th t n r of ther near the end of the game before hiave added an extra course to our I Cross tests. irng ton strah vidtoriescîfroni Bowanvlleeded i-I a15-2 wn.sixli o pllwitin hre o lhirthey mountied up theh" runs. At the program. This course is in Life The following people have passed of this w4eek. The Kendal crew now, end of the four-th inning Newcastle Saving. On 'Wednesday, July 27"ihil jt hese tests: ladvance to meet the Courtice ent-y- Swere out in front by a score of 13-7 four people passed their Bronzeý Senior: Mary Lynn Bailey, Do- and wîth a victory over their newý SIn the f tfth frame both teams scor-~ if e Saving test. These people are aid Ransberry, Janet McMackin,' opposition Kendaî will have'wn I 1ed eight runs which stili left New- Lynda Hughes, Joan Rnsberry, lan ciamey Lycett. the Lakeshore Minor league chamn- castIe ln front 21-15. 1McKenzie and Mary Lynn Bailey. Intermediate: Bob Lux-ton, Allait pionship for the smaller centres and Exitmet roe orh or teThree more passed their Intermedi- ýAdoCrsieMatne enalso the right to advance into tinie, u i xciemet bokefort fo th j rdrn, hrisîneMaatene, eanOntario D Bantamr Playdowns. *local fans in the sixth when Orono ate test in Royal Lîfe Saving-. They1 Tamblyn, Ian Hlughes. Tefrtgm fteOooKq relrdNewcastle lu three straight are Janet McMackin, Don Rans- Junoe Ricrsr glamk oftharon-yn redtire ett a osn oebrvadGmyLct.W Ioe Junior:, Ricard Bnac, arare dal series was played in Orono on, H A E Y U @3fifteen runs to give them the game that-next year we will 2have some kBvryTnat agrtMonday night which victory went ~ 3-2. Te ineupforOrno asmor simmrswho are good M.iddlleton, Nancy Forrester, Bren- to Kendal behind the pitching fot similar t Mondays gaine but withenough to try these tests. Mýiss Con-d rnlSao Quantrlll. The score rested at 85 the addition of LyndaIP Pears, Lyndal nie TylTiýell. by teaching the above el CotaCieJhs oald G an Ann Gilb nk- upil wa awa ded er R yal ife Todd, Jeanette M aartense, Leita The second gam e, also a vi or MIADE YOUR DONATION soe [a wre ie o îeVandierzsrat, Donald McKenzie, for Kendal, saw a close affair wîith _____________________Lorna____________Sandra___Johnson._ a 3-1 score. B. Elliott and Quantrili G i Lona Brie, SadraJohuon. both shared the pitching duties for- TO THE ~ N[ 0 - ~ IBeginners: Sharon Bairstow,ithe Kendal boys. u 'irono &..ïw itnrfng Pool Fund Steven Black, Gordon Dent, Karen Buzzy Mvercer and RalphKend JF'agan, Wendy Partner, Lorna B3ur- pitched the first game for Oronný ~ iNe rs 5 r ley, Glenn Grady, Kathy Coatham, with Terry Graham going thý.e dlýst- LRN. ~ .V L L J I. . Y~f. adaJhsn aeDnan ance in the second.Grant Yeo scorýd, O The remainder of the beginners the lone Orono tally in the seconRd fi ~ uiu am uaiiriLil9G ~ wi.~Mrs. Emima Luu50 ilhv hi et nTusafgame. PO LThe Orono Communiiy Iwln ilhv hi et nTirdy Both games were well played, -s ~vvu uvii~u uro . Gming Pool Fund' is now on11Y a Joh D en 25.0 nei~ 28th. Thers.swî el the score Indicates with a coupl.e o!, [f ,~~~~ matter of a few dolars less than EDet25.001et ek ppr errors belng Orono's only dow.rfal.. fl M.(0 The total objective has Mr-. and Mrs. R. Forrester 250 ACT TO-DAY, for your donation wili speed the con- ben set at $12,50ùO.00 which amoutit Mr. and] Mrs. W. E. Reid 25.001 On Friday, July 29th at 1:30 p.m. Marvin Lutin would like to thoak IDstruction of the new pool at the Orono Park. along with grants will furnish theý ChiIdren 's Pennyr Fair 7.37' our closing proýgram for this year those who havîe assisted during, the park with a new swim tank and Mrs. W. Stutt 10.00 will be held. Thiere will be races year wilh' the team and iu provid- Donations may be maiied to miss Almia Cutteil, O rono G 'Mr. and] Mrs. George Dunlop 10.001 for ail age groups and several nov- i ng trafsporttation. The Orono boyA orgvnat an>' of the stores in Orono. Receipts Th Ch nanehouse. te of te -W. K. Lcett 25.00 elty races. Prizes will be presented wylnwhv owt ui et will be provided for ai donatiotl's. G n finanecit ee ofi tha r- tMrs. H. Hardy 2.0 ' üt h inr f thes races. The year for their bld for a champion- Orono commrunity Swiminfg Pool Funl Bord are hopeful that the respolse lMr. Flncer. orao mbt e 25.00 Red Cross awards will also be ipre- ship. E Dent and E. H. Samiuel Othe work can bc started as soon a s. Amaîr 1.Bwn5((10. in rdogh oated hsa n ossible. T he contract is to be let Mrs. Aima I.BKell 5.00 cl'n rgaSports D yArranged. Gfor the first stage, the building ofMr.FeKly 50 the pool, whlen asum. of $6,500.00 Roîpii Hardware 250 Ga Sby--King For Park Program r . ~~has been received. This leaves $1,- A .Ws 500.00 to bc susibed before work Mr. and Mrs. Schauffler 100- cati____________________Francis_________________(Y_ dmlu t c The Athletic Rece.ational r,- List of Gontributors Joan Ransberry .0 gram closes a h rn akti ~ rn akBolr 4500 Mr. and Mrs. V. HomewoodI 5.00- I Rle v. Basil Long officiated at F'riday morning when the cildjren la Mr. and Mrs. V. Robinson 250Ter Mye .25 Orono United Church at the Cere- wivll take part lu a sports day wlth -~is **ni Cuttcll 50.00 J1n1.aRe 5 0 , mony uitinig lu mlarriage Miss races, games and a eine o .L n u w*a' uMssAmaCttl 20 Nny e Kn, aghe o5r s exece tha cle toeghft Nl~~ I -Mr. and Mrs. .E. H. Samutel Mi., Mrand Mrs. Doýýn Staples and Mrs.iw Lloy King e nd Mr. Jam s cli jîdren will b nhn o U %Wî______S'aLIm-__________close___ Garage I r J enneth Gamsby, son of Mýrs. final day Of organized play andf funi Peter Fyfe's Imported Antiques G '$,9.2Gmb n aeM.Kneh Duing the four wcTek peiodr,, Gasy aveage attendancei of around 72_ I l gt ias een Imainitained. fi A~LBuildingV -aiu ? Nesi The bride chose a street lengt JR'1Local N w dresýs of turquoise Organza over i The forepart of th"is we i w hite fig red peau de soie, ier !n lder, girs included in their ge d ~aauruiiy, itusï o Sale conimencrng at 1:00 p.m G Antiques consisting of, Period Furniture, Stirling, DecorativeG China, Choice Glassware, Sheffield Piated Silver, Clocks, Brass, Cpper etc. This is an outstanding fine shipment. Articles will be f on display Frida>', August 5th from 2 ta 9 p.m. Everything wil he sold with no reserve bid. Catalogue on request. Terms cash.G * H. BRUCE SNIDER, Auctioneer or remnode(4ing yeur present one then contact Floyd Nicholson I Phone 2191 Orono *Foupndations and Septic Tanks j poured. Forms available. NO TIC E TO ALL RATEPAYERS IN THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO The Orono Poli ce Trustees are holding a special meeting to present' f acts pertaining to a MUNIC'IPAL SYSTEM FOR THE VILLAGE 0F ORONO MONI&DAY, AUGmàoUST 8 at -8:15 p.n. sharp Township Hall, Orono EVERYONE IS URGED TO ATTEND Representatives wlit b present from the Ontario Watc# Resourcre Commission t. answ.v mil questions in thie connectiori. - il1- - m - - - - - - holiclaying with Mrs. C. L. Powers.! pleted her, white accessories and she foam rubberwie h'os dpe carried a cascade o-f white carna- skill to Making Indian Tomn-tom&s iions and pink rose buds. Also încluded lu the arts was plas. 4-H Clu b VMe et in g Bridesmain for hier sister was Miss'ter of paris castînig. The youngeir- Marilyn King of Toronto, wearing a children found interest in fînger- The Durham 4-H Beef Club held short dress of dusty rose figured 'painting,. 'their July meeting at the farm of peau de soie wýith rose organza Teecat lngwt h nn iMr. George Carson, with a good at- jacket and a plaited organza ou Thes r avts sucih slte nnyl tendance. i to matc2h, shie carried a nosegay of leyball, softbal] and other games There was a class of Purebred ivory and rose 'm~uns. have provided a imostinestg Shorthorn cows judged and a class Mr ugambyws program. of' heif el-S. mnfr. Duls amsby wasbeste Bob Cotnam, Assistant Agricul- ma orls rhr SKIPPER DAMAGING TIMOTHY tural Representative gave a talk on - Guests were received lu the gar- A pumpkin coloured s 'kipper wt marketing beef cattle.i den at the home of the brides par.' a wing span no larger than a 2S James Rickard extended a vote of ents. The couple will live in Oshawa. cent plece is becoming a m-ajior thanks to George Carson for the use on their return from a honeymoon menace to Ontario's timothy 1 fields_ of his livestock. lu Lake Placid, New York. So reports Dr. Dave Pengelly, ln- fsect scientist at the Ontario Agrt- cultural College. Dr. Pengelly lias been studying the skipper (some- 10 ron H oremen Bu yturnes called a moth or butterf1y>- O ro o H rse er~ Bus r jsince 1957 He says that the "skip- \Jith Trotters And Pacers and bas erlyifsdtmohlt Hee daims the skipper ia drono horsemen with their trot- is also a going concern for the local "spread aIl over southwestern Oni- ters and pacers are appearing on boy and registered good time but tarlo" and now '-appears to 'be -niov- the race fornis at, the Old Wood-ý out of the money in a race jasjt ing'" towards Eastern Ontario. The bine lu Toronto quite frequently. - week which clocked 2.05.1. Icontinuous Ene of grass -lng-ail- roads and roadsides and the prel- Jack Reid, One of Orono's noted PORT HOPE PHARMACISTS PUT vailing Westerly Winds help theuin horsemnen, took two firsts Iast week NEW Ô)ETERGENT ON MARKET, to spread rapidly, says the slnit wlren Flash Riddle crossed the lino. - One very preliminary ~urmn on top on Saturday for its second A new detergent is beîng >nan- by Pengelly last year showed thit Win of the seasori. J. Chips also -ufactured lu Port Hope by B.L.B.1 adults miglit not lay eggs on brrme. took to the track an(, came up wîith Pharn-tacy. The deteir-ent, used for Iu samples checked, lmthfiad a.third place showiug. dishes an~d fine materials, is the 200 eggs: orchard grass h1 e- )- Toniight, Thursday, Flash Riddleret ~of three months research and tween 30 and 40; twitchgrss hmd and Meadowview Champ, both of lnandfacture by phiarmacists, Tom '30 eggs and brome grass had none' the Reid stable are racing at the Brandon, Austin Burch and Doni "This mighlt be a good excuse to Woodbine. Hollywood Richard, Lamb, seed birdsfoot treýýîl and ~eon I(jw,,,lby J Rei, lus ben moed mended r-nixlires to some of the owne byJ. Ridhas eenmove t sprang from a suggestionlong terni pasture areas tint hv to Montreal whiere in its first race made lu March that there was a been aiffectedl,' said Dr. B3il Tossehi took third. demand for a special type of de-'of the O.A.C. Field H-usbandry De- Robbie Robinson, Orono, is a new- tergent in this field. Mr. Brandon partmenýt,' Normally, skýpper comer to the Woodbine this year, i tarted work on the project and larvae don't touchi legumes. îf andas ramr o Brcelt hs tkenI as assisted by ls partuers after brome grass proves to be resistaut1 two seconds with this horse ni Ithte experimental 'stage lad been to the skipper, naturally it w,,ill be meet to date. On Monday >îobhieI completed. ! a good grass choice for reseeding.' i'raced out of the mouey placing fifth. This race witnessed the first accident this year at the Woodbine iwhen two hors'es piled Up sendirn. jone person! to hospital. Robbie pul. led out and missed the pileup which took place ini front of hlm. Wiliam Hooey has' also beeni rac- ing at the Woodbine and recently sold lis iuotter Roman 'Briook io hie I Letdale Stables of Toronto. Junior West's- stable of horses Iare rading at Brandywine Park jsouth of the -brder. Irish Mike took a first last week wlth a time et 2.81which race was heavy goinig through the inud. Worthy Melody BRANDT'S FARM EQUIPMENT o ckbutt Dealer, Sales, Parts, Service AU Types of Fart a Maehlery j) A« and Aeetlyme W.Idlg t PHONE ONONO 1f#5 LIE$KÀID, ONT.O 3 Miles North et Orene WATER c-~ ~ -~