OROO EELYTIES THURSDAV, JULY 2Ët h, 1960 'ROUND ABOUT US t (From page 4 g WALER FRNK ~into thew\ind. h WO TP FRN .1j.. Givisson i oniee n McQUAY and KIDD m~,~storuchtic REALTORS Mcaic rmDellavilaiid will1 'r77 Churcia St.e ongime early nilext weeký 177 Chr~aiS. Bowmanville MA. 3-3293 NORTH HOPE CENTRAL g ~ PUBLIC SCHOOL EXPECTED ~ READY FOR FALL OPENING Contractors are for-ce ln an effort Clearance SbaTe of Si LAÉlDIES' SHORTS Several styles and colours in sizes 10 to 18. Regular price $2.95. On Sale For $213 LADIES' BERMIUDA SHORTS A few pairs of good quaiity Bermuda Shorts in i z2es 12 to 16. Regular, price $3.95 On Sale For $2.79 LADIES' SHORT SHORTS Fine quality Chinc, shorts in black, beige, gýreen and tan. Sizes 10 to 20. Regular $3.75 On Sale For $2.69 LADIES' SLIM JIMIS Several styles and colours in sizes 12-18 Regular price of $3.95 On Sale For $2.79 Regular price of $5.95 On Sale For $4.75 LADIES' T SHIRTS Various styles in knitted cotton T-Shirts Plain shades and stripes in sizes small, me- dium and large. Regular $.3 Your Choice $1.95 GIRL'S SHORTS Several styles and colours, eiastic at back waistband. Sizes 7 to 14 yrs., was $1.95 On Sale For $1.39 Evenings Friday & Saturdlay Open Alil Day Wednesday Armst Iroii F"rema n North HQFlpe Central public sehool ready in time for Sepitember. Work started early in June ahd to date the foundation has been laid the laminated wooud beami structure is up, the weli has been-i dug and a- 1,00 al1~iwater storage tank has been iisltalld Total cost of the building is ex- pected to racelose Ito $95,00 be- fore the job is complefed. When completed the school wvill consist, of four school iorooms, boîler_ room LOCXIL NEWS Mrand Mris Norman Allun and an~cnae holidaying lnu the Ka- watadistrict oiiu Lae Catcha-J ~coma1 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. H1ay [,il], Islinlgtoni, visitcd on with lier parents, Mr. and E. Logan. and son Sunday Mrs. R.1 -For free professi-onal heating advice PARTNER PLUMi3INC & EATINC ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 1782 Adi mnh kniiffhp ai ~nv advn'rronfaf n cworking in full anid basemnent. It will be finished ini MissMeb Pofll of 'Tor-onto U> I5.Euuu LiftIaIIUEIJuUciUllgcb ul isI to haîve ithe e brick and 'glazed tile. spent the weekend 'with Mr. and! Mrp. 00on Staples and famnily.Ag ______________________ Mrs. H. Walsh has lust returned --~S home ater atwo weeks visit in ummer ?p -r t-4wMra r E Andersoni of Br'ussels OlL HEATI ,rN G adsister Mrs. Black of Miltonl I G 1R LS BERMUDA SHORTS. caliled on friends in Orono on Tues- f Ilot Water or- day of this week. Mrs. Anderson is MIUNIT Forced Air shades. Sizes 7 to 14. years. Regular $3.25 te former Sarahi Young wvho apFr-e i On Sale For $2.35 Ilnumber ofyears ago taug ht n thIlel*CfVfIf~bde e of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mloffat fellU o5ust a .GiRiL'S SLnIJIMS MLitS In ofat ouget on OeaCTOBEp 1, 96 o- y crt( Cotton in green on Sunday laist and broke bis arm n-AX ENSUTLOTOE ,16 nd ýblack. Sizes 8 and le years' Reg, $2.25 utblývieebo.f For $1.69 ~Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blliot-t o ur~tietrtsaetelwsntw On Salle Forl$1.a9e visited with his mother: n(ri ae retelws ntw Mrsý. W. Elliott and bis aunt 'Mrs. I iF.Brrncobelast Sunday. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPîERIAL FOR THIE BEST GIRL'S SKORT SETS Mlr. and Mrs. Hiarold Cuinig' Skorts with blouses to match, attraC- and BarbaraKtee, Mrs. C. A tive dfesigrs. Sýzes 7 12 and 141 yrs. Reg]. $3.95 Cmig omaileere weeký- - -' On Sa-,le For $2.59 end guests vwith Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sko(:rts onliy, sizes 10, 12 anýd 14 years. Billings SunIda1Y supper guests were , Fe(,ïiý r2;Cr 2ý'. O Sal FL $1Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rickaby, Mrs. H. f3ý Regla pre 295 O Sle or...$179 J. Souch i-, sHarry Bail)ey, MIa LvIn and ayne B ail Misd CLRLI'S T SHIRTS MNrs. Elliott Dunbar, erbo Varicus styes and colours in sïzes 7 to Carl it ie. Petmo erboro fi ý 14 yprs. visiote d his ganmo1\r rs. W. o fi Pýreilar price $1.50 .Sale Prîce $1,19 combe, ]ast Fridlay. Reguliar price $1.95 . Sale_ prîce $1.39 Mr. and MNrs. Ed Graba, ar f Regcular price $2.75.. Sale prîce $1.98, lene and Terry visited on Friday Ia)st withMr and Mirs. Dick Gibbs, f Trenton. LITTLE GIRL'S SLIM JIMS Mrs. Wmi. Cowan is visiting hier, f Attractive designs and plain shades in daugherMrs. . Dooley, MIr. Doo- c sze'- 2 ta 6Cx years. Regular price $1.95 ley and family, Toronto. w MI GM r u Yor hic 1.9Mr enet ene1sn th th Line is a pat,ient lu the Oshawa'f S Li E K General Hospital. GIRL'S SETS Miss Marian McKelvey, Toronto, -diey soifi oors1i bl y Couetamth.Smi izes , 4and6x ears. n a few days with Mrs. F. jjCr-eepjeis, printed Coidry sotdclusi Chrnc l o tch. Smm 2,Jand Eth s rlpedBrimacombe and at lier home Olon sizes 9 mIonths to 18 months. Sale price .... 87i. Regculaýr price $3.00. the qevenith ulne, last week. : On Sle or 2.1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliott, Bow- A Brimcome rcenly. Mrs F. PiBas4sieres, Lades' Cotton Perm. Pleatedi, Aand GILS ALO LO SSMr.and MUrs. S. J. Norton spent' a B cups, sizes 32 to 38. Sale price.......... 87c, White with red or blue trim. Sizes 3, ta the wcekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. fc o Milis-rn and famîly, at their cottage i i 6 er. e~ar$.5near Minden. foTum-bler-z s, " forai gas On Sale For 99c. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail have' 3a fteopringls......5c. mnoved into the Ed Milîson apart-c ment, Main, Street south. Mrs. f Canvas Shoes, Children's strap sizes 5 to 10, ..67c. StreOpnBertha Tod'1 anid family are mov- p StL" ing into the house vacated by the * * Ail Day ~~Barrabalîs. BysTeSit pI~iJIA ~ ~ on!ciay M.adM e ooyBior largTee. rtshort sleeves~, sizes small, 1m-rdium U MeIiydaugbter bave moved to Cwn i a' Regular price 79. for only....69C. ____________________________________ Five of the Orono GirlGuildes [ -_________________________ are cmiga<o ak ilGief CaiÏgans, 100, Orlon, assorted colours and Camp. ~szs eua 38Rdcd~ie ~ 9 Dr. and Mrs. M. Tucker and1 Miss sie.Rglr$.8 Refcdpie. 29 ElaTucker of Toronto cailed onu friends lu Orono on Tulesday 0, f this fl Dree. ad N MissesBoý,n jt( Briefs, assorted styles and colours, sizes D1agr. and Mr . . rowGad i to 14 yeairs. Regular 39c. Sale price 3pi 10 dagte aheieGeph, spent 3 aro10 1 Mr. nd MIrs. Ale' w f thxwekndwib iss-Saie BroSlippers, fur timmned, sizes 4 to 9, pi 9 Toronto spDent the ))rumnd, Ldis'par 9e EUFIUUlEj Mr. nd MVrs. A. A. Drummond. ITom Winter -f the Royal Canfi g dinNvôssp i1lae tbs F~ Pillows, a good buy. Each only .......$7 u bourne ilu Orono. $1.7 -- - ~~~~~~~~ ~Mr. and Mrs. A.Waacadfa- ,.--.i - S>ikes.regla . Sec- a ,ý . .jly arec spendinig a week's hiolidayuý-'-- i--' -- veîî . 6 fori, c - ~ '4"'~1faiong the St. -Lawrence RPiver. f Mr. lAnirs. Roy Patton andM. John 1Patton return-ed homle on Sunli II I da ftrboiayninItle OROM40 - 5c, TO $1-l' STORE' Jim obinison, Sussex, NB ......Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford are OE RD YEEIG ~-g ~ oniga f0 ew holidlays- north of V N GSf .- K,ýingston. S .Dxn odn ,Mr. and Mrs, . L i ,Lno, Ihon Frena.Mrs. J. Wesley Roe, Toronto, _________________________________ SCUSTOM Markl ' dinner guests Friday of their cousin~ S£Mrs. J. E. Richards, lu route home Oit ruiiaoefrom s e-,en weeks in .13'urope. - with ....Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter, Si-er iwvitb the latters father Mr.. Imml Combustion rokrreit :r: N T N HO Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper spent - Sunday visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. borne Bryson of Willowdale. UNÎTES I 'UitH Orono Pastoral Charge Mjnister Rev. Bagi l "Ing ýSUN DAY, JULY 31st CHURCH SERVICES Kirby . 9:45 a.mn. Orono 11:00 a.mr. Leskard - 2: 00 p. m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Rirby- 11:00 a.m. Leskrd -2:0M P.m. NOTICE Orono Tinsbop wiII close A ug. 1lst to 6th inclusive R.E. LOGAN* Prop. Phone 11816 Oioiio, ntarîo j - UurnatWe tI avîng. ni$ ne5w Iron FIîennLurnace bias prove<l #0 exceptionally economnical tha: we, as a deale, Cao guarm« t iuut YL4m r7fN4 . oil uk ' sUailtuu ampavet Phonoe for a frt. survey of your heaing syste and a guaranecd fuel savins fgure for Y., home., -- - Ororto Fuel & Lumber Ltd. OroncO n Phne 14 1 ORGNO WEEKLY TIMES