Two Mcuie Charniers NOW Act Their Ages For the,,irt ime in their long careers, the world's two most' famous Continental charmers were workio. ,together in, the same picture last month. Maur- ice Chevalier aDnd Charles Boyer were both inL Joshua Logan'sq "Faniny," being filmed in Cas- sis and nearby MVarseilles, and both were pla-ying unglamnorous e-de-rly tps The romnantic lead was being played by West Ger- many's 6erol Horst Bucli- h oiz,. Hw did the old boys like il? "'For 30" years,"' said the 71- year-old Chrevalier, lounging on his hotel terrace overlookîing Cassis, I'been holding in mny somnach, tyn to look hanid- so,-me and youngc. Now, at last, I've been told to let go. Fin even Haif -Sizes - Look ÇJ7TERiN Sidedraingsofly accents this gracful fteroondress. Wear i, ceitedor ot - there are ino wAaist seams t o i nterruLiPt the sm-ootb and limmiiin)g ne. Printed Pattejrn 4566: Hall Sizes 12½, 14½l'-, 161, 11î 201;', 22l½ý. Size !,6½ý requirces 3 Yards 39-inch faibr1ic. Printed directions oýn each piat- tern part.Eu ir accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (sbamps caninot be,- cptduse postal note for sfb) for tis, palteri. PI e a s e prïitplainly SIZE, NAMi.ýE, AD)rýESS, S T Y L E S-'end ordier 10 ANNE ADAMS, i -)x 1j123 Eihtenh st., New Toronoj, Ot supposed 10 puisbil tout a lutile b."Chevalier, attired in black pants and a blue silk shirt, gaz- ed reflectively out over tilc Mediterranean. "Charles was Lie French Valentino,"lhE m rused, sriing. "He was the mari with the velvel voice, and 1 was aZ fanciful Casanova. Now we find ourselves playing 'the parts of old men,. Weil, we relax, The funny thing is that wve are stil" c._onsidered great séducteurs... Charles is a very attractive mran, of course. As te mye, 1 have been blid thal 1 represent a mbd.xure of A' f Jols on and Will Rogers, with a uitIle bit of Dr. Schweit- zer thirown ,iii. Now isn't tha-t Chevalier was asked how he intencçieçl 10keep his professioni- aliihrm subdued. "There wlt be somne of trie old Chevalier in- side,»'h'e aswered, "and it's imn- possible nol 10 have somre of it sh-owing tbrough, because, al- ler -ail, the i1ýner warirlh hbas't turnied te ice yet. "At hecarl, 1 an much more a mani of the suburbs than, the' boulevardier. The mari-about- town and hleart-thirob -- that wasn't really nie, you know, but somethring i imade mysel! do." From- below the terrace BOY.- er's deep voice suddenlybone aj ch-eerful "Bon soir!" and a moü- mýent, later, natly in'gray fl,-nnel slacks, beige shirt, and b-ILue, liner jacket, he joined Cheva- lier and bis visitor. T'he lwo actors have been friends for 40 years ,anjd the- conversation lurn- ecl 10 Iheir ln-elydcollab- oration. "We weýren'l born la be atogether in onefim because we are sýo different," Boyer said, in planation. Cevle is an enter- laine-r, and Pim strîctLly a drami- atic artist. 1 always ,onsýidered mysel! a characler aclor, nol a ,leadirgig ari or handsome lover ty'pe." Chevalier gaped ini disbelief, but, Boyer waved is band ligbb- ly. "I alw,;ays resented tibe repu- talion wbich was bu-lîl up for me a. resuit o! 'Algiers'," he went on. "The inovie was just a remnake o! another film star-ringl Jean Gabin wbicbl we copied step by step. Ilb was very boririg. Moto! mry parts I haive treated as character Parts. Everi when Iwas younrger I wasn't sedýucing a-nybody." Bocyer asked ChevalIier 10 loin hlmr for dinner, but Chevalier'cde- clined, 10 work on bis script. Witb- a flourish of bis wI-,ef straw bat, Boyer saluiled an-d stepped lîghtly, off for the vil- la15ge and a pizza pie. ChevaRlier watcbed him isilently "You1 k-now, he's 6I," be -snidfialy "btie couldIc still gelc te ir in an.vynmovie" Mfo dem Erqun 8,. éAnne Ahe Q.What apology shoýuld une mDakeý after a suddlen sneez.e un public? A. "Pardonime" ssffcet .Whna brude Is writing her thank-yoiu notes for weddfing guifts received, daes she write ilso lu the bridegroni's mother and father, and bo his sisters 111( brotlxers for the- gifts they g-ave? A. This is no tieesiary if sire bas been able 10 give tbembe sincere, verbal thanks. STUDY JN LIMRS -- Making a nice frame for a 'cndscoipe. study, Nancy LeGornt, lef t, and Beth Laniche bîaance on thie trunk of a waterlOgqed palmy tree. w~v'-dtt~eP. Ctôrke f1t i#ok a long limeý coing but s:'ner eers tebe ereaI, iast -- il tbnd~sbrrvuand beavy rain ujseting haymiaking oper- allons for the farmrer. Our mnain com-rplairil is hu-niditybu since we haven'b had Woc mucb o! il vet I suppose we have no Cau]se ta grumble.AnY=,a3our mîy bas other problemcs You rememi- ber 1Itbld you Daugbter and famiýly hended for the cottage lasI week? Art reurnd bTor- enta) late Sunday .1ighit leaiving1 ac nd Ihe lyi., aone. Well, on TuesdayJerry spn ost of 11P, day in P-"terborIc b ia getting bis arm et He fei ad brcike iu hl ~yigolie So he will be totigarounId wvitb bis nrm rin a c:lfor the xlsix w'eeks. A good start foýr Ibhe bolidays7. Jolvei e xiil. mnore cont-n' ai thecotg Iban in Toronto. Adnext wec 1)ee wHllprobahbv haie a mar- iied cousinard ycung famîily sttigwith l r Ait bais ggne. U1p ý' bbi c1le e gai ltis %Vee!end 5c) P lk Ly ear el --aboj(ut bcIli -- i ' fellow()V to- BttOur fanuiV' troubles are smnll indeed cmpared with those 0f tbe outsidelwrld.On,- is aInmost afraid ta operi thc paper or lisbte thIe news thes days inicaeof wbIal one mn-i-y bear or rend. Seemis t10me thi.s a! fair in 'Lie Belgian Congo is !'e11rClyeb, innocent wornen and eilîdren being so erribly involved. Anid yel weý go on, wilh our everyda-y life as if we were- living in peýaceful world. But wbat, else cariwedo? This week liiere will be tbe additional ex- citemnent of thie Demnocratie Con- vention in the U.S.A. Il certain- ly w.o't nmean an. latofo may g (o'o0 d1 elevision Pro- grammeps because most of the summeor replaemnents are 'e pea'Is" aya - everi tbe Perry Ma-ýson series. Rweer here are a few interesting "specuis - Imostly on C.B.C. olet.The Programme com]paring Eur-ope2n suburban livig Woub that0o Canada was good. lseems stranlethat cunîries wîih less land than Canada sbould somiebow mnanage 10 sup- ply suburban residenîs -wilth lovely parks and reýcreational Centres. Most o! our s-pare spacL' seemns 10 be taken up with gas stations anrd shopping centres. Hqow tbey ail m-ake a livinig is a mystery teO me. Neighbours who have jusI retturned fromi Englanid were lelling mie yeslIer- day that one dislriet they re- memcrber as f armn land two years; ago is now a subdivision w'itb Z lovely sbady park and recre- lion centre' , comiplete witb Swîmn- ming pool, Ail thal in tlwo jyears. Our Canadîiïý cont-raclors pub- licise big plans for varlouFsisub- iviîsions-, presently in the mak- ing. But as each housing area is comnpleted parks a n d play- grouinds seem- conspicuous by their absence. But o! course' lovely shade trees are invaru b- ly sýacrificed te mak-e roorri for. the bouses. I anjusb waiting ta' se-e what bappens te the, much advertised "Peel Village". I sup- pose il ail bouls down 10 a seýnse o! values. LasI Wednesday a neigbbour aInd 1 had a ýwoniderful treat. We wenb 10 see "So-utb Pacific" aI Dixiie Music Fair - lbanks leo Partrier, who offeý,red to "baby- sil" so our neighbour could gel away. We- botb tborougly en- joyed Cie perf orm-anlce. Several lim'es I wihedý Parîner wný7s wilb us - be would have- liked il - about balfwaýy ihrough I was giad bewan'.I gel pretb.y stif! -anid if 1 got stif! I knew Part- ner %w.ould biave been a lob woýrse. Camnp chairri close te,- gether wilb v;ery littie leg-0o isn'l the best klnd o! seabing accommnodatio-n for anyonie wilh arthrilis - the way Partner has Yt 1 suppose the chars are ail rîght for imost people- must be because thetearws packed and the sbow iS being Vel OVLI for, anothIer e. Looks asý il 1 nmflt the only one woen- AnIother"bg evUnt ias't wùek astur'ning in my supcrînrketi stamp bý ooks for Ible pei o mychieOn an twfih booiks ',abe exact. An-d I hadc been saving stamps since lasb November - aginst my better judgmient Wat I chose was a steel-top patio, table - similar h mne I had seen advertIed by a departrment store for $288. Eigbt montbs of licking stamps for $2.881Isn' it toriicuous? A _newpaper article rcnl quoted fvuie "beýefs" 0o! supermiarkel shoppers -- delîvery carts blocking the aisles; long ujne_-up at cash registers and .0 on. Well, I've got anîother beef. "Specials", are adverýtised week by week but you have to wabch or you don't gel your "sýpecïal"' price.- Canined goods or- ment culs very often 1haven'l ha1d,(the regu- lar stamped price cbaInged 10 Ihat weeks sealé. At the cash register the girl rings in wn youve bought nccording ta the prices sta'pIlonthe package. Whaý-t else can -she do? Maybea thesysemOr lack: of s-ystemy -is not deliberately dlishonest. il coufld be lhrougb rusb of',,busi-i ness but it'c; the custoier that pays just the samen. And il could 1quite easily make up ta the store. te diffrence for a ltot f premr- iumi gifts. Gifîs? . . .I wondýCer! Fish And Chips iProved Expensive Chips, as wel11 as sbips, a pass in the nigblý and not on sbeir lawful occasions! This emerge(-s from the recent exploit of wey-e-odScortish sea- mani John Jackson. Wbile tramnp- ing tbrougb the streets of! Hamil. ton, nea-r Brisbane he spotted a deseted isband-hipsbop wilh- its deor ajer, Slepping insideo, he cookeý-d himself a me:al. Wbile- he was frying, anrother man wvalked ini from ibe cdark sîreet and, unrur 1the impressiLon. that theý shop WaIs serving late customecrs, ordered a fish-and-chaip. supper. Jackson obliged, put bis mne in the cash register and ranig upPIce taknga. Then anoîber man rI aved, not a customier, but a constable palrollîng his beatý This copper had a special interest in he fosh- and-chîp shop for il belonged,, ta bis f atber-in-lawl Jackson was brougbl before. the local court and fined $50, which is rather expe-nsive, for a fish--and-cbîp suppe-r. Cats That Couid ReaIIy Taký,e It Wbile painters were aI work recenlly in a bungalow aI Cine- ton-on-Sea lhey ber acurlo noise comning from beneath Ihe floorboards. Everitually these? were rernoved -- and the mnys- tery was solved. A cal was diis- covered. food or rinsine hboardlà weýre laid inete-en diays beforeI "FluilL wIas verY tim andfrighIt. ieed," saqid hier owner, "t'ut soon Ws ~ re-markable v a ascari undergo a.nd survive. In aPfac tory at Durban, $uhAfricýa, workmien heard faintmeig from a crtuontaining, carpat wic-h ha5d just rie frOrný Bri ta in. Iiiside thecy found a ibm>,, piti.- able tra.vesty of a ca3. She hqad been in tec r ý for tIbre* monthis, livin i-i ýjpacking pape.r and oi. An American cat was luckrîe,ý 11e, tbe, travelled in a eaet SouthAfia But bisisoi held ChÉomiium mainad ti waýs protcteçi witbi grea.e this unusual diet hemage exist. Budget-Wise Finery Give your living-ro&.m a lifI. Brighten i l ih Iis filet croj- chet peacock chair-sel. Peacocks worthy .o! your pride,, -- quick crochet in, strinïg; make, sc,,ar! enda:, 10e. Pabterri642 charîs; directions chaýir back 15 x 12;armresl .51'2x 13 ines,3 Sen-d THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (stamps cannol be accepted,us postal, note f or qafiy) 'forËIhlim patteen le Laura Wbeéler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New TFoc- oni-to, Ont, Print plaiýn!y FAiT- TERN NUMBER, tyour NAM'E and ADDRESS. New! ewlNw ur16 Laura W h e el1e rNedc Book is ready NOW! Grammned with eýxcitirig, unusual, popular desig-ns ta crochelit, kniit, sew, e- broider, qudlt, we-ave -- fashiion, ho-me ýfurniisbings, boys, igifts., bazaar bits. In the book F7REE - 3 quilb patternis. Hurry, send 25 cenits for your copyý. NO RING 81G ENOUGH - Two youngsters gras 'p brirn of ~huige sombrero in 1.o possibly to prevent their friend wvearing it fr om socngci 'y.There wý ne ring W, to holdj thîs haÀt, nc't eve~n iii the Demlocraitic conventiont cil>'.