C*test Of Alil ,ÊtII-Vi'ng Things Oue Of the most gîgantîc t1 ces- i the world lias been decharcd ,k national rrelice t Ciemba, 1Mo- s&mlnbique, East Af ica. It la a, baobab tree -- the samne tree a-n ýwhich David Livingstane, the g'reat missiauary explorer, caryý- .4ý hainiti'als. These strange trees are bce- lleved by many botanists ta li- tllc oldest Of 0a1l living things. ý3o1e specimens have been de- *Lared to a eecat 5,000 yeaýrs 0)d. The baobab grows immense- Xy broad withotit grow,,ing pro-1 portionatehy tahi. lls trunk often mensures 30 i.l diaineter witl a heigit Of only 60 to 70 ft., wliile its 6 0 It. branches, eadi a s tlick as a ýgood-,sized tree, s w e ep tle Ëround with their foliage. One veteran babb menýsures t5 ft. round the truni-k and is as youtbful and robust-looking an- the suckeras Prtiuiging up lounid if. Another las o enormouIs that itwas holloweçl out a centur- y or se0 ago and uaedl as n ock-up for native prisoners. Many thousands of years ugo flie baobabs were only faunid in the tropical paýrts of' Africa anîd flic neighbouring island, Mada-. gascar, but todlay tbey flourlîlij in mnost other liai partf îletv weorld. Tne grotesque shiapes theyv as- 9,Urn are sometimýes frightening. Som e of the trees a-re like vust bottIes, some resemble enormaus rounid rocks, sone are ike the prehistoric animais that prýIob~- mbly browsed au their branchies. But tiese ancient trees are More tien botunical marvels. Their many uses make Ien «universai providers" for nia- tives. The baobab produces a large Sruni t often calied "monkey bread", from wiich a ecoaling dr'iink contiun citrate of mg nCes!is laoltained. In Africa the great leaves of the baobab are pulverized int %0m whicl the natives miix with oýther food ta diminisi exces- §ive peraiîration. A sweet per- fuime ta given off by thelag white flowers. The tree's green and giossy bark lias nmedinal oproperties. Natves weave material i rom the baýrk fibres. The wood îs boa aoft fo be formed luto timber, but Pt is sa easily eut thet homes IIP to 50 f t. squiare are Con- âtruicted lu the trunkls, West African natives found that the baobab lias the pecuiýilar property of being able ta pre- terve argauic natter fron decay. They used ta hollow out a truuk and haug inside the bodies Af executed criminals who were ilenî,ed burili These became iperfectly munnmiêed w"ithauct fur- ther atnin How Con 0? by RoertaLece QM. How ceati 1remnove semà urayon marks mny Youn-gster cre- 9ted on thec walipapel'? A. Caver the soiled suirfaej with' a paste made of fullem's ear-th and eau-bon tetradlioridle* allowving this ta diry, and then relnoving by brushing, Q. How Cen 1 remedy a. ruj whose corners Irersist in turnlnt up? A. A goad remnedy la ta sew o e-iece of abif calivas underneath triese recalcitrant corners which vwill not ouly keep th*m i down, but wlhl isa lielp tauro long the hf e aof the rg. SWEET VICTORY -- Amnong the happy fans that cheercd, Don Bragg taci worïd pale vauli retord of 15-9 in Olym pic triale was bis fianceýe, Terry Fiore, She ran from the stands into h4s armns cftr.he made his mnighty va Uit Modern Tennis Stars Lack Glamour "Weeare the big tennis pe- sonalities toda-,y?"7 - that's the sort of remark overheard et Wimibleton this yeair, and, l-Ii deed, for,'the past few years. Somlehow, the modemrs haven't the magic appeal of great stars, 'ike Bill Tilden, Fred Ferry, Jack Crawford - and, of course, the "Four Musketeers": Jear, Borotra, Henri Cochet, Jacques Brugnon, and Rene Lacoste. It is over thirty years since they captured the hearts of. Wimbledon crowds, but theig cteeds are stil! fresh after ail this time. Cochet, in pairticular, wvas the hero of wîhat must lie oue of the rnost exciting, final stagecs in the history of Wimbledon. We can orily guess how he would fare against the &tomic services of to- days "power-hiouse-" players, but bis uncanny positioning and akil- Sully placedi return shots carried himn to the chaulpiouship with vicetories over the hard hitting of Big Bill Tilcien and the vanied garne of his ow-n compatriot, Borotra. The iraucle was that in ec case he triumphed efter being two sets down and etÀ match point in the third. Personally, I find it liard ',, decide whieh was the greater performance. Loolking back, we have the advantage of knowiig how the matches ended. But try ta imagine we are iugling with the crowds st Wimibled'o-n on those sunny days of June, 1927. Borotra waýs the- holder of th* men's sinigles titie, but ther,,e was considerable doubt whether lie could retain it against th.- challenge of Big Bill Tilden, thie Ameirican giaut who had won -hi 1,920 and 1921 and wYýas rmkinge lits first appearence et thie All. England club's new hedu- tors. Big Bill smash.ed RmdvolleYe& Mis way through elailite opposý- tion before the semi-final, 'In wýhich he wes drawn a àls yugFrenclimun, lean, Wîr, ai-d barely haîf lis size. Hleni Cochet liad flot yet reac'hedbis peak, an-d few tiouýg'ht he couid stand up to the terrifie puice Tildex wouid set. Tilden tome lin to shreds durý- îng the first set. It was a su- perb exhibition of tennis, but as a match was farcicul. Cochet's quick anticipation enubled hima to get the bail back occasionally, but usually it lad fhashed pPast him before lie couild g-et ias racket into~ position. Iu a f ew minutes lie \vas ai- ready one set dlown, at 6-2. The second went the siYe way, at Mt-3, and the crowd began tG drift away as the massacre con- tinued in the third. Th~is tim-e àt looked even wo,,rse. Tildtn swept througli to 5-1, and Co-. chet's Wimbledon dream iooked about ta fade in the biggest fiasco of hIis career writes a ten- nis expert in "Tit-Bits-." I cari think of no log;icaýl ex.- planation for what., foliowed othrthanl thatL Tilden, always a g r eat showmnan, decided te, round off the m-atch with some- ihing the crowd would rmm ber, and over-readlied hitvseldL" The Amerlcani laundlied smiashi ater smnash. But ini ils eagemue,ýç 'or the kitli le surrendered has azccuracy. Nowf Cocliet's racket war.s alway9 t1here ta stop bis passing shNots; when one did get by it went ouit of court. The game Tilden hýtd intended ta talke et 'love went againat lin. Sa didt thenet and the nextq. The crowvds retumned te, watch tuis am-azing transformation, and when Cachet took the next gaine ta levPl the set the cheer was almnost as greae as if le had won, Tilden had gone complete- jy to piecea. In those four «ames_ lue had wvon only one point, and now here was Cochet, playing frorn the baseline, blocking Yhas abats and iretuminig then withi uncanuy accuracy. The Frencli- manî took the set eýt ?-5 - six games iu a rôw to the man who lied been on the brink oflu miliating defeat! Now it was Cachet wha lied the initiative. He weut ahead ia tlie fourtli set, staved off t liric-À challenge et 4-4, and took tlie next two garles ta be level aýt two sets ail. The final set. was a nockery but of R different kinci fronm the first. Tilden had revovered mnucli of has accuracy, bust Co- ch-et was teasirig him with deli- cnte returns, somnetimes dropped short ta tempt hlm inito a fatal smnash. The Am'erîcan was not quite doue, end lu fact led at first, but Cochet soon cauglit hlm and went nhead ta 5-3. Nqw the positions were re- versed. At 40-15 against hin Til- den produced P, Cochet-like drop, abat to gave the match point, but he endled the nextr rally by slitheriug into tic net. Show- n.an to the end, lie preteidc-d ta trum it as if it were a harp. The tune mnust have been thie Tilden Swan Sang. Thcfial between Cachet and B9oratra, was not s0 obvîously dramatic because tiere was nat suda2 contresi in playing styles. Borotra took the first twa ,oset% et 6-4, 6-4, but either of themi could have gone the otier wny. The turning paint came wlien in the cighlli garne of the thîrd 2-et with Cachet leading 4-3, Bar- atma just faîled ta reacli an kcutely angled shot acrossa ct court. That miss pt Cochelt ahead et 5-3, and lie toolc tie zet. Borotra led 8-1inl the fourth bhut then faded, and Cochet tciok fiartota hvel fthe match. Sa once ageîn the stage was set for a dranatic fi;nish. If î-eemed Borotra mnust win wlien he gat ta 5-2 and match point, y et hie last the garne, Ini the n-ext lie land - and hast - five match points. A~n extrao1(rdinary i nil cl e n t m ok M BRAY 8-ee ad pullets and sarted LebiekF at niew lowi prices. Prompt shtp- maent, Dayold chieks te order. Bookz fal broilers now. Sec agent - or wvrite Bray Hatchery, 120 Joh~n North, Haem- i[ton, Ont. BARN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ,AGE oïthland barri cleaner, silo uniloadans, auger and tube faed- er,,, rounid-the-silo feeders, eed' carte. and barn eqiuipmient, fully equipped for complete inustallations. Complet. stock available at wareliousas. Harold Row,, and Sons, R.R. No. 1, Bln1t, Ont. Phone rlarriatsville 76. BUSINESS5 PROPERTIES FOR BALIR GENERAL àtore, summier store, scliool bus, large dlean store with ioderni living quartera, excellant equipnient, Vlkswagan hua; a terrifie buy at $14,- 4001 Tarmis arrangad. H. Lindsay, Birht., 143 Audrey Ave.,. Toronto. OIC. 8-1621. MOTEL, 8 units, AAA, 4 years aid, with dairy bar, icehiousa; Highýway 11, 70 miles north of Toronto. Good res- taurant, 200 yds. Nice 4-roGm spart- mient for ownar, cottage for help. Groas increaqing each year. *20,000 clown. Principals only. Reply R, Hotu X.R. 2, Shanty Bay Ont. RESTA URANT, sarvÏng f ul course mueals and lunrches!, Established aval' thiirteen years, ateacly çlientel, close to thbree higbwazyse, fully equipped, ai»- conitined al-roni partorient above, large lot, 66' x 18' deep, WRIl seil for elash io rmlaf lw. Inteýrested partiesi %vrite Box 129, Coniber P.O. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REFRESHMENT STAND BUTILT inito a bus in perfect runningf condition. Inide and ou~tside newly clecorated, hait living, baîf salling, comi- pletely wired for 220 -or 110 V. Priced f or quick sale. For further infor- mnation, contact John Kansar, Sîiooe. Phone Garfield 6-240,4 or sec it yotir- self at 35 Basil Ave., S1incea. RCA VICTOR OFFERS AN insurance policy Yoeu c olleet on now and lu the future with ne Interruption when sick, retired or travelling. W. supply locations, finane- Ing etc. Persons~ wihing toviwnlýr C0 CONLAUNDRIES PLEASE eaU 1BO. 2-7311 or Wvrite UCA Victor Co. Ltd., 1450 Castlefieid Ave,, Toronto 15. Out of tawn inquinlea iu- vited. LADIES 'AND GENTLEMEN PROFITABLE spare or full tlime earn- ings. Study this interesting and use- fui profession. For free brochure end obarts, contact: Canadian College 09 Massage, 18 Farnhami Ave., Toranto 7. BE YOUR OWN BOSS I OWN AND OPERATE A Coini-mot"red Unattenad Wiestingheuse Laudromaet -Equïpped Laundiry Store. Net $4,00048,00G Amnually. Write or plione tociey foi fullIinformae- tIon, about unattended coin-operateçl Westinghouse Laundroniat equipped istindry tore opportunities lu your comimunity. Yeu manage iin your spart' liane - whlle netting higb iincme. W. finanie 90 of your total pilrchaýe. otrer you langeat fiixancing period A lowest montbly installments. Vois re çeive traing and advico fr00i nu tiouai orgaiztion t bat has hielped over 8500 mnnsud women li e oj Into business for theniselves. No ecx- partance necessary Modest Invest. Meut. Titis provea uiew profitable automiatic business offers e mnoney. making opportuýnlty te anyone who wants -to own is owu business. Coin. pare our comiplete prograin. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advctnce Rod Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7253 WiliItI Be The Death Rgiy Next? Light, the ldnd yaui get wheri You flip a liglt switcl, is ani iniocuous formn of energy, com- posed of waves vibrating et dif- jerent frequencies. Buit if a "coheren-t" beanI.of liglit - liglit 0f a very narrow frequency banld - couid be made out of thia jumble of waves, it miglit approacli thet favorite weapon of horror fic- tion: The deatja ray. Last mronth physicists frolm the Hughes Aircraft Co, in Culver City, Calif., announced they had ecated sucli a beam. Project cdi- rector Dr. Theod'ore Maiman pre- dicted thnt the company's acheveent"marks teopening of an entirely new era ini elec- 'tronics." The intricate gad'get la called a "laser," an qcr-onymi for Liglit Am-plifier by Simulatedý Emis- 4in0f1 -adiation. lt snthetia ruycylindeýr absorbs lilit hen emits it as a strfonger and] pure benýin of ligit, intense enough to injutre an uinwuýry olbserver's ey e. As;ide froi genecrating ,pure, DOGG FOR SALE SHELTIES (Lassie, apartment site) pup. pies. Year»ng bitches, bred. AU regir, tered. Patu1 Robins, Oro Station, On- tarlo. FARMe FOR SALE 200 ARS 60 cnitle, 30 milk cow6! Mile te ow.prie. $39,000 - $15,000 clown. W LU. M oad Broker, phont A 400 acre Fxm two sets of buildings, *lectricity, telephoîte, near Publie School on 11igh Scbool and Separate School Buliw nos Gravel Pit, 30 acres %oodiot,tw miles f romn raillay sta- tion and churches. A clown payment àa expected and the balance Ini yeairly paymients withouit interest. (If desired). David A. Ros' Moose Creelc, Ontario, Stormiont Co. 530 ACRES withi house andi barne. lighway location, $16,000, 130 acres, large bouse and barn, borderlng on paved rd. $16,000. 140 acres, excellent mndern brick bouse, good barne, com.- plete liue of equipment, $32,000. 250 acres, 3 good sets of buildings, 1 000 lb. miilk quota, 70 head stock, ý11c. cooling aud. complete lina of machin- ery, $800 A. S. Kimberley Ltd. Real- ter, 25 King St. Esat, Beamsville, teL loc. :3-8272 ayie FOR SALt - MISCELLAMEOUS CANADA'S lowest animunition pries - Save wholeialers and retailerz pro- fits - Send feor free demnotratîon 2hotshells. XL Explosives L;imiteà, HaWkesb'ury, ont. CHARV Bracelets, 6 aimal harmai gold PlatQci or silver. Reg. 1198eSnd $1.25. Listing cl tarin animale and award pins, teen aseJeeleyldie, mnsand cbiidrell's J£ewellery. Speciait Lassie ciulfnd île set for boy s *. Dexter Mnufacturing Co., Bax 324, St. Johns, Que. OIL Lantern, 5904. Nylon Terylcine Paiî- tels, 10 yards Runde, 11.89, Machine Needles, 20 for $1.00. Bitte Blades, 300 for $2.00. Battecries., dozen *l.29. Flash Camera, 284. Thre.ad, 80 yard spools, 25 colours, U.00. 7'ree lista. Schaefer, B370, Drummýondcvile, Quzebec. RUBBER hase andt beltIng. plastic pipe, etc., lxew arc' used et greatly reduced prices; phono, write, or drop ln and sec: Snowden ,ndiustrinl Rubber & Plastics, 91l Bruce Street, Oshawa, 0On- tàalo. lA. 8-1858. SPECIAL for Farmaers - Wholesale prices - Rubberized canvasses for al miakes combines at dealers cost. Save up to $30 par cewvas. For wbolesale prices refer te titis ad when ordariug, Chatharn Farn Equlpmenit No. 2 ;Hw1y. R . 1,. 1, Chatharn. Phone El.» 2.1070. HELP WJANTED MAL9! WANTED. Beef cattie herdnm&n with gene ral fammning experlence for.ormall Angus herd bordering western Ontarle eity. Family man around 40 with son iuterested lu 4-H1 Club preferred. Fret liouse, permianent position. Apply stalt- ing experience, 'wages expected. Box 215, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. INTEREST TO ALL '120W TO M1ake Money In Any Crowd Iu The World!' Be a Mlemory M%ýachinel Automatic -Memaory brings Security, travel, recognition. Actually improves Alemory! Details. Memiory Research Canton, Box A-7192. El Paso 8, Texias,. WANTEM - EVERY SUFFERER OF RNIUMAATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS TO TRY DIXON's REMEOY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 835 ELGIN OTTAWOA $1.25 Express ColIect. POST'S EIEMA SALVE BAiNLSII the torment ot dry eczenia rashes and weeping e k 1 n troubles. / Post's Eczema Salve wiil not disappoint you. ltchtng, 6caling and burning ecg.- bne, ane n ingwiormi, pimples and foot eclema wv ili respond readily ta theD stainless odorles ointmient. regardle8i of how stubborn or hopeleas thcy sceem. cent pest Freo en ReceIpt of Prite PRICI $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1965 5t. Clair Avenue lait TORONTO OPPORTruNITIES ATTENTION-MEN 17-54 NEAVY EQUIPMENTr OPERA .TOR$ ARE in demand for bulldozers, ;crap- ers, graders, draglines and shovels, 101 you qualify you will b. trained b)y top instructors ri.0ht ou the equip- aient. DOO'T DELAY-INQUIRli Now WRITE N.S.H.E.O. 23U3 YONeE ST., TORONTO, ONT. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRORESSER LOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCMOOL Great Opportunity Learn HAirdressing Pleasani dignified profession; good Wages rfhousaands of sucecessfu.l Ma1rvel Graduates Amarlca's Greatest System Iiluslrated Catallogu'te reeý Write or Cal] MARVEL HAIRORESSING SCHOOL 358 SIor St. W.. Tortnto B'rances: 44Kin<' st. W., Ilamulton 72 ideau Street. Ottawa PIfRlONAL LADI1E S Duinas Finiale pis $500 1LyGn'aDrga 471 Danforth, Toronýto. "JOIN the -,Sixth fSenlse Club foriuc r cea. Qustion asswered Co ieai a * B U ULTRA FINE GR1AIN for yoiir inniature film -104par ex- pasure .7wIth one cdelume ealargement of *,%eh. Quamllty developing an.d print- ing -! 50ý for 8 exposure oî,70Nfor 12 exuosure roll, with eery, print beau- ti2uily enlarged. For the ultImate in quoity, miait your filmns te: Ae Photo Printers, Box 25, Station E, Toronto. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT. ONT. Films developed and 8 magna printis 40 12 magnla prints 60(4 Reprints 5ç' each KODACOLOR levelopine ro-il 904 nor includfing prints). C'olor prints 30c eech extra. Aulsco îsnd 2Ektachiirme 5M. 20 ex- iposures »mouuleýd l idn *.2.Color, printz trcminel,1e-n 324 aach. Money re- fnded in Ouli for unprinted n;egatives. PROPBTIESFOR FSALE MUTRI46 acres 0f depded landi fox sae ec ' deer, 'mo',ose duck andt parrig hnntIng, accessible by car, onî. id tbe be3t pri\vataloc!ation, in ihIs aiea. ideal for a group of men wanitlng a prIvate bunting greund, Write 'te V. A. Mchurry, imour, Ont. CALEDONIA, ONT. 11/à 9'îOP.ii'y, 3 ta.dxooins, a1Utte g must 1 scn a e apprecaedà. 1 50E trewith apartmrent et rois, Crai ýjlocation. 2 FAMII Y deinsuitablefý or --derly couple, adtinlIncom-e, 2 STOREY, 4 badrooin bickbouse, 3S blocks frons stores. BRYCE JONES ilarrister, Cajedonia, Ont, GERMANY! Have fun with your fniends -Mail them lactters 1froni Ger- many. lil sendi it for *.0 Or Npvw*- p apers *.0 Roberson, Box 054, Wefis- auden, Germîany. CEDAlIDEN Lodge. Amenicanq plan, home cooked meals, goodi fishnjana hunting. Phone, write B&1.h cRa4, R.P,. 2, NManitowaning. OntanrLo. CHAUMONT FERRIER INN Ste. Margiuerite StatIon, F. VISIT tis lovely SisChal1et Inn; superb location lu hei 0f DîLauroii- tiens. Excel1lent foo0d, swvLmsTý1ng pool with beach, privai. lake, good fishing, riding, golf In vicInity. Rates9 $60-00 ta $75.00 weekly, Ameùrlin PIan Write direct or telephone Hludson 735.5 Toronto, for informaztion. FRIEMAURAY LODGE, heuïsekeeKInf c ottages, Wlson Lake, heed of PCk- erel River. God pickerel, pike, has. Boats, mnotors. Fishernien's, holiday at fpsnily camp. Write for folderslPart Lorlng P5hone Golden VaUeiy' 9)25 et Toronto RU 7-64411. THUNDERIt LACII, okIARIO ANCHOR VILLA 2 IOURS drive from Torou-ýto on beau- tflGeorgian Bey, inear Penetang>, comfortable bed sud bedroonis, excel- lent food, private beach, s;wlmmling, surf board, hoats sud outboards fo,. hIre, Friendship aud cenxifort are oug business. Write Jas. Redmrond or phono Ligfontaine (Ont.). 2113. TEACHRstWANTFD rPUBLIC School Section No. 1, Stevens, Thunder Bay District, sequires in Sept., 1960, a qualifIed teacher for grades 1 te 8. Teacher's Federation ssilery iichd. ule Iu effect. Furnished teaIcherag4 will accommodate niarried toupfe, availabie at $15 per month APPLY Iu writing, Ftating age, sca.- demie qualifications sud name asud .- di-ess of last inspeecr, to, C. RiacIý,, Sec.-Treas., P.S.S. No. 1, StevEýns..On- tarlo. PROTEISTANT teachler reqirad for Public .1,hrol 15., No. 13, Manver, (iounty of D4jrhaîndutIes 3ta com... meure September. 1160o. Enroîlment 2Q, grades 1ta 8. -APPL'I ostting qualIfjeiatons and Uil- ary, to Ja-mes Gray, 1.1. No, 2, .Ynet- ville, Ont. TEACKIER, Protestant, iÈbi liternie- diate (diploma and ta &ct as prinicipl. Session 10.1 Apply giýving fui par- tlculars to W. Hogg. Sec.-recas. Joli. e t te. Quebec. TEACHERS required fior ïnewl;y-bilt grade achool, 0 S 32, Wbgon- Red- vers, lRed Lak!e 1sOt to cote- mauce Sept. 1960.« SENIOR TEACER I-t ,50per an- INTERMEDIATE TEACHER - *4,000d par annum. JUNIOR TEACHER - >3,500 petr an- Apply stating experienlce ta) Mrs. J.. McCuIIigh, sact.-trea. U.S.A. RESORTSý RUST LODGE. cottages ,;nd motel, Route lA un 2 mile aandbeah, ocean front. 50 large modern building., 1 te 4 badrooma, aquipped ,ith kitchen- ettes, bedding, liniens f1uruiabed. heat- ed. Il Rust, Proieter. phone VYerk. Mainie, 8110; %Write ,Yürk Bech Mine, VACATIONq PROPERTIES, FOR SALE }IOUSEKEEPINGc, ottaýges: resort on Lnka Nipissin1g, 800' frontare, 2 drilled Wells, 1/enmle off Hwyý. il- outstand- Ing buy at $22,5ù0. IU. Li ,a lrkr., 143 Au4irey Ave., Toronto OX. 1-1621. ~?fat ely ENOIXIIf tbou~ 0111 .~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING N s N N N N s N N N N N. v 'N -N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N * N N N N N N N N -N N s N -N N N '-N s N N s N N s N N N 's N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N 5 N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N. N