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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jul 1960, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THRAYJUV2t,16 TruIl Picnic CLASSIFIKI HeId AtOr,-rn ____AT HOiIE Th'le Truli femnily picnic was hed Mr ndirs ! -. onih Pr at, orono Pairk Satupday, July 16 1960 Th weaherwas ideal and ailerywlBeahoeo hrrl- tives andfrins udy u enjoyed visitinIg prcir tO a program- t rýi ;i3u o!) sports convenied by"r, le s 7hl h feronfo n Wery nd rs Brantee Ifrom '7 until 1 ~lc hsbeing; ORONO W0 VEEKIJY TIMES luscipiÀ p~aieleadvice SICnda$5 1 SA.$5 WverMeýetinIg Thle Oronlo Polic Truste(es h1ave aninouded.1at hyae hligan open meeting:i at-hih-il B!dsuse te sueo Muiipa;l Water foýr the Police VillagFe of Oon.This mee-týInghas henslated fori, na eeinAugusý tl8thandwl be !heldin thebaeent of the Townishiip Haýll, Orono, cmecn at 8:15 ~..shlarp. Th71is meetig shoud be one wchailtepayers lleth Village should attend. The istallation of a wtrsse eOoo if it should corne to pass,wod be possiblyI the largiestýundertIai- leIgs for thle Village in its history. The meet'ini being alled to present the faicts le onnctin ith a municipal water supply andf toý inform the public of the finidinigs from thercetlest Clililg oeainconducted 1in the Village. Two iemibers of thie Onltario W,ýater Resourcès Commi-iissioni will also be present to( assist ie out- lining such a project and to aniswer questionis put before He meet- ing by those attenrdinýg. Whether you support or do not support the inistallationl of wvater le the Village, we beleive that thîs meeting should be at- tended IW ail ratepayers anid interestedI persons. Lets see a good turn-out On Monday, August Sth. Enjoyable Programis -epoga The moth of July has seen in Orono a very activepoga of activities for the chlldren of the area. This programn included every morning, the Park Recreational program, sponsored by the Orono Amateur Athietie and the swimming instructions in the afternoon, sponsored by the Orono Red Cross. Both thlese programns have been well recelved this year by the children with the total enroîlment for boUi. programs numberlng two hundred. Further 1the averag-e attendance at both programs has maintained a Wgh level during the four week period whichi denotes the suc cess of both as far as the children are concerned. Enroilment in the Recreational j>rogramn numbered o ver 80 with an average attendance between 72 and 75. This feature at the park eertalnly was most interesting for the children which was made more so with the inclusion~ of teachng more crafts. The swimmning programn had an enrolment well over 100 and here again the interest was high with resuits most satisfactory as the tests reveal. This program i1s one of most importance as every person should be, able ta swim- and to be able to exercise 1f e saving practices. May we at this time commend both- organizations for thiese programs and also the supervisors and leaders who have this year been most instrumental ln the great success which both h~ave met. ,- -'s ~ ~aW% p ROLPH HARDWARE ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 143 th occasioýn o!)their et-f ift wednganvesry.- uTh rt t3O e Everyob'? elconïc Lunch lil b sered olowi'ctheofiii opin- ing. ,b-c f A ountfulsupper %wýas enjoyed after wihour (relletM- FrnieTruil,codte asor business period. It wvas decided toi hiold the 1961 picnic at Garden 11111 P1ark on the 2nd Sundfay of July et, 2 p.m. j'The followin1g officers were el-' epcted for 1961: President, M'r. AlexI Carruthers, Garden Hill, Ont; Sec-] retary-Treasurer, MUr. Allen Werry, lEntniskillin; Sports Committee, Mr., j Lrezo ruiHamnpton; _Mr. Har led Truil1, Bowma-nviilie; Tab le Comitte, rs.Percy Allin, Bow- menatville, Mrs. Edra Pri-e, Bowmian-1 Iville; SeecUial Prîzes, MrIIs. Newton Sdg-ar, Ohw Mr. Earl Truli thanked the re- tirieg executive and welcomedJ the new ones. Mr. Alex Carruthers aiso spoke. Ie the unavoidabie absence o! Mrs. G. WVilkinson, Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl presenited the foijowAing priz- es: Younigest, child, Paul Osborne, 6 miontbs, Oshawa. First on grounds, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edg-ar, Oshawa. 1Lady with birthday nearest re- union, Mrs. Ross Lee, Oshawa. Gentleman with birthday near-1 est reunion, Mr. Charles Bottontiey,ý Whitby. Most recently n,.iarriýed couple, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee, Oshawa. Largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Osborne, Oshawa. Farthest Distance, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers, Garden Hill1. Ail departed to their homes after a happy reunion. Correction In iast week's paper le a report 'of the Park Board meeting wel stated that "the finance comniittee as set up by the Chamber to con- duct a canvass was eUeowered to proceedl on the Campaige." Thii was le errer and shouid, have read "las set up by the Park Boardl." CAR O0F THANKS We wish t- exprss oursincereP thanks and appreiation to friendsI and relatives for the beautiful flor-I al tributes and tfie ïmany cards and 1etters received during aur recentl bereavement. Laura Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess.' a-p Attend Mode) T- Rally At Brantford DSECTION PottosRaPeriLsen 22316, Ooo Beafl§3. phone a-c F-OR SALE Otao Wagn, usetofFlexible Trco.Priceci to )se!. Contact ar vyPerteer, Oon, lîane1782S-c AUCTiONSA LE TMe estateoY henlae Ms nnie Efývens wîijl be heicWtlwie ron3 Sale Arena Juy 2Pth ai 3:0)W0ococ. ac AUJCTiON SALE 0f B,>!i and Woodwvork-i zng quipm,-ent, the estete of the l!ate F,. M. Cryderman on Satuirday', iýJuiy 31)t.,1ai his late residence Sif- ver trert, BuwmnanvHie, Terms cash noreseve.J:ac Reid, Auc- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A beautiful dwelling on large lot; on Centre Street, Orono. Ail con- veniences, rnany extras. Owner de- sires immediate disposai. J. VAN NEST Real Estate 118 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA. 3-3230 URGE MEET 0F RATEPAVERS TO DISCUSS SCHOOL PROBLEMS - Darlington Township Coundcil1 Thursday afternoon instructed the finance committee ta cal! a meeting of the ratepayers le school sections, not included in a school area, ta dis- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams attend- cuss school problems in the town- ed a raiv of Model T Ford1 Cars at ship. Brantford on Su Iny.T ail forty-. four Model Ts were present at thel Council's action in sponsoring a rally, ai in fine operatlng condition« meeting was the resuit of three 1%1- dm drovr, his 1913 version tBurketon delegates, Joseph Hoger- in the parade. This rally was Model vorst, To-ny Smnith and Peter Gat- T cars only and thev ranged frorn cheil appearîng ta ask council tO 190)9 models up1)ta the last model raise funds for the construction of rn4.Mr. Adams Bas received an a new public school at Burketon. invitation to attend a similar rallY inthe, United States but is vet un- Mr. Hogervorst told council at a decided on vwhether lie will be able recent meeting le Burketon, it was ta attend.- voted 21 to 18 to build a new school and the taxpayers feel they want to go aheadl with the building- on the streng-th of three votes. - - - -Since then, they have heard thei - department of education would be ln favour of building a central -school for all the children in tthe ......Burketon area, Mr. Hogervorst said. Now the, Burketon area resi- dents are not sure what shouldbe done. He emphasized a solution îmust be found. STAFFORD BROS. monumental Wr Phone Whit-by 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS- - - Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- I ing place of your Iovod ones. It's flot expensive. And sooing this lest tribute will give you endless comfort. . . . . . . . THE INDUSTRY'S MOST REVOLUTIONARY DEVELCIPMENT since your Martini-Senour dealer introducedi Super Kemn-Tone inte-ior latex paint! A-160 Latex House- paint for the fiirst time lets you peint your bouse anlytime, anytime at -ail -even after rainfail! Just - wipe droplets off and paint right over damp surface! fi ami1t l s InsuranceSric Saile Hamilton INSURANCE IN ALL IT'S BRANCHES The Home Insurance~ Com- pany - orle ofi the world's largest - has a bratid new auto lnsurance plan. It costs much less because lt's offered only to preferred risk drivers. Claim services cover Canada> and the U.S. Claims are set- tled fairly and quickly, a, home or aw ay. Fire, Life, A~cident & Sick- ness, BurgIary,.. Plate.. Glass, SailleHamilton. S PHONE ORONO IR16 I FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS A. F. Md(ENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office Hours 2-031 to 4:00 p,.. 7:00 toM:00p.rm. Satlirdays and Wedniesdays by appointments only PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGG ART VErERINARY SURGEON Phono 106,16 Orono, Ont. Lawrence C. MaSonB.A Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-551Z W. KMY LYCEIT, B.A. 1 Rarrister - Solicitor In (he Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone V3S Orono LJ. SKAIFE Ckartered Accoumitant BY APPOINTMIENTS Lycett's frsurance Offie -P.O. Box 68, Orono Phone 12516 IN SURANCE ceneral & Lt SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAiN ST., OROÏNO Phone 12516 R es. 1171(1 JACK REID Auctioneer and Viauator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conquit me for terms and dates; Phone 5 r 18 - Orou TED JACý'.KSON Auctioneer and VaIuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail slu. and al roasonable rates Communicato with hlm at Port Po".y Ontariîo. Or-ono Electrie PHONE 129 CONTRA CTORS FOR FARM and MUTSE WIRING Frea Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Gu]aranteed Repair4 ta all kinds of Electrica[ Equipmermt and Appliarices S'has Motors Water Heaý-rs -Radios -Stoves- Irons Fadiy MeMorials Our quality andi service beaves nothirig to be desired Ask the person who bought f rom ui- a neighbour, friend or relatNe,, The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Strýeet PORT HOPE "lLargest Display in' Sotheicrn LETS, YOU PAINT AND ENJOY SEASON'S PLEASURES I Yes, A-100 Latex now mackes it passible for you ta tart painting whenever canverient ... quit cit the end of any section. Upon drying, you won't be able ta eu telte difFerence betweeft one doy's application and the next. EASY 70 USE. ecause A-100Oii a latex-type paint, it flaws on in half fthe tirme needed for ordinary finishes .- and you Con use it on nsasonry as well as on waod]I Pain woter cleans thse toals wheni you're throughs- lts c cinch! DRIES IN MINUTES. In fact yau'1i find your A-100 finish dries so fast tlsat bug. (or dus,) hardry have timne ta m.r ca perfect lob!l -RESISTS BLISTERING AND PEELING,. Yeur A-'100 Latex coat will lost and last - its color staying sparklîng bright for Yeats. A-100 Latex Housepaint resists blistering, peeling and mldewing ... stands up Iothtié étremes of aur climate in a woy neyer bef ae thought possible'I In a wide range of modern colors at ali stores displaying thia sign. THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 19,50

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