At7:0)ne hot niht ecenti, -i)ee Dprtly, pantinlg women or oo in a~ neighbourhood ~MAIn Milwaukee. The w ýomaon Who greeted themn, clpb~din hand, took up a 1oiinbeside ac set of scales,. Oneby oe the womcen gri- ýna-e,tepped, on, and stepped offî as Ms.Klug ýrecordedth "I went ilid tis wek"re- prted one. A ý'man in a green dress uni- s,nappe& a trile strand ofd pearis anid kicked off her shoees before she got on t'he scales. -1Take offL your earrings, to)o," laughecd one of the womeýn lîned vup boehind heýr. The ocso wa.s aweky mieeting- of the localTOPS (Take - Off1 - Pouindsz - Sensibly,.) club, one of 1,100 such charter- ed clabs in 'the United States and CanaRda waqging a psychole- gical wtcar aginst acute obesity b)y applyinug the saine princýiples that hielp Alcolholies Anenymous "The c-.a, epl-ained one 190- pound TOPS offiiai last wee,, "'to discuss food openly. I we're overweight, er not ',o be afraid te talk about it.- TOPS, a npon-pr'ofitorai- lion wich dlaimis that its 25,000o niembers last year colle-ctively c'hed about 100 toncrs of fat, %vas born eut o! a stout Milwaukee Iousewi,-fe's sudden decision to try the AA approach twvelvec years ago. Now president and xcuvedirector o! TOPS, MNrs. Esther Mvanz recalled 1,ast week, a' Milwauikee national head- quarters that although AA wasq ber original miodel, "I seon tound eut that heavy drinking &,nd hjeavy eating mLight haveý rommen or similar causes3 but few other similarities. For one, thing, h-owv can a fat person, be Canon.ymious" . . , What we really do is psychoLogical group therapy,. It's the i4ea that you'll d o anything.., eyen 'starve, rathier tani go to a meeting an-d con- ýLess that you've qainedý-." Losers arc vheered loudly at M-±eetings: gainers are roundfly ooù0ed, and must wear a sigiu Scrap-Bag Deasuty Lach butterfty is a single patchi -a-pplique that a becinner could- Ao! Start a quilt now! *se odds and ends eut o! yeur pap bAg.ý The body of the bt -ery s ebroidered. Patteryx ý,e2: charts; directions; platfchr Scrnd THIETY - FIVE CENTS 2tmpcaninot b2 accePted, Luse postaýl note fer- safety), fer tis2 jpatteDrr te Laura Wheeler, Box ,, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- ~RN NUV~B~t -yonr NAMEL 1 ADESS. Nw NeNew! Onr 1960 ura i-kWheeler ledlecraWtýBo6kl rc&dy , NOW! Cramrmee& witb t> ciîn, >uusual, popular' -' nsteochtkait, sei, tcm- eiequflt, weave,-- 1ash14es, me !u~îiihi~ik, ~tys, if ts, aar ts. In ficboDl FBEE 8 qul't gterns-Hurr sn ?Ctsfr your e-py- cut in thIe shape YI a pig. TOPS leadiers, aIm!iting tihat their etod o proUddng membilers to ose wight îis unscientifie, mrake it clear t1iat a reputable physician's advýice is needed fior prescribing the ideal diet. e djon't wanit ourmebr givini'g diets t.o each othler," says MIrs Carolytn Caz, an area spri s;or. TOPS will expel any chap- tror member who ecme "identified in any maniner with any commi-erc.q.ial w-eight-reduc- ,;on imethod," A few years ae by thireateningo a iawsit, TOPS forced. a M iwaukee bakery shop to stop marketing a_ breadc label- ed TOPS. The cIub's suLIcceSS in sheddiag pounds vwheve crash diets and " àmiracle". reducing pi-is have failed afrn a gro(wing ,-convic- tion inmdia circles that the real causes of overw.ýeight are r-ootcd in a comt-plex web of emo- tional ins;tability. Ruth E. Mann, a 'TOPS mcmi- ber wheo plummeii-ited from, 382 pounda te 228 in twelve moniths, said about hier w:eight problemn: "It wasn't serious until al my brethers and sisters wvere gon 1 guess a!ter they mwere gene. crowned mny lonelmness in eat- At the forefront, o! the re- searcli in thi-is Country on cer-l ,pulsive' gobbling is Dr. Albert Stuinkard, acni vrst fPenin- sylvania psychiatrist. Dr. Stun- kard hms founid thiree- distinct eating patterns: People who raid the refrigerator ail night, thien are repuilsed -Jby food in th-e m.orning; ,:"ergiastic 5binge-eat- ers" whe devour meountains of Food during times of stress, then suffer acute depression accom- panied b-y severe seif-condfei- nation; ùand people whG ;"eat wvithout satiation" and are un- able te stop once they haveý startcd, "The current widcsprcad use of reducing diets,' says Stun- kard, "hasý had unfortunate con- sequences; f or a smaýll number it has been disastrvous." Reason: Obese people who try but fail to lose wih often suffer an acute emiotional setboaCk. Dr. Stunikard foresees possiblec reappraisal of mnedicine's ap- pr oa clh"Io problims of over- weighit. "The more we investi- gate this suý,bject," he says, "the more we are aware of the îin- adequac y o[ botb our inform-i tion and theories." -fri NEWSWEEK. are seate, tic fapkin is placed. at thelet 0f7 the Plate. Q.L it neeessary to write anything, besides your name, on the card that accompainies a wedding ift? A. No. Good wishies andc co- gratuilations mayv be offered at Q.Can yen give soile sug - gestions for appetizers at a cock- tail party?! A. SimpILet, o!l course, aýre0 peanuts, olives, pretzels, cheese-i sandwichles, "dipped p o tat o chips", and the like. If you wvant te be more elaborate, hewever, you, can serve small sandwiche? ui vario-us ns - and thrg mnoçern cookbook has pages d- -voted te suggestions on this. Q. If a weddinig je to be ,so smnall that engraved Invitatioxie 41o1't se eesrbow ShQ11l« theê bride and ïbridegroom invite the Ir guests? A. Thii. bride cvan wr-ite each~, invitationpesaly or she may inviL- te ii uests by tele'phone onpersoxi. LIKE A LION YET - Who knows? Maiybe this t hree-week-o!d kitten wviI Score someone. Cert- ainly try ing hard en.ough. ~, NG RAR ~3wridot~eP. Cl.ôrke Another wcck gene by with disquîeting world new-s almost every time one reads or listens te a&jicwscast. 'To dwcil on if in this colunwovuld be te spre-d- glýoomn and that is far from mry intention. After ail there are stili pleasant things te thînk about and te make one happy. On a huge set o! scales I imagine tho- goed things i lite weuld stil] outweigh the bad. I f ccl thait we should cnjey vwhat is good - but neyer, neyer be blind te wvhat is bad. Yeu knew -- "lokI for thic best but prepare foi the worst" sert o! thing-. To bc think- ing constantly e! the dreadifl things tat arce happenin1g - or mnay yct happen - is a sure way teO wý,ork up a bad case of jitters. And isn't that exactly ht r Kh1rushcljev weuld like ns te do?, I.t sceins te me the meovies and TV ceuld boest the morale e! mest people by preducing more lighthiearte-d coendy and old tiue musical favourites instead o! Se, much horror and crime. 1 don't care how clever these !antastic pictures m-ay be it dees net deo any good te watch thein. Ion der what kind et warpcd persen- ality a persoýn must have te pro- duce snch stuf f. That u-people lîke a happy themne I in msic and drama is obviens by the pepular- ity et the Don MessershIlwV- popularity which stil! 1has0zthe art critics stumpcd. And then there is "Pollyannai" new showing iln Toronto.1I wcnit te sec lit Iast weck and 'm iteil1- ing you neo one who has a chlanlce te sce it should miss it, Peiiy- anna is an orphan, adoptcd by a ricb au-nt (Jane Wynian),. She- is a imischieveus, levable, ador- able ch'i]d wein every -situa- ition, alwaýys finds somnething te be gla-1d abouit. And don't tbiniz that isn't possible. Il s She is i aways queting her tather, ýwhe was a missionary, and frein humn Poliyanna got her pbiïlosephy ef glfadricss. She teilîs o! ene tume longing for-Neýýdoll and heping there weufld be one in the next mission bale. There wasn't a dol] but there was a pair of crutches. Her tather handcled thein wt her and said -- "There, now yen canî "Glad," said fis- smcal'ý daugh- ter, "what's there about crutehes te be glad about?"' ' Yo7u can be Ycgiad yeu don't nped themn," replied hier father. Could theýre ,- a better reason, buvt we.uid eitiier you or 1 haâve ýioliyaxnia" la onle o! thosec ~ip'~tî~s that combine Pa- thos ,vith humeur. One time you have a catch in your throat but before it has a chance te choke you the scene changes and yen find yourself ilghing. Maybe yeui won't be able te get te Torento te see the showv but at some future date it is sure te b. touring the province. Watch ifor it. You wîll !ind it a gloomo sha-ser for the whole family. Another nig-ht last week Part- ner and 1 did soniething that was mest enjoyable but net very sensible. Wc. sat up until one- thirty wthn "Random Har- vest", on the late show. A levely, hecart-warinng performance. Buit we were awKfully sicepy next day. It was werth it. Inbe-twýecnwhiles we do mfan- age te ge-t a littiewrkdonc. For Partner twe days every weck la taken np w ýlith mewing the lawn, Thrce days this wcck as our next dioor neîghibour is away on holi- day. And o! course there is pion- te todo in the gardcn. Even kpigdead fo ccipped off takes time. We hiave one bed that is quite a show - andi arn I gladi because it vindicates my mad methiod o! gardenin. -Yen see it1 isn't a well1-planned garden at ail but at least it lhas been ad- mnired. This particular bcd is a big border alongside o!, the garage and in the late spring it was just a mness, with seif-sown Seedlings e-verywhere. "For crying eut loud," Partncr -would say, "can't you talke out what you ,vant saved se Y cari di& the whole thing up?" But I %wouidn't let hlmii because there wvas new stuf! cemring- up every day. But 1 did a'llew hlm te dig about a yard square ëach day and then I would thin cut and transplant scecdlings frem enc end o! the garden te l the other. What is there iii it that's se precieus? Weil, l'il tel] you - j ust cemm.-on plants. BuP)irn- ing bush, cosmnos, nicotines, cern- flowiers and scores o! double red peppies. Can't ýyen sec it -- white nicot ines, blue crnflowers and red poppies against the ioveiy green of burning bush? Can yen imagine a b-etter colour combina- tien «- ee if everythuxng is growing Eize sô niany weeds. Even Partner bas toe adnntit t isivey Ini front our mest attractive plants are,. giant petur&ias Huge,.. blooms, Casily sixý inclies across. People say "Where did yeu get the gergeous pctiunias" Weli, I hnntcdfe hm.Jv'idpés in the sprinxtg, where bedd4ing plants wereý sold and i.nquired for. giant petunias. Eventualiy 1 got themn. They are pot as free- blooing Iasodnaypetuniaks but they certainly are s'hojw7. You can genierally get what you watif you keep tryJng -- anid that apiles ïo more than- flowers! SM'UGGLER'S DEATIU PENALTY Josepth Abssatour, of, Genleva, Swîtzerland, was in a coýma when the airline-r ini which h.e %vas passenger, lanided ait AtChens, Rushed in hospitai he iwas -found te be dead or. arrivai. At the inquesit a3hospital physic-ian stated that tLhe ýdead main vwore a corset stuffed with 1,500 smnal Nwatýchmehns, So tigzht was the corset tbat the wearer had died - f sfoain Succes sheatu -flaàtter3ala', figures, adapts te ail fabrice,; gees al places! One-s'houlder tab detail, side buttons andcn trast binding accent Ut stri1kng. Cool., conifortable. Printed. Pattern 43]1: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size id talces 27%a yards 35-i- nfabrlc. Printed directions on each pat-. ternl part. Easier, accuraf. >3end FIFTY CENT. ,starips cannot be accepted, use postai note for saiety) for this pat- tcrn.,,Piease print, plainiy SIZE, ~NAME, A-DDP.JS-S, STYLE NUMBER. Sent erder te Anne Adanis, ToroatO, Ont. -Abac skineru and a wiL1l t have Jieen rpre ri oc rnoy. "CA cormmon egret was secu àr Hinghamn and another in Salis- bury. ~'Mocingbids ar nestn4 i East Bridgcwatr. "Shnre birds are rcturning and short - 11114 dmdothcrs.1 e a csit sanidpîpcrs, and blacký-bellicdï plovers have been obscrvcd.- If you hiad caliedKni r G-4050 thlat's what yeu i iht have heard. It's the Boston nium- ber of the Voice of Auduboi Dily and semetimes twwce ciaily a newv report cs given te3 ithe bird -watchiers o! Massachju- setts on thie activity of the bird citizens and vîisitors o! the Ray State. The LMaSSatChUSetts Audubon Society is the only Auduibon se- càety in tie Unitedt Staýtes 'ffr ing this3 service to its mrembersi- and othrs. The service has beea in existence sine 1954 and has such popularity amiong bird watchers Kat calis aSr eee freinadl over the country. Ma1,ny peeple plani their cvaýca- tions according te the, eot of the Veice o! Al4dubon. A mian inFlorida wýs planning a tiil te Ncw, England and wanted t know cxac'tly whecte go te çob- serve his fav'iurite- bird. H-e re- ceived his a-nswýer simcply by aligKE. 6-4050 in Boston. Ma SS. The Voice's source u!f informa- tien is a voluntary response ma the part of bird enthusiasts. Birders, areconstantiy cahhingý in te the society with reports oni the location o! unusual birds and ther activites. In the' bMiest months such as Ma-y the secicty has receivcd close te 1,000 ce- ports, 1writes -Robert Y. Ellis. îa the Christian Science Monlitor. When the service was f irst started se mrany calis werce re- ceived that the ,recording ma,- chine kept wearing e ut. A). average e! a cal a minute wal, received. Now the average i% dorser teo rne cail every fouir or fivc miinutes. i The recordings for the Voîc& of Audubon are made in a littli office itS& back of the Massa- chusetts Audulbon Society's store- ut 174A Newbury Street, B'ýoston. Net onl1y can yrou get reports o the :ictivity o! hîrds here b)ut yen can also receive tihi'! or- matieni and equipment yen eecd ite fîrtd eut for yourself what'r, geing on in birdland. Yen da'n purchase te1escopes, bineculars, books, records et varions birds singing, bird teecd- e rs, b-irdl food, bird houises. Yeu~ naine if anid if Wts for thebid yen can get it. Turned Synipathy Into Jail Term Aiberte Fidele, had the cempl-ee sympathy of' everybody w'ho knew hlm in bis native Rie For cancer, hie saîd, had con- emnled lm nite a slow ald vter- rible dcath. But, it became obvioUs te lus friends, he was net a man te feelj serry for himisel! in Ius lAst day s. He set himself np as a director o! a charity organizatien. He wilcd bis eyes te a selcoolfer biind chiidrcn. Everybody, li sccmcd, wantcd te assist im in uis noble efforts. Radio, stage and scrcen stars ap- pearcd for nothing at the many charity shows he staged. Gi! tg peurcd in te hum !rom alil over the country. Cars, TV sets, re- frigeraters and radios - lie 1had theni al. Then te a relieved nation Ai- berte draniaticaliy revealed that, thanks te some pilîs he had re- ceived froni Heng Kong, the can- cer was being cured. The police were far frornre- releived. Ia tact, they mwere downiright suspicionsq and inivited A]berto for a lit tie chat. The te- suit? - for his -tickeývy Ai'bertoe is nowx in jail. BED-TIME STORY Johln MusýDke had enjoyed~j ýv.ening 'out. Ia tact, such wa-g th~e extent et bis celebration that he jecided te have a nap in th, 2 street.. befere arriving, home. Tuckirg hiýscl!'! away in a cor- -ner oef a~ streýet at Kainipala, Uganida, Museke siept. Came the dawn. The mai awokze feeling mucbi refresh cd, but te his' chagrin discovered that dp'riiig -hiis 'sleep spin eç nGe had g~e ad stolen every inchio'i coh -1 r: