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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Aug 1960, p. 7

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ROLLING PHONE - John. J. Allen gýe.ts a kick out of n-ckînig in- uug.urca cafI in WNashington on phene instalîed cri a bus. ?'railways hostess Jeon Monroney Iooks ocn. He called ondon, enigland. Eddysýtone Light An Expert's Job Winstaiey's dr(awing of the completed (1699) lighthouse is more tiani a guide to the build- irg. Il is a reveaing guida 10 ihe man -who builtitil.Ha com- pebed the picture wiih these descriptive notes on the varlous parts of the building. At the bottomn of thae igt Ihouse on the right: "An angine crane that parts et, joints 1o ha taken off whan not -in uise, the rasi keing fastaned to the bouse 10 uve it in timoe cf storms, and i is 10 ba made uIse o! 10 heip 1landing on the rock, wich without is vcry diif- Above titis crana: "A gaiiery io take in goods end provisions from the boat to the store roomn." Winstanley sketcbed him-sel1- lishing from bis galiery. Tii w.indow 10 the lefi of its roof is: "The Window of c. very fine bedebamnber with a chiiney and losai, the roorn being richly gfl10d and painted an-d tbaeout- ide shutters very strongiy bar- red.", Thae apartment immediataiy aboya the badcbember end ex- tending as bigh as thia gallery "The State Rooni> beîng 10 szquare 1.1 foot widle, andi 12 foot hiigh, very Well carved and peinted, wiuh e chiirney and 2 tiosaIs, and 2 sesh -Windows witb aitrong shutters 10 bar and boit." tcc.Winstanlley had flot for- gotten bis rough bandiing by the French privateer Iwo years pre- viously, The lighthousa must b. equipped 10 resisi invasion. Pro- jecting downwards from the rail o! the gaiiery on the right-hand aida1 of the sketch is a Chute. Wînilstanley describad Hit as: "A moving angine trough bw ceidownm stones to defend tiE landýing place in case O! naad." .-from ,"The FdysoeLigblt," by Fred Majdqaany. Humian Lives Are Very Cheop value oni buman life - that was proved during the lest wair by the Japanese "kamikaze"pit. Bu0t the Ee:sb's complet, diîie- gard for what we regard az nor- mral eniotionr, was brought home wben aà retired RN officer wasý telling recently cffitht tùjie h served in a Persian Gui! petrol bef orrs the wer. Rucommancling officerhd been asked by Iii. local Britirih Consul to týake & Sheikh - a mili- tant cheracter -- for e local cruiseý, The. purpose of the trip bein g bo demonsîrete tb th% terrl!fic fin Power offlte ahip's .AfIr a couple of days ai sea, s;om-e distanftRtrgets were Jes- troyad by high-explosive shahsg. The Sheikh gazed opan-mqouthied et the ight. Then ha turnad rb theaoca- tain and, poinbing t10ia dhowv afloat nearby, said: "SeE!if yoju cen destroy thet boat." The captain warnad hlm that if* ib. guns were trained and fire(d on the craft, sha and ber craw would ba biown skryhigh, The Sheikh arniled-rasuig )Y. "That is al igit," lie id Rl la mny diow ancd munned b Do You Remember The " oke"Trial? Thie car with the Loisiania plates camre SlO-wiy into the tiny Ea-st Tennessee town last month and slowly circled the court boicuse; than the car stopped, and thýe driver got out and told re- porters hi1 n-î- e:John T. Scopes. The tw a Dayvton; an d Scopes (nIow 5u, ïiiaid]anoil- copn eologisi living il, Louisiana) was the an hopu t it on the map. Thirty-five years ago to the month, Daytdon was th.e new'g centre of thea nation There ,Were gathered the top re- porters of thle land (H.L. Men- ckenad Adolph S. Ochrs, to fiaPina only to and the very ecaam Of the - cutyslegal talent - including the men whose debate was to echiocdown thLie corridors of history: Ciar- ance Darrow and Williý,am e nings Bryan. This was the Scopes tr-ial, andi it was a suprema t rial of ironies. It was mrada up of totally unre- lated items and Scopes put hlm- self int the middle of it ail simrp- !y becausa he wa,-nted to hIep n fricnd. Thseweethu ivcr üjce- At that miomenit in bis lon-g and erratic career, in 1925, Bryan wanted to foree the entîre Southi into a "Fundlame-inti.,ist" move- menit; ha was feuIdjing- through the nawspapers - witLh the an- tire concept of modern science, pariculariy the concept that mran is cdescended from the Pape. Simnultaneousiy, Dairow was raaching the heighit of his f ame as anr exponent Of using modern gcience to deal wîth crimre. Andi in Dayton itsaif, a. mac namred George Rappleyea bad Ibecome outraged ai Pa funeral oration delivered by a Funda- mantalist preachier. (An 8-,year- old boy had been kiiled by a mine car; the preacher told the mourners: "This here boy, 'cauise his pappy and his maommy didn't get him baptized, ks now a-writb,- hi' in the flames of bell,") Rappelyea wias 2o bitter that ha decided b a ttaýck al Funda- mnentalism. Scopes, c friand of bis, was, 24 at the time and a gomrbined science teacitez-and athil coach et the Dayton High School. Tennessee had a Funda- mentaist state law that pro.- ibited Che teeching of "any theory that denies the story of the.,divine creation of man as, taught in the Bible"; thc idea that man descended lfrom e alower eïder of aniJmais was ltab3oo. Rappe1lrea asked Scopes if h. wvould mind being arrested for breaking the law, providad they i ould dig up a couple of high- Achool kid3 Wbo wouid give evi- dence ageinst hlm. The resI bacame history. The tiny town o! Dayton became - for its moment -- the most w7ide- iy publicized towvn in the world (such divirgeni commientatorP as Wili Rogers and George Ber- nard ShaW hjad thair say about thfe trial); the cross -axaminati on cfBryan by Darrow bacamne a iclassie in the axercise o! logic. Finally, O! course, Scopes was found guiity, and fînecI $100, and lefI town. Last month, whef Scopes cm backz to Dayton tb taka part in premniera ceremonias for the movie "Inharit the Wind" - a dr.amatization o!, the trial - Dayton itself -got back mb 1 he- xpirît o! the old days. It wat faestooned Wt banners; the mnen ýwore th,- striped shirts and cal- luloid coilars C! the '20s; uoft drinks were a -nickel apiece, and cigars two for 5 cents. Now, Dayton hald a. parade ini h-onor ef Scopes, gvehim ihe keyvs 10 the city. Anrd, of course, the lauw pro- hibitingthie ieacbling of evolu- "We doRt li o bosy "it, f kn-owaeh' 'qaçiA!iiuitW> I& LASSIFUED ADVERTISINO EARN EXTRA MONEY Agnt, lubs, etc. Sel! Canada's finest Xmas2 Cards, Novelties, etc. Over 250 iesincludinig Deluxe, Religious, Vel- vet, Chrome, Every7day and Personal oua and Jewery Many Gft items. Prompt Service. For colored catalogue and samples on approval, phione W. V. JEA,\NDjRON GETIGCARO Co, 1253 RI1NG ST. E., ilamilton, Ont. El 4-1311. B----eE YO0UR OWN BOSS NEW 1non 'competjtivýe produci. saves fuel oilbis up to 40%.--Dealers and çIjtibuters ,wnted for mioct areas. lnetetof $250. up gives you a 011t SveOnFLel Co., Dunsfortl, Ont. BABY CI4ICKS 10A.2 VWEEK OIdI pullets, and started chicks. ait new tocw price5. Prompt sbtp- ment. Dayoldi chicks to order. Book, Octoer-oveberbroilers now. Re- Brey Mtchery, 120 John North, Hem- ilton, ont. £A RN E Q UIPMENT rOR SALE B6ADGER Nortiland barn cleaners, 1ilo ulaes ue and tube feed- ers, rOLLnd-thle-iO feeders, feed carte anld barn qipet fuiiy equipped for complete installations. Complete stock available it ,warehouses. liarold Row and Sons, R R. No. 1. B-elmonatc Ont. Phonec Harrietsville 76. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE YESTA URANT, servtng fui l c ourws e mna andlunches. -Establisieçi over thi)rteen years, steady clientel, close tre thrcee bghwvays, fully equippcd, air- conltloncd, six-rooinap.a menit sbo,;e large l!ot, 66' Y 180' deep, WiilseIl for cahor half down. lntereated Partie-, ,rite Box, 129, Comber P.O. B5USINESS OPPORTUNITÏERS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN P-ROFITABýLE spare or f nil urne earn- inga. Study this ïlerestlng and use- fui Profession. For free, brochure and eharis, contact: Canadian College ci Masag, 8Fnrnbam Ave., Toronto 7, SE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A Celn-Mtered Unattendejl Weztlnighcuse Launroneat Equippecl Laundry Store. Net *4,0004-8,000 Annually Write or phone todiay for fulliInforma- tion about un;attended coin operateaT Westingbouae Laundromat eq ua i p p e È iauindry store opportunities in your communlity. Yon manage in your spare time - whiie netting btigh inicomne. Wa fjinance 90% of yonr total purchiase, offer yon longest flnancing perioçiet iowest monthly instalments. You re- ceive training and âdvice f rom a na- tional organization thiat bias helped over 8500 men and wvomen like vou go into business for themscîves. No ex- perlence necessary. Mod0(eat invéet ment. This proven new profitaible automaic business offera a money- miklng opportunity to anyone wha Wnîtmte uwn l bs own busines. 00.o papý;e our complete prograni. ALD CANADA LTD. 34 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 tIUSINESS PROPERTiES FOR SALk PAL-MERSTON SENIOR'S HOMUE ijezellent pteial for right couple. Comifortabie living quarters for owner p lus tan beda for guests. Rates $100O $150 per month. Stuated In residential area on large corner treed lot, ntod- ernized brick clwellng. A good In. corne for amail Investrimnt. Palmerston Box,193 or phone 491. FARMS FOR SALE 200 ACRES; 60 cattle, 30 rnilk cowst,, Mlle te town. Price $30,000 - $15,000 dïown W. C. MacDonald, Broker, phoyie 280, Wnchester, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLAtâ'Oue CANAJDA'S lowest amnmunition prices§ - Save wholesaiers and retailers pro- fitstf - Send for free damonstratioïn >hotaheils. XL Explosives Liited, Hswkýlesbury, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CIIAR'M Bracelets, 6 animal charma g old plated or silver. Reg. $1.98. Senad ý1.25. 1isting 0of farm animails sud Maward pins, teen aea ewellery, ladRis, inen's snd chlldren's jewellery. Spacîoali Lassle cuf and tie set for boys $1.00. Dexter Mvan ufactnring Co., Box 324, St. Jeobns Que. tGesoline Pntd oïl handitng equipment - T&nks, naw and usad - Tank trucks - Tuktanks - Viking pumpsa sud villelning - Pipe used - Tank tratl. erm - tlsed Washmobllcepcr washeru ïpeclai: $M0.00 R, ST. GERMAIN 4566 St. Lawrenc6, Montreai, gué.. HOW Con 1? By Robert& Lee Q.low can 1 repair Žhippedl porctlain on iny stove? A. There are a number if porcelain glazes on the market foýr Ibis purpose. The area to ba. fixed must ha free off grease and dfirt, and completaiy dry. Ap- ply a Ibm ceai off the giaze, wet 30 niinutas, tbern apply unote- tIm coat. Keap applying thèse tim coats untîl the damapged are is buili up so that il is levai Weith the surrorinding surfae. The trick la flot 10 Iry 10 fibte echippad area with one single, tbick coat. Hava dena.tured elco. bol1 on biand for use in wiping off any Surplus gieze. Q.,What eau I do about rust slalus en tbe fixtures ln my kitelcn sink? A. Seour iban iiapasbot maide o! aquai parts of bydro- genl eroxide ecnd cream o! bar- tar.U tLiý Ibis remei inOn boUt FOSTER PARENTS ANDP EMIPLOYMENT WANTEU WANTED. Untderstaing foster par- entsý capable ef suparvlslnrg girls cf sçchool age. Thesgirl s have person- ality problema and wil1i ha under board- lng cars. Domestic srnployment is alsQ requlred for- girls l16toe1M in a1gooid family setting; reasýonablc %w,,ges. Ap- ply Superintendenlt, P.(. Box 307, Gaît-, ont, HELP WANTIEW MALE WANTED. Beef catie iherdsman wlitix genleral farming experience for sniafi Angus berd bordering western Ontarjo City' Family manl around 40 witbson, Intsrestad in 4-11 Club preferraed. Free klouse, permnanent positin. Apply stat,- inig experiece, wages epce.Boy 215, 123-ltb Street, New Torotoù, Ont. MEDICAL - CNSTPATDBe curaci now for lite! lN Drugs! No MVedicine! Satisfaction *Guaranteedfl Oniy $2,00. GABRIE, 75 Cbapi)-ain, Chicago 1, I llin)ols. OONq'T DELAY. EVERY SUFFERER 0Fý RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SI4OULD TRY MION'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG ST9RE, 33S ELGIN OTW $1.2 xpress Colisai POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH1 the tormant ef dry eczema raabas and wteaplng 5kmi troules. post's Eczemla salve wili nlot disappointf you. Itcblng, scalding and burnlng exze- me,D'cnie, ringworm, pimples a'nd foot eczra will raapond readlly to, the stainlasa odorless ointmnent, reýgardless oýf how stubborn or bopeles thev sesmn. Sent Post Free on Receipt <,f Prîce PRICE $3.b0 PER JAR 1865 St. Clair Avenue Esatf, TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS DOMINICAN Tourista ie Land'a haest places. Recel-vs fbu1lous, b)eauttifuil packcage! Send $1l50 M4.0. Ale]androý Mois, Box 336, Ciudfad Trujillo, Repubo- lca Dominicana. NURSES WANTED NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPIAL INVITES applicaËlons frein 5grada.ýt nurses for genenal duty services, Perm- suient sund suiminer relief. Excellent personnel policies and friiglabcnettts. APPLICATIONS iwitb full detaýils to SUPER INTENDENT 0F NURSES NORA FRANCES 1ENDERSON [HOSPITAL HfAMILTON, NAlJ __NUTRIA WILI, NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? Ail the signa point to a brigbt and brul- liant market for ibis luxur7y fur. lBut succeas will corne onily tbrougb proper breedlng methods, quality foulndation s4tock, plus a Progl>ram b'Lased on sound business niethods. Wa citer ail oetii to you as a rancher, ulsîng 0our exclu. slJVe breeders plIan. Specal offer to those wbo qulailfy, "earn yvour nutria under our co-operatîve raucher' plan". Wnlte: C, wll N tria Ltd., li.R. 1, OPPORTUÏ41TIE4 SOCHOOL principals or etabihedte, chers for each Province to act as oI:l area representativa in part capaclty for the brand niew Encyclopedlia Canedian, s0 aenaatlOnallY wltten UP lu editorials in Timne, MacLeaus ,and leadlng news. papers, acroas Canada. Tliia la the firai lnd 01n1Y Canadiani Encyclopedia, and ak muai lui every acheol. Leada for achool Purchaises SUPPlled from thact. sanda now on band. Write, D. Simpson, Director of School and Library Ser- Vices, 66 Biay Crescent, Scarborough, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN SE A HAIRDRESSER JIfCANAOAIS LEADING SCHOOL Great Qpp3oiunity Learu Hairdresaing Pleaseant dignlfled profession, gooi. wse.Thousauida of succassful Marvel Graduates * Amerlca's Greateai Syste-,m fllnsttlrated Catalogute-Prcea Write or Cali MARVEL HAIRDRESSIXC, SCHOOL, 358 loor St. W., Teronte 13ranches: 44 King St. W., Halton 72 Rideau Street, Ottaw;,a LADIES - Dumas Female Pilla, $500, Lyon's Druga, 471 D)auwvortb, Toronto, "SOIN the Slxtb Sense Club for, suc. ccasa.Questions cuswered, iioufidential. Enclose stcmped tenvaepe. p,..Box 151, Manotlck, ontarlio.'5 DRIJG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL 'PEIlSONAL needa. InQiIries lnvltad, Ltyon',g Drugs, 471 Danfertb, Toronto. ADULTS! Personial Rubber Geodo. et a.,saortment for $2,00. Finest quaity teatatd, guaranteed. mailed lin plai mealed Package phus free Blrtb Contre] booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Dltrlbutors, BOX 247F * Regina, Sask. 15 mninut es, iban rinse oce. Q. HOW ean I remtova waterV froin au car? A. Tip tbe bead down toWardcc the gýround cor f bon on the a!- fected-ear sidie, and jump îîp end down on tha foot o! 'ýtha sanie sidae. Q. IHow cnIpeeta screw -type gtlue-jar ca9p froin A. Put two seraýps o!f ae pprover the mouth o! the jar before you scea-w on tlie caqp. Tien, while one piceao! paper wiil stick bo the jar,an tie otier will stick bo lb. cap, lte wvxed papars will stili slidle &zgaiinsb ecchothar for easy me- moval cf tha cap. Q. Row Cen I remcdy xA 10050 tilt la bthc hearib- ofin? lire- place? A. Lift oui lie b o. iitie, pouîe in somn& hot paraffin, Ibeft quioklyireplae eietile. lb wîU rozmain apb.ineiiey a * B O GET 8 KOURS I1.EEP NEPVOUTS tension may cause 76%7, f wcknesa. Particutlarly aepese~ JîtterYn1ess and initabùillty. Sieep, e> ,our nerves with "'Nappa', J10 for, $ 191, 6for $4.00. Lyon'a rga 7 Danforili., PET STOCK ý lAMESE Kittenis. edgred lomeq Trained. 1Heaithy asud afcint.Cho- cltBina ,!aniSeai Point. Frona ibow winners. R. R. Ready7, aR. 1, Byýron, Ontaýrîo 342J3, PHOTOGRAPHY ---ULTRA FINE G-RAIN plIOFESSIO.NAL fine grain, devcloping for your mainiatuire film ) 0,, per ex- posure with osdeueenrg],,eman 0f achi. Quality dvlpo n print- Inlg-- 30,, for 8 exposurme roli, 704 fo 12 exposuira noll, with every print beau- tfiyeiaýrgedi. For the ulitimnata ln quitmil. your filmis t10: Apex, plhoto r tara, Box 25, Station E, MOronto. SAVE (lne n vour film. Frae Ca1taiegue. Rosasaisn 7 aehr Rd., Toronto 4. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Fils dveloped andu 8 agna prnis 404ý 192?ma:gnia prinmih0 Rapninta 5,eascii KO1DACOLOR Developing roll 90,)i <not inclu1ding prnsColor prints 304 ech extra. Ansco and Ektach1romo 35 5 m.m. 20 ax- prints f rom sliLdea ~ea"C.h. Monay re - fundted in full for' nniprlntd ngatves PIGEONIS *3am please. ThomasWodck 77 West St., elvle Ot ..8 PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS THER ýmonth rpaniberahiyp wlth regu. 1cr nmontbiy banelits includifvng mdela, exýtra income snd royaity pr!il1gesý Enjoy thiese fLun fllled oprtlia Mail $1 00 to: MdlBox 13-63, Teamp4 11, Flonida, REMAILING SERVIC:E COINFIDENTIAL Remalling - Philedel,. phia, Pennsylvania! Three lattera for $1.M 1 Iaffix US. Air atamp. Pilai- daîphie Sunday casfea*.0post- ~ i.White's, Box 47-AA,Lada, STAMPS 25 DO'MINICAN*A Stamnps! Ail newe. Without press, beautiful. Cle-aus and Unusual. Sometblnig odda, for only $1.5(l money order, Alejandro Mois, Box 336, Clndfad Trujillo, RpbJcDomîlnienz- TEACI4ER& WANTED BLACK River Township- School Arasi No 1 requirea a teachen for a rural achlool of 35 puplls,,'Grades 1 to V inclu isive. Saiary $3,000 to, $3,800, de- peadng on qu"alltlons rand experi- nce. T ha - choo ig1 mlswete Mvatheson on fllghway 101. Apply tu Mra. Nelly Giffithe secrstaryý, ,Shil- lingion, ontarlo, estin-,,age, qaiia lions, expenlence ced came 0of' lest Ilu. UBLîc Sehool section No. 1, Stavanse, hundar Bey Disýtrict, raquires lu Sept., 1960 a qualifled teacher f or grades 1lt4 8, 1ieacher'a Federation ýa)ary acbed- adeie u ffect. Furnisbed teacherage WIU accommlodata miarnled coupla, evallabla a ,I5 liepr month., APPLY flu wriing, statlug aggq, aca- deamie qualifications and name sud ad- drasa of lest inspector, te C, Rlecb,' $ec.-Treas., P,.S. . 1 Stevens, On- tarie. PROTESTANT teachier required for Public Scbool S,fS. No. . 3, Uanvers, County etf1Durham, duiles to cora- inaencc Septernber. 1960. Erolîmeint 20, APPLY stetîns qualificationsand sel.. ary, te James Gray, R.R. No, 2, Janat- ville, Ont. 9LUMMER RESORTS -FREMAURAY LODGE, tcieseleiii, cottages5, Wilson Lake, ofs etPick- orael River, Good plckerel, pikaý, basa. Boats, motera. Filhermen's holiday ai famlly camp. Write for. foiders;, Port loriuig Phione Golden Vs,,lrey 9R25 (or Toronto RU 7-6441. THUNDER BEACH, ONTARIO ANCHOR VILLA 2 HO0UES drive from Toroyno on bea-i tiful Geergian Bey, (uer paetang), corrfortable bedp and badrooma, exfcel- lenit food, privais beach>, awb1nnig, , murf board, boatra sud -uthoards for. bina. Frleudsbip und comnforrt are ou- bjusiness. Write Jas. Redriond or phloie tafonalie (Out.). 21R23. U.S.A. RESORTS RUST LODGE, cottages surd motel, Route IA on 2 mile sançl Be coc2an iront. 50 large modern uidigs Itab 1 bedrooma, eqtipped w,,itb kitch3en- ettes, bedding> IUnens funihe ast- '.~I, IlRui, propnietor, phone Yonlc, MaJ. G1l 0 write York ech ale Q. How Canli rm apan spots f rom sltoas? A. 'The quickent wavïy to dïo Ohis is to use a kitch(n mth Dîp il mb o ld wt ',andap piy to the paint. Q. Hlow càan 1 diiscouriiag-e mdîhfls a]m siiVcrfiSbsu hi y rigs'? A. These poîýts hav\e ,a hearty dislike for prînte;r's ink, aî yucan capitalize onthsb spreadîngl layers of new.sxpar undler your ruii,. Ptit the pupers-, betweýec the rug and thepad if you have one - if flot,us a beavy layer o! newSpapýerS and il Wiii serve as a ctýshionj, itoo Q. lHow eauI 1preveni screw'm froin wc.rking loose lu pbastered;, *A. Make va tliny openiri n l t plastar Whera you %wisb todrv your screw, then fMI this with ione, plas,,tic wood. Drive your acrew in while the wood is stîiU -r N '1 N N N i --r s, N N 'i N ~1 s, NI N ~-1 NI N '1 N NI i N4 Z: -i NI NI 's NI N4 s.' NI vi "NI *1 ~1 N -s, 's NI N Ni 'i N Ni 'N ~1 s 's NI -N

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