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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1960, p. 2

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ORONO W~ L.VIPà~ï' L 'mi THE NEW c 3aooap Ht'IGHÎWAY 115 - 35 UNDuER NEWMNAGEMENT Your losis, Walter & Lesia- Dolny Your Chef, Tomr Wilcock GIANT FUNNEL IN PLACE-One ùf the finishing touches to the sup-1 rstructure aitenwCanadian Pacific liner Empress af Canada- thie placing af her giont 64-ton steel' and aluminum funne] - was corn- pleterd Oct. S. The 27,300-ton liner, J;launched last May, is scheduled ta On November 7, 188.5, a g-roup af bearded, frack-coated, beaver-hatted Canadian Pacifiie fficers and dir- ectors, surrounded by railway en- gineers and track<wrkers, Igathered iri the chlilly mist of Eagle Pass ati Craigellachie, British Coumibit, toi -wa'tcf the driving ai the spike tlxat eQxxiulete Canada'sft-'st 't-aseaoii- m~# i rllway. EMtrians FAy talat lArd tràtheuno's h.mmer - tapis go into service between Liverpool and Mo irainApril 1961. Owing ta the weighit ai the huge funnel, the shîp ha d ta be maoved from her fitting out berth at the Vickers- Armnstrong- Yard at Newcaslle-on- Tynle, Enlglandl, dowyn ta where the giant hammnrer-hieatd rane was hold- ing suspenlded the geamipg buf cOlOred funnel with its red and ,white checkered house flag. The whole operation ai lifting, mav'ing the ship, and putting thie funnrel into Position wais campleted in 60 min- Utes.- wolsîn-e Ithe îînking Of the rýails not be forgotten tha ýjt it was their f at Craigellachie lulfilled the terms vision of the future which laid thiei, af Confederation, making Canada f economic foundations ai nationhood *. Of at last truly al nation "from sea tinta and aisc, established the basis ai se-a". In Montreal, N. R. Crumnp, pre- Ithe world-wvide transportation cn-1 sident af todlay's Canadian Pacific, terprise oi CaniadianPacific today.1 cornmenting on the 75th annivers- Canadian Pacifie bas grown in theJ j orfa the event, saïd: "W hile on seven and a half decades since tis hi-rcc~esoiw pay homn- Craigellachie into an lntegrated age ta the great figures or the attasotto system of~5OO -the imenit ho built Can~ada% mr ast rouis milegs srving Canada ald the ranconin~taIreilW;y-- t stould o1i1 b'y le1xd, sea end1 air. lm* u y .O EIE 3 ~ si. r ri, Consideration A Must, Wfien J hand, seet firm, welshaped<ý inerease eye appeal, suggests the j g Ontario Department ai Agriculttureý. Out Ueer Hunt*ngl .2ýpi- ihbuie rpntrd With the deer and mnoose season . %I ,'Yý t 1ý m11* '1 fast approaching in the Lindsay Apples And coking purpoSes. District, the woods will once agaînM U e be swvarming with thousands ofT a Apple wedges are attractive seri- hunters, soi-e veterans, rmany nov- 111,11 II sesJ ved wit nlut bread or crackers and ces, but ail carrying deadly high ýcheese. To prevent browning,dp POWCvi ed rile to shotguas. As re- Onie (a the liet kionaiamos-t the eut apple in lemon, oraýnge oîq ports corne in almiost dally of fatal- [popular 'amontg the 'many varieties p'lneapple juice. ities in the mnoo)se hu.nt li NCýrherxi of apples is the versatile McIntosh, ýDntario, and even iocaUly in -the which is goad eîther raw or cooked. "'hhunjt, it becomes tragically ap-1 Apples are neyer better than in thel Small amaounts of apples may bs- patrenit thiat far too mnany of our fall, wheni they corne fresh fromt oe n therfiertr T1 i IluL ers re n t ex rcis ng roper orchards, a though %we are i ndeed I ~ fd m n e p e p r i rar wh n h ndlng hei iiear s. torun'te xi avi g t ern avalabe larly enjo y a cod, vuc p b H-uniting in Ontario is a privilege. prcia y the year 'round. Larger quantitiems o.? apple. ina_ýý. Whlile( enjoying- this priviÎege, it, is safely be stored in a cool, daimp, the responsibility of the hunt er to1 For dessert uise and eating out of well ventilated place, thoughi it js 0 bev ý wise to sort them accasionally and oah iii, TAL IIS the tenl commandments aof! ________________ _ rem,-ove f n'ýý immediate use an-, J. Treat very gunM as if it wevre! Beaver airraft from ur Toronto a e b cnig oi-,le loacd.base hias been servcing this fire, bringing in supplies and men tLo A c*r isp, f irm apple hielps to ke 9. Gunls caric ito aporSce Lake. Frami here thie equip- teeth and gums in' good odtn ýh(ii,ýo o wienotieývie otin use, ment is carried by tHe men thriough and mall-lkesn excellenit saktm hoeorwe oth((erienttaken the bush for aver one lhaîf mile tchoîce Since one medium-sizedap mustalwys e uloaedand thef ie. s yt te cusepie furnishecs approx'imately sevenrý dlown ior jhave actions thben eermin ed.hecashlas ilott ffive calorýies,wihtachrae 3AI Alw-ays be sure bar'rel and ac- Iwîeta choose anl apple for dessert, thatyou aveonîyammnitin0a Despite the close of Ithe fire,(ea th e ro p r s ze. R e m v e il n d o u r sta ff wv iJ1 b e o n t h e a e rt to r, A p p les a t m e l i e o w eill w ith ore ~firfles until the fire dlange nlng many. main dijshes and in salas,,_ grese romchaberbefre irig.erexts The co-operation af every- muffins, griddlecalkes, cakes and 4. Ahways carry your gun sa thatlone travelling through aour forests cookies as well as desserts, mlot thýe yout can conltrai thjedreto f he is urgently requested. least of vwich is apple pie. mnuzzle, ev-en if you stumble; keep the safety on until you are ready ________________________________ ta sh]oot. 1.(-e sure of your target before yoLi pull the trýigg-er; know 'the' identifyîng feaitures of the game you intend to hunt. 6. Neyer point a glun at anything yau do flot want ta shoot; avoid al horseplay Mile handling a gun. 7. Gunis and amimunitiorn should, be stored separately beyond reachi ,of children and careiess aduits. 1 8. Neyer climb a tree or fence or j J 5 P I T N jumpu a dîtch with a loaded g-an; JOiR I T N neyer pull a -un taward you by the 9 . Neyer shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or, the surface of water i en at target lpractice, be sure -yourF back-stop is dqae 10. Avoid alcohalic drinks before or during shootîi'g. Remember when using Firearmas in the bush, "No man i8 an isiand miahimself.", Fire Danger 8h11 àExists i AIlioughI the fire season off icially Iended on October st It does not mTean that the fire danger in our Today there are two fires burning Ii)- thle Lindsay district. One is lo- cated in -Minden Tow,ýnshiý1p close to Horsesh)oe Lake. It is under 1 acre In size an-d being patrolled. The .othier is in Anstruthler Tawýnshipi pjust northl of Sucker lake. The lasti report rcivdstated that thlis fire was-being lheld to 8 acrinse but is flot yet under cnrLThe "Who is the Devil, Bld God ere did Sin begin? ese Questions wiIl be swveredi at a Lecture by W.IIYNES in the Basement f the Town Hall on i., Nov. 6 at 8,15 P.M, A.» Are tvited 0f Aill Kinds INVELOPES OF ALL TYPES Letterheads Statements - Invoices TAGS - BUSINESS CARDS MENUS - PLACE IMATS ADVERTISING CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS AND POSTERS BOOKS - PRICE LISTS FORIS 0F ALL KINDS WEDDING STATIONERY CAKE BOXES THIANK-YOU NOTES SERVIETTES Agency for: COIINTER CHECK BOOKS PLACE NMATS CONTINUJOUS FORAIS Llroeîo Weckly Times ORONO PHIONE 109 -I jji ORONO WF-jEKLY TIMES -1 mmmmmm"m

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