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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1960, p. 5

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t ~. -ïide Story 0f Great Swindler Miany peopfle will say tliey kDiow ail about Horaflo Bottom- ],-y, the arch swindler who ruin- cd fhousends. But 1 guerantee they don't know my story, lcarn- ed li Paris when the Crownws prcparing ifs case ageinst hlmn. 1 learned things 'chat did not cem)Ie out at Bottomiey's trial, nmd fhey conivinced me thaut if epver tiiere was a case thet proved moncy wasn'. cveryfhing, that case was flie life and mr iparticuiarly fhe deaf b of Horaftie Botfoiey. To evadle the gambliug laws of Britain, Bottomley had beeri running bis Derby sweepstake in g Swiss cify, and on bis return to London lic broke bis journiey li Paris and eutercd the Grand HTotel, where I was drinking a nightcap with flie editor and au- thor, Frank Harris. Bottomliey came in wearinga top liat and on aid-f ashioued -frock coat. He stoppcd by our table, and Harris said: "Wliere have you corne from, Bot tom- ley ?" Horaflo ens-wered: 've jusf got in from Lausanne, Frank, wbere 1 cleered S-20,000 with mny sweepstake." "Thaf's a lot of mioney," said H1arris, "but, just fhiuk how mucli more you miglit have if you ran these thiugs lioncstly. Aftter ail, you know. Boftomnley, honesty is the best policy!" "Yes," rnused Botfoiey, if is, 3f you can afferd it." Thet sar- dfonic quip was, 1 fhink, the key te the puzzle of Horatie Boftom- lcy's lite, Hle made up bis mind le could neyer effordl to be wbTolly honesf. Botfomley wes boru lu 1860 in Hackney, London, a district for which he sat later as a member of Parliamient. His feflier was 0. t1ailor's cutter, but tlie famnily livcd on tlie border-Uine of pev- erty and at an early age Horeflo wats admiflted f0 a Birmingham orphanage. Despife lis limited education,1 lic wvas a boru orator and hie edeveloped a wondcrful knowl-. edge efthfle law. Had lie been an honest man instead of a rogue there was really ne iit te flie heiglfs lie miglit have attaincd. During the first world war BGotternlcy editor and prop- rietor of a' wveekly paper fIat was mudli read by flic Amy af the Front in France. Boftornley used te go te France to talc ote lien in their rcst billets. And during a peried *tter the baffle of Passehendacle, whcn niat fers were flot going- wel Rd there waz a certain un-. rest in France, Mr. Lloyd George eonsidered quite seriousiy asi-. mg Horaflo Bottemnley to b,-. qonme a miember of flie Cabinet! Bottornley would certainly have accepted -for wliat hie exould have nmade &o0f it, bc- cause money was his only inter-. est, and bis knowledge of h0W to acquire if could well have mnade hlm a muiti-.mllionaire ïf ,nly he could have kept te fIe pafli of honesfy, writes Hlarry J. Grteenwell in "Tit-.Bits," Here are some defails of liera- fie Botfoiey's erooked dealînge which camne to my knewliedge wheu the Crown was preparii the case fIat evenituhlly Sent Botfornley f0 prison for seven yers. xI. is weekly paper le rein x eompcfitton. Every ,veek th*. b.ames and arldresses of il, wlUa- ners were published - people whio were apparently living Ji bumble cir.icunistances. But tIe lawyers for the Crowx' had flic curiosify te track dcw. ail the wiuners. a.nd, s-trangely çnougli, f li sfories of eacil %wln- n1er werýe alnosft xactly alike. Eaed wiuner's address tumncd t-ufte be a sniali- pub, down a -ridestreet in a provincial town. When ftle lawyer's representa-. tive iuiquired for, Mr. Blank, flie TROUBLES - Ex-gamibleir Mickey Cahen is in trou blei with theî govel'nme-nt. He wears an un- happy lo.ok as he is booked In Los Angeles after a federal grand jury charged ha owed more thon o thirci of a million dollars in bock taxe!. luck; live won a comrpetition this week!I Tlin he stood jdrinks ail round, packed up and went off." The lawyer's represeltative follewed the trail. The winner was always a "commercial trav- elr"the only thing that chang.. ed was hiis namne. lIn other words, the weekly "w,,ixnner" was an employee of Bottomlecy Vwh1 put ail the entrance môuey jute bis own pocket! Theu take thîs very cruel swul.There was a9 respect- able private bank in London called Farrow's Bank. Bottomn- ley inveigled Farrow and other directors into his nefarious fi-. nancial scliemes, andl, as a result, Farrow and other directors 0f. the bank went to prison, but not before thie bank ha.d been used in what becamiýe the great Derby swindle. In Paris Bottomley ran a sort of banik mauaged by an English- mnan who had previously been emrployed by a famnou.5 tourist agency and had left them under a cleud; if was that type of man that Eftomnley preferred toe cm- piey. The "bau-k" i~ Pariss used f0 paýy ouf pnizes in Bottomnley'-e "Victory Bonds" wherein flie theiI so-called -p r i z e sý were worthless Poiýsh bonds, Boftomrley asked his Paris mnager to find im an crook, French for preference, who eould take part in bis proposed. Derby Sweepstake swiindle. In Marseilles, flic Paris mian- ager found the type of man for wlomn he was looking. The man had a police record, but what was important f0 Boftomnley, lie had a bllnd mother and if was a;he whe wasTb- declared the win- ner of the D erby sweepstake, which was said to have won hier thousands of peunds. The crook brougît lis blind mother to London where she was t.0 receive her prize money at Farrow's- bank. The meoney was- handed to the crook and wp,- supposed te be li iltes of on-e hunidred pounds eaeli, and thesei the rogue handed over f0li mnothler. But instead of being hiundrecl-pound no-tes, fhey wcerte llve-pou.nd notes! On, his way up, Boffom<ey ai-. wayt believed in havlng the best &t everything, and if alwaya îasted better if somneonie 'Isck paid. He was seeni winling and4 dining af London's most expen- sive restaurants, hie qa-lwys et- tended the firsf nighf s of the Wýhen quite a yon an ihe mkl-arrie'd a girl of no more educa- flon fiarne had; he lcft her far behind him as is roùkef shofte- wards the skies. Horafio Bottomnley lad maniy womnen friends, iosly i th theafre, but one, Peggy Primrose, was faithful to him until the end. Atter lie came ouf of prison and tried in vain te mnake a eýomeback she provided i hlm withi food and obtained a paflietic èn-. gaeenc r him on flic stage of the Windmnill Theatre. And she was &t bis bedside when On Maym2th, 1933, he died 4n a public wàrd offic Middle-. sex Hospifal. Q. Hoiw eau I whiten soins badly discolored handkerchiefs? A. By îmm-ersing theiin cold aerte which youi've added i piDli o« cream of tairfar. Bowling Has A Lenthy History The bowling booi s on. Men, wvomne and children arc tbrong-. Îng te fthe 1,500 bowling alîcys across flic counfry. Origiually a sport for mDen ely and usually associafed wîfli smoke-fil-lcd billard halls bowl- ing lias becomie a famnily game The indusfry-for fliaf is what if, arnounts t 0-caters particularly to mofliers Intu e flic luuieusi- lanes of suiburbie there aie res- taurants, sports shops aid eve closed circuit TV s0 Mom cen bofli bowl andbayst Bowling lis espcciallyppua in CaInada. If les been estimefeit that eue in cvery elghf Canadian bew?ýls af sorn fim ecdiycam. And T. F. Rytin ef Toronto made if casier for wonen te join li flic gamne. Hie iuvcnfcd five pins. Inu'1909 customiers at bis Tor- onito bowling club -.pproaýched Tomimy and asked himi te de- velop a garne fIef would be fesfem-and oee at flicir wives1 could play.1 Hle and lis father, an exPert1 woodwomker, decided fte slave a set of 10-pins dowu te em-alier size. Tliey rcduced flic nuiDber pins te five, eddcd a ubbcr band and used a smallcr bal.ý Thuis flic rost populer game in Canada, five pins, was boin. In flue modemn gaine flicbal fraveis down flic lane at speedsý cf Up fo 40 mlsau hour. The pins have te be stmoug f0 with-. stand fIls frcatrnent, Only flic her f et top quality m1-aple is uiscd, and affer flic pins are sliaped f ley receive four coats ef fougl, durable industriel finish- es. These glea.ming- modemn pins are different fremn the crude pins used in flic middle tages-actual- ]y flic hi-story e owlnge back even furfier, te flic Egyp- fians li 5200 B.C. Medieval chutchmn jestablisl- cd a speciai ga.rne. Missiles -were liurled "againsf sin" whihtey represenf cd by p i n s called Hid"or heaflien set up et eue end of their cloisfcrs. Parî-shioners wte given a bail to rmol at the heafliens. if they ocomed a good bit they were liv- in)g a clean ilfe; if nef, fhcy had to attend services more faifliful- ly. It's been reportecd tfnt ehurcli atteudance toek u u.pswing witb) each gaine. Society CIaimis The Earth is Fiat Rernemben sfruggling àat ecloo tce master flic mechanics cf flic àolar sysf cm? Thc eartb ler rouind, we were fauglit, an1r- volves on if s own ais once lu, twcnt y-f Ire boums, flfty min- utdes, fiffy-six seconds. j Thc sun is niinefy-twe million miles away, and flic erf I trav- eis around fhe sur n oue in 3651/a days. That wasn'f flic baîf of if. Our minds bogglcd at fli c Ce- plicafed gyrafions necessary te give us flic four seasons ýanid tay gnd ulgîf. But for a mers l'ive shillings a year you cen Put ail fliat bebind you. For flef surn you nay be-. Caine a mem-ber et tlic Interna_ flouai lFiat Eartli Society. Sýecretamiy 0f flie IFES;. is bald- ing, l'fifY-six-Yenr-old Semnuel Shenton, a Dover, England, sigu- irriter. Mr, Shenfon, biesbis heart, las reduced the îmathemna-. ticsf et lcUniverse te terins we ean ail undlersfand. Thesc are hie beliets: The cartl. is as fi'at as x pan- cake. Kcep walking lxi e straiglit uine and you wiil cerne te fhe edge ofet flic wrld - a solld berrier of ice. Behind flis ber- rier, possibly, will be found al fliose people report cd isY n oery vear. Tbey have Jusf walked off thie edge etfflic pan- a o o AGENTS WE have u e fewterritonies stili open for agents to seil our Prenluni Quai- i>ty Farn Seeds. Complet. Uine of ail Farn Seeds, liberal commissions. Write -to Mrin Weber Limitet!, 330 PhiUlp Street, Waterloo. Ontario. I'bons SIler- woed 5-6103. BABY CI-ICKS LOW pre,-sesson prIses on Bray 17-29 week oit! puilets and started ehicice, prompt shlpnient, and hatchet! to order daeyolda (duel purpose and specialty 09g producers). Order February.-March broiers new. Contact local agent, or write Blray Mtchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPIPORTUNITIES DEALERS, Salesnien & Farmers te seIi chicka and turkey poulta for one of tihe oldest and well aatablisbed iHatch- crias ini Cansda, Offering the beat franchiset! layer and! ail other popu- Ian breeds of chicks and turkeys. Liii. erml commissions psid. Apply Box Num- ber 224, 123-8th Street, New Toronto, Ont. F0OR Sale, in goot! thrivung towa 1in Essex County, a good retail meat nd cold storage business. Ternis to suit. Alan lu e growirng Essex County tow n ceutrally located, butcher business. Oi4 age reason for selling. Termis, Apply John C. Workman, Realtor, Essex. )Phone ]PRospect 6-8444, or Nelson Les- lie, Agent, phone l'Rospe5ct 6-8884, Essex. TAXI BUSINESS QAKVILIE 6 CAR taxi service. Excellent turnover, Cincle Ta1xi, f Cûwan Ave.. Oakville, VI. 4-3241. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENY GROUND floor offices. Corner loesi tien; business block; suitable for dan. tel Clinic or ether professional offices. Rteasoneble lrent. Aterations to suit. Most progressive town iu Western On. tarlk. Write 500, Petrolia, Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALU DRY cleaniing plant, witb ïcolt! storagec unit, ln Napansee; 2 akpartnients and! store for extra revenue; thriving busi- nse. Bruce J Wgar, Realter. Napa.- S3UMMIER resort on Rfay Bay, known as3 Blakewri d Lodge, eccormodetes 40 Eu este (dining hall); 2-acre site wltb e6W watertrontage. 111 heaath forces sle of this popullar esont. Bruce J,. Wagsn lReator Napanee. MODERN store, offices ent!d selfcou- tainet! epsrtnient. $63,000, ail leaseit, wlll yleld net return 101,,,. Jret! Cook Real Estate Ltd., 59 Main St. Marzhani, AX. 3-7922. MOTEL, 0S implus -bedroolu living quartera, wel ocatet! on No. 2 H-igli- way near Na penea; nicely furnnshad, bro)adlooni. TV. Gnossing 80-100, ycar round business. Bruce J. Wagar. Realtor. Napanee. COMMERCIAL SITE, WINDSOR ONT. ON 401 Highwsy ini South Windsor, induides restaurant .and 2 bedroomi house. Landt, 77 ft. frontage by 3M5 deep. Lent! aleine wenihassIdng price $25,000. Ternis. Evgs. caîl VO. 132 or CL-. 28667. L. M. ROSEN, REALTORk 601 Cànad8 Trust SId., Wilnds.r. CL, 2-727e CA1'ALOGUES SAVE! Buy et Tremendous discount! Big iuustrated Chrlstmas Caâtalogue OnIIY 25e, No minimum orittni Delta Sales Co., 1020-C Verrat Street, New Orleans 14, Louisiana. COINS Msylng W0~e sci fer 1#22, 1923, 1124, 1925 Canadian amnai pennies. Mrs. Meor. gan, 767 Wilson St., Victoria, B.C. WU paY $3 for 1925 Canadien nickel; complets buyiug liaI 0 cnts. Orown Sftamp &' oin- 81Quecet. B., Tor. Contos DEALERS AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Dealers and salesmen to si chieksansd turkey poulta for one el the eldeat established ud lergest Hatcheies in Canada. Ofifern9u the beat fraudhiset! cas bree<l ai] popslar dual purpose and! brotier breeds tur- kay peuits. Liberal commission paît!. Apply Box numiber 220.18lt Strett. Neýw Toronto, Ontanio. MARE electnie exerciser using olit bi- cycle tramne and motor. Exercise whoie body. Plans, Photos, and! sketches l.O Gloulet .348 Siocuni Rosit North Dart- elotith, Mass. 000$ FOR SALUE BOXER Puppies to be prout of. Rgs tered, cropped, lnnoculated. Excellent pets and! walchitoga, £roni $50. We hli1 Coast to Coast. Glynu Coglilini, tw=o Ontario. 2OUCATIOPIAI bOOKS 'UsED Correspondence School Courses. .Ail Traites and Eduicational Book8 -1 Any subject - hnformati>n .00oda, 1ductable. 66 Wir Street Se., ILatui ton, Ont. FARMU FOR SL 100 ACRES roiung clay loain, ectienti huildings completely derete ! rick boguse, o0 mdernnconveniene, sea- rate lien lieuse, plil peu; thri Vln il- lge 3 milles, 4 miles H7wy. là, higl açhool bus H-arold Praitt Grand Val- ley, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANrous AUTOMATIC twýo bols Needie Tbreed- er! Don't go blind. Refunt! if net satis- fited. Sen,, $1.00 to: Fred Longetaif, 86 s u o HATCHING EGOS WÀNTED - -Floekowners to gupply one of the largest, registered atclh- e-lie& ini Canada with hatcbing eggi, Ail breeds requlred - egg breeds. duni purpose breeds, broiler breeds: Eremely laer pramîiunip ad. Apply Box Numrber 2e5, 123-lth 'Street., New Tùoronto, Ont. HUNTING RESORTS REER huntung, Nov. 7-21. Outlook good, zokolz ow. 16 miles north of Sherbot Laee Duck shootung now good. Write n obt. H. Wedden, Mi-Jo Camcp, R.R. 1, Clarendon, Ont. INSTRUCTION EAEN More! Bookkeeping, saleamns- salp, S'horthandi, Typewriting, etc. Lte e ns' 504. Asic for free cIrcular No. 23. an.adian Correspondence Cuse,129d .Bey Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK CHAROLAIS beef breed of the future. Choice Charolais Hereford Çross Cellveai f or sale. Buils $185.00. Helfers 3j300.0û. Write for free bookiet, ýRobin Hahin, Durham, Ont. 12 PURE-BRED Holstein Reifers open, vechnatet!, RemptvItia unit; 4 Pureé- breit cows due li, n nuar-y; grade cows due in Novemiber, ail vaceunated> aiceredited ares. 1 teani ct black Pe;- chero n Mares quiet. Humet MeConnel. CHESTERVILLE, Ontario, 1Hiticrest S. FBESH and sprunger itolsteins, gradles and ppurebreds. Area accredited, eows, vaccinatet! or blooci testet!. Vour pick of a quantity. We will deliver. Jos,ýW. Co.chrane & Sons, R.R. No. 5, Barrie, Ontario. Phone: 14Rt21 Strot, MEDICAL A TRIAL - EVERY SUFFÀRR0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NOURIVIS SHOULO TRY DIXON'S REMEOY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express C,>il#,ct POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry ésem.a rashes snd weeping skin troublas. eost'sREczema Salve wlll not disappoint yoù. Itcbung, scalding aud burnung ecze- mea, asee, ringworm, pImples eand foot eczenia, will respenit readlly te the stalnless odorless ointment, regardles of how stubborn or hopelesa tbey seam, sent poat Fres en Recelpt of Price PRICE $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. clair Avenue test Toronte NURSES AND NURSING ASSISTANTS NURSES and certifiad nursing assiat- enta required for e new borpîtal ope- ing In December I awsrtha-Halibtur ton. resort ares. Goot! personnel poli- cles. OHA pension plan. Director of NursIng ROSS MIMORIAL NOSPI1IAL LINDSAY, ONTARIO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FWOR general duty nursing kn moderM hospitel in progressive community ea4t ef Port Arthur, Ontario. Sterting sel- gRry $259.00 per month. Room snd board providet! et no cost Ik modern nurses' residence. Excellent emyployesj benaefitsi enit year-round vrerastionifagcliles avafiable. Apply statlpg full particu. lare of age, exparience, avelleblllty, etc. te Box Ne. 224, 123lth street,ý N.w Teriento, Ont. OPIPORTUNiTIES O1PORTIJNITIES unlllnited evallgble ihrougli The Franchise Bulletin Ca 4. ada's only franchise magasine. Write t.oday Box 223, 12,8-Ith Stree-t, New lTorosito, Ont. OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMAEN &E A HAIRDRESS!R .IOIN CANADN*S LEAVINO 8CHmOI Great Opportuinity Learnu Halrdreajsing Pleasant dignifiet! profession; goo04 wages. Theusenda cf auccestui Marvel Gradustes Amerlca's Greateat System lilustratet! Catalogue Frc. Wr.ite or CaRI MARVEL HAIRDRKSSINQ %ciIL 358 Bloor St. W., Toreuste Branche's: 44 Rng St. W., HeïanilltoA 72 fildesu Street,Otwa ADUYLTS: Fre. samiples, prie. liat eon personel 1Hyglenie Sundries.Spectl Assortment $1.00, mle! lolin, ealed envelope. Cotter Couupany, Boxi 1089, Station I'C", Toronto 3. 'WANTED: WiU pay cash for! your oiýjt! 1959 teleplione iireetory of yOur towx er conimnunity. Write or tmail to W. e. 8jer 46 Sabiston St., Nan;DJiùxo, 8C. iss-UE 45 - 1960 ûays. OUTYDOOR INTERESTS.ýoodi. wood, Ont. ffyI. Avoid drugstore fembvarrne111. Qrder personal needs b y rmail. Icon dential, prompt servie. Personal Pe ne macy, IBox 98, Station D, Toronto. .ADULTS! Persona] Rublier Goodsaljý assortment for $-200, Flnest qualitI', teatet!, guaranteed, Mailed invIel 'Vealet! Package plus freae Brtb C ntroi booklet a n d catalogue of buppltreo Western Distributors. Bx2-F 6 gins, Sask. fTRE E Bookletsw On Lite, Death, q',~ Rel, Bible Standard, 21M5 South !J&U Plhuadelphia 44, Pennsylvanla. UNWA-NTED HAIR V- ANISHED eway with Sc-Pl.Sac.. Pelo is dIfferent. ït doees not disso1vt or ïrmove hir froni the surface bul penletrates nnd retards growth 0Ui wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab Ltd., ,7 týraP.vihle Vancouver 2, B.C.ý PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, OALTr, ONT. Filmxs developed and 3 magna prunts 400 12 magna prints 604' Reprînts 54 each KODACOLOR De.)velopiung r oll 904 (not ln(cIluduna ýrun ts). Color prints 30( each, extrm Ansco anid Egtachrorme 35 mmi, 20 eu-~ posures nmountet! ln slides $1.20. Coloy pruts frûnm aldes 324 each. Mnei r fu'ndeýd in full for unprlnted ngtv6 SALESMEN WANTED COMMISSION Salespien Wanted. T. sel] Chemicals for Septlc TnkCest-. poolsý, Toilets, Sevýers etc., prtectLe ,territories. L. G, uir o.e vigne, Ontario. &ALESMAN WANTEO RIAL ISTATrE TO represent us ln your cown district, iarge commission paît! onevry sale. You cen eann good commyrisssioni la v'our spare time. Write for particullars to Epworth Realty LluntedA. Owerï Bount! Ontario. STAMPS RONDURAS; 33 different iJnts Pl~i 10 different values on co%_er, $.f Busson, (W), Apartedo 544.,îcgucig.. alpe, Honduras. U.S. PROPERTIES F LORI DA M1OTELS, homes, citruts, pastur*eand developmnent acreages in Desoto coun- ty. Only 40 miles to Floride's fanious wýest casat. J. HAMILTON, SALISMAtI JANE WlIOOIN, REALTOR 22 MAGNOLIA ST. ARCADIA, FLORIDA, U.S.A. U-9. VACATION RE50RTS WPLOIDA Low summier rates to De1). 1, Special- December andý January rates. 'Write for~ brochure. Lllen Mc. Milan, 538 Bayahore Dr., Colocny Aptq., i'r auderdae, ýFlorida. ATHOME IN SPARE TIMI ILc-w mosithly paymaentï unlude standard tezt books wxiisre tion, Credit for subjeet-s alraady Icompleted. Progress as rapidfly as. *y o ur ture and abililties pennïifr. I DIPLOMA AWARDED. ICH IS IS A CANADIAN kiC SCIiOOL COURSE AND WILL PR£- IAe PAU3OU FOR COLLEGE. . ........OUJR 63RI0 YUAR AMERICAN SCItOOL, 104 Adeilalde St. W., Torente, Ont. Please send FREE 111gb Seýhol I Bookiet.I NAME .......... ....... LADRE................. j 0*.not me! l'or relief ifr"0' bsckache aiGr tR tired-out feeling l'i 1 -- - GROWN-UP "OUR GANG" - Thirty-five yeors cf night club -ocf- inq could end oniy one Ivay - invasion of TV. The WiereBrs (Herbert, Sylveste-r and Narry, lefte right) bring their zaninses emte levision in a weekly comcdy caeries. WÀASSIFIED ABVERTISINO -Weil A 21ÂTxIuisV'

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