ORONO WEEKLV TIMESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, ORONO WEEKLIY TIMES (Author:zed as Second lass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa)ý Roy C. Forrester -- Editor and Ma.n-ager Subscription payable in advance [n Caniada $1.50 In U.S.A. $2.50 Established in 138by R A, Forrestex' Publishied every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Phone 109, Orono, Ontario Water LoQses Out The negative vote on Mlunicipal Water for the Village Of Orono on Monday can be termied only as a baekward step) in the history of the Village. The resuit of'the vote will not allow any impl'ovement for creating better condition for safe water for everyone in the Village. The result will also have a retiring effeet on thie growth factor of the community. The -iost important factor which th le vote on Monday should have correeted was that every one in the Village should be pro- vided with safe and adequate water for human consumption. This condition does not exist to-day as shown by thé report of the local Health Department of the United Counties. The general good. hecalth o! thez citizens of this cornmunity is of prime importance. Pure -'water in abundance and evenly distributed for you, your family, your neighibours and friends is the main objective o! the Ontario Water Resoux-ces Commission. h - should be ours too. The negative vote will also hiav.e a retiring effect on the growth o! the municipality. The fact that no services, suchi as municipal water, are available in Orono can do little to attract new assessment throughi the building of homes and indus- trial buildings. NHA building boans are harder to obtain in an area such as Orono hiaving no water as compared to say Newcastle or Bowmnanville. This in itself restricts some f rom choosing Orono as their home town. People to-day, starting out with a new home, are looking for services. Today, it certainly appears as if the municipaîity could have installed the system at a mnuch less cost than a year ago. Contract pric-es are bcing recelved at least ten percent lower. There is aIse the fact that Orono could have saved a further 20 percent through the Winter Works program. The total saving could have been Weil ovet- forty thousand dollars. As water will comne to tihe- Village sometime it seems a shame that this opportunity hias been lost. The negative vote lias not improved the general health con- dition ofthte Village, nor hias it made Orono a more attractive living- centre, nor hias it, allowed the municipality to take advant- age of agera lower installation cost. It is a backward stop for Orono. Municipal Enthusiasm Last week in the Town of Port Hope the Port Hope Kiwanis Club came forth with a suggestion whfich appears to have somne mnerit. This group hias suggested that a public mneeting be held between no~mination nighit and election day, at which ail candidates can express their viewls and answer questions. Such a suggestion should bear excellent fruit, not only in greater public interest in municipal cections, but probably also in more intellig-ent decisions on the part of the voters. The tradîtional nomination meeting, important as it is in the operation of Our municipal democracy, leaves a great deal undone and unsaid, for the simple reason that there'is hardly tim-e- for every candidate, to addressthe people. Usually those of- ,fice hol1ders who do neot intend to stand for re-election, as well as ,those who are elected by acclamation, feel an obligation to report on their terniof> service. It is quite proper that they should do so. But more time is needed for those candidates whio are op- posing eadi other to expiain- their points of view, and answer the ,questions which the electors may choose to ask them. In ail like- lihood a meeting of this kind, hield several days after the~ nomina- tion meeting, woul attract a larger audience than the inmination ,meeti-ng itself. Citizens with a real interest in town affairs could go to such a meeting confident that they could fînd out the stand o! each candidate on speeifie problerns whiich înterested them - Somrething it is often diffîcuit teo do at a nomination meeting, There is certainly a need for greater interest in miunicipal ,affairs Candlates should have a plat! orm to p)resenit to the people thus givig the -leectors a better perspective of the couincil »iey .wish to eleot. TIhis suggestion of a public meeting would certainly net go amiss. A arental Problem Within et few days thousands and thousandIs of hunters will be lu search of deer and it ran be expeeted that many hundreds of mishaps wîll ocour througlt the misuse of firearms. Men will loose their lves threugh nothing more than ýcarelessness. TIi-e Department of Lands and F'orests are endeavouin-g to 1improve this condition iithoght the issuing o! lut,ilg !-permits for which a new h ýunter miîs, takep a course 0(ý f instrujctions. This will have some affect inimproving condtions and the mnisuseý of firearns. T is certainly not a cure-all by any stretch of-the ima- agination. In support of tiis it is commn koldg it hs suiug of divîng licenseýs to operate ai car hias net stop)ped the BIRTH MIOFFAT--Norma and Mckare L SI FI» happy to annouince !he arrival. of ýtheir daughlter, Kathryn Helen, on FOR SALE Saturday, October 29th, in Bow- Suffolk Ram, registered yearling.ý manville Memorial Hospital. A sis- Phone 4r18, Orono. ter for Margaret, Jim and Tfom. _______________ ____________________ HOCKEY REGISTRATION Al i bos in tlie a:rea \who 'Ire !n-! DI ED terestecd in pl.ayinjjg hce hs n MARTIN Nancy- At emoriaî el r se to reg-ister this Fr1- Hb0spi)tal, Bwmnvll o ondlay, d a',igtNrvefe 4h t heOr coer31. 1960, NnyAnn Mrtnono Commuity Centre atseven, agd13yas.B ioe aighter of ococ.This is "ce sarv sftbatth1 iVL. nd rs LaueMartin, -RR 2, Athietiecan-, plan its programs and Newcastle and dear sister of NMarloni, equipm-ent for thie winter season. Robent, Marg-aret (Mr1is. Verne ii-_________________ !er, rcheDouglas and Phyllis. Resting ,at thie Morris Funeral MUSIC TEACHER WANTED Chapeili.Bomanville. Sr icei aified Music ' acer anted thec Chapel on Thur-sday at 2 o'cloclk. for Clatrke Tiion) Schiool, SýS. No. 122' Interment Bond Head Cemetery,. Apply Herb Seott, R.R. 2, 0rono. Phione 1r18. a-c DEATH PENFOUND, Annis-At the osh- COMING EVENT awa General Hlospital o)n Wednes- There will be an Armistice Ser- -day, November '2nd, 1960, Annis vice at the United Chur-ch, Or)iono, Periwarden, wife of Joseph ,Hilhion the evening of Novemaber l3vh Penfound and mnother of Jack and at 7:00 p.m. Ail ex-service men and Mjary. womaen are asked to meet at the Rlesting at the MIcIntosh FûÙneral ldilows all early and anyone Home, Oshawa. Servce ù inhe M- else taking part. The parade will Intosh FPuneral Home, Friday, Nuov move 04f at 6:30 p.m. sharp to embe qUiat p.i, Ine march to the Cenotaph to pae the ember th t , pm.Ineren vvweatiis. Tl'le parade will then move MonR aw eoraaarOh to th Church for the 7:00 o'clock Mre and M rs. F. B. Tatha , To .sevice. b-3 e- ornto spent Sunday wvith airs. W. S. Cobbledik, The Voters' Lists Act, 1951 Section 12 CARD 0F THANKS CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST We Wishl to express sincere ap-j POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST preciation for, the thloughitfuilness and kindnesses showýn us during our Voters' List 1960. Townshipo recent bereavvemnent. a-n) Çlarke, Côunty 0f Durham. Thýe Gay Family N1,otice is hereby giv7en jthat i have RR3 omnîl oplied wýith Section 9 of 'ý T'E Chimnes Sound Out From O'-ono Church During th e past week a set o! out side speakers have been installed at the 0rono United Church. These eutside speakers are connect- ed to a record player over which' records may be played. The sound o! chimnes and music have been play-, ed over the systemn which bhas been found to be miost pleasing. The ne syste-m will be used extensively on Sunday mornings. VOTERS' LISTS ACT. 19,51anid that I have posted! up at my office at Orono on the 29th dayv of October.I 1960, the list of al persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at mun-icipal elections andi that such, ýist remains there for inspection. ,And I hereby eall upon ail voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors iýorrected according to law, the last dlay for appeal being the 12th-dayof N"ov- ember, 1960. Dated this 31st day of~ October, 1960. H. E, MILLSON, Clerk, Township of Clarke 75 Y ar andcortains moisture. It is threfore MakD sppe r necesary, wlien replacing one cup ofsugar in a recipe by one cup of by E. Younigman, Caretaker, Dur- honey, to reduce til-e liquidinrd ham Counity Forest ients hy approximately one-quarter Near the gateway to the'grounds of a cup. Honey is added 1,ith thie of the Durham Forest headquarters liguid ingredlients inaa recipe. For are several seventy fîve year old baked produets, lilquefy honey 1by >White Pine trees, mue], admired heatinig it -)ver warniWater1 (not during- the past by the general pub- lover 1410 degrees) before measurlng lie,. One of them hIas been ,slowýly Li 'ght greasing of the mneasuring ti- dying near the top o! blister rust tenisil prevents the honey from se it seemed like -091d orestry prac- sticking and being wate. oney tice to eut it downi whule tw, et y sol flt be stored in -a refriger- four feet o! sound log could be sal- ator, advise, Ontario Department o! vag-ed. Agrliiculture specialists. Since the tree was near the house, the caretaker's wif e was inivited to'n0.mae od ac o ,fresh fruits. fruit salads, !ce cream, Witniess a demoýnstration of a fast paneakes or waffles, steamed pud- CUttinig power saW at work. As the dingls and i gingerbread. Variety mray noble old tree crashed to the grounid b civdb obnn oe -and was being sawn into logs anditah lemon y orim jice, o ith away, with tears in lier t-yes, and spread, honey may be mnixed with humrried to 'the Ihouse.- butter. To uise honey as a ,,we(,tener- On being questioned' as te hier ini cold beverages or punches, blend grcief, she replied that seeing the old the honey first with a litte hot wa- landmnark so rthesl ut down t1er' to make a'syrup. Allow a quar-1 and chopped up, made hler realize ter eup of honey to one Stiffly beat- how, o! late years, there sceems to en e-,g white in meringue ppg be an accelerating tendenicy to dis- f or cake- dessert or onie-crust pie. pose of anything, either inanimate In cakes and cookies, replace no, or animale, even human beijigs> more than haîf the sugar with hion- once thieir periodi of peak useuey and Inake the- necessary reduc- ness hias passed; and that part iculartininiqd.H eyedsokep tree sceened to symbolize thie Ca baked produets moist. ousness, making hr -cee] sad enouigi to Cdry. While it may be true thiat some 10f our w'Aomen folks are unpredict- able and emlotienal, it is aIse true that this lady put inàto Wýords What -many of -us have observed but ziev. er, tentioned. Althoughi sensible, it does seem a bit ghoulish to wrest the last fewr Ifeet of lumnber, and the last fewv blocks o!f fuelwood fromj a tree that hadi been almnost a friend, and was now, strieken by an incurable ali-l ment. But thiat's l! e ila this mate-r- lalistie age! Honey Has Many Uses The Eng-lish,. -who cherish thir- tela 'Limehabit, aire fond o!> Ahoney with toast, muffins or tea 'biscuits on this oeccasion. Ini this cuty peoplae or apt to usehoe lother wayýi> 'S - as1sead at breakfast, or la bakinig. Hloney -has the sanie swvegtenlng power asïugar but ini addition ilt DS TO GIVE AWAY A stable at the Durham Central Agricultural grounds. Size !Youl 50' x 14l' with metal roof will be, given to any person who will re- move it and clean ujp ground here- on. The same to be done this fall. For further information Conlsuilt Mr. C. W. illings 0or Mr. Wý . Riddell. a-p HELP WANTED Trees. a-p Sam Mannetta, Pontypool. NOTICE Mlurr'ay Davis of the CrestTha tre, Toronto. will speak on "The Importance of Theatre in aGr- ing Country" Thursday. NoVember lOth at 8:30 in the Lions Centre, Býowmaiille. Thie Drama Worksh pites thei public to attend. A d u i s 50c ; S tu d en ts 2 5e.ý a-(, HORSES BOARDED Horses boarded Lazy J Ranch. Reasoablerates. H-orses drawn within a limited range. Jack flous- ton Milbrokphone 523r22 after i:x orwe-ends. 3- FIRST QLJALITY ONLY -Aluminum Windows. Doors. Awn- ings, Railings and Sectional Garagel Doors at -lowe.st possible prices. Bel-Air Aluminum c/o R. Pelletier, R.R. 2?Orono Teleýphone 9 ring 15 36P STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E,4 Whitby FINE QL$ALITY MONUMENTS AN4D MARKERS Lot us erect a handsome, dig- nifiod monument over the rest- ing place of your lovei ones. It's net expensive. Anmd seeing this fast tribut, wili giv. you endless comfort. Building a Bouse? Wor remoelina your present one then contact Floyd NicholSOun Phonte-2191 Orono SFoundations and Septic Tanksfj jpoured. Forms available. SWALTER FRANK MIcQUAY and KIDD f REALTORS t)177 Church St. 1 B owmianville MA. 3-3393 [ liamlltons Oàs Insurance Service i nsurance in 1ali its Branches Auto., Package and Composite IPoIies, Fire, Fartr, Life, Burgiary, Liabilïty, Marine, IAccident andci Sckness, Wind, Boier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton I Phono, Orono 1R16 PJIC'YU )rl RONOFIRST MAORTGAGE LOANS A. F. MeKEINZIE,, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office I4ours 2:00 te, 4:00 p.m. 7:00 te 8:00 ptn. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments only PHONE 1471 OROMO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono4 Ont. LR4GAL Lawreace C. blason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Homye MA 34f5l LAW KY LYCETTB.A. 1 arrister - Solicitor ln Inhe 0f fices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. jMAIN ST., ORONO relephone 138 Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartere'd Accouniant BY APPOINTÎMENTS Lycett's fvsurance Offioe P-0. Box 63, Orono Phone 12514e 1INSU RANCE General & Lie jFRED LYCETT OFFICE MJ ST., OROND Phone 12516 Res. 117t4 JAC"K REID Alletioneer and Valuator Specialîze in Farm and Furniture Sales Conguit me for ternis Phone 5 r 18' - Oroiu TED JACKSON Auftioneer, and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail slun anld Bt reasonable rat-es Communicato with him at Port Perrv4 Ontario,- Monuments and 1Family Meniorials Our quality and service ae î¶othlng te b. desired -As the person who bought from eus- a ne!ghbour, frlenid or reIat!v* The RUTTER GRANITE GOMPAýNY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario"' Orono EJevtrý PHONE CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HIOISE WVIRING Frec Estimnates APPLIANCE SALES Rromipt and Guaranteed Repaire teo ail kinds of Eiectricai Equjpmýent and Appliances SIu-ch as Motors Wate-r Heaetýrs -RadioÈ -Stoves - Irons ECTION rfsk