-~ ~ o Volunie 21, Number 35 Orcrio Prôjecfs Approvea' For -Winfe.r Wo'rksJ ThieOrn Polic-e Trutstoees met, On Mndaynightwentyrei- ed cmmuicaionfrom the Depart-j inent of MncplAffairjs cnen ,-ng approvail ofpry4toeun ïertaken undler the Witer Worksl jincentive plan. Under this plan 7 -iU l P nf . t - iv. ,, ý-- i, -- , ;A L Durhamrn Sfnrhorns Seil Wieil 4 Bulîsç $1,2K).- Avg. $316.25 Thursday, Novehiber 10th, 1960, Orono, OntarQ U.~LT.Meetîrigl,[ 3eýalher'Rebekah LOdgeý On Monday nighit at 7:30 the11 C G.I.T. meeting began with the The regular meeting of Heather purpose and hymin. Psalm 24 was Rebelçah bodge No. 331 was held in read arid thenwe studied its mnean-1Jthe 1.0-(O.F. Hall, Tuesday night. ing.- We then discussed what the, SisterMue Copr ol cf th Covnant *as. e sang Grand, assisted by Vice Grand Sis- hymn 2419 and had a scripture read- tel' Emmna Lunn. ing and a prayer. This was f ollowed by the secï'etary and treasurer's1 Roll cal howed four of ficers report. (absent. The minutes wvere readil and We received an invitation fromiJapproved. There were no outstand- the Evening Auxiliary to attend ing accounits -Pucnui labour uosts is paia oby j2.-)Females $6,080. - Avg. $243,20 W tre mrieigsursgVe- anpot ofteVsiiEm ommaerhi tpiLf isusin leprovincial and Federal Govern- There was good demand W tfor fe-iein qu ,;Iav epr 0 il iifn Cn-the CrsmsPryMîhi ob f0,f-for the quilt we are going to Inake. mittee. It wTýas reported that Sister CrsmsPrywihi ob -inents. mqales at the Durhiam County Sale, The meeting closed wîth taýps. held on T'hursday NovembeC r 24Ith heldat: Blacýkstock. Three cows av- Laen araal h onductor, il nTusaNvm R. C Forestr, cairmn s~*~deragd $13; l brd hifer $26. s reeovering satisfactorilyafrun in the Odd Fellow's Hall. The Jun- that ail but tvo cof the projects àb- adi open heifers $204. On - the Report QO ..Aj dergOing a major operation. Sister 'or Hortîcultural Society is meeting mnitted by the Trustees had been ap- other hand. the biutUs sold a shade Betty Newman who has just e re_ t aeiita 70wenh proved. The two pr ojeets not being lowver than at îast year's sale A rnu ai ]M eeting \eedfoVa prain as e- omkaChitsscnuin approvedl were thie planting of1 comied back. cutouts from old Christmas cards. trees and the remn-ovi7ng of somel Sale top at $390. was a d1aughter Th eua -1 tree-s freim the Orono streets. The of Morav Jackaroo, consigned by ThereglarmothlY Directorsý Sister Irenle Mr as District TeSnir octys sponsoring laerhestatedI, was ttui'ed don DîcnMcTavish, Uxbridge. As an Meigof Durham iCount,ýyFeýdera- RPreetaThgaeaeeot SacmeiTon thieîty an eer on tchniclit ad wul beap adedattraction she earid he se- ien c(f Agriculture waÎs held 0on tile meeting which was eld last 'ebrcfteScit sasd er prve wthreorin. he Trus-V' o aohrRylWnerFi hrdyeeig Nv.3da h hrdy afternloon at Ganiaraska participate. The prizes are to be tee ae t aainsek aprval0fCham-pion, Scotsdale MNarsiral. The ho0f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larm- Lodge, Fr oe Sister Murray pe.t $1.00 for first; 75c for second and tins rojet. - urchser as Warren McQuade, eNsitn ported that thus Was a very lnterest SO for third. The classes are as Burkiletoni. Top of the open héeifers A special guest ef the evening Wvas inig meeting andJ muchi can be learni- follows: Projects appiroved we(rýlete wa a polledl daughter (first one Mr. Glenn Cole, Director for Zoeedfo assso:f hg id1 Ss stalatin o for ne steetiigt ffered) of Gkoriadale Meteor 5thx, 2 cf 1the Ountario Cream Producers, ter Mlabel Disney, No. 3 OshawaI hita if owapd teconstruction of one thousand -cnindb oyPip9otHpe h pk oth etn nteLodge, Past Assemibly President fýeet of siclewalk te be donie in thie She sold at *30 to Ken Gunter, activities of bsognzain ealonig wIli Sister Edna Jex. Dis- ntt xed1 nhs latespritg, he onstuctin ofa JTrenton. At $335. a dagte of stated thfe Cream Producers Con- VitDptI Peîet Pr oe xol ur adth cnsrcton0faLouada Neptune, consigned by Ros- tr.buteh100scfas s shar teatire Co wate mai tathe ub-ivison lynFlet, wnt e Jon Lngma. odinaingBoar fo advrtiing resded t tis gtheing.2. Chrstms DiingTabl ar rý)1 nu b a d Iie c nst ucton f aord natng oard for adv rtiingrangement not to exceed 10 in- i Division Street. Thre grant for Uhe Orîllia. purposes of dairY prýodcits. T hîs is Sister iNldred Rainey reporft ele lte ioi,, ol routtTo)buli whatfer7e5y.wavknow as tehonthe banquet which had be latrprjc cudamut IFlett he at$3. a ssofrfo"eptue L une Set-Aside but is now irandled, catered te recently for tire Medical 3, A Christmas lMantel arrneet Cold prîns., y a deduction of 3 /10 of 1 cent per Co-padtinedilirsser en by Wm. Maughanib. butter fat duri-i!g die whole year. who donated and came out and4.ACrsmsordeoton Th'le Truistees also submitted alA pair of Quebec buyers, W.' P.Hesd tebtofc-1ACrtmsordcrain nu1mber of projects connected %with Shar>man, Scotsdown, and Wm Ir-'lile.Tentpoed rmti ire Orono Park and these were al- vîng, Sawyedville, toek !4 head. operation between the Creîtam Pro-, banquet were $175.00. Sister Rainey 5. An arrangement, with a Religieus 1 ~ducers and the Soya Bean Growers' seapprovei. The construction 0fNew breeder Chas. Robson, Oshawa Marketing Board.-Tire Soya Bean sugg-ested that some of tins amount Theme. nhe new pool was appreved for Win- selected 5 open heifers. Gr.owers support tire Cream Pro- betue d Ete purchase an electrie trWorks but as tlice benefits ne Other buyers inicluded: E. F. R. ducers in asking thlat miargarine kti n other necessary equip. ahmme s norgdt tire Community CnrsAtaeObre ecsl;Knei a-ntb loe euetr utr ment for, use ini the- kitchen. The enter at least one display and al gretertha uderWinerWor, i 1r, Littlce Britain; John Brockie, celour while tire Cream Preducers jtchncmitewr uioio five if tirey se desh-e, and tire ment is ikely that this approval wilIl not Brechin; Lloyd McKee. Oshiawa; H. support the Soya Bean Growers int purchase the suggested equip- in particular are asked to try their be taken up byv the Park Board. The T. Graham, Omemee; Gordon Stew- seeiing- the maintenance ef a tarif f men. skilî. Depairment aIse approvedi for Win- art, Mag-netawan; A. J. Elmhirst Ç- o n imported soya bean olls. Thre pre- Correspondence was read andç týer Works and the 75%' labo)u Sons; Indian River; S. G. Smith &,sent butter surplus is about 20 mil- dealt with. Pictures are t', be, shnwn aîndi rnsthWadinsPooltitoya h. - Sons, Fenelon Falls; J. B. Carnag- onlia year while butter stocks Iiil ilb evd loehr1 taes Wan tree , trîmmng aind han,. Blackstock and Lloyd Evans, now1 stand aI t aproximately 125 mil- Sister Irene Murray reported as this shoultl prove to- be a very in- mals.ndThee aprevaîsae te - Raglani. (Continued pa ge 2) Convenor of thre Bazaar, that ttir sigmeig hr n a rnovl. hes aprovas ae t beý(21rismascaks wold e mde gatirer some new ideas regarding banced o th -0ono Par Bord.next week and asked for donations Chiristmas Home decorations. Do () o a h m er T p n o f egs and buttr itwould beap- (come and rn-yreiisfoth instll ne heain' s3stcin ii te 1who were net at the meeting would mas. Orenio Cemrmunity Centre. Th Is P'p- j ( contact Sister Murray and arrangea proval will net be used by the Trus- 1 N~sort Mveeting 11n \O .rono Ite give a donation toward thîs pro.- 1--,-- tees as the beneofits throughi the M s Ani executive meeting of the Or- ono Horticultural Society \vas held on Monday night of this week at the home of the presidenit, Mrs. Carl Billings. Eleven members were Community Centres Act is greater thian tlirough tire Winter Works. A motion wvas passed by G. E. Simpson and H. M\. Mercer that tire chairman, R. C Forrester be, autir- orized te cali for ireating tenders for flire Cmmunity Centre as soon1 as tire heatinýg plan isreivd Compla ints 0on dlgs running at1 large wveie discussed and it«asde- ,cided te run a note that tire by-law is stili in effect a-nd that degs are tei be undercnro.Tire deg catcher! will be enforcing tire by-law. Hi. M. Mercer was appoînted te Iay tire wreath for tire Village- oni Sudyevening, October l13th. OrpansPu Team Lakesi The1 Lakýeshore Intermediate Hoky Leau ilcmrs ih Ata recent meiga h t Lawr;ence Hotel in otHpe id O0w,;_port Hope and Trenton ali ageedto c r -a league three- w, eeks ago. to the league vwhlen onlly Port Hop 0f the six ýorigiýnal rmembers lsup- portd -he~i aplicaionforme- wvitli Bowmianville visîing dbug Tioiot Macedeonians are Port Hoesfirst epnnsIn! Port iHope Lidsay was ndinlitted te m-ember- shi witirout opposition by tlire oth-er c'lubis wien ange Len Francis exlane itat tire invitation tt Iire Octoer 17 -metig t wirtr lege waýýs fermnethaci -gene te tire Lnayssuppoýrt etftire tliree mebe lagelast year: was war-m- ject. VYaujIi lleA4. weIe k JOflonoimes I for an advertismnent regardingth The Orone Chamber of Commerce th'e Chiamber of Commerce is asked Acommittee was appointed, con- Christmas Hlorticultural Meeting. hepld their monthly meeting w-i lte britig in a recommendation 0faistn fSse maLnse Thursday evening last week in tire fund raising scireme te assist finan- Doris Temilinson and Bro. V. 'Wilson Mvrs.Faroter wo isi Orono Restaurant with around four- clng thje swimming pool. The re- te assist tie Red Cross in her hageof theJur Horticulura teeni members present. commendatien is te come befere tire Welfare work in tire community. Society, wishes it te be known that In giving tire financial report tire' next mieeting of tire Chamaber. Bro. '-Wm. Riddell reporte htaymme fteSno oit traueGordon Watson, stated Ie ht'YMmP fteSno oit that the Chamber had a bank bal-i Leslie Asett reported on the pro- tie Annlual Oddcfellow% Dance aii r parent of a child belonging te anice of $18-47.60. Dane Found con-grsbenmaeo th Santa Turkýey Drawuý will be heldj on Dc re the Junior mtyaewetcome te gratulated those that liad worked Claus parade which is te be Ireld iemiber î7th.coet tieJnrmeigs f Oron Far bothsý,vhch thiey se desîre. on the OooPirbo(s)hc n Saturday, December l7th. T'here Thie Secretary- requested that had nletted tire Chiamber a sum ofwsae consideain fhl ing a warant be grýanted te purchase A I $6O0f iis ajmounjt $4600wastire parade on Sundayli on a suggest- a quantity of envelopes for sending -'r-lLX1'-j.,sr fromr the Crown and Aner ndi on made by W. H. Carman. A sum,üI eut notices. iJ a 1-40 ro aDn ld" Fam. ettirity dollars was voted as prize'1L c lA u il r 'A motion by Andy c land M-ney for scheool enitries in the par- A fOtbrlt 90 iede Dr. R. J. Taggart was carried iad.Tire chairman is edaorn i be $3.30, this- is anj erdler d c noy which tr Fnnc emite fte encourage public scirools te enter thiroughout ail Lodges in Ontario E u a i n O 1-----i----n--ce- --------i-.,..'es of Br. iloncalledI for Degree The October meietinig cf tire Ev- Chatterton. Tire presidenit, Herbi Duvail, in- Practice for pext Tuesday night,ceing Auxiliry wý,as held as us1ual It w'as decde or group we(:uld rt O f E i g h t Ormied tire meetfing týhlatIrle Cham- Nv Si.Business reling compfleted inhir e Sunjday Scirool Adiorum, in irle WM.ladies in ireir 7ti beOf 1 r was sponsorig a dinner mneet- Lodge closed and a social cup et epening wvii thtie president ar nnvrsr and Of ferî te assistIn - in inonjuctin wth tre larie ta ws enjeeSister Olive 110 1l garet Arnett asking fertire si nging supplying -and serving lunch andt TenhpCouncil and Mosport Ld o bigcnvnro tr uchc yn 6,fllwdb pae-teivt-trs ade eated rt U e II[ M Tire purpose of tie meingb, ire sdaidcmmitte for tint .venin,, and tire greup repeating tire Lrd's nex,,t eveningmetnteiar rs r B L'o11cst cuan h itit nQprayer. Leoy Broefiday etr icî l ]Cnilïlrs anld businlessmlen aIl n' te sueeber pictures. - w~~~litir tire Mosport preject. It is ex- Tee0ettenie sai, oui- pitee ire minutes et tire previous ïmeet- Coletio rws aken aacut ber, e tie meng feitCh, ledsay1s pected that there wîI e around l d o ne ge tie ful ppot c tiîg wreread Iry rcrigscr-c -0fiendship cafil made. c i a tin i c inth eiis y r w a r s n f o ti e d n r m e i g C h a mn b e r s u c a n n o t b e t e e s u c c e s s - ta r y J o a n C o v ie r a n d th e tfs ri e t e a e d r m M s m run t b trnd owî. inýg hkin tire (iflwsHall ini i hi nevus r eotgiven hby Kathy AmricorrcSpcnîding sýcre-talry çet otionpreosed by Bd ob Neili,'Ce- Orono. on November 23rd. Speakers The Ciramber,lire said, does a lot! strenig. jthie W.A. takigtie,adies et ou nviro rg, ndsecded y By espebeprseno-om osortOafng twork and raises a lot cf meey mnyt p for tirei ne fotin dcr Dean Ornote dmitLinsayte iirldrivers and their çars A, filmbt tisal rmoina ornoi- During tire discussion oe tninig ire Churcir fortire Thank- iernberx-shiip tins seasen, wascr-wll ase be sirown"'etfsuci motrin stmlte omere.Tie itemns of business a letter frotmJgiv-ing aind tire W.A. alnniversary, racng s « behed nrthDf ,-WerK beingdon. eiestated, is geed iMGiss DlceVenthia, Missionlary in 1lSundiay, ridunanimeously. racis fwiileirednri t r okan rr i itdtr atalasae India, was rend. In it Lakfiîd' apligten e~d ee risceingyer.parade, the Colt Dierby anjd tire-Jsr gi iakd u ru e ie Tire devotional period was in but Port Hoeopposed. Bob Nell Tire presidenn aiIse infoiiredtire wrsdsly u -iefettn schoque last year wiih inanced tlirechreeKahenCap na of Cobourg statedl franikly that: Ce- imembers tiat tire Orno sign at tiNettire main purpese of a Chambter Itriin t- yug n-a gr bi er greup. "Chiistin Citizenship7 boug oud nt la intie ameseti ettie illgewa tebefiedAgain ire asked tirat omites eMiio nursingn tan g iss and clTemperance." league as Lakefield. Tire intention up tire felowing day. stu p ermete cmmerce but aise Venthami asked whbetîrer wue were,. Aîleen, Bairstewv gave a chapter ettie/eauetii yarwa t rî recemminended thlat proselit prOJects'planning te irelp tis glirl algaini A efthtie study book "Thre Turning on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F hoeILes i ai.H î .H Samnuel epened a discussion sneuld ire continaed. oinwa aeb tel asnWorIL ld.' iier usuL th 1Orou91gind tin Laefiheld wolde draw is pay- tire aims et tire Ciamber when DAne Found agreed witî Ted itit wdotinsade tromlaîsi mstinterestîng 2-annler. er-s from ,ail over tire place, lie suggested that tire hamaber!ISamuuel's ýomjreiusand suggesWed our allocation, just as we didr last A very enjoyable and witty con- 1heuld bepacing more attention te Mtia leaders 0 tire Ciramber should year. Tire moltion was secendell bymntyacmpne tiesrwg Lane Peund et Orono backed upirpro Mmbn et Coimercne ire work botliront commerjýce ando ire Adele McGiadpasmd ee oevr etfl slde sh b Mr. Neill on tiris peint. Prom 1pastPLarea a'nd Village. ",We sholuldirbeservice poj -t. erb Eluvalstated fernrd thinsmoney as seen as Elleen Biilings.'Sire sueeedItetake experinceire said ire founri Lake- 'sU,)perting tire Comce eoftire tirat the Chamibèr did net operateposbe usangwt-ier nler ri field drew tee miany ,-players fr'ona CominunUlity" pTins rganbizatir sntyas aiabrand lpeinted.u iogwt bro irti outsidle, a factor wihlUled tdire sateti, Siou4d lave sryeijeiwater QE ut ta lot (p tire members werq Joe Barlow, of Ciristian AMissieps ftirrugi tire Maritimies last summier. oski league. %wirW *dldiravè ben" 1 X great not',businessinen ancl Weieinterest- an4 Supplie-s, asked for god useti Peggy fHancck favoured us witli Tire application by TorontoMace- beefit te titis cmnptA'a! e'i l 1y in fluc social wor. e have ior nem'cle 0 es e ilf t thtie a veriy well played piano so1oý, donHians, formierly etftire :East Tor- ChAidUr wmul ie rakI S iafôps-i~~'ra el crrha iei sebiga-Soidiers of tire King. WVe hope A ente Hockey League, was gve ! t rig nds trythie Comu-,mee ie,,i~~ejia- of othèr bale fer- tte' needy fhere a ie y Peggy's pa~gaanvr engthy consderation.Their spnker-lt iovgd attract emore. -usine W y i eayy, Ionù~ iee. 6GootI variii cletiring and ffoot seon. nian, Joe Kn, one timie assiStat a mu1t g lute intthb' Chiamlber eucom, 0fthluti f6u'5<t W srgtl.ped Kafirleen Cirapmnaii tianket every Lwc ffleijM4 ,ýjcpjg11orm a committUne1te bring in su. . onre wlio liepQd witlitire meeting -cir l, p o i, [l¶~ie me e;fin ý%.gesiminlsna n lacssol aetI at irc habrjAnriatWentmmîtteepasug- then TMargaret 'Ai,znbtt closeli witl3 Ghot,v s po e f i re n w en ry eso s i as t ieli tit int com-un i re a e a 1 0 p r e t m m e Ig sted andi accepte d in a m otion by tie z a- B e e dlictioti andi a love y It asappovti.J iteesir se u t wek n tre. shfip trom ireAulocalbsnsm . Oliv-e Milîson andi secondeti bY Bty c as served. Suggest Forming 4-fI Apple Crowing ClIub The fait meeting of the Durhani 4-H1 Club Leaders Association open- ed withi a banquet at the Firesideý Bar-B-Q at Newcastle oni Wednesý- day evening, Octoher 26th. FolIowv- ing the banquet the club leadersa- journe-d to the Diepartment of Ag-- riculture, Board Roomn in Bowman.- ville while the ladies aittended the theatre in Bomnaniiville. Francis Jose,, Presidenit of th, IClub Leaders was in charge, f theý meetig, which discussedl the An.- fluaI Award Nighit to be held on Fridayv, 1November 1Sth at, 8:00 p.m.. in the Orono Town Hall. 1t was suggested that a new 4-H Club to be known as the Durham. 4I-H Apple Growinig Club, might be organized, in 1961. This club wouId feature meetings in the orchards tol discuss grafting, pruning-, etc. a3 well as possible tours to large ce- operatives and retail m-arketing- services. Anyone interested in the club should contact the Ontario De- partmett f Agriculture in Bw manville. T'here was also ia discujssion l ïe- gardîng the various clubs that hadî be'en helti during the past year. Itý was hoped that the Automnotive anti Farm Safety Clubs mighit bue con'- tinued in 1961, along with theMI- brook 4-H Caîf Club, the Hlope 4-H Caif Club, the Durham 4-H Beef' Club, the Durham 41-H Junior anJ Senior Daîry Caîf Clubs, the Dur- ham 41-H Syvine Club, the Dui-rham 4-H Potato Club, the Durhami 4-H Grain Club. the Durham 4-H Sheep Club. the Durham 4-H Poultry Club, Winners for, the various trophiezs werê discussed and where necessary) balloting was carried out with thýý officiai announcements to be madé at the Award Night on N_,ovembjer- l8th. Those in attendance at tho e net- iig were Glen Larmer, Nestleton, Mir and Mrý. Francis Jose, New- castle; Mr. and~ Mrs. Ron Brooks, Bowmanville; James Coombes andi M[iss -Marg Harvey. Clare Winsîoi- and Arthur Stewart, Cavan; Roy,, VIHlPort H-ope; Mr. andl Mrs, GerA~d Brown, Bowmianvlle, Mel WVood, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Bev., Grcay, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. X, S)ponsors oung Indian G(irl Aulhorized as Seconid Class mail, Pest office flpartment, Ottawa~ Subscription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.&1> H1orticulture Plan Interest- ing Christmas Meeting- c ic - ----------