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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Nov 1960, p. 1

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Thursday, November 17th, 1960, Orono, Ontario rue Pe-ace. Qn i Ibrough-- Goci',IlThomas Chips The funeral service fo rThma Stcites Reniemnbrance uiay Speaker i:ps, 583 KingStetasOh awa. who died i the Oshawa Gen- ______ 'al Hospital on Thursday, Novem- mair~~~ýe, auVoimo teO-bsnsss Mt,, ortrhsj ~ abrlt was held at the Mclnitosh- Jnted Church was fllledi to1 j were burnling in the, baclçgroundiuooo eevagers fo Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. tyJ On SundaY evening ho len iand alon,- wïihfloodlighthig. aail îMi- __ onl Saturday. November l2thi. the ,annual imebaneDay Ser-j v12 as held ln Orono. TheIl{ev. veterans, both men and women, teGirl Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Cabs andgus, statedi that Peace wa1ýs som-ething that only God couldl give. 1-e said, "There- is no sense In1 asing for Peace if we do)flot ac-i oepuît the Pr-inceý of Peace."i mospnere o' reverence was erealeu. kýe j nurcii >(iene&s, The parade then left for the Or- The service was conducted by the ono Unitedl Church where Mrs. Jas. The annual sale of United Church RIev. -R. A. Sharp, ector Of St. ,Major laid a wreath at the altar of Calendars will be conducted by the Matthew's Anglican Church. iter- the Chucch, The color party wýAas ,Teenagers Group of the Orono Un- mnent \vas la Orono Cemetery. composed of Mrs. E. Rundie and ited Church. Mrs. T. Carter, nwa n ville andi ComrdesJams Rckab an A. Cals wll b mae smetme1The palibearers were - Duncan Conraces am's P(-kl)yandA- all wil b mae smetmeCameron, Frank Jamieson, Oscar Jakemani, Orono. Thursday, Novmb r th. Specialý aneoTdCmiOleCni Christmnas Grýeeting envelopes ar sn e apiOleCni ýIn opening Ihis adei ote- lge audience the Beyý,. Long - re- lerre to te uses (of stne)o -rect ,a 's5ymibol 0f remnembrance and to de-'Badm inton Club i picýt a p]edge. Thesýe st'ones arewu ]t erected î'i defliance oraronce sad.P~pe oav gather arounId R cdu TCi MeL moria]s in, remnembrance of thlose ne C who lhave died i n battile. Tl'le st ores are11 aiso, he sald, 'raisefd. as a pledge Tht hey 1have flot Cdd I vainI. mnisundleistandi'iig," lhe ýat'ed This liciial Build4gteO7nBd mntcouClub aepaso i aloi]- with race discrimiination aniid b mgs as and eplanis> f-or th caélsnesare the causýj 9 f _ ,car g eaoi ndhld,-sanua1 Be taedtht wr id~O AeInn-(tibiof 0f icers. îAboLjt ten were, w~o îg~ orwrog, rov prSent for tAîé meeting in whicht Mr. Arnold Wallace was nl-eeIted ho was lef t. '-It is flot the wili of Peietfrte nun er liact e said, "is flot staia- BIil Reid of Kfby -vselected tion,. but ralther en-ergy, of puttin1g treasurer wfth e Peter Màres intfo action the will of God. It Is a provîding askl45ance in collecting practice of giving meaning to the dues, Mrs. Arnîold Wallace \as el- high qualities of living. The Rev. ected Secretar'y and Robert John- Long referred to a statemnent by Ston and Roy FRrrester were ap-, Genierail McArthutr in -which the pointed as a tournamnent cor-onittiee General statedt that we have had Our dlaSt chance at peace anid that Tede o the year v;eIze1 set thje problenru was batsicallyv theolog-J at $2.50 for aduitrmernibers and $1.50 ical "it inust be bv the spirit hlitif I sudii mmrsy1. These Ies we save the f.iesh," he said. The Bey. B. Long stàtedi that the world leaders have so far failed ln titeir efforts to bing about Peace. Hereélhe inýjected titat true peace coulid only be found througit Goç and the acceptance of thé Prinice of Peace. If we enter into aniother war theni we are ail to blime, hée salid. Prier to thé evéning- Churvit Ser- vice thé ex-service personiflél akntg wiýth othér local organizationis par- aded from the assémbly poinit, the Ocddffellow's Hall, to thé Orono Cen- otaphi for a frief service. Thé par- ade- was léad by the !-owmanville Lég-ioni Pipé Band followed by the colour party, wreathý, bearers anid well over one hundréd ex-service personnel, Guides, Brownies. Scouts and Cubs. At thé Mémorial Messrs. Charles Webbér and Ernest Dent céad the names <of thno Txwho ,ad are to bc paid by thé first of Dec- ember. lin coanection with birdîs.1ý the président was autitorized to pur-. ýciase niéw birds. It was also de-l cided at thé meeting that eacit per- son- playing diuring a night would be asked to pay 25 cents la ordér to pay for the bîirds that would be uséd during- thé nigitt. Arnold Wallace and Boy Ferres-J ter weré d.légated to attend !te fali meeting of thé Central On- tanlo Badminton Association being field la Bow,,maaville on Sunday afternoon. At titis meeting whichi was held, théré were clubs repre-1 sentéd from Picton. Belleville, Pet- erborought, Bowmanville, Oshiawa. Whitby and O (rono. it is théinltenl- tion of this group to hold hiome and home tournaméats duriag thé >win- ter season i 7la which thétournaments availabje to thiose wishîngt extra calendars to conveyý msgreetinigs by sending th rltvsand fiends. The warmith and readtinesî to use anci Cari Willhiams. Christ- hm t g i T Authorized as Second Glass rrtail, Pout Office Departmeflt, Ottaw.~ Subseriptien in Canada $1.50; inI US. $2.5G, lWalteNrCý. H-arris Speaks To Durham Li6eraIs~ Walter C. Harris, former liberal ment must learn to keep Govern- finanice mninister,, on Tuesday even- ment costs clown, hie said, or we 1ià ing at the annual meeting of the always be paying this high prem,- Durham County Lîberai Association ium. presented his views to cure the pre- In the past 31/2, years the Natoniail sent conditions in Canada which 'he eolisnrasdbyneadahÈ cIlaimed were brouget about by Mis- ,billioni dollars at a weekly cost of mnanagement. Trhe speaker was ýad- four million dollars for interestc dressing his~ audience of one hua- charges. "Can you think of any dred at the Orono Town Hall. Inmajor benefits or anything at a2l Mvr. Harris was introdluced to- the' that you have receivedl to wlý,rrar.t,, gathering by Mr. John James. The this cost?." hle said. The Conserva,,-' speaker was first elected to office tives planned to use the surplIuse-ý iii 1940 where for the next seven- of the Liberal gove,,riimenit. butil teen years hie leld many prominentifound that suich surpluises hadi becýI positions in the Liberal party and in 1 used to reduce the- Nationial debt, thie cabinet. Mr. James sta-Lted that which reducedi the annual cost -t, 'le wvas a most devoted and dedicat- Jthis eounitr-y through redueing in ~~PrSiF man nd ne wom é Wihedte' .qa aine--r which th-ese youag peopl i navea oeeaasinrese b receivedC in the past has imad ée the i soon see backlazi a ministerial post Nat0 lionldet was ineashed th' salea pleasant experience. The death occured at lier home' at Ottawa. . -Corservatives wr rahn 16Carlysie Str.eet. Bowmanville, on In opening his address to the meet'L- best of conditions. n ýundày; Noveiber l3th. of 1 ý~à1a n, AMr. BarIs, saidýtiat M.Hon. s s'Wuil D i Caroline Clemience, widow of Wil- ey, tréasurer of [lhe Durham Asso- 'i ya r Feigaaone liain Jewll. Miýs',-Jewel who lia ciatioa bal.vrQiý-ob-ru aenced budget wvith a $12 mil, t. - im Teel.~rs4~el l. adcaton 7a.evry-:ng "b rodlion srls ttdtes)aebi On1 Monday aïfternoon thirty.mQm-. been sick for ýsix mnthrs was in hier of ln that heýhad provided a' balanc- f Upusaedtesekr u bers, of ilie' rno M iission Bandi 9211clyear, * , sed budg-et. Thisi liesaid, was some- ill éxst ac$00dition oninefict., thing te preset federmillionster -c. mnet in the basemefnt Of the Churchlin te rs-È'fda mitr with. Mrs, A. A. Drummeond con4uc- A lifelong résident Of the iBow- of finance would like to be able 'to The speak~er referred to the uý_- ting a siIIg-sýOrg for the opening.1avl itit r.JwI a accomiplish. - Carol - Giidistriedthesehildren$in ias a em Ploym e tt fu-nd w hic i, he said . the~~~~~~~ Misin'Bad uroe.uhter of* the late John Clemence 1r a'zs Pointed~ ouf'-t'hit théwabuttoasm f$96000 y the MSsiý-Ban purose1and Maria Rickard. Shie was bora Conservatives had now been ia of- ,the Liberals. To-day the fUnd standis Chris Aslett took Up the collec-tion at Kirby auçl was a P.i~e eof the fiefrtrç n ~hî er n ewe 5 nlir ad 0 ilo with Carol Gilbank giving thê r Trinity United, fr have nowv-èia4 éc ( fs of the for- and could' Mo depleted by jlpning-. Treasurer's report. The secretary, mer -overnmeii. Duriing titis pe-Te nya tôratveunder the pres. Janice Rutherford, read thé mi'n-1 Predeceased hier husband 40 years 1bdC and with ait fthese secrets, l entcni . ruh aot y uites of thé, last regular meeting., g, u. eel said, no otie had. eVer heard jtid'saîd~msmanageirent, for the Conserva- .urvve1 y Mat the, LiberaP, had not ràCcéý_,é bt ives, hie eaid, is to increase the co- -Linda Barrabali read a* Pràyer 0ft dauighifeËs, Mrs. Fired WVrig-ht (Ver-J up to the highest standards dlýring ti butions or* te take moaey ou~t of dedication. n> of Oshawa; Mrs. Kénneth Cox Ithleir terni of office. 4WTe \were in thé g-eneral fund. Croup one of the MiSsioin Band(BtI,ýàbyv) of Bownianville; Mrs. Eber Office for- twenty-two, yars and The present tradin)g policiear the tokovr hémetig ndSnowden (Rena) a-nd have no prmane t~~~~h ad okn u a isfaes rily h sang two songs, "Tell me thée -Mi Mabel Jeweill f courtice n naytda r oçièra Vysit orkisot witi t nely-l Bert of ment. problemsss.T whe C'lervaiempo.. les of Jesus," and "We Thiank Thee, jone SOnIe', o Oiwa tey f eit there weVe jssUpes- thue -i. 'osrave O Our Father." Dorothy Dunlop told -' a* nd a haif years ago. feit they had the aaiswer 31, years the story of "The Two Houses" and AlISO *sI4 ing is a siter M Is.jln . speaking on thé fi a il Ç5i ago but, stated Mr. Harr~is. it is net Elaine Forrester led la prayer. H erbert ýi ýalýcock -if, PwmanviJle. 1 tion Oef the Country hie said t4iat wvorkinjg out s0. After the, The ey.Basl Lng as peSet~ - - -Canada *was Mften consi%$ed e Churchill and Roosevelt met and a- Thed afe sigprL od thpeselid..l Théftitie-al servfce aWs heldatof the .wealthiest countries. Put- 0! greed on fréer tradé policiés as nxe- --theé-Morris Puneraî Chapel on TueLs j get a true picture.-many f acts had- to: essary for ail coutitries and aise- ai ren a story. l-V - , oveimber 1,5. Rey. W. K, be assenmbled. Canada is teday, het a mieans to eliminate conditions uLG Elaine Forrester - ýN Beuselander, minister of Trinity, sa idl, paying the hîgitést price ferjwar. This was mutually agreéd up., Unitd Curch coduced te sr- oney of any country la thé world1 on by ail countnies but teday t.he AtltcP r o ITnte neurch, nde i theerxoýet those counties' of Latin present governmént is giving l- "We may net be the wvealthiest referred t-o the European Common Rfte*a. Rinnun*I ountry or have the greatest income Market area where this country,, Booster Bau et'~8~ 'but on the otiter hand we should not, should be workîag tQ an end of ila- hiave'- to pay such a higli premium tradiag with thèse colintries and, Oron Orhan Hod fr mnevwhich t'oday is haif as seeking access ia sudit agreé,ments, On Monday eveniig the éxecutivé ra gi swe h ieasTh osraieiesisn w of the Orono Amateur Athletic A- FuSI ,ro grw gi a hnte ieasTh oSvatvs i s ,sn seiaio mt n heOrnoMui- rirt 1kutwr in office.'t The present govera- (Uontinued, page 3) Ppai DuAculng. 'ilie ieeti >g 1was chaired by thé présidenlt, E. H . Samn- Allen la battie la thé two cGréat aet. aété±rmoisca Vn ueî, wit inine directors preséat. ,Vars. Thé Last Post and Réveillelings.Fia arrangemnlts were made ThéeOrono Orplians hled the'ir ,vere sounded by BOY Forrester Fina vitit thé Pipe Baad pîayigrie Aayoné witing to join thé O)ronofrtéaaaiose aqe first wvork-ouit of thé season on --amént. 1May w -,reaths vereé placediCIlub is ivtdto (de so. Thé local witich illbc heid on TuesdlaY, No-!Mon,,day evéning la thé Port Hope' t h Mmrial by many of théelbhîi ot aitWdédyvme 9h atéOooOde-arena. Thé e was a total of séven- (cal organizations and Mu icipl IadFridîay événings lanthé Orono îo' Bail. Tickets for thé bnanquette c n rsn o ii is ode.Community Centré. Membérshipswr ' tiue aogtté:nm-patc.Sm of thé réegulars %weré Thé ~ ~ ýj bn11evce --he rnomyb baie o hétésrr be-s and are. aew on salé lai thé areai not présent but will be with the The brThé pnicé ofthé0ticketeisbt$500def-rteam tater titis yéar. Wémorial wýas madle more iniprés- r- mevt witth s art iculate arrangé-j it is also thé intent iion of thé r-titling thé holder to thé banquet and nénste ' f smal ie c os es a1nd io o Clb to enýte r in o so m-e co pe- ain opportunit3y of w innig a $10C)000 M . D n o iiI -a a e , lustrs f pppis Vwhich Were ar- titiv,,e tournaméents of wh'Iich twýo are j cash pnizé. Théeunhaeof tewél laedwtttésis r-w ane nthé Flawn at thé Memor- held lainthé airea for seýnior nmem-bérs 1 suit tickets by afm-yeniPe l adi pseconfihent firanotryop- a.Tsewrpovided býy local'lll l n onforJuior mmer. them to :a family séasons ticket 'for nthteamt tiîs year. Thé boys will 1 _____________________ _____________________ pblic skating at thé ncink. bé epracticing every ody vn D -. 1 1Aso undier dliscýussioni at thé meet-1 ing from awunltil thé-égu p . L . ki R -elct dinlg was Ithéopércation of thé iaik ens. aind thé spon)Isoniing ofhCey-1-eams. ' TéAsoiainare nwseekding a Judging from thé fturnlout 0on Mon- P rsicen " Du ha ri ibe a ompflète reglstration of ail boyS day Mn. Found fééls that Orono10 Ïtndigïo(paytitis wintér la or- cou Dic astrong Junior team tit'is den titt rrimge--mipis înay be ,-adi,e yer. Apparently al that is née Tuesýday venn in thé Tow h oiaigcmite rsn-to)urhaeinsuwrnce for ,thé piay-,1is a good coaita n manager. ,all Oronlo, a fe éw, over one hude darécmm ndédec siate 0,f offi-ers é5 îtténed th annul meeing f hé or th comig. yar whlici-'vas ac- I )urham Libérai sscato me- cpted by thé, meeting-. Thosé é lec-- .ng. Th.,-ose, présent. séléctéd a n?é ed to office were: Past Président, C m a AtjrjiJ D ~ ~ p dateu- of offîcers for thé com-ing EmoeScott; Président, E. R. ~ I I V V ~~I' V t yearv and heard an- a0ddréss by W ýal-- Lovlekiný; lst vice, Glea H-ughes; fer' C. Biarris, formier Libéral fia- 2nd vice W. J. Bragg; 3rdl vice John Séceretaryý-Treasurcr lBusseil Honley. T Produce Pl1oa st Woman's Association Meetinj1;ý, Thé monthly meeting of thé Wo- éýd his appréciation of thé workl lman'S Association of Orono United done by thée ladies of thé W.A.. Churcit wvas itéld on Thursday evn-IVrs. 'Wm. Armstrong gave thé ing, Novemiber lotit at thé home of devotional message. Hlymil (3f9, "Ailï Mrs. WVm. lirwin, with an atteadance people titat on éanth do dwéll" op- of 18. Thé Président MrIs.H.Alta, ehed thé devotenai. Mrs. Arm- wa, in the, Chair and she weh'om-ed stong 'spoké on1 thé Psalms, théý thée ladies présent and also Bey. longest book la thé Bible and thé Long. Thé mieeting opened wîith ymost beautiful site said. And choos- hymau 556, "Sun 0of my Soul", and1 ing four favo-cunite Psa.lms, brought prîiye--vby -Mr. Long. 1 an Inspining message from each-, Thé minuts of thé Octobér méet- \which was gréatly appréciatéd. ing wéré réad hlS- thé sécrtary and ThéP Présidenit thankeýdIMrIs. Am approved. Thé tréasuirér, Mr. o srngfr thé interesting message. nisit, reportéd on tthe ¶lurkey dia- T asdcié o jcar o bn nler. Net proceeds wur $3li.9 0ton11uda tnono h w1hh was most éncouraging. 126thofNvebe Cfo etéFédéra- Thélie orresponding Secary, tino Arclue h dd i MNsliwin, reported she had sent lws all, and comités Vere out 6 cards. foPrmécL î1Mr Long brought a message f rom j A nomlinating coîmm;Ittee wa's ap- ' thé officiai board, and also express- pointédl,Mr.hewMs.Ln l and Mrs. Carson, Expands 'ics In Oronoý th r-unarn Association, citairéd Th- chairmnan, E. R-. Lovekhinl-I ténetg.Thoe takig positions f orrned thé meeting that it was thé Curvpiy Wood Produets Ltd. firmr wil hé producing plastic topsIn prépaning for titis éxpai»ioný on thé plateforal -Wre WaIter C. intention ef thé directers to itold (,f Ol-ono, wllaftér thé first of D)e-Ufor scitool désks wvich are béîng Cur'vply have added a ftire 000) #rîrgué.st speaker, Glenholmétlitrée educational meetings la-1théi cemnbér, éntire into a néw fild of1 Incréaslagly démnandéd. They will square f eet of floor spacé Wîthîni Huhs BwavilE. P', Wood- ar futune vwth ithéfirst béiag endeavour, titat ofinianufactunig aliso, hé îanufaeturnag idsra -téps lomnis itsnwsc y7ardý, CeOno, John Jamnes, Bowrnan- iteld la January. Tits meetingwîlia lamninated Mlaminé pflastic. plastic for printed électnical cýircuits Ition now houses a 400 ton press týo bé ville, Frank Richard Newcastle, discuss > and itéar a speak~er on édu- ITitis is an eatirély new îiié for -théeO idn raé s, - uhué atépoé~n fté-lmn Bâ arrs, Port Hope, Wi'fred caion. Thé second wili déal vwitb loal plant vwhich 'has for eélén sPlastic to loth whichla aédiénhatdstc.Thith stoamta!, Cairnûthers, Bowmnanvilie, Dr. Tho- 1and -éaýtilings titrougi tlithé Bighwa,,ys 1years beén proddcng mouWeijAp items. as Iradio. Thé firr iw w U.,lso press arehae ihser n muas of Cobourg and SWalter ýPiers- and Bydvcro. The third i 7ii dis cuss woodls. Thé plant willI continue tinn ill iôvie anycbdi ndclur ater cool. M.labour and its,,reliationislip tO théthée olddp'iywoo)dfieIdI.,Or Pattâïi - tnow &xists ean é4oth. Cujrvply, forménlyV Orono 'Woodj ma. néw th'd j ýpý,[y-Thé néw ý--plastic Irno; ýà ,Thcý x*n'aIso-Intendg '10die;!Produqts was éstablislitd la Orono M.Russell Honéy, aentr-te- -eioped at Curvply, is becoming ofI ar their ownI plastic for t iiW3* 1J in- 1949 b Ei. Samnuél who at titat pu c r reati thén- 1n&uf thé last Mn .Cecil White of Port Hope én- agreater démnand on thé mnarket i-Théeiamiatéd plasticaftéîeI ini e had purchaséd Boswanvilé anIuu1'al mieeting and thétréasurers t'tiedtoeprésent with a rnum- rto-day and Qné iiwhich thé Com S ~anufacturéd, can thén hé Môulded"j Wuod Products and mnoved thé,- report. ' ber of accondian sélections and ban- pany féels titére is a gréat future.,into any -ýhape as is théie ou- dd quipmentt r.Tt nt wast Mý,r. Enap is R ic lk anJd, ha r mna n 1 of1jO ;ejIctio fs. j -M . E . H-. Sa my uel, stat és t iat t h le y w ooTý70 d. ii ou dc j (Ct ont n o T ,dpiw3) litvWA. i join'Vit, thé W M in lathé Chnistmajjs meig agreeablé to ail Mrs Cason onbehîfof thée (;v- enin Auxiiary xténdéld an ia- viatontothé W.A. lde to attendj thein mýeetig n husayévng Novémben il , 1h. lintérésting reports Were given f rom the Presbyter, y A.meeting héeld recently at Ajax,ý, by thé Prési- dent, Mns. Allenl and Ms. M. J. Tamnblyn. Théersietalso ïneîd aný article from lthé bulletin writté by- Mrs. Rosée,'Wmn'ceport -ffrom Génér'a i CundýiL--meeting on or1gan- Izati'on for .women." Fdlwing a sîgsn hé meeting closed ihthé Miz-paýh Bndcin A deliclious lunch was sérvéd by -rehosts and a-,social time é- -A oyé. arty vrote of thank,-s "vas plven tMrse Irwin for hér genous, N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N ~~ N N N N N s N N N N s- y.' N N N N N N N N N -y N N N 'y y-y s- N N 'y N N. N N s N N S- N N N -y y-' c- N. Volume 'Tt The, f v v I a I -Il r c I i 1 - -l

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